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[ suggestion ]Events in PvP / WvW every three hours wouldn't be like a good way to engage more people in PvP and add some novelties ?

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Wouldn't it be cool if we had PvP / WvW events in the game ? ( Like convergences in PVE ). 

Maybe it would push more people to try  and engage more in Pvp during these events and after continue to the regual pvp mod ? 

I was thinking about " big " events like we had in guild wars 1 , Alliance battles or Fort Aspenwood . 

It would be only three or four times a day and not allowed in private instance ( so as not to remove players from regular competitive game modes )

Edited by hillrunnerflodi.6327
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I'd love to get something like Fort Aspenwood or Jade Quarry in GW2, but I don't think this is a good way of doing it.

Within each weekly matchup WvW tends to run on it's own schedule. If a group is in the middle of attacking or defending a keep or whatever they're not going to stop doing that because some event has opened up, even if it only comes up every 3 hours. I think having a different type of PvP appearing in the middle of WvW matches would most likely be seen as an annoyance. If the rewards aren't better than playing normally it'll be ignored, if they are better it will split groups between those who want the rewards and those who want to focus on persistent objectives and it'll just be seen as annoying, or at best something to rush through so it's been done and everyone can carry on with WvW.

PvP would have the opposite problem: matches are only 15 minutes long, so you can't interrupt them with a special event every 3 hours. I think what you're saying is every few hours a new game mode would be available, in addition to the existing ones (conquest, murderball, stronghold etc.) but if that's the case why not just have it available all the time?

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8 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I'd love to get something like Fort Aspenwood or Jade Quarry in GW2, but I don't think this is a good way of doing it.

Within each weekly matchup WvW tends to run on it's own schedule. If a group is in the middle of attacking or defending a keep or whatever they're not going to stop doing that because some event has opened up, even if it only comes up every 3 hours. I think having a different type of PvP appearing in the middle of WvW matches would most likely be seen as an annoyance. If the rewards aren't better than playing normally it'll be ignored, if they are better it will split groups between those who want the rewards and those who want to focus on persistent objectives and it'll just be seen as annoying, or at best something to rush through so it's been done and everyone can carry on with WvW.

PvP would have the opposite problem: matches are only 15 minutes long, so you can't interrupt them with a special event every 3 hours. I think what you're saying is every few hours a new game mode would be available, in addition to the existing ones (conquest, murderball, stronghold etc.) but if that's the case why not just have it available all the time?

Ah yes Indeed i didn't think to these problems ahah ! it would be indeed bad for WvW if a lot of people leave the battlefield at the same time for the event 😕 

Edited by hillrunnerflodi.6327
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We had "gimmick " Wvw events many years ago. 

People hated them. Alot. 

It's like, if you play chess but for one week only, the queen can teleport and the pawns randomly glow in Rainbow colors. 

For people who just wanna play normal chess. That not a great event. To the point of it being not worth playing. 

They don't even have the option to play normal chess that week either. 

So you alienated the core playerbase just to make the casual go "Ohh pretty colors!😄

After the event, the casual is back to play something else anyway. As they enjoyed the content for the wrong reason. 

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21 hours ago, hillrunnerflodi.6327 said:


Wouldn't it be cool if we had PvP / WvW events in the game ? ( Like convergences in PVE ). 

Maybe it would push more people to try  and engage more in Pvp during these events and after continue to the regual pvp mod ? 

I was thinking about " big " events like we had in guild wars 1 , Alliance battles or Fort Aspenwood . 

It would be only three or four times a day and not allowed in private instance ( so as not to remove players from regular competitive game modes )

The only reason people today are doing Convergence is for getting Legendary Armour. So 3 hour in between each Public event is to limit that progression and still have enough people to do that event.

As for WvW we had a large laser canon in what is now left as Desert Borderland (which came with HoT - until then we had Alpine Borderland as the only type of maps in WvW; EBG have always existed and wasn't changed as a map in WvW) that you needed to charge up and then it would all doors on fortifications. This event turned out to be unpopular as it gave the larger World/Team or what every you will call it the advantage and would let them fast claim all fortification/objects with walls and doors, instead of using Siege Weapon to get into those objectives.

There where also other PvE features like a Defiance bar you could get from crafting (Scribe) and use as a Tactic. This made groups that had access to this Tactic too powerful (as it also where common to have the larger group to run over the smaller or Outnumbered). At that time during HoT Devs tried a lot of PvE elements that they had to revert as that turned out to be too powerful for World/Teams or even Guilds that have a larger number of active players then those that didn't.

I don't think what you suggest is even a good idea as we still so many years after the first Announcement of Alliance is in beta stage and haven't gone any further in getting there. Introducing even more things in form what can work in a pure PvE environment to balance would certainly drive out WvW players from this game mode.

You have also to understand when you introduce new game play in WvW that it will also have an impact on performance in how maps work in WvW. They aren't megaserver (not fully the same as PvE - ArenaNet still working on a transition with Alliance where Guilds are supposed to replace World, but World will still be the base for where each Guild will belong). That means that for now there is a limit on how many players that can be in the same WvW instance on each Boarderland map and EBG at the same time.

The cap on each World have also been reduced due to performance issues, so it is very unlikely that ArenaNet would try to introduce events that are timed as you describe as it would require to load balance server capacity which can be very different over 24 hour depending when most Guilds and players will be active in WvW. Having large queues in WvW is in general not good as it makes map hopping hard, it makes coordination of grouped WvW actives like Guilds take much more time or even feel like it is not worth it as you need to wait until everybody can get into a WvW map (and that isn't to say on the same WvW map as group are supposed to something).

A 3 hour event would also mean that there need to be something to motivate to even do that event. Would it be a special reward you can only get from doing this or would it be something that virtually have an impact on every WvW player that happens to be playing WvW when that event pops up (which sounds like the HoT event we had that was removed)?

Convergence is something player need to wait outside a gate and get into if we talk about the Public version (for Private you need to have a special item that you consume when you have a group/squad). This is something different from what you suggest which sound more like a meta event from PvE (meaning when event chain start you have a certain amount of time until it fails and map will close to restart event chain, or you will success in meta event, but a short time before map will reset which kick you out or to starting point for map).

So for WvW this wouldn't work if we talk about a gate version (Instanced content) like Convergence, and as a PvE meta it would be too much of the same as that WvW event that happened on a regular time schedule (after last laser beam had been fired) to be a repeat of that mistake in WvW.

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On 1/17/2024 at 4:26 PM, hillrunnerflodi.6327 said:


Wouldn't it be cool if we had PvP / WvW events in the game ? ( Like convergences in PVE ). 

Maybe it would push more people to try  and engage more in Pvp during these events and after continue to the regual pvp mod ? 

I was thinking about " big " events like we had in guild wars 1 , Alliance battles or Fort Aspenwood . 

It would be only three or four times a day and not allowed in private instance ( so as not to remove players from regular competitive game modes )

The problem with PvP is the mechanical system rather than spice. Due to how Boons work the difference in performance between a new player and an experienced one is a complete roflstomp. To make PvP and WvW a better experience that many people want to engage actively in Boons needs to do way less, like, 1/3 of the current effect less, and Quickness and Alacrity need to be utterly removed from both WvW and PvP. 

Saying that it's skill that matters the most is a bit duplicitous since what's a high multiplier to that is the amount of Boons any given Profession can push out.

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None of the suggestions here (and/or in other threads) would entice me to engage in these formats.  They just don't interest me.  I have a feeling that this might be true for a significantly large portion of the player base which is why Anet spends their precious few resources where they will get the most out of them.  /shrug

Good luck, though.

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