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WvW Beta is a dumpster Fire

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30 minutes ago, FrogBiscuit.6925 said:

I have to admit I am confused why this is a system they are testing live.

I fully understand I may have always had a misconception here....

But 'betas' are typically done in testing environments in my experience.   Not in a live situation where it will negatively impact your customer base.   Maybe they wouldn't have the population for a actual test server....

But essentially what this means is ruining a portion of the game (for some, the only part of the game they play) for 2 - 4 weeks... seemingly arbitrarily.

I am not unaware of the problem they are trying to resolve.   But I would think NOT breaking the current parts of the system that do work would be paramount.

Even further, I would believe that allowing people to play with their friends should be the highest priority...    And while I don't know if it worked for anyone...   In my case (and evident from the many posts flooding these forums) that was the main thing that was negatively effected...  I cant enjoy time playing with my small group of friends.

I already paid real money to transfer servers to enjoy playing with my friends.    Now I need to go through arbitrary hurdles that are very poorly announced and detailed, to sign up for a 'chance' to be able to play with my friend for the next 4 weeks?   I mean what?

Did Anet take a lesson from Asian mobile games and want to add a 'gacha' like randomization to whether I can enjoy time with friends on their game or not?

I mean maybe in a months time I might get lucky (if I go out of my way, apply to a specific guild, make sure my friend does that same, and then ensure everything is set up just right) and I might be placed with my friend?   This of course is assuming there arn't any bugs or problems that prevent that convoluted process in the first place... or the fact you may just unluckily be last in line and split from your community in the first place.

What a absolute disaster.

As a casual, maybe my voice carries less weight.   But at this point the current system of WvW, despite its problems, is far superior to the current garbage beta that robs the entire reason of playing the game from its consumers in the first place.

I agree with this, even if they did beta in a live testing environment all the important information should be within the game and found IN THE GAME. I had a friend transfer a week or so ago using his real money so he could WvW with us. he told me this morning he is quitting guild wars 2. he regrets spending 1800 gems for a transfer.

If you look at other MMOs like say final fantasy 14 you cannot even log into the game until you read patch notes and what they plan to do and the information for the game is found, in the game to me that would have made sense, not hidden away on a forum. as people can tell by my post count I only recently took to the forums.

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20 minutes ago, Zepharos.5860 said:

I agree with this, even if they did beta in a live testing environment all the important information should be within the game and found IN THE GAME. I had a friend transfer a week or so ago using his real money so he could WvW with us. he told me this morning he is quitting guild wars 2. he regrets spending 1800 gems for a transfer.

If you look at other MMOs like say final fantasy 14 you cannot even log into the game until you read patch notes and what they plan to do and the information for the game is found, in the game to me that would have made sense, not hidden away on a forum. as people can tell by my post count I only recently took to the forums.

Tbh this beta lasts only 3 weeks so your friend can play with you soon enough. That been said i really dont see a point of this restrucure. Money and time could be spend wiser and maybe get something actually done.

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15 hours ago, Chichimec.9364 said:

There is a workaround which won't include your entire server but could encompass a significant part of it. My WvW guild worked with several other guilds, some on our server, some on other servers, that wanted to play together in this beta. The collective leadership set up an Alliance guild which all those who wanted to play together could join. The limit is 500 members of course, which is why this workaround couldn't include your whole world. Our Alliance guild has 445 members right now though and that's a lot of friends who get to run in WvW together these next three weeks.

I was invited to such a guild too. But, I've been 5 of 5 on Guilds for over a decade. So that's not a viable option.

The Dev's "World Restructuring" is an abomination that needs to be ended and quickly.

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3 hours ago, Warduke.7865 said:

So far for myself this has been a dumpster fire. No balance on players. Stuck on Skritt where we can barely generate 20 players a map. Getting hammered by both sides.

Yes on Skritt, you may happened to meet a large population guild consisting of people who don't want to play with random players/guilds. They simply do their dailies and then leave WvW. In the server system, you have options to choose from either
- I don't care about points; I just want to fight with a decent number of groups, so I will move to the other server
- I want to secure the server tier, identity etc., so I don't like hopping from server to server

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22 hours ago, FrogBiscuit.6925 said:

But 'betas' are typically done in testing environments in my experience.   Not in a live situation where it will negatively impact your customer base.   Maybe they wouldn't have the population for a actual test server....

