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Game Crashing in WvW [Merged]

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15 hours ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:


This has been happening for the past 16 + hours. how do i prevent this? Not just me, it happens to multiple players in the squad at the same time. Other players says it have been happening for more than 18 hours.


on EBG only. *fingers crossed.

Since we haven't just patched might be a server side issue. Haven't seen any issues in EBG in the time frame you mentioned. So could the virtual server hosting that matchup. I would also check to see if a video driver update was downloaded in that time or if there is a new one out there. If still getting them keep submitting them so its on Anet's radar.

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In the last hour, their have been multiple players crashing in EB. I know that the forums indicate not naming any Servers, but for the sake of this bug, its RoF, FoW, and Gandara. I am unsure if any players are running software or anything that is interfering with the EB server, but this is affecting a lot of players at the moment. I am also noticing players in the same guild ALL having perma protection, resistance and no damage, and one of them may be running something illegal, please check as this is affecting the gameplay

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happens non stop now for everyone in our match, like... literally everyone, enemy com's getting crashes 7 times in a row. 


edit, im not sure if it was happening to blues at all tbh, assume it did? every time our side was whooping their kitten majority of squad was getting crashes at same time, its voice com's so like u for sure know everyone getting booted at same time. Anyways, happens non stop now, game mode unplayable 

Edited by Triptaminas.4789
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On 12/28/2023 at 6:16 AM, Chaba.5410 said:

Show Details....



Here portion, everyone in our servers voice discord was getting same crashes at same times, slightly different logs because of different machines running. 


U can come to GH discord and see full logs, dozens of people can post u them.


We tried to repair clients, clear catches etc, today, during reset, as issue was so prevalent its insane. 

The green commander got same issue, as our com's communicated in between we knew they having exactly the same problem. 


This is mass issue not some random crashes to few random people, we didnt had this problem until reset tho, people here talking about it happening on prior days. 

Edited by Triptaminas.4789
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8 minutes ago, Triptaminas.4789 said:

Ah the dreaded c0000005 generic windows error code that doesn't tell you what the actual bug is.

The working theory is it's another one of those mysterious crashes related to a specific graphic asset like back when Winter's Presence and some jade armor skins were also causing random crashes like this a few months ago.  Suspicion is currently on the new fan glider/back skin.

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4 minutes ago, ChrisWhitey.9076 said:

There has been reddit posts about the issue and yep the a good portion of the map of friendlies and enemies are getting booted. I hear EU reset was a dumpster fire.

Even the strongest willed ones eventually rage quited, also people who didnt had this issue the whole time started having it as only 10 of us was left. 

It was unplayable. 

It did seemed like we have issues only when heavily outmatching particular server, but lol... i dont think that they had anything to do with this, that reddit thread implies lot of stuff instead of just assuming that anet overcooked smtg. 

Edited by Triptaminas.4789
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3 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Ah the dreaded c0000005 generic windows error code that doesn't tell you what the actual bug is.

The working theory is it's another one of those mysterious crashes related to a specific graphic asset like back when Winter's Presence and some jade armor skins were also causing random crashes like this.  Suspicion is currently on the new fan glider/back skin.

Nah, its mass issue, to variety of classes/skins, at the same time, like 30+ people getting crashes at exact same time in voice squad's. Its not related to some bugged asset that crashing our clients as we dont have the same wardrobes/skins. 

Unless u saying that one person wearing x crashing game for particular set of people for some reason?


and yes, we know that error doesnt say anything, asides that maybe gw2 corrupting system fails, this cant be solved from logs, its anet side shenanigan's 

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Just now, Triptaminas.4789 said:

Unless u saying that one person wearing x crashing game for particular set of people for some reason?

Yes, it was the same with the earlier crashes.  There'd be like half the squad crashing out.  And it also seemed like it was dependent upon fights needing to be large in size (note that there were reports of it happening in PvE too during large metas or world boss fights.)  Not everyone crashes because for some reason their system isn't hitting whatever the bug is.

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12 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Yes, it was the same with the earlier crashes.  There'd be like half the squad crashing out.  And it also seemed like it was dependent upon fights needing to be large in size (note that there were reports of it happening in PvE too during large metas or world boss fights.)  Not everyone crashes because for some reason their system isn't hitting whatever the bug is.

Maybe, idfk. 

its not really size dependent, like... we had good fights with intense skill lag, three full blobs on que'd bg, at same spot, during reset.. lot of people, and just few crashes, then it started ramping up, last ones was on smallscale. 

i cant find the common denominator here at all tbh, shits confusing, would be easier if crashes would happen just like... idk.. blobs reaching 600 range to each other or smtg. 

