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Spawn Camping in WvW

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2 hours ago, Arrow Blade of El Elyon.9341 said:

If ANET do respond, then at-least going forward we will know the official position, that is my goal here.

What would that do?  So you can ask them to ban players engaging in the spawn camping?  That's relatively meaningless (and silly) since the problem isn't spawn camping itself, but the situation that enables the spawn camping: population imbalance.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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Remember before Mega Servers you could go into Lions Arch and call out in map to call on people to go into WvW.   Too bad there is not a chat in Central Tyria or even in the major cities were you could call out help or form a group of just your WvW servers.  Kind of like how Team chat works in WvW, like a way to rally the troops without being in WvW.

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2 hours ago, diomache.9246 said:

That's why I asked him and why I checked on my low level FSP toon.


No queues for any bl, not even EBG. Yeah, sucks to be on a dead server, but it's just not true that you can't do anything. I mean there is three maps to take instead of running into gank groups on EBG spawn.


i think on any given server thats being spawn camped is more fun for the people then for the people who are actually spawn camping.

imagine having to camp a spawn with 10ish people ganking that single player running out of safe zone..
ooh the thrills that he might have setup a fight that he might have killed u or actually made u sweat a little..
tbh i know wsr has some good players but most people on there are like a bunch of mongs how u even enjoy having absolutely no preasure against ur self.
i mean i been there done that in a different mmo eventually u just quit out of boredom.  but atleast gw2 gives u the option to switch server.
else wsr probably would be dead in less then a few months.

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2 hours ago, Jonny.6013 said:

I haven't been that active in WvW for awhile, but can't recall ever experiencing this level of commitment from an opposing faction.

It sounds like a) hell b) the challenging new content much of the playerbase has been crying out for for ages (Delete as applicable)! 😀

It probably will ultimately come down to waiting them out until reset, or at least a time period when that particular server is less active. Unless you can muster up numbers an organised and motivated commander and/or an alliance with the neutral server to take them on, your best bet may be to temporarily engage with some alternative content, or they'll continue to farm bags.

I'm not sure ANET would agree that it's toxic behaviour - it's just a strategy available within the remit of the game mode.


none really wants to play vs wsr, none logs in they can have their joy :D.
thats the reality for wsr, i mean like i said they have some good players but the majority wont take on a fight if not 101% chance to win.
they have zillion of morons (i actually find it funny but u kill ur own content) who like to pull commander.
wsr has got it all to make the whole game so boring its better to log alts and enjoy a different match up.

even if u lose every single fight vs them i wouldnt care but their massive blob that is already full of try hards will win any (good job) but around that massive try hard blob vs bunch of mostly people who play to have fun on a open tag they have 10/20 gankers picking off people also + pulling commanders.
ye well tell me wheres the fun for the other server 😛

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1 hour ago, Quirin.1076 said:

Remember before Mega Servers you could go into Lions Arch and call out in map to call on people to go into WvW.   Too bad there is not a chat in Central Tyria or even in the major cities were you could call out help or form a group of just your WvW servers.  Kind of like how Team chat works in WvW, like a way to rally the troops without being in WvW.

Will +1 this on every time. Allow /T to be seen outside of WvW. 

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29 minutes ago, Akeera.7912 said:

Naked Norn guy here from WSR...

FSP sending in rangers/engis/rogues who kill themselves on reflect bubbles... that is toxic and no fun to us 😞 Please let us kill you ourselves.

When against WSR we only send our finest fighters into the fray! All the unskilled plebs left the server (or take a break).

Edited by Sonderm.4639
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1 hour ago, Nugatory.8920 said:
4 hours ago, Riba.3271 said:

Hate the devs, not the players

Although I think WvW has been neglected. The problem of population imbalance is primarily driven by player behaviour. That's why there isn't an easy fix, that's why world restructuring won't fix it. 

It was the devs made full servers open and cheap to transfer to through links. We have High + medium linkings fighting against Full + Very High linkings. Somehow player counts changed massively in couple of days, as if there was scheduled event that incentivised them to transfer to certain places for low cost.

There is an easy fix: Solo servers (delete excess ones) so transfer costs and population status mean something. System we already had. Relinkings are not the way to balance populations, incentivising players to do it through systems and fair balance (another big problem) is.

Yes, some not-so-entertaining worlds will still have less population, but they will face against other such worlds. And that is great, it gives player chose on how active environment they want to be in. The devs are just shooting themselves and the playerbase in the foot by trying to make every world same size. There aren't 12 great commanders with plenty of time in hand in 12 different places to make 12 big communities.

Edited by Riba.3271
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1 hour ago, Riba.3271 said:

It was the devs made full servers open and cheap to transfer to through links. We have High + medium linkings fighting against Full + Very High linkings. Somehow player counts changed massively in couple of days, as if there was scheduled event that incentivised them to transfer to certain places for low cost.

There is an easy fix: Solo servers (delete excess ones) so transfer costs and population status mean something. System we already had. Relinkings are not the way to balance populations, incentivising players to do it through systems and fair balance (another big problem) is.

