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Should boon strips be removed from WvW?


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I'm using very similar builds for WvW and sPvP and I found it strange that the WvW versions of the boon strips on the classes I play 1) cost more 2) have higher cooldowns 3) remove less boons 4) all of the above (where applicable)

Looking back, most of these haven't gotten nerfed till a few months ago. Likewise, Sigil of Absorption also got nerfed severely.

So now, I have to ask if the boon strips should be removed entirely is that it's rare that I manage to remove any meaningful boons in WvW since almost every EoD class seems to have full uptime of every boon in the game and can reapply them in 3-10 second intervals.

The continuous nerfs to boon strips and corrupts really make it seem like Anet wants WvW to have a boonball/celestial roamer meta and nothing else.

Do you agree with these changes? Do you have any better proposals for how to balance boon strips instead of Anet's current approach of "It's only balanced if my favourite class' boon application is 5x faster than an enemy's boon removal"?

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You're wrong. If 10 people strip boons at same time, they can easily remove 10 boons from same target.

They just need to reduce maximum boon duration. Easiest way without affecting builds without so many boons is to nerf concentration stat.

Edited by Riba.3271
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Corruption and condi conversion should be removed from wvw or made to only give an very simple set of condis and boons no major ones. Just pure strip and condi clear should be a lot easier to get if your willing to build for it not as much of an "free ride" for just passively being the right class.

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9 hours ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

Boon sharing should be removed.

This would be an interesting test week. But it might also make some classes even tougher. Would everyone just pull out their Eles and Guards?

I do think boon vs anti-boon is out of proportion. Another interesting test week is decrease boon share from 5 to 3. Still room for support builds but leaves some risk. That and/or again, go back and increase the target cap on melee skills and move it back to 5. Then there is more question of bring more support or more assault. 


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On 12/16/2023 at 3:33 AM, Junkpile.7439 said:

Boon sharing should be removed.

No. Horrible idea.

On 12/15/2023 at 4:26 PM, Riba.3271 said:

They just need to reduce maximum boon duration. Easiest way without affecting builds without so many boons is to nerf concentration stat.

This would be interesting to try but it would completely mess with pve so it's not happening. This is what should happen though. Whether you're a zerg or solo... you should need to make a tradeoff between damage and defensiveness. Right now that tradeoff isn't really there.

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4 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:

Since my rev got nerfed (Banish Enchantment) I can forget a fight vs cele eles and willbender and any other class with boon spam, which is a lot.

Demon/Malyx stance is a mess makes no sense atm.... IMO in rev is the part that requires atention for updates.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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On 12/18/2023 at 5:55 AM, Lucy.3728 said:

Since my rev got nerfed (Banish Enchantment) I can forget a fight vs cele eles and willbender and any other class with boon spam, which is a lot.


On 12/18/2023 at 10:43 AM, Aeolus.3615 said:

Demon/Malyx stance is a mess makes no sense atm.... IMO in rev is the part that requires atention for updates.

I honestly don't understand why Anet would do this. Before you'd have to blow your entire energy on using Banish enchantment 2-3 times, successfully hitting each tick every time, just to strip the boons on a Willbender, Elementalist or Harb for 5 seconds before they could fully apply all their boons again. Now, you can only use it once before being stuck behind a 5+ second cooldown, and because these classes are spitting out might, swiftness and protection with every second, you will only strip those boons that they reapply every 3 seconds anyway.

My speculation is that some Willbender main got traumatized after being forced to spend 5 seconds without permanent +50% damage, 33% damage reduction, stability, and condi immunity on top of their insane burst damage and mobility.

Edited by Player.2475
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Boon and condition removal just needs a tweak: when a boon or condition is removed, it can't be reapplied for 2 seconds so they can't be just reapplied right away, ensuring they are guaranteed to have an effect for 2 seconds. 
This could be shown in the UI by replacing their icons with a grayed-out version, similar to the grayed-out soft CC condition icons enemies with breakbars get.

Those 2s could be extended or reduced with certain traits or relics, but never eliminated.

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How about this:

  • Double the amount of boon strips/corrupts.
    • Halve all their CDs.
  • Return Disenchantment to it's original form and make it apply on every CC a Spellbreaker does rather than just on WoD.
  • Ignore the wails and lamentations of the bads that require boons to be good.
  • Bonus: Make a new condition that makes a target unable to receive new boons.
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On 12/21/2023 at 12:08 PM, Player.2475 said:

Before you'd have to blow your entire energy on using Banish enchantment 2-3 times

Usually my first attempt got evaded and the second worked. With the old skill mechanic it meant I could at least strip once. For rather squishy targets it was valuable.

Now I get the usual evade or block and it's just a waste of time.

And the worst thing about rev, you cant replace a useless skill because rev has only as many skills as slots -.-

Edited by Lucy.3728
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On 12/21/2023 at 12:08 PM, Player.2475 said:

Now, you can only use it once before being stuck behind a 5+ second cooldown

And as rev you usually don't get to use it a second time because either you've no energy left or you already switched legends.

The person who decided to get that skill crippled has no clue about rev and wvw.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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