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Suggestion: Please Consider Overhauling Crafting.

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Dear Dev's 
You guy's really need to consider overhauling Crafting. 
Seriously, Why is it I can click on a Scroll or Tomb and bypass 79Levels of Play and Jump to Level 80. But I have to waste hours of my time crafting Spam that absolutely nobody playing this game will ever use? to get from 0-400. No one is going to used the 20 Seasoned Wood short bows,  or any of the other dozens of spam items, I crafted to pointlessly generate XP today.  Having wasted 3 Hours wading through that spam. I need components for my Asc Berserk Bow. At least 3 of Which are Time Gated, and none of which that I can sell. Seriously, It's going to take me at least 3 more days to produce components I cannot Sell, So I can produce a Bow I cannot Sell. Why? What is the Point of that beyond wasting the players time. 

Let me explain something to you, you clearly do not understand. Some of us have a life outside of this game, We have Jobs, We have Families, we like to spend a lil bit of our downtime in Tyria. We do not want or need to make every task in the game as convoluted as possible so we can spend that much longer in Fantasyland, not having to look up and see we are still in Mom's basement. We are not a gaggle of total losers. There is NO Good Reason to Time-gate Items I cannot sell, none at all.  In the time it took me to accomplish Nothing today, I could have leveled a Character, and Maxed my gear in most games. Certainly yours is far and away, the most pointlessly convoluted, timewasting crafting system I have seen in the 10 or so MMOs I have played.

So Pls Consider adding some sort of Tomb or Scroll to the Gem Store for 0-400 Crafting.

And Please Consider Either dropping Time Gated Mats, or making them sellable. I can understand making something Sellable time-gated, buffs the value, but If I am making something I can only make for myself. Well then time-gating is just punishing the player for playing your game. (Something you guys excel at IMHO.) Nuff Said. BB. 

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I can agree with the time gating - whatever purpose it had when implemented does not reflect how things are in the current game. I cannot agree with the scroll though. We need to discourage skips, not actively ask for more in my opinion. 

Edited by Randulf.7614
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Well Randulf we'll disagree, on skips, but that is why I suggested a 0-400 scroll. When your crafting Exotics, well those have real value, so beyond 399 I don't think you should skip. I mostly craft on Alts now, working up their gear, and they are all Level 80. Just now I am working up a Ranger. I still prefer my War for Solo Content, but for Zergs, even relatively low population group content it sometimes just gets hard to read the screen at Melee Range, so I'm trying to work up a Ranged Character for that situation. 

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Not sure yet another Currency is a good solution. Honestly I think we need some sort of Money changer. Even if the Rates are Aweful. I have a ton of Bandit Crests because I really enjoy the Silverwastes meta, but very little use for them. It would have been nice if I could have traded them for some of the Bloodstone Rubies I needed for the Rangers Backpack. 

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1 hour ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

You can actually sell the time-gated ascended materials. That means you can also buy them, to skip the time-gating when crafting ascended equipment.

I can't Sell Mithrilium, nor can I sell Eldar Residue. Maybe 3 steps up the Crafting tree that might be true, if I'm looking for the right thing. The point is the disrespect for a players time, that just runs through this game.  I don't imagine anyone is at work right now thinking I can't wait to get home and craft that lump of Mithrilium. or that Glob. Nor do I thin are you going to find a game where it takes you 10Days to get a basic flying mount. I'm not meaning to be difficult here, but I do mean to challenge the Dev's to not unnecessarily waste their players time. I dont think that is positive game design. I came back to this game after Gameforge closed Tera and every reason I left this game for Tera is IMHO worse. 

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The timegates are there to prevent rushing through stuff. They also provide a hard counter to burnout if you feel you have to have all the mats/things NOW instead of chipping away at them over a few days/weeks (eg: lege armour). As for all the crappy crafted stuff, you can choose to automatically make research notes in the crafting station, but sometimes other people will buy your crafted stuff for their own research notes so there's a possibility of making some profit still.

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3 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Research notes will become very important from EoD through to SoTo. They have largely replaced karma as the supplementary universal currency and are needed for a lot of things. I hate them, but they provide a solution here

I never really paid all that close attention, but doesn't that have to be unlocked via the Jade Bot or doing something in New Kaineng? I know the built-in function exists in the crafter interface, I just don't remember if I ever saw it before unlocking the Jade Bot. It's certainly the best option for grinding up all those useless items into something useful, just don't remember if it's locked behind an EoD story or not. 🤷‍♂️

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16 hours ago, Claudia De Anar.6304 said:

But I have to waste hours of my time crafting Spam that absolutely nobody playing this game will ever use? to get from 0-400. No one is going to used the 20 Seasoned Wood short bows,  or any of the other dozens of spam items, I crafted to pointlessly generate XP today.  Having wasted 3 Hours wading through that spam.

