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Legendary Relics are Coming Soon

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Actually while it does matter "how much" you have to do for the unlock in practice, in theory it doesn't. The fact they want to change the way legendary equipment behaves in general is bad and a step in the wrong direction. They could just aswell leave it be (the way all others work) and just add interesting rewards other than gear (like a nice skin) to the achievements related to the relics, or even just the AP. Some will be done by a person owning the legendary and some won't because they