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Game Crashing in WvW [Merged]

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Yep that's right 5 crashes from ET in less then 90 minutes, no lag just a hard crash only to log back in dead even when not in combat. Only on my warrior do I log in dead, on my harbinger had 1 crash but no down state on relog.

Maybe the game is just ready to give up the ghost since there seem to be no way of fixing the crashes. Maybe someone is manipulating the game, it does seem to happen at opportune times.

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Just adding that it's happened for 2 days now to most any squad I'm in and people point to the new fan glider missing a texture. What's weird is I have never crashed even when i saw a glider coming at me from a keep(yeah they exploit it, trying to make us crash). 

Edited by EphedrinE.1309
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On Dec 30 me and my group was crashing in BP helping darkheaven we crashed 18 times.how can you play gws2 if you can't fix your old servers and get a new one to support the new upgrades you people in gws2 can't use the old system  from gws1 and think all will go go smoothly.  So please fix your problem or you will find alot will leave your game over a 1000 already talking about deleting  your game 

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Just wanted to add to the post that I've experienced this, as well as other people in my server and our opponent's servers (NA, and I'm in Ferg) .

At first, it was the opponent's team that kept crashing the moment we were about to meet up. It's very similar to the ones other people have been reporting. Then today, it was my server's turn to crash, and it also kept on happening when we met up with the opposing team but only in areas they controlled.

It honestly makes many of us think that the other team or guilds are doing something fishy, but after seeing all the reports on here, I don't think that's the case. When we were crashing earlier, I messaged a person from the other servers and asked if they're experiencing any issues. Some of them weren't having any issues (just like some of our people weren't crashing either), while others were experiencing really heavy lag and rubberbanding around the time that my team was probably crashing.

Edited by meerfunkuhtron.9725
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So we're from KN server, and the crashes ONLY happened when fighting Red teams near one of their controlled areas. It did not matter how big or how small the red group was, it would crash people. We were constantly watching queue on maps drop from 30+ to people instantly getting in. So whatever it is, is mass crashing people.

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Happened again to us tonight twice in a row at the same tower withing 10 seconds of getting inside so we ended our run. If this is proven to be an exploit, please permanently ban those doing it if you are able to identify them.

Edited by TheHeretic.3529
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6 hours ago, TheHeretic.3529 said:

Happened again to us tonight twice in a row at the same tower withing 10 seconds of getting inside so we ended our run. If this is proven to be an exploit, please permanently ban those doing it if you are able to identify them.

They won't really ban regular people once stuff like this spreads to the wider population and lots of people do it (which is currently now the case). This is based on the last three (maybe four?) gamebreaking wvw bugs. Even though its most def not ToS. Few plausible reasons for it really.

There's also a line between "Game features", "Unintended game mechanics", "Exploits", and "As intended". Some guilds have different standards on where to draw those lines.

For example, some people play zerker, even though it does not follow the "5 target" philosophy that almost every other skill has. But it's now a "feature" or "as intended" because its been generally accepted by everyone (but not all!).

What if you discover a new use for a trait and how it works to use to your advantage in wvw? Maybe that's an "Unintended game mechanic"

What if something old thats been used breaks because of the update and you only play that one class? Do you just log off? (Recent Godbreaker bug)

And then theres exploits like this. But the last 4 gamebreaking bugs were also pretty gamebreaking

Edited by UntitledDoc.3479
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It looks there is a Bug in WvW , there are continous crashing it seems caused by the new glider.
Everytime someone open the glider in an area different from the own color the gropu crash . It also happen when you attack and an enemy open the glider it cause a massive crash.
It stop if you unflag in graphic , LOD option but it become unplayble because too much stress and danger for the eyes due to the excess of white flash.
Please fix asap.

Edited by Duca di Ebonhawke.1045
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SWIM bough glider... he tried to trigger gliders effect, he glided again and again....over wsr clouds, into wsr clouds, gliding from dodge jump, gliding from stealth.

