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Starting an In-Game betting pool for How Long ArenaNet will let Warrior Negligence/Apathy go. (Obeys All Forum Rules)


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Incase you're new here the TL;DR is that basically nothing on Warrior works correctly' and basically all of Warrior's systems/skills are hella outdated by today's standards.

*And incase you're an ANet forum mod: This post conforms to all of the forum rules + regulations. I checked (A lot.)

This is even before you get into the last "balance patch" notes which we're not explained, most of few things the devs didn't laugh through' in the preview were meaningfully changed by release, and 4/5 of the changes that did go through or were at least listed are still bugged or just plain do not work. Let alone the absolute dumpsterfire that is Bladesworn.

So. In an effort to turn ANet's staunch refusal to hire someone who has actually touched the class before into something positive. And in an effort to show that indeed "Words are easy, but work's hard." I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is, and will be starting a pool (# of months from this post) where I will be giving away 250 mystic coins. Which will increase by 250 each year that ANet refuses to meanifully address Warrior and it's shortcomings. - I'd give away real money, but this actually violated their forum's ToS. And we wouldn't want that.

All you need to do to enter is leave a comment in this thread with a number of months from date-of-post. A tie will split the pool.

Loose criteria for determining if ANet has "started caring." They must have fixed more than 2/3rds of all of these bugs/issues listed here: (I'm sure here's more. Feel free to note them below.)
[Rush] & [Savage Leap] firing off into random directions.

Longbow & Rifle projectiles not tracking properly.

Long ow auto-attack projectiles not coming out until the previous ones have dissipated. (Even if you have an attack speed increase buff.)

[Crack Shot] Cooldown Reduction still being bugged.

[Signet of Stamina] still having it's old cast animation length and not correctly applying stacks of the signet trait if queued with 2 other signets. - Even though it has a 0-.25s cast time & therefore lists a cast time of 0.

*Warrior adrenaline generation happening Immediately on leaving combat + lack of ability to easily put oneself in combat.

*Target cap on Weapon Skills being all over the place. (1-6)

*Most of the weapons (especially hammer & rifle) being unupdatted, unusable garbage outside of memes.

[Furious Burst] still having a cooldown of 15s instead of the "patch-noted" 4s.

[Heightened Focus] Resetting Berserk Mode + Dragonslashes instead of Primal Burst / Burst skills.

[Signet of Stamina] still having it's old cast animation length and not correctly applying stacks of the signet trait if queued with 2 other signets. - Even though it has a 0-.25s cast time & therefore lists a cast time of 0.

Same ^ Problem with [Signet of Rage] - altho harder to replicate.



Bladesworn being generally unplayable garbage, the Dragonslashes being jumpable, failing even on solid ground and/or the ~20 bugs unique to Bladesworn. *If Bladesworn gets a complete overhaul that eliminated these systems this also counts.


I'm seeing fewer and fewer Warriors of any kind in-game. 8 of my friends who used to main it have quit GW2 this past year alone. And while ANet claims to not want us to riot. Short of rioting' (e.g. When they did their incredibly well thought-out) first pass at Quickness on Banners, I really don't see any progress being made. So *shrug.* At least someone out there, still toughing-it-out on Warrior will get my money I suppose. 😘


 Good Luck,

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6 Months after they hire someone to the balance team that actually cares about Warrior the way Taylor does for ranger pets.

This would include:

  • Meaningful updates to Arms and Tactics
  • Reworking Bladesworn and removing it's jank
  • Reworking mace/mace
  • Fixing Rush, savage leap, and the new Staff skill to track properly or use a new animation entirely
  • Unrooting Kill Shot
  • Unrooting 100B or massively reducing it's casttime.
  • Adrenaline no longer decays out of combat, either by default or a minor trait in Discipline
  • Fast Hands' weapon swap CD reduction made baseline
  • Speeding up LB's projectiles
  • Letting Rifle's skills other than F1 and Volley do decent damage
  • Adding in a MH support weapon to pair with Warhorn
  • Revamping Physical skills to be useful
  • Revamping Meditations to be useful
  • Letting Axe F1 do real damage again


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Good idea op but our biggest problem is how do we convince them to stop catering to those that's always complaining about warriors? Every time something gets even close to being halfway fixed they start the assault again and things become even worse. Once we get over that hump maybe we can make some progress.

Not dragging no one, everyone has their own opinion. This is just something I see as a prominent hindrance to warriors development.


