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Split birthday gifts between account age and character age

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1 minute ago, Sindust.7059 said:

Then it's clear why you wouldn't worry that much about the birthday cake. But to a lot of people such things are important, because they give a gameplay advantage, even if they are not technically the only way to be equally effective. They just save time that you could have spent on something that is more fun to do. I would much rather go do raids/strikes/fractals/dungeons than figure out the most effective way to get nourishment extracts to craft comparable food. And some people get to do the fun stuff without this part of the grind for free, just because they did not make the same mistake they didn't know was one 5 years ago.

I'd think "gameplay advantage" is best done by the thing that gives the most, i.e. ascended food, and not the freebie birthday cake, but ok. And like I mentioned earlier, someone else will likely show up in your group who would gladly drop a cake for the group if none are provided. 

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3 minutes ago, Sindust.7059 said:

Then it's clear why you wouldn't worry that much about the birthday cake. But to a lot of people such things are important, because they give a gameplay advantage, even if they are not technically the only way to be equally effective. They just save time that you could have spent on something that is more fun to do. I would much rather go do raids/strikes/fractals/dungeons than figure out the most effective way to get nourishment extracts to craft comparable food. And some people get to do the fun stuff without this part of the grind for free, just because they did not make the same mistake they didn't know was one 5 years ago.

every single piece of content you mention will have free birthday cakes for you to use AND free feasts that are better than birthday food.   

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1 minute ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

every single piece of content you mention will have free birthday cakes for you to use AND free feasts that are better than birthday food.   

Well, somebody hasn't done dungeons or fractals in pugs in quite a while... Dungeons are usually done by new people doing them for the story or because they think that that's the place to go for good gear based on how it works in every other game. They won't even have the birthday blasters. And in both dungeons and fractals the groups are small enough that there is no guarantee you'll have a 9+ year veteran in them. I see feasts in fractals maybe once a week when I do them daily.

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2 hours ago, Sindust.7059 said:

I see feasts in fractals maybe once a week when I do them daily.

...is it because people there run actual food -even if not ascended- instead of a cake?

Then just do the same.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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25 minutes ago, Sindust.7059 said:

Well, somebody hasn't done dungeons or fractals in pugs in quite a while... Dungeons are usually done by new people doing them for the story or because they think that that's the place to go for good gear based on how it works in every other game. They won't even have the birthday blasters. And in both dungeons and fractals the groups are small enough that there is no guarantee you'll have a 9+ year veteran in them. I see feasts in fractals maybe once a week when I do them daily.

mmm i do dungeons and fractals all the time, but then again i supply the food to the other players for free.

Edited by Bladestrom.6425
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2 minutes ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

mmm i do dungeons and fractals all the time, but then again i supply the food to the other players for free.

Yeah, when I played tank in both ESO and WoW prior to that, I also always wondered why people complain about not enough tanks in the game(s), and what the complaints about the long queue times were about... 😆

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1 minute ago, Sindust.7059 said:

Yeah, when I played tank in both ESO and WoW prior to that, I also always wondered why people complain about not enough tanks in the game(s), and what the complaints about the long queue times were about... 😆

thasts why gw2 is awesome, no need for tanks apart from high end tuned content and buffs like food are a non critical bonus.

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13 minutes ago, Sindust.7059 said:

Yeah, when I played tank in both ESO and WoW prior to that, I also always wondered why people complain about not enough tanks in the game(s), and what the complaints about the long queue times were about... 😆

A M+ or raid isn't going anywhere without a tank or two. Fractal runs do fine without cake. And again, if you're trying to optimise your run, do it properly and use the best stuff. Else "optimising" in this thread is just code-word for "I want <item> and am mad I don't have it!"

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15 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Can't you use the Birthday Blaster in the meantime? 

mine usually has no effect. It doesn't give me buffs, it doesn't drop a cake.

also it's not shareable. I realize people were saying usually someone around has some kind of buff, but depending on what time you play that's not necessarily the case. 

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16 hours ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

thasts why gw2 is awesome, no need for tanks apart from high end tuned content and buffs like food are a non critical bonus.

The lack of tanks is actually what sucks about this game, because it makes the fights chaotic, since without tanks that's the only way to make them difficult. But that's not why I mentioned it, and you know it. But in case you or someone else decides to act like you don't know, let me chew it a bit for you...

You are saying that every group has access to the feasts, but then you're the one providing them. If you're providing them, of course every group of yours has them. The statement with tanks in WOW/ESO was just an analogy, because when you're the tank, you never have to wait for a tank either. So to you it seems like a huge problem isn't actually huge or even a problem at all, just because it doesn't affect you.

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6 hours ago, willow.8209 said:

mine usually has no effect. It doesn't give me buffs, it doesn't drop a cake.

Maybe if you have another food already used, which is the same for the 9th bd cake.

6 hours ago, willow.8209 said:

also it's not shareable.

And this is also false.



21 minutes ago, Sindust.7059 said:

You are saying that every group has access to the feasts, but then you're the one providing them. If you're providing them, of course every group of yours has them. The statement with tanks in WOW/ESO was just an analogy, because when you're the tank, you never have to wait for a tank either. So to you it seems like a huge problem isn't actually huge or even a problem at all, just because it doesn't affect you.