But essentially what this means is ruining a portion of the game (for some, the only part of the game they play) for 2 - 4 weeks... seemingly arbitrarily.

Sadly, it's always been run like this. ANet betas essentially replace the production version of the game for their duration, which is exactly how not to do that sort of thing.

Best practice says you run your betas and RCs on a sandbox server that doesn't touch your prod server at all. That way the people in the beta are those who actively volunteered to go there and test the thing, and you're not disrupting the experience for all of your customers (not to mention avoiding all of the inevitable and completely self-inflicted bad PR).

Edited by Teknomancer.4895
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On 1/13/2024 at 12:46 AM, Zepharos.5860 said:

What really pisses me off is we had folks who recently came into the guild and now we cannot play together, this affects a lot of our guild since we lean into WvW more than other content in the game so Anet effectively killed our guild for the time being.

I hope that there will be a way of having new players join mid matchup.

My guild leader was contemplating why they didn't just erase server transfer fees. He thinks we may get some sort of replacement for those fees and suggested maybe this is where it will come in. I personally really hope not, but its a possibility in the realm of imagination.

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On 1/13/2024 at 2:46 AM, Zepharos.5860 said:


Well My guildmates and myself are only apart of one guild and we had it selected as the WvW guild before reset today and we're on the NA server. What really pisses me off is we had folks who recently came into the guild and now we cannot play together, this affects a lot of our guild since we lean into WvW more than other content in the game so Anet effectively killed our guild for the time being. A post on a sub reddit forum is unacceptable as a means to get the word out. there should have been more in the actual game itself they have no problem sending mail to explain stuff but the mail they sent for this spoke NOTHING about all of this procedural stuff.

We set our guild to our WvW guild and still got split up.

Why would you depend on Reddit for official announcements? The forums have always been THE official site for announcements.  At least check in on the announcements channel even if you avoid the rest of the forums.

Back to the actual problem, it might be worth noting when your people transferred to the new server.  It may be that whatever settings there are for one to be able to earn pips after a server transfer* had some effect/conflict with the person being sorted into the correct guild on reset.  Providing some details as to the dates/times of transfers prior to the restructuring event would probably give ArenaNet some specifics to check.  You may find that people end up sorted correctly after the next reset--assuming that the account limits from transferring to a new server have timed out by then.  Just a thought.

*"Players who transfer will not earn pips in WvW until two WvW resets have occurred following your transfer (a maximum of just under 14 days, a minimum of just over 7)."

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1 hour ago, Lupini.6938 said:

Why would you depend on Reddit for official announcements? The forums have always been THE official site for announcements.  At least check in on the announcements channel even if you avoid the rest of the forums.

Back to the actual problem, it might be worth noting when your people transferred to the new server.  It may be that whatever settings there are for one to be able to earn pips after a server transfer* had some effect/conflict with the person being sorted into the correct guild on reset.  Providing some details as to the dates/times of transfers prior to the restructuring event would probably give ArenaNet some specifics to check.  You may find that people end up sorted correctly after the next reset--assuming that the account limits from transferring to a new server have timed out by then.  Just a thought.

*"Players who transfer will not earn pips in WvW until two WvW resets have occurred following your transfer (a maximum of just under 14 days, a minimum of just over 7)."

I didn't rely on a post from sub reddit I was explaining how using a forum/sub reddit is highly inappropriate for a game company to get news out about changes to the game. Information about the game should be found within the game or brought to your attention as you log into their servers. they have no issues doing this for Christmas and other events which change the actual product of the game for a duration but they can't do that for balance changes and WvW betas? Anet misses the mark hard on professionalism.

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1 hour ago, Lupini.6938 said:

Why would you depend on Reddit for official announcements? The forums have always been THE official site for announcements.  At least check in on the announcements channel even if you avoid the rest of the forums.

Back to the actual problem, it might be worth noting when your people transferred to the new server.  It may be that whatever settings there are for one to be able to earn pips after a server transfer* had some effect/conflict with the person being sorted into the correct guild on reset.  Providing some details as to the dates/times of transfers prior to the restructuring event would probably give ArenaNet some specifics to check.  You may find that people end up sorted correctly after the next reset--assuming that the account limits from transferring to a new server have timed out by then.  Just a thought.