Well... i do see one thing... that we didnt crashed when fighting just greens, it happened always with blues either mashing with us or when we chased them, but then again that aint saying anything, as this all really feels too random.

People that wasnt crashing before, are starting to crash now tho, so thats that.



You can try running standard models for both enemy and friendlies.  Standard models tbh is a bit weird though cuz sometimes it looks like it still loads the individual graphic assets.


We tried to run full potatoe mode, frame limiters, lowest settings, standard models, plates etc, it aint changing the outcomes lol. 

And yes standard models is bugged, it does weird stuff, it works sometimes, sometimes it doesnt work, sometimes it makes every enemy model identical without separating classes.... it is bugged, yet we tried that too, just in case. 

Reset is big event for community, so people put efforts into finding solution so they could salvage the day. 

Edited by Triptaminas.4789
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Happened 2 days ago on EBG 3 times in a row on the same tower and today on GBL twice, always when engaging against green zergs, but that might just be a coincidence. Anyways around 80% of our squad got their games crashed, not only dc'ed - this bug makes WvW unplayable and by the looks of it does not get any attention by Anet sadly.

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2023-12-30 11:33:30.132: error: intercepted unhandled hardware exception at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe +0x0000000001017D9B" thread 2040
     ---------- exception ----------
    code: 0x00000000C0000005
    addr: 0x00007FF7AEF97D9B
    offs: 0x0000000001017D9B
    prms:   0000000000000002
    flgs: 0x0000000000000000
     ---------- system ----------
    windows: 11.0.22621
    cpu: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700F
    ram: 20505MB / 32609MB used
    gpu: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
     ---------- modules ----------
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    0x7FFAC1F11000 - 0x7FFAC1F24000    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\resourcepolicyclient.dll
    0x7FFA90B21000 - 0x7FFA90B68000    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\icm32.dll
    0x7FFAB92F1000 - 0x7FFAB965B000    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CoreUIComponents.dll
    0x7FFA81C01000 - 0x7FFA81D06000    C:\Users\Soup\AppData\Local\Discord\app-1.0.9028\modules\discord_hook-1\discord_hook\eaa80eba05a8fb\DiscordHook64.dll
     ---------- threads ----------
    19884: EP 0x00007FF7AE2AD700 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
    21856: EP 0x00007FF7AE2C0A50 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292304 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
     9200: EP 0x00007FF7AE2C0A50 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292304 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
    28648: EP 0x00007FF7AE2C0A50 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292304 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
     7932: EP 0x00007FF7AE2C0A50 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
     8568: EP 0x00007FFAC7225090 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292FC4 in ...\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
     3300: EP 0x00007FF7AE282B80 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
     8316: EP 0x00007FF7AE282B80 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
    13672: EP 0x00007FF7AE282B80 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
    18596: EP 0x00007FF7AE282B80 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
     6900: EP 0x00007FF7AE282B80 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
    10416: EP 0x00007FF7AE282B80 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
     8452: EP 0x00007FF7AE282B80 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
    11772: EP 0x00007FF7AE282B80 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
    11320: EP 0x00007FF7AE282B80 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
    16756: EP 0x00007FF7AE282B80 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
     4764: EP 0x00007FF7AE282B80 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
    27368: EP 0x00007FF7AE282B80 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
      988: EP 0x00007FF7AE282B80 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
    27676: EP 0x00007FF7AE282B80 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
    18648: EP 0x00007FF7AE282B80 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
     6720: EP 0x00007FF7AE282B80 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
     9208: EP 0x00007FF7AE282B80 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
    11332: EP 0x00007FF7AE282B80 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
    15720: EP 0x00007FF7AE2C0A50 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
    10508: EP 0x00007FF7AE2C0A50 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
    25604: EP 0x00007FF7AE2C0A50 RIP 0x00007FFAC4C11534 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
    16716: EP 0x00007FFAC69667D0 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\System32\WS2_32.dll
    20652: EP 0x00007FF7AE2C0A50 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
     3292: EP 0x00007FF7AE2C0A50 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
     2040: EP 0x00007FF7AE2C0A50 RIP 0x0000000000000000 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
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    26672: EP 0x00007FF7AE2C0A50 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
    26744: EP 0x00007FF7AE2C0A50 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
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      476: EP 0x00007FFA513BD940 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\cef\libcef.dll
    28668: EP 0x00007FFA513BD940 RIP 0x00007FFAC4C1ACF4 in ...\cef\libcef.dll
     6204: EP 0x00007FFA513BD940 RIP 0x00007FFAC4C1ACF4 in ...\cef\libcef.dll
     1772: EP 0x00007FFA513BD940 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\cef\libcef.dll
     5884: EP 0x00007FFA513BD940 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\cef\libcef.dll
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    22284: EP 0x00007FFA513BD940 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\cef\libcef.dll