Well, you're saying people don't share cakes in fractals, but that's probably because they usually use normal food. And so should you. The point is that the cake very much is not an "advantage" you're -at this point quite desperately?- attempting to make it into.
As for your current "you're a tank so you don't understand how someone can be missing a tank" strawman attempt: as it was aleady repeatedly explained to you, you can use different, better food, so following your comparison now you're complaining that... you don't have an access to a tank, because you can only play with a.... better/stronger tank?

If someone isn't sharing cake in your group, all it means is that either people don't care about running food or they're using better food and you should too. It's not really a complicated concept.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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5 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Birthday gift entitlement topics always make my day. When you see grown ups fussing over ingame birthday gifts I feel proud about my 3 year old.

At the age of 7 you'd think they'd have a better understanding of how people have different things and that's ok and that there may be other (sometimes better) ways to solve your problems. 

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2 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Birthday gift entitlement topics always make my day. When you see grown ups fussing over ingame birthday gifts I feel proud about my 3 year old.

Well, the famous "greed is good" quote forms the basis of the capitalism and thus is a large part of the western culture, is it not?

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4 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I am a bit surprised at the description of third (or perhaps as low as fourth?) tier food as valuable because of the, "game play advantage," it provides. 

Well, yeah, the whole cake issue is dumb. Concentrating on it is actually detrimental to the thread because it just helps derail it even though it is only tangential to the core of the suggestion, which is simply separation of account-wide and character-specific "age progression" rewards to their own, separate progression paths.

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10 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Well, yeah, the whole cake issue is dumb. Concentrating on it is actually detrimental to the thread because it just helps derail it even though it is only tangential to the core of the suggestion, which is simply separation of account-wide and character-specific "age progression" rewards to their own, separate progression paths.

If you paid attention and read the starting post of the thread, you'd see the whole thread -including OP- is about cake and the proposal to separate the rewards is just means to get the cake. Go ahead and re-read the first post. It's not "we should split the rewards and then someone pulled out a cake as collateral to derail the thread [or something]", it's "I want cake, so split the rewards". So that's exactly what's being discussed, including commenting on arguments like "I don't feel like tagging up because I think I should have cake/feasts whenever I do" or "cake gives a meaningful advantage over other players".

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

If you paid attention and read the starting post of the thread, you'd see the whole thread -including OP- is about cake and the proposal to separate the rewards is just means to get the cake. Go ahead and re-read the first post. It's not "we should split the rewards and then someone pulled out a cake as collateral to derail the thread [or something]", it's "I want cake, so split the rewards". So that's exactly what's being discussed, including commenting on arguments like "I don't feel like tagging up because I think I should have cake/feasts whenever I do" or "cake gives a meaningful advantage over other players".

You see,. that's an approach i disagree with. When someone proposes something, i don't think about who made the post, nor do i consider what that person might have been motivated with. I look at the proposal itself, and try to decide whether it would be worthwhile or not. All other issues are a distraction or derail.

Remember, that often good things may be done for all the wrong reasons, and good intentions lead to bad outcomes. That's why it is important not to confuse those two things.

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14 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

You see,. that's an approach i disagree with.

You are free to disagree with whatever you want, but the fact remains the discussion about cake is what this thread, comments and argumentation is about, so don't try to paint it as some  "derail tangential to the core of the suggestion". That's simply not what it is.
It seems you simply disagree with the reasoning and maybe even agree with counterarguments, so since it doesn't allign with the endgoal you would like to see here, you decided to call the whole discussion a "derail", which it really isn't since literally the first post of the thread.

Meanwhile the whole birthday reward achievement set intentionally plays into what it's called: your characters' birthdays. And it might have been an issue if those rewards were somehow gamebreaking, gamechanging or given a real advantage to players who got them (which, reminder, was repeatedly attempted to be used as an argument by one of the posters) -but it doesn't, so I don't consider it as an issue. Not only that, but the very food effect that's being complained about is already available in a different form after reaching 2nd birthday. That's what it is about and that's what is being discussed, even if you don't like it.

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Well, yeah, the whole cake issue is dumb. Concentrating on it is actually detrimental to the thread because it just helps derail it even though it is only tangential to the core of the suggestion, which is simply separation of account-wide and character-specific "age progression" rewards to their own, separate progression paths.

Arent there already separate account wide and character specific rewards though? 

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On 1/11/2024 at 6:35 PM, Sindust.7059 said:

I am using it. But the buff only lasts 10 or 15 minutes instead of 30, so it doesn't even last long enough for some of the events. And that also has the problem with an insane time gate (which I have passed, but others have not, and it's unfair to them too).

Self entitlement does not make something a timegate.  the reality is you want the gift given for reaching 10 years with a character when you don't have a 10 year old character.   That's the end of it really. 

Think of it another way, making the 10 year birthday gate gift  a nice thing to get is good, what would be the point of having a bad 10 year gift?!  Exotic food also beats the gift, so if you are desperate for this type of food, then learn ascended food, its easy.  

Edited by Bladestrom.6425
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Another thing a lot of people seem to be overlooking with this whole "make the birthday gifts be based on account age and not on character age" is the fact that, as it is right now, once one character reaches the appropriate age, you get an account-bound selectable dye. You can get more of these by having more characters reach the appropriate age. Limiting this to be account-based rather than character-based means more work for Anet to redesign how more of those items are obtained exactly.

Birthday gifts as they are work fine and I think seeing resources spent on creating new content or fixing actual bugs would be better than adjusting something that works fine, but is maybe a bit inconvenient for people who didn't look into the system and/or just want their cake "right now."

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