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Would you like new maps?


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Not looking for a re-skinned Alpines. People tend to go ebg first anyway (for better or worse).

There isn't a whole lot of "newly designed layout" potential in 3 ways. You either got a equilateral triangle (ebg) or isosceles triangle (Homeborderlands) assuming they don't really add any meaningful game mechanics like say...idk...megalaser and orbs? Member how those went? I do. They're gone. So I doubt they would add much of anything besides king of the hill style objectives (you know, those rings you sit in to cap stuff...). I guess doing other stuff than capture points either lags or gets too easily exploited.

It's just not a viable request in 2017 which is the reality I have accepted after looking at all the maps myself...even eotm.

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@Loosmaster.8263 said:New maps only with the player base involved with it's design. No surprises!!!

I don't care if it takes a year as long as we are involved and test it...

I do wish they would reach out to us here like the marketing guy did on the general discussion. I hope they will see that we love WvW and we're not going to ply them with inflammatory comments. We want to work with the WvW team. Nobody knows WvW better than the players who have been playing it for years, who have a very deep understanding of it.

By the way if you don't care about new maps, please leave alternate suggestions to make WvW more fresh. I know people are unhappy with class balance but they won't find that helpful so please suggest features and improvements instead.

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@Brutal Augus.5917 said:There are to many maps splitting the population in each matchup as it is. If they were to introduce a new map, it is my opinion that they should do away with the whole concept of servers having home bl's and instead just have one alpine map, EBG and one of these new maps you're suggesting per matchup.

I don't know if I agree. Sometimes there are queues on EBG and both alpine borders. Public blobs go for EB mostly and guilds go for the alps. Only desert gets neglected. I actually really love the way desert looks, I wish they would make further improvements to it to make it attractive to players, I think further space reduction between towers would be a start and resolving some terrain problems.

@Malerian.8435 said:The only maps I would like to see are underwater maps. So I can not vote on this.

I can only assume you're joking. Underwater isn't balanced and it would be more dead than Desert BL.

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

@Brutal Augus.5917 said:There are to many maps splitting the population in each matchup as it is. If they were to introduce a new map, it is my opinion that they should do away with the whole concept of servers having home bl's and instead just have one alpine map, EBG and one of these new maps you're suggesting per matchup.

I don't know if I agree. Sometimes there are queues on EBG and both alpine borders. Public blobs go for EB mostly and guilds go for the alps. Only desert gets neglected. I actually really love the way desert looks, I wish they would make further improvements to it to make it attractive to players, I think further space reduction between towers would be a start and resolving some terrain problems.

@Malerian.8435 said:The only maps I would like to see are underwater maps. So I can not vote on this.

I can only assume you're joking. Underwater isn't balanced and it would be more dead than Desert BL.

NO not joking. Underwater fights are very doable for every class. Sure there would need to be a few improvements, but any class atm can fight and do well underwater. You just need to understand how the other classes work underwater. There use to be huge underwater fights before they changed the maps. It would be a lot of fun.

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@Malerian.8435 said:

@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

@Brutal Augus.5917 said:There are to many maps splitting the population in each matchup as it is. If they were to introduce a new map, it is my opinion that they should do away with the whole concept of servers having home bl's and instead just have one alpine map, EBG and one of these new maps you're suggesting per matchup.

I don't know if I agree. Sometimes there are queues on EBG and both alpine borders. Public blobs go for EB mostly and guilds go for the alps. Only desert gets neglected. I actually really love the way desert looks, I wish they would make further improvements to it to make it attractive to players, I think further space reduction between towers would be a start and resolving some terrain problems.

@Malerian.8435 said:The only maps I would like to see are underwater maps. So I can not vote on this.

I can only assume you're joking. Underwater isn't balanced and it would be more dead than Desert BL.

NO not joking. Underwater fights are very doable for every class. Sure there would need to be a few improvements, but any class atm can fight and do well underwater. You just need to understand how the other classes work underwater. There use to be huge underwater fights before they changed the maps. It would be a lot of fun.