*"Players who transfer will not earn pips in WvW until two WvW resets have occurred following your transfer (a maximum of just under 14 days, a minimum of just over 7)."

Maybe ANET should have had a ingame chat announcement too.


As far as my guild goes... my Guild Leader posted daily about selecting a WvW guild ingame and pinned a post in our guilded server.

Edited by ZeroTheRuler.7415
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As far as the handling of games and information many companies get that information out in different ways.


path of exile puts a mile long text box as you load in which you can scroll and read and the balance changes are publicly made known via the server log in.

final fantasy 14 literally has a in game function that allows you to add a phone number and get texted patch notes for events, balance changes or you will see patch notes in the log in screen and they make sure you read it or you cannot log in. 

BDO does it via a stream + in game menu where you would be forced to see it, and the balance changes and when they happen are always publicly known unless a bug occurs which they address eventually.

point is making a post on a forum I believe an overwhelming majority of players don't actual use themselves to make posts or read is very bad practice for a game like this where you have long time veterans and what I would consider one of the more loyal fanbases around, Anet takes that for granted.

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I have to say that this round of the WvW betas confuses me a bit. I have had quite a bit of fun during past betas with lots of activity and big battles waging back and forth at various times of the day, but this time around the teams are completely out of synch. There is a short time window where my alliance seems to be able to make gains with ~20 active players and for the rest of the day we still only have ~20 active players on the busiest map but get stomped by full squads from two sides. After a couple of days of this it's rare to see anybody tag up who isn't just one guy building a catapult with his friend at the nearest enemy tower. The "defeat fatigue" seems even worse than at the end of a week with a bad matchup with servers.

This is indeed dumpster fire levels of bad.

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6 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

They did the ingame thing. The launcher has a link to the blog post in Dec. about this which even gives dates. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/a-year-to-remember/

Could it be better? Yes. But don't pretend it wasn't done.

it literally mentions nothing about WvW Restructuring  beta procedures for the player it just says 1 small sentence about it mid-way through that they are doing it and the date. this link I have NEVER seen on the log in screen ever and I asked my guild mates have they ever seen a link on the log in screen and they said nope never seen it. 

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5 hours ago, Locce.8405 said:

I have to say that this round of the WvW betas confuses me a bit. I have had quite a bit of fun during past betas with lots of activity and big battles waging back and forth at various times of the day, but this time around the teams are completely out of synch. There is a short time window where my alliance seems to be able to make gains with ~20 active players and for the rest of the day we still only have ~20 active players on the busiest map but get stomped by full squads from two sides. After a couple of days of this it's rare to see anybody tag up who isn't just one guy building a catapult with his friend at the nearest enemy tower. The "defeat fatigue" seems even worse than at the end of a week with a bad matchup with servers.

This is indeed dumpster fire levels of bad.

I got put with giant's rise and can't even get 5 people together to build siege equipment it makes me sad and miss the huge zergs already. 50vs50 fights I miss so much :L

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4 minutes ago, Zepharos.5860 said:

it literally mentions nothing about WvW Restructuring  beta procedures for the player it just says 1 small sentence about it mid-way through that they are doing it and the date. this link I have NEVER seen on the log in screen ever and I asked my guild mates have they ever seen a link on the log in screen and they said nope never seen it. 

If you go on the launcher right now this minute, it's literally on top of "latest news" and have been since December.

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10 minutes ago, One more for the road.8950 said:

If you go on the launcher right now this minute, it's literally on top of "latest news" and have been since December.

^this is NOT in the log in screen... THIS is what SHOULD be in the log in screen... when you log in, Chimcec showed me this in the first post response to my OP which is what I am saying should have been on the log in. 

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2 minutes ago, Zepharos.5860 said:

^this is NOT in the log in screen... THIS is what SHOULD be in the log in screen... when you log in, Chimcec showed me this in the first post response to my OP which is what I am saying should have been on the log in. 

Never said that was on the log in screen or launcher. You said there wasn't a link to the a year to remember to post and that you had asked your guildies and none of them had seen it. I pointed out you were wrong. Unless you meant another link when you said "this link" after quoting the year to remember link? In that case, the fault hardly lies with me.