Yes, some not-so-entertaining worlds will still have less population, but they will face against other such worlds. And that is great, it gives player chose on how active environment they want to be in. The devs are just shooting themselves and the playerbase in the foot by trying to make every world same size. There aren't 12 great commanders with plenty of time in hand in 12 different places to make 12 big communities.

I agree to a certain extent. I've had a whinge myself in another thread about the current state of EU and some of the decisions being made. However, in my opinion, any decisions the devs make can only amplify or suppress player behaviours. If this game mode is dying it's because we are killing it.

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2 hours ago, Nugatory.8920 said:

If this game mode is dying it's because we are killing it.

If you base your game on illogical decisions that allow playerbase to outnumber enemies as much as they want, you can't be surprised your playerbase becomes like that too. All competitive players that want actual fair gameplay, are already maining other games.

It is developers fault. But maybe they do want this kind of playerbase because they spend more money on gems.

You can't place bunch of people in fight to death with knives and guns on the table under rules that only knives are allowed to be used. it is developers responsibility to not place the guns on the table at all.

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I imagine you are in the match up with WSR.

It's perfectly acceptable for players to play this game in whatever moronic ways the game allows.

And sadly this game has a lot of morons.

The real villains here, however, are not the idiotic ebg monkeys and bamdwagoners. The real villains are Anet, who have designed a system that enables these players to deliberately create such monstrous asymmetries of server population.

I'm on the winning team, yet again, this week.

And it's a complete kitten show.

Most of the people I play with are not even playing this week, because the situation is as bad for us as it is for you.

Willful neglect by Anet is ruining this game mode.

Edited by T G.7496
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11 hours ago, Riba.3271 said:

Hate the devs, not the players

Hate no, neither, poor word choice. Blame maybe. Blame both, yes. 

Devs provide the environment, players look to use that to their advantage and make bad calls to do so. 

There are valid times to spawn camp and invalid times to spawn camp. If you want fights there are no times to spawn camp. If you are looking to avenge spawn camp there are times and if you are looking to impact a dominating side there are reasons to spawn camp. Its not a singe answer issue. Not a right or wrong issue. Its a matter of if. Painting it as a dev issue without providing why is a coup out. Try again to make a better point. 

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8 hours ago, Nugatory.8920 said:

Although I think WvW has been neglected. The problem of population imbalance is primarily driven by player behaviour. That's why there isn't an easy fix, that's why world restructuring won't fix it. 

Agree, Anet did not encourage players to transfer to impact populations, players did that even while there was no reason to win. So how is part of this not a player issue? There has been no reason to win for how many years yet they still did that lead to the WR? Let's move on from it's not just a player issue causing issues if you don't mind.

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Spawncamping only works if there are enough people stupid enough to feed the campers.

WSR is doing this like for ever now. Change the map and let them die of boredom on EBG.

"Can't change the map" is just an excuse for "I want to play on EBG and nowhere else". That's your problem then.

51 minutes ago, T G.7496 said:

And it's a complete kitten show.

That's WvW in a nutshell. No one should take this game mode seriously. It's dumb in many ways. And ANet already gets what they deserve for that horrible design. The playerbase is extremely low.

Edited by KrHome.1920
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Anet should make match ups with: Total War Score x total K/D (Ex: war score is 200.000 and Kill/Death score is 2 their match up score should be 400.000) not with victory points. So both Claiming objectives and PvP will be effective on match ups. Some worlds are winning the week by doing mostly pve at wvw and ending up finding themselves fighting against pvp strong worlds. This is causing some players having bad wvw experience. 

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1 hour ago, Chrome.9841 said:

Anet should make match ups with: Total War Score x total K/D (Ex: war score is 200.000 and Kill/Death score is 2 their match up score should be 400.000) not with victory points. So both Claiming objectives and PvP will be effective on match ups. Some worlds are winning the week by doing mostly pve at wvw and ending up finding themselves fighting against pvp strong worlds. This is causing some players having bad wvw experience. 

… this point system completely ignore tiers and population so your method could match a loosing medium server in T5 just because they got a high kdr for their size and able to keep up in points against a full T1 server with a little meh kdr just barely winning because the others could match it in points.

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32 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

… this point system completely ignore tiers and population so your method could match a loosing medium server in T5 just because they got a high kdr for their size and able to keep up in points against a full T1 server with a little meh kdr just barely winning because the others could match it in points.

I have played in many servers and i can say the problem is not population. Cuz there's world linking. But some worlds are better orginised for pvp/gvg while some are not. With the system i mentioned, can match worlds which are good with pvp and worlds which are good with claiming objectives. Current system is totally unbalanced anyway.

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it's not like they have anything else to do. All the players (including 80% of commanders) left your server and you are dramatically outnumbered. the enemy server on the other hand just had a load of transfers that left them super stacked. The only place to go on the map to find anything worth doing and get participation is at your spawn so where else would they go.

ANET stance is that they fix it with restructuring in July. and in the meantime you only have 2 weeks left because they changed the links to 4 weeks rather than 8. So many people left that you will get a more stacked server in next link, and the enemy server has gone full and will likely be unlinked because of how far over full they have gone.

Your own personal option is to follow those that left your server, or wait 2 weeks and hope that more guilds transfer/you get a better link.

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