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    13456: EP 0x00007FFA513BD940 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F494 in ...\cef\libcef.dll
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    27712: EP 0x00007FFAAAE66B50 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F494 in ...\Display.NvContainer\MessageBus.dll
      496: EP 0x00007FFAB1E29644 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\nv_dispig.inf_amd64_14c40086f8e718c9\nvwgf2umx.dll
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    21692: EP 0x00007FFAB1E29644 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\nv_dispig.inf_amd64_14c40086f8e718c9\nvwgf2umx.dll
    26664: EP 0x00007FFAB1E29644 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\nv_dispig.inf_amd64_14c40086f8e718c9\nvwgf2umx.dll
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     7896: EP 0x00007FFAB1E29644 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\nv_dispig.inf_amd64_14c40086f8e718c9\nvwgf2umx.dll
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     8416: EP 0x00007FFAB1E29644 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\nv_dispig.inf_amd64_14c40086f8e718c9\nvwgf2umx.dll
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    19268: EP 0x00007FFAB1E29644 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\nv_dispig.inf_amd64_14c40086f8e718c9\nvwgf2umx.dll
    18732: EP 0x00007FFAB1E29644 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\nv_dispig.inf_amd64_14c40086f8e718c9\nvwgf2umx.dll
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    27532: EP 0x00007FFAB1E29644 RIP 0x00007FFAC728FEC4 in ...\nv_dispig.inf_amd64_14c40086f8e718c9\nvwgf2umx.dll
    24412: EP 0x00007FFAB1E29644 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\nv_dispig.inf_amd64_14c40086f8e718c9\nvwgf2umx.dll
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    26788: EP 0x00007FFA5BC85994 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
     3560: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
     2372: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
    14992: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
    27428: EP 0x00007FFA5BC85994 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F494 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
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     1660: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
    12084: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
     1168: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
    26044: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
    19280: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
    27000: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
     4532: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
    27624: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
    22620: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
    19864: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
    28584: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
    10544: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
    23416: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
    13116: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
    22072: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
     5676: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
    22392: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
    15048: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
    14792: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
    20848: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
     9472: EP 0x00007FF7AE2C0A50 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
    20592: EP 0x00007FF7ADF89400 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
    18644: EP 0x00007FFA5BCD3850 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292F64 in ...\bin64\arcdps_healing_stats.dll
    14852: EP 0x00007FFA61B64920 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F9F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\d3d11.dll
     9192: EP 0x00007FFA61B64710 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F9F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\d3d11.dll
     9732: EP 0x00007FFA61B64510 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F9F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\d3d11.dll
    27192: EP 0x00007FFA81CA1730 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292304 in ...\eaa80eba05a8fb\DiscordHook64.dll
    10684: EP 0x00007FFA81CA1730 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292304 in ...\eaa80eba05a8fb\DiscordHook64.dll
    22440: EP 0x00007FF7AE2C0A50 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
     2064: EP 0x00007FF7AE2C0A50 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
    25024: EP 0x00007FF7AE2C0A50 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F9F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
    26116: EP 0x00007FF7AE2C0A50 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
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     8768: EP 0x00007FFAC7225090 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292FC4 in ...\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    23756: EP 0x00007FFA513BD940 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\cef\libcef.dll
    18452: EP 0x00007FFAC7225090 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292FC4 in ...\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    27092: EP 0x00007FFAC7225090 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292FC4 in ...\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
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    16024: EP 0x00007FFAC7225090 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292FC4 in ...\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
     5660: EP 0x00007FFAC7225090 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292FC4 in ...\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    23092: EP 0x00007FFAC7225090 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292FC4 in ...\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    21492: EP 0x00007FFAC7225090 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292FC4 in ...\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
     6976: EP 0x00007FFAC7225090 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292FC4 in ...\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
