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Postprocessing options have been moved to a dedicated section in the Options menu's Graphics tab

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Does anyone know why?

From my point it was fine where it was before. Why the split now?

I change my graphics settings often a week depending on the mode I play and post processing is a value I prefer set to none (looks better). It is a little bit more work now. I know third world problems xD But changing graphic settings often is annoying enough to establish and remember the routine.

I'd like to save my own settings to presets and have an additional drop down to set an own preset to a mode (like I often use best settings in story, good settings in open world, wvw is special too sometimes I even have to readjust while playing depending how laggy it becomes - does anyone know the feeling of spam clicking a skill and nothing happens at all or is has a long delay? That was my wvw zerging yesterday - spammed F1 to switch legends on rev and it did nothing at all but my ping and fps were fine)

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6 minutes ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

I assume purely so it's clear which graphics settings are considered post processing effects so you can find tune them better. But just an assumption.

Hm, the only change is light adaption. When postprocessing is set to none then that is deactivated (you can even switch it on/off). Rest remains unchanged.

Now that's even weirder. Why put the settings to the postprocessing section when changing postprocessing has no effect on them but one.

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i wish they'd split it up and let us choose what to enable,

why are green outlines lumped in with nice graphics?

also on that subject can we finally get an option to turn off target circles and an option to disable things you look at being made lighter?

Edited by Liewec.2896
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Personally can do without the outrageous bloom it's two settings: super intense or, none at all - make little sense.

While I have a decent PC, I always keep post processing off because the game looks horrible with it on...

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10 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It's probably because they plan on adding more options for that category in the future.

That was my first thought, but if that's the case I don't see why they moved the existing options now instead of doing it when they add more.

I hope that is what they're doing though, post processing covers a lot of things and it would be nice to choose which ones to turn on and off.

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2 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

That was my first thought, but if that's the case I don't see why they moved the existing options now instead of doing it when they add more.

I hope that is what they're doing though, post processing covers a lot of things and it would be nice to choose which ones to turn on and off.

Could be as simple as "code work's done and tested, ship it" or "oops that's in there now, but it seems fine, ship it."

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3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It's probably because they plan on adding more options for that category in the future.

How many years in the future are we talking here?

This piecemeal, long drawn out approach to the game's graphics settings is beyond ridiculous by now. We had a year-long "beta" for DX11 and then bam, they just outright replaced DX9 without fixing the issues, and made a bunch of corp-speak "going forward" statements about what was to come (which still hasn't come). All we've seen is the addition of a slider for ambient effects which...could not be any more broken. Though, i guess it could, considering this is ANet i'm talking about...

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If I had to hazard a guess I would say that iits because the UI developer (or team?) has their own scheduled list of projects separate from system developers. So the UI guy does his work, sends it up, and moves on to the next item in his queue. Then the system team eventually adds on its work whifh, likely, takes longer to implement. 

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45 minutes ago, LSD.4673 said:

How many years in the future are we talking here?

This piecemeal, long drawn out approach to the game's graphics settings is beyond ridiculous by now. We had a year-long "beta" for DX11 and then bam, they just outright replaced DX9 without fixing the issues, and made a bunch of corp-speak "going forward" statements about what was to come (which still hasn't come). All we've seen is the addition of a slider for ambient effects which...could not be any more broken. Though, i guess it could, considering this is ANet i'm talking about...

I guess I got lucky with DX11 then. I turned it on when they first did a beta and had to turn it off again the same day because the game was constantly crashing (which it never normally does on my computer), whenever they said they'd fixed issues I tried it again and eventually it went down to 'only' causing a noticable FPS drop and weird graphical bugs (like plants having a tie-dye pattern) and then that stopped too and I honestly forgot I had it enabled by the time they took away the option for DX9.

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