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@Widebody.5071 I know that's the narrative but I really don't think that has any affect. They 109% don't read feedback, and I get why. Most of it is kitten. But it's also their job to wade through the kittens, and especially within the Warrior community there are some amazing recent examples of how free good feedback is for this class. All of which tho has been continuously ignored. I'm fine with nerfs but the last round of "implementations" were so unexplained and represented such a staggering lack on understanding and giving a kitten about us, not just of Warrior in general but(5/5 of the traits they changed' still don't work or are bugged btw.) but especially Bladesworn. CmC can say they value "fun" and then "balance" but until they prove it, in his own words: "Words are easy and work's hard." So as far as I'm concerned, I'm personally done just being lied to every 3 months or so via twitch stream and having the class I've played for 10 years being treated as a literal laughable joke + afterthought.

Is say it's "Warrior Strike Time" but all of my Warrior friends have literally quit by now.


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12 hours ago, SkyRight.2370 said:

@Widebody.5071 They 109% don't read feedback, and I get why. Most of it is kitten. But it's also their job to wade through the kittens, and especially within the Warrior community there are some amazing recent examples of how free good feedback is for this class. All of which tho has been continuously ignored.

I feel like if warrior players can get constantly neglected and have balance changes rolled back within months of patch ventures, and still have the patience to come here and try to respectfully deliver what they think will make them enjoy their stay despite putting up with that for years, a couple of balance devs can do it once a week or so for a paycheck. 

That may be a bit reductive, but I don't think it's any less true because of it.

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45 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

I feel like if warrior players can get constantly neglected and have balance changes rolled back within months of patch ventures, and still have the patience to come here and try to respectfully deliver what they think will make them enjoy their stay despite putting up with that for years, a couple of balance devs can do it once a week or so for a paycheck. 

That may be a bit reductive, but I don't think it's any less true because of it.

Mmhmmm and most, as you said would jump at the chance to do a complete overhaul of Warrior weapons, systems etc. as Taylor did with Ranger pets. People like Vallun once upon a time we're passionate players trying their hearts out to push this impossible boulder up a hill. Recently even newer, smaller channels like CptCrapface, and BuildWars2 have done entire breakdowns on the class+specializations as a whole and even individual weapons. And even provided avenues for simple, easy fixes as well as larger broader reworks. But all of the larger Warrior creators eventually got fed up with ANet's bullskitten. Which is emblematic of the playerbase as a whole. And I have no doubt in my mind eventually these smaller creators eventually will and should do the same. They can aim this passion at something that will actually matter.

Even in your post you attempt to throw the courtesy of it being "reductive." Which yes it is, but it's also accurate. ArenaNet has no passion for or idea what makes Warrior, or really their game fun anymore. Because none of the people in guidance or balance power play either to any meaningful degree. They also have no incentive to rectify either.


There will eventually come a point where all of the Warriors have attritioned and the game is being held together by power creep and new ever shinier hats. But this is not a Guild Wars 2 I want to play.

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45 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

I feel like if warrior players can get constantly neglected and have balance changes rolled back within months of patch ventures, and still have the patience to come here and try to respectfully deliver what they think will make them enjoy their stay despite putting up with that for years, a couple of balance devs can do it once a week or so for a paycheck. 

That may be a bit reductive, but I don't think it's any less true because of it.

Hope is a dangerous thing. At this point it would be very naive to trust ANet when it comes to balance...

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Summer next they the are going to “start” looking into warrior and it’s jank, fix 3 random non essential things and leave the profession until the death of the game.

I’m not sure how to interpret their style of fixing things for classes though, it seems too random to have and sort of pattern to it.

That they messed up the cool-down on Furious Burst and still haven’t got fixed it just baffles me.

Edited by WingSwipe.3084
Overly aggressive
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6 hours ago, Quickpawmaud.6374 said:

So I just started the game today pretty much. Made a Norn Warrior. Should I have not done that?

You'll be fine. The issues we're talking about would affect any fun value in competitive play more than PvE. I play my warrior in OWPvE and in strikes and FotM all the time with no issue.

It is good to be aware of what the issues are though so that you know what to expect and how to get around them.

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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

You'll be fine. The issues we're talking about would affect any fun value in competitive play more than PvE. I play my warrior in OWPvE and in strikes and FotM all the time with no issue.

It is good to be aware of what the issues are though so that you know what to expect and how to get around them.

I would like to get into SPvP as well and try the tournaments and such. I have a Warrior and Guardian characters so far. Been playing a Core Guardian with Mace+Shield and Staff in PvP and doing well. Was planning to try my Warrior too.

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5 hours ago, Quickpawmaud.6374 said:

I would like to get into SPvP as well and try the tournaments and such. I have a Warrior and Guardian characters so far. Been playing a Core Guardian with Mace+Shield and Staff in PvP and doing well. Was planning to try my Warrior too.

Would personally advise to run guardian, much more utility and functionality.

Guardian is the favoured profession by Anet (allegedly) so you’ll have much less headache in the long run.

That being said, I’ve had great fun on my warrior but if I knew of the baggage I’d have chosen differently.

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