     5548: EP 0x00007FFAC7225090 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292FC4 in ...\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
     2100: EP 0x00007FFAC7225090 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292FC4 in ...\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
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     2780: EP 0x00007FFAC7225090 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292FC4 in ...\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    16420: EP 0x00007FFAC7225090 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292FC4 in ...\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    14320: EP 0x00007FFAC7225090 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292FC4 in ...\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    27888: EP 0x00007FFAC7225090 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292FC4 in ...\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    11776: EP 0x00007FFAC7225090 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292FC4 in ...\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    28168: EP 0x00007FFAC7225090 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292FC4 in ...\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    25672: EP 0x00007FFAC7225090 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292FC4 in ...\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    16108: EP 0x00007FFAC7225090 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292FC4 in ...\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    10580: EP 0x00007FFAC7225090 RIP 0x00007FFAC7292FC4 in ...\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    28424: EP 0x00007FFA513BD940 RIP 0x00007FFAC728F3F4 in ...\cef\libcef.dll
     ---------- registers ----------
    RAX: 0x0000000000000000   R8:  0x00007FF7AEAFAD40
    RBX: 0x0000000000000000   R9:  0x0000000000000000
    RCX: 0x0000000000000000   R10: 0x00007FF7AF1521A0
    RDX: 0x000001856981F950   R11: 0x00007FF7AF621800
    RBP: 0x00000067E71FF249   R12: 0x00000000FFFFFFFF
    RSP: 0x00000067E71FF1B0   R13: 0x000001854F0EA130
    RSI: 0x000001855455EF18   R14: 0x000001852D54F1D0
    RDI: 0x000001855455F050   R15: 0x000001852D54F1E0
    RIP: 0x00007FF7AEF97D9B
     ---------- code ----------
    0x7FF7AEF97D5B: C4498B16 488BC8C7 44243800 0000004C
    0x7FF7AEF97D6B: 8B10F30F 11742430 48895C24 2848895C
    0x7FF7AEF97D7B: 242041FF 52200F28 0D4820AB 0033C948
    0x7FF7AEF97D8B: 8BD8C744 24281F00 00000F57 C04533C9
    0x7FF7AEF97D9B: 488B004D 8BC54889 4DC7488B D648894D
    0x7FF7AEF97DAB: CF48894D D7488D4D BF48894C 2420488B
    0x7FF7AEF97DBB: CBC745BF 04000000 0F1145DF C745FFDB
    0x7FF7AEF97DCB: 0F49400F 114DEFC7 4503DB0F 49C0C745
     ---------- stack ----------
    0x0067E71FF030: E013B704 85010000 60110C9E 84010000
    0x0067E71FF040: 00000000 00000000 04000000 00000080
    0x0067E71FF050: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    0x0067E71FF060: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    0x0067E71FF070: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
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    0x0067E71FF100: FFFFFFFF 84010000 C08D72B0 F77F0000
    0x0067E71FF110: C0F09547 85010000 00000000 00000000
    0x0067E71FF120: C0F09547 85010000 01000000 950E0000
    0x0067E71FF130: 0000803F 880C0000 00000000 84010000
    0x0067E71FF140: D0F1542D 85010000 8B2C15AF F77F0000
    0x0067E71FF150: C0F09547 85010000 49F21FE7 67000000
    0x0067E71FF160: 18EF5554 85010000 50F05554 85010000
    0x0067E71FF170: C0F09547 85010000 00000000 00000000
    0x0067E71FF180: C0F09547 85010000 0000803F 00000000
    0x0067E71FF190: 00000000 00000000 0E000000 00000000
    0x0067E71FF1A0: 10F31FE7 67000000 817DF9AE F77F0000
    0x0067E71FF1B0: E0F1542D 85010000 49F21FE7 67000000
    0x0067E71FF1C0: 00008E9A 84010000 18EF5554 85010000
    0x0067E71FF1D0: C0F09547 85010000 1F000000 85010000
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    0x0067E71FF1F0: 02000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
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    0x0067E71FF220: E013B704 85010000 4CCE2FAE F77F0000
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    0x0067E71FF290: FC4D5EE3 84010000 03000000 00000000
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    0x0067E71FF2B0: 01000000 01000000 C0F09547 85010000
    0x0067E71FF2C0: 8DE259A5 01000000 E013B704 85010000
    0x0067E71FF2D0: 8025AFF6 84010000 08000000 00000000
    0x0067E71FF2E0: D0F1542D 85010000 02040000 02000000
    0x0067E71FF2F0: 00010000 85010000 E013B704 85010000
    0x0067E71FF300: CBE25841 FCB6BD49 BE0B9BA1 B86443CE
    0x0067E71FF310: F4EEB4E2 84010000 F4EEB4E2 84010000
    0x0067E71FF320: 2CF6B4E2 84010000 2CF6B4E2 84010000
     ---------- trace ----------
    EP 0x7FF7AEF97D9B frame 0x0067E71FF2A0 RVA 0x000001017D9B in Gw2-64
    EP 0x7FF7AEF6E523 frame 0x0067E71FF370 RVA 0x000000FEE523 in Gw2-64
    EP 0x7FF7AF018123 frame 0x0067E71FF3E0 RVA 0x000001098123 in Gw2-64
    EP 0x7FF7AF01EE35 frame 0x0067E71FF470 RVA 0x00000109EE35 in Gw2-64
    EP 0x7FF7AF02707B frame 0x0067E71FF4C0 RVA 0x0000010A707B in Gw2-64
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    EP 0x7FF7AEEC488A frame 0x0067E71FF680 RVA 0x000000F4488A in Gw2-64
    EP 0x7FF7AEEB7DA8 frame 0x0067E71FF7E0 RVA 0x000000F37DA8 in Gw2-64
    EP 0x7FF7AEED03A8 frame 0x0067E71FF810 RVA 0x000000F503A8 in Gw2-64
    EP 0x7FF7AEEC167A frame 0x0067E71FF840 RVA 0x000000F4167A in Gw2-64
    EP 0x7FF7AEF13C54 frame 0x0067E71FF8A0 RVA 0x000000F93C54 in Gw2-64
    EP 0x7FF7AEC31C9B frame 0x0067E71FF8F0 RVA 0x000000CB1C9B in Gw2-64
    EP 0x7FF7AE446D6A frame 0x0067E71FFA40 RVA 0x0000004C6D6A in Gw2-64
    EP 0x7FF7AE30677B frame 0x0067E71FFB50 RVA 0x00000038677B in Gw2-64
    EP 0x7FF7AE304CCA frame 0x0067E71FFC00 RVA 0x000000384CCA in Gw2-64
    EP 0x7FF7AE30494C frame 0x0067E71FFC90 RVA 0x00000038494C in Gw2-64
    EP 0x7FF7AE305CF7 frame 0x0067E71FFCE0 RVA 0x000000385CF7 in Gw2-64
    EP 0x7FF7AE305DC6 frame 0x0067E71FFD10 RVA 0x000000385DC6 in Gw2-64
    EP 0x7FF7AE3040C5 frame 0x0067E71FFD40 RVA 0x0000003840C5 in Gw2-64
    EP 0x7FF7AE094342 frame 0x0067E71FFD70 RVA 0x000000114342 in Gw2-64
    EP 0x7FF7AE2C0AAA frame 0x0067E71FFDA0 RVA 0x000000340AAA in Gw2-64
    EP 0x7FFAC6BF257D frame 0x0067E71FFDD0 RVA 0x00000001257D in KERNEL32
    EP 0x7FFAC724AA58 frame 0x0067E71FFE50 RVA 0x00000005AA58 in ntdll
    EP 0x7FF7AE2C0A50 frame 0x<entrypoint> RVA 0x000000340A50 in Gw2-64