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Heya Guys , i set my guild as a wvw guild in the guild panel . before the Beta test started , the last beta test i was in KSC torack reminded everyone to set ksc  as wvw guild as we did so .  but since last beta i left KSC and we created Wayfinders Exile's {EXIL}  , there is only 10 of us all on yaksbend  ,  we set this guild as our wvw guild in the G ,guild tab , nefore beta wvw started .

and when i logged into the beta testing on Saturday morning  i checked to too see if i have a list of realms to chose from as a player message me to check

I had no list to chose from ?  none just skittsburgh was  chosen for me  😮


.  but here the problem , 4 guild members got skrittsburgh  and 6 got random  realms with no list to chose from and we all are on discord and  checked to see if we all set {EXIL} as our wvw guild .the answer is yes !!      so how come arena net just broke apart 10 guild members . 4 on skritstburgh the other 6 split across different realms with no list on the bottom on the B panel wvw panel to chose from ,   6 member and our guild master was separated for no reason , across 6 realms ?

how hard is it to place 10 guild members into the same realm all 10 of us on skrittsburgh so we can compete and complete guild missions together an our wizard vault wvw dailies together during the beta .   yes it can be done  if  BLIZZARD  entertainment can do this during testing  im sure  ARENANETT  is capable to place 10 players on the same  realm and    can fix this during beta  !   that's the point of beta testing  yes this is a little Indi company  with employees across the world to code this in ,    

ps the post on the 22nd December did not tell any one there was a list on the B key wvw panel to chose from at all . highlight the list on the post  . a year to remember , 

nothing on the list or about a list to chose from , we did not get a list sorry  but  alot more players did not get the list 

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1 minute ago, One more for the road.8950 said:

Never said that was on the log in screen or launcher. You said there wasn't a link to the a year to remember to post and that you had asked your guildies and none of them had seen it. I pointed out you were wrong. Unless you meant another link when you said "this link" after quoting the year to remember link? In that case, the fault hardly lies with me.

Why would I care about the time to remember post when it doesn't contain any relevant information to issue at hand? the time to remember post doesn't discuss any procedural stuff for the player to do so we wouldn't get screwed over. 

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1 minute ago, Zepharos.5860 said:

Why would I care about the time to remember post when it doesn't contain any relevant information to issue at hand? the time to remember post doesn't discuss any procedural stuff for the player to do so we wouldn't get screwed over. 

I totally agree that there should have been some other form of in game notification.
Doesn't mean I get my undies in a twist about random technicalities or make things up.

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No no you all have it wrong. Anet needs to personally visit every wvw players home, ring their doorbell and sing to them the date and information for when the WR beta was suppose to happen. You'd think after 8 or so betas they would get this right by now. 😏🍦


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12 minutes ago, Dan downunder.3045 said:

Heya Guys , i set my guild as a wvw guild in the guild panel . before the Beta test started , the last beta test i was in KSC torack reminded everyone to set ksc  as wvw guild as we did so .  but since last beta i left KSC and we created Wayfinders Exile's {EXIL}  , there is only 10 of us all on yaksbend  ,  we set this guild as our wvw guild in the G ,guild tab , nefore beta wvw started .

and when i logged into the beta testing on Saturday morning  i checked to too see if i have a list of realms to chose from as a player message me to check

I had no list to chose from ?  none just skittsburgh was  chosen for me  😮


.  but here the problem , 4 guild members got skrittsburgh  and 6 got random  realms with no list to chose from and we all are on discord and  checked to see if we all set {EXIL} as our wvw guild .the answer is yes !!      so how come arena net just broke apart 10 guild members . 4 on skritstburgh the other 6 split across different realms with no list on the bottom on the B panel wvw panel to chose from ,   6 member and our guild master was separated for no reason , across 6 realms ?

how hard is it to place 10 guild members into the same realm all 10 of us on skrittsburgh so we can compete and complete guild missions together an our wizard vault wvw dailies together during the beta .   yes it can be done  if  BLIZZARD  entertainment can do this during testing  im sure  ARENANETT  is capable to place 10 players on the same  realm and    can fix this during beta  !   that's the point of beta testing  yes this is a little Indi company  with employees across the world to code this in ,    

ps the post on the 22nd December did not tell any one there was a list on the B key wvw panel to chose from at all . highlight the list on the post  . a year to remember , 

nothing on the list or about a list to chose from , we did not get a list sorry  but  alot more players did not get the list 

Sounds like you were hit by the reset chaos where some weren't put on the right worlds/teams even after fix, go to this post and give the information needed and they will help you out.


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