He failed to trigger gliders of discord effect ( "30% to disconnect up to 30 enemy tatgets while gliding")  only effect it had was k/d and warscore ncrease for enemy team. 

Does some boon protects wsr from it? Or whats the problem? 

Could it be that whole glider meme is just a meme after all? Or we need like glider floatile? 30 paratroopers?

It seems as time goes we have more and more conditional stuff is being attached to "glider" theory 

Can buy said glider to eu person thats willing to test and record evidence of said skin actually crashing enemy teams.

Tried in qued ebg, gliding into arena in between ogrewatch and keep.. tried from from clifs that seperate ogre sm path from keep sm path. Tried to glide from way lower hights too. 

Willing to buy glider for active forum member if he does smtg smlr and records it all for forum posting, would be perfect if he professional "spy" that can record public voice tags reaction in case it actually works😀  

Maybe im too stupid to make it work.... 😞

Edited by Triptaminas.4789
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Been off a couple days, but crashed tonight first time in a long while. Also getting rubberband lag in prime time around two boon ball groups fighting. Oh and trading post is showing missing image on items. 🤷‍♂️

Edited by XenesisII.1540
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2 hours ago, Triptaminas.4789 said:

SWIM bough glider... he tried to trigger gliders effect, he glided again and again....over wsr clouds, into wsr clouds, gliding from dodge jump, gliding from stealth.

He failed to trigger gliders of discord effect ( "30% to disconnect up to 30 enemy tatgets while gliding")  only effect it had was k/d and warscore ncrease for enemy team. 

Does some boon protects wsr from it? Or whats the problem? 

Could it be that whole glider meme is just a meme after all? Or we need like glider floatile? 30 paratroopers?

It seems as time goes we have more and more conditional stuff is being attached to "glider" theory 

Can buy said glider to eu person thats willing to test and record evidence of said skin actually crashing enemy teams.

Tried in qued ebg, gliding into arena in between ogrewatch and keep.. tried from from clifs that seperate ogre sm path from keep sm path. Tried to glide from way lower hights too. 

Willing to buy glider for active forum member if he does smtg smlr and records it all for forum posting, would be perfect if he professional "spy" that can record public voice tags reaction in case it actually works😀  

Maybe im too stupid to make it work.... 😞

I can assure you the bug does exist, but I can tell you are doing it wrong and also people are turning down their settings now to somewhat reduce the chance that the bug works. Also, I am obligated to tell you that what you are suggesting might not be very ToS compliant.

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Some people on our server said, that unchecking the "Effect LOD" checkbox in the graphics options stops the crashing.

Yes, UNcheck it, which means the LOD is not limited anymore, which will drop performance significantly in big fights.

I could not verify this yet as I have these crashes only every few hours.

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2 hours ago, KrHome.1920 said:

Some people on our server said, that unchecking the "Effect LOD" checkbox in the graphics options stops the crashing.

Yes, UNcheck it, which means the LOD is not limited anymore, which will drop performance significantly in big fights.

I could not verify this yet as I have these crashes only every few hours.

seems to work for some, but not for everyone.

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New Years eve and extended play and no DCs. Yesterday hours of them. Flipped the Limit LOD off after finding reddit post and limited play after the flip no issues. So for now would recommend till we can get more info from Anet to turn that off if DCing. Which glider is the issue? New Fan one? Have guildies that buy a lot from store and want to ask them not to use if we know which one is causing the issue.

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I was in PVP for hours without problems.  Was mid PVP match and wife woke up and joined WVW . 

She joined Voda on deso  (maestro.9016)  (8pm Jan 2024 UTC)

He crashes, wife crashed, I also crashed.  Must be Net Code?  

I wasnt in WVW was mid match we share exetel static IP.  

Edited by siggy.9521
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Anyone that records their gameplay, anyone have an outside view of the issue. Those of us that have crashed know that view point lol. Heard someone in map yesterday they watched as it happened so thought it might be worth asking if it means we can get resolved quicker, especially before we hit the new reset coming up let alone the beta at the end of next week.

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