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Hi all,

Our server is Maguuma-NA. I didn't mention it in the title because I don't want people clicking in just to trash-talk Maguuma. If that's what you gonna do, you can leave now. 


I'm posting in the WvW forum to let the devs know we're facing serious crashing issues in all WvW maps. When I say serious, I mean like 7/8 of our squad members crashing at exactly the same moment, multiple times. This is the second time this week that our server has had crashes during enemy encounters. And it doesn't seem to be just an arcdps issue, because people who haven't installed it are crashing too.



I will briefly introduce the two waves of crashing below.

The first big crash happened (12/26 5 PM CT) when our squad (8 people) and around 20 pugs were at one of the bl SET. As soon as we saw the red side [TG] guild tag squad on the wall moving towards the south bridge, about 90 percent of Maguuma players (and our link) disappeared from the map. It happened again when we moved to south bay and saw the TG guild again.

The second wave of crashes was today (12/29 at 6:20 PM CT). Our private squad was moving to gbl NWT sentry when almost everyone crashed. The only person who didn't crash said that the green side stealth-bombed us, and all of our games crashed. 3 minutes before this crash happened to us in the bls, I read in our team chat that our EBG crashed first while trying to take SMC. Then it happened again in South Bay when we were stealth-bombed by the green side—everyone except one person crashed. As I am not on other servers, I cannot determine if others are experiencing something similar. However, from our perspective, it seems that the enemy squad did not experience these issues.




I don't want to assume the reasons but have decided to present the issues. We have recordings of the crashes and will provide them if needed. It is annoying to keep crashing.

Happy New Year, everyone!

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The red server in question is Darkhaven. We also are crashing en mass. I too thought it was a mesmer doing it but a Dragonbrand mesmer. But I don't think there were any Dragonbrand around this last (6th?) time tonight I crashed. I tried repairing the game files and that had no effect. Whatever it is causing this is obviously widespread and a big issue. It is making WvW absolutely unplayable. 6 crashes. Wait in queue, play for 5 minutes, if lucky, crash! Wait in queue, play 5 min.. etc. 

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