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Please buff "Kick"


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Kick has to be a contender for the worst skill in the game. The ammo system did absolutely nothing for it too - turns out that when you let people cast a terrible skill more often, still nobody wants to use that skill. 

My proposal is to apply Bladesworn's Ammo mechanic (seen on Gunsaber 3 and Pistol 5) for Kick, making it stronger for every charge of Ammo you have. So at max charge of 3, you press Kick, consuming all 3 Ammo, and can punt someone, say, 1200 range away. 

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For kick to function Id like to see them remove the CC off of the skill, change the animation to the guardians roudhouse kick or the rangers Soulbeast kick skill, speed up the animation so it can be weaved into attacks and make it a raw damage skill.

With almost all the physical skills being CC skills, warrior has almost got no damage utility skills for PvP.

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I got you homie.

When you use kick weapon swap after the kick lands. This cuts the ending lag of the animation out for faster follow up damage. Kick is useful for guaranteeing strong CCs or extending combos a little more. 

Using kick often when up close, if against other players, forces them to respect your approach more if they don't have a lot of stability access. 

Kick is a utility that benefits greatly if you use it as part of a plan. Condition your enemies to dodge more often, extend CC combos, catch rolls, interrupt important skills. If you Kick with no skills off cooldown and without weapon swap up you won't get a lot of value.

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Or, and humor me, it just needs to be a different skill. Like Bolas as well.

There are plenty of GW1 skills they can even use as reference if they want. Warrior's physical skills have just been bad outside of Bull's Charge, and very rarely will you see Stomp used because its weirdly niche despite its functions. You'd think an AoE launch that gives Stability and breaks stun would be used more...nope.

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Nah, kick is fine from a functionality standpoint as a utility skill, so I don't want excessive changes to the skill that try to make it better but ends up butchering it instead.

Use cases of kick:

1. I pvp on hammer berserker, and it's nice to have kick to still be able to land a full fierce blow (the timing is a little tight but you can kick and fierce blow an enemy for the enhanced damage on cc) for when my target dodges my rupturing smash (happens a lot you'd imagine with an animation as big and slow as smash) and I have staggering blow on cd.

2. Kick is useful to do something during the downtime on hammer when fierce blow isn't up and I need to stall for time so I just throw a kick at them to keep them from bursting me down while I can only auto for damage. Also procs useful traits like stalwart strength stab and aggressive onslaught quickness.

3. Even if you don't play hammer, it's an on demand interrupt to stop big skills like heals or just to stunlock someone who is low so they don't get a chance to run away. 

Only thing I'd change about kick is the locking you into place during cast which makes it feel clunky to use unlike staggering blow. 

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kick should be a knockdown or float instead of a knockback.

Theyre unable to change it in any meaningful way tbh. if they make the CD lower I assure you it will take the place of one of my utilities and I will keep people permanently cced. If they make the knockback anything useful for maintaining a combo, same result.

They cannot buff it in any way that makes people want to use it.

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1 hour ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

kick should be a knockdown or float instead of a knockback.

Theyre unable to change it in any meaningful way tbh. if they make the CD lower I assure you it will take the place of one of my utilities and I will keep people permanently cced. If they make the knockback anything useful for maintaining a combo, same result.

They cannot buff it in any way that makes people want to use it.

What kind of fantastical magical blasphemy is the idea of giving kick float? 😠

I'd love to see it have a bonus if you use it on someone already CC'd. As if a play on 'kicking someone when they're down'.

Causes the person kicked to permanently hunch over like a charr forever until they log back in.

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2 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

kick should be a knockdown or float instead of a knockback.

Blowout or knockdown.

2 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Theyre unable to change it in any meaningful way tbh. if they make the CD lower I assure you it will take the place of one of my utilities and I will keep people permanently cced. If they make the knockback anything useful for maintaining a combo, same result.

A faster travel speed would work.

2 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

They cannot buff it in any way that makes people want to use it.

They could add the damage back in...

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35 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:


Well if we're going the Kung Fu fighting approach, remove Throw Bolas and make it 'Punch'. Make Kick and Punch change based on ammo charges and which one was used last.


I wanna see someone with the Guts greatsword throwing punches while the sword clips into their model.

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