There were SOME fights underwater (and the majority hated it), and everyone avoided rangers, even in 2v1 or 3v1, when the pet can res for more than your DPS even if you out play the ranger, they just res and start over again, and being no stomping there was minimal ways to stop this from happening, and the skills and ability along with DPS of rangers were also well above others. It was very common for rangers to be losing a fight and head straight for water (and still is in some cases) and you would here people say "don't bother, hes on a ranger" as soon as they got into the water. One fix would be if there is no stomping in water, then there should be no downed state, something I would support across all WvW content btw.

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Seeing as they probably don't have much on the wvw development plate right now, sure why not.Just not sure what's more important at the moment for design.

We could use a 3rd borderland map, but I really don't think they should develop more borderland type maps and instead create ebg maps for the future, especially if things eventually go down the eotm route or they need to start downsizing the amount of maps. Besides if the next borderland map turns out badly are we going to get people forcing themselves into ebg and the only alpine map left?

Using the alpine or ebg template to keep the relationships between points of interest would be a good start, but I would hope they could expand and improve on that, and hopefully not drift into the open concept design of desert. Which made structure connections a lot less important, and the keep designs were also too big and more complicated than they needed to be, making long term siege bothersome to place and refresh, counter sieging more difficult than the original keeps.

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@Brutal Augus.5917 said:There are to many maps splitting the population in each matchup as it is. If they were to introduce a new map, it is my opinion that they should do away with the whole concept of servers having home bl's and instead just have one alpine map, EBG and one of these new maps you're suggesting per matchup.


I'd prefer them to remake the existing homeBL's into proper 3 ways, and ignore the entire homeBL stuff, it locks them up way too much in regards to map design and map numbers. Obviously we should rather have 3 copies of EBG than 3 copies of homeBL's, it's where most people queue's to play. So it would be a better move to make another EBG style map.

Personally wish they started making more varied maps in general for WvW, and run each map with it's own rules and changes. So players can go to the maps they enjoy the play-style on. Instead of running around in 3 identically setup BL's.

  • Broken city where you fight from building to building, with watch posts (towers) and a couple of barracks, prison, smithy (keeps), and various storage houses (camps), other buildings that gives different bonuses. And make lots of destroyable walls.
  • Jungle with no large structures, a few strategically placed towers, lots of smaller objectives. Have mechanics that punish too many players for gathering together. Lots of terrain, so players and havoc squads can stalk each others, and hunt others. (thematically cool with raptors...)
  • Dune: Variant of the above, but with sand, sand storms that obscure sight at times. And sandwurms that eats zergs :pensive:
  • Gladiator Arena: Giant colosseum sort, with many different sections, where you can wander between and do challenges (fight lions, battle gladiator npc's, beat the giant etc) to gain bonuses for your team, and have giant arenas in the middle where you can enter and fight 1on1 or 5on5 etc to gain points for your team.
  • Beginner map: no idea for theme/name, but would like to see one map aimed for people that want to try WvW, but with minimal pvp aspect. More a way to battle in-directly against, and learn the supply, siege, mechanics etc. Could for example be a 3 lane system, where teams compete to hold back enemy AI spawns. Or do events that opposes each others, so only 1 team can win them, and thus gain more points. Might be a good way to get more PVE players interested in trying the game, and give some pvp averse people a way to contribute without having to go getting ganked etc.

Anyways, They could do so much more with this game mode, if they stopped sticking to the annoying HomeBL system.

ugh..... /rant time for bed.

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@DeadlySynz.3471 said:No, I'd actually rather have them remove DBL and 1 of the Alpine maps so there are only 2 maps left, EB and one of the Alpine, then rotate EoTM map in with the Alpine map every second week or so.

There are not enough player overall to fill 4 maps anymore, just cut it down to 2 and call it a day.

Alpine is a borderland map, which is suppose to favor the home team of the map... it's why we have to have 3 of those maps, so who are you going to assign for the home advantage?

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