This is sad. For completly new account without anything it takes 20-30 mins to get any craft from 0 to 400. Cost is around 30gold in case of huntsman is it 29 gold. Gold is curretly really easy to get via wizard's vault. Spending 3 hours in lvling craft from 0 to 400 is strange, but some ppl are older and slower so it is possible, but that is not issue of the game design.

16 hours ago, Claudia De Anar.6304 said:

I need components for my Asc Berserk Bow. At least 3 of Which are Time Gated, and none of which that I can sell. Seriously, It's going to take me at least 3 more days to produce components I cannot Sell, So I can produce a Bow I cannot Sell. Why? What is the Point of that beyond wasting the players time.

So you want to craft ascended bow to sell or to use it? In GW2 you can not sell ascended weapons/armors. You can sell ascended mats from crafting. If you really want, then you can bypass timegated mats by using TP and craft ascended bow in 5 mins. So I do not understand what are you wasting here?

16 hours ago, Claudia De Anar.6304 said:

Let me explain something to you, you clearly do not understand. Some of us have a life outside of this game, We have Jobs, We have Families, we like to spend a lil bit of our downtime in Tyria. We do not want or need to make every task in the game as convoluted as possible so we can spend that much longer in Fantasyland, not having to look up and see we are still in Mom's basement. We are not a gaggle of total losers. There is NO Good Reason to Time-gate Items I cannot sell, none at all.  In the time it took me to accomplish Nothing today, I could have leveled a Character, and Maxed my gear in most games. Certainly yours is far and away, the most pointlessly convoluted, timewasting crafting system I have seen in the 10 or so MMOs I have played.

So you do not have enough time to play game and want "insta win" button? Playing MMOs as doing anything in your life take time and each person choice what they do with their time. Also as I wrote about it does not even take 1 hour to get craft to max lvl and 5 mins to craft ascended weapon so if you do not have 1 hour to play MMO, then it sounds more like you problem than GW2 problem.


To be fair crafting is kind of pointless. I use it only for leggy weapons/armors. Ascended items are easy to get from other sources for "free".

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12 hours ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

I never really paid all that close attention, but doesn't that have to be unlocked via the Jade Bot or doing something in New Kaineng? I know the built-in function exists in the crafter interface, I just don't remember if I ever saw it before unlocking the Jade Bot. It's certainly the best option for grinding up all those useless items into something useful, just don't remember if it's locked behind an EoD story or not. 🤷‍♂️

Don’t think so since SoTo uses the same system and is completely independent from EoD

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I do find it annoying how slow crafting is - meaning, if I have a couples stacks of say ore, or logs, or whatever, it will take a measurable amount of time sitting there as the crafting station spins around.  what purpose does that serve?  It is hardly a fun thing to be doing, and since I'm doing it in a safe spot, it is not like gathering resources where things could attack you and interrupt the process.

They did add a link to products for the sub components - eg, if you are making a sword, the sword has a link to click on to craft the blade, and that will have link for raw material.  It would be nice if there was something like 'craft this item and everything it needs', so I could click on that while making the sword, and it will make the hilt, blade, and any ingots and what not those also need if I don't have them.  Not sure what it should do if you in fact don't have all the requirements (do nothing or make what it can), but not having to click through to all the sub components would be nice.

I'd also remove time gating for any materials/components that have been in the game for 1+ years.  Sure, for new items, it can be a stabilizing factor on prices or slow down completion, but for old items, it just needlessly slows down someone who has set aside the few hours to do a bunch of crafting.


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2 hours ago, Claudia De Anar.6304 said:

Link: Yeah I that's right, I never got into WoW, Loved to Watch Friends play over their Shoulders, but could not get into the Art Style when I tried myself. 

But overall I gravitate towards older MMOs. Maybe I am using the wrong guides, but yeah, Discover Short-bow, Make 10 more. Like that, but yes Discovery helps. 

No wonder it take you so long you should discover all the different stat shortbows, then longbows, then harpoon guns etc not a single one and craft 10 more of the same.

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6 hours ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

So you do not have enough time to play game and want "insta win" button? Playing MMOs as doing anything in your life take time and each person choice what they do with their time. Also as I wrote about it does not even take 1 hour to get craft to max lvl and 5 mins to craft ascended weapon so if you do not have 1 hour to play MMO, then it sounds more like you problem than GW2 problem.

No, It's not about an Insta-Win Button, Like most people who work for a living, and I assume that's most players. I work 40-60 Hours a week. So my time off is precious to me, and I assume most folks find their time off is precious to them. I generally have at most 30-45min to jump into a game on a workday, maybe 2-3 Hours on a Break Day. And I expect to Grind. Recently Did the Grind for two Blood Ruby Back Packs; but yes I am saying to the Dev's to pls reconsider the obsolete Crafting System, as it is an unnecessary waste of precious time, for no good result. As I put on the original Post, They had the wisdom to see that most players are experienced, they  don't want or need to level an Alt from 0-80 anymore. I don't think its too much to ask to say. Apply the Same logic to the 0-400 Level of Crafting; and to the larger game design. Adding needed complications that are clearly there simply to waste time, is disrespectful to the players decision to spend precious time off in their game. Now maybe you have all the time in the world Buddy; but that's not a luxury that most folks in the real world have in 2023. 

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If you want a guide for fast leveling of crafting.

I have no problem with crafting, and have maxed a great many crafting professions on a great many characters. Now, if I want a mithrilium (any of the ascended) I just make one in a few seconds. I used to do that daily, but have a ton already so only do it to consume excess materials.

Crafting could literally be something you max once and never worry about again, just do it when you need something.

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1 hour ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

If you want a guide for fast leveling of crafting.

If I'm reading it right I don't think it's a matter of fast leveling, so much as it's mechanically a matter of faster processing in the interface.

The crafting GUI is 💩 and has been since launch.

Most of the time spent crafting is click, watch a progress bar do its thing for each individual item being processed for however many of those you're making, then find the next piece of the recipe, lather rinse repeat. It's slow and tedious without the slightest bit of entertainment value to redeem it.

Is a progress bar necessary for every individual turn of the lathe or whatever? Absolutely not. Does every turn also need to play crafting station sounds (which need sufficient time to load and play), thus also building in unnecessary delay? Absolutely not.

Ingots/planks/squares/bolts can take up to a second to craft, but eventually the processing speed does ramp up. That isn't necessarily the case for the other stuff like next-step components, inscriptions, blah blah blah. All of that moves very slowly, and the pace of processing doesn't really accelerate much like processing raw mats into their base tiers.

We had to wait for 11 years to get a crafting preview option and the ability to collapse or expand the sections. It took 11 years just to get a feature that almost any program running on Windows should be able to do natively right out of the box.

The crafting GUI is just bad and always has been. Speeding it up by eliminating the pointless audio and progress bars is not unreasonable. Scrapping it entirely and starting over with something streamlined is preferable.

Edited by Teknomancer.4895
just scrap it and start over
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After the recent fiasco of Anet selling hero points I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally don't think we need to suggest NCsoft bleeding Anet's consumers of more pay to skip options.

I wouldn't mind a slight overhaul on the crafting UI, though my hamster wheel brain can't suggest how to make it more engaging without it becoming a royal pita, but I don't wanna see FF or WoW's crafting in GW2 (it's a me thing, I really don't like crafting in both those games because it's tedious as hell) especially with how 'time friendly' GW2 typically tends to be.

I believe I saw someone here post the ole guide to make crafting easier link. I'd really recommend using it because that's how I got through all of mine.

Edited by KindredPhoenyx.8976
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On 12/4/2023 at 10:37 PM, KindredPhoenyx.8976 said:

After the recent fiasco of Anet selling hero points I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally don't think we need to suggest NCsoft bleeding Anet's consumers of more pay to skip options.

I wouldn't mind a slight overhaul on the crafting UI, though my hamster wheel brain can't suggest how to make it more engaging without it becoming a royal pita, but I don't wanna see FF or WoW's crafting in GW2 (it's a me thing, I really don't like crafting in both those games because it's tedious as hell) especially with how 'time friendly' GW2 typically tends to be.

I believe I saw someone here post the ole guide to make crafting easier link. I'd really recommend using it because that's how I got through all of mine.

This is my concern as well. I can't speak for FF, but WoW's recent crafting system overhaul was... not good. I'd muuuch rather keep GW2 as it is (maybe speed up the crafting processing, i.e. time needed to craft a piece, not so much shorten the leveling grind by x levels) than risk "innovating too hard."

GW2 is very simple and straightforward, plus easier to navigate I find for sub-component crafting, and there's none of this "quality" jazz to worry about. Also, I can craft all my junk. None of this "I need to find a blacksmith because I don't have the recipe unlocked yet for the boots that I want because it drops from a raid I didn't do yet with my paladin, even though she's a blacksmith too" or "I want this necklace on my hunter upgraded but to do that I need a jewelcrafter who has that particular slot unlocked for upgrading the craft to the right level" or "I need a new robe on my mage, who is a tailor, but I specialize in crafting gloves," and of course, my favourite, "I found a guy to make me that axe, but RNG might screw me and make it less powerful than I want because he hasn't maxed out his stats just yet... go with him or spend more time looking for someone else?"

TLDR: GW2 crafting is pretty alright compared to some other games and I'm afraid of it changing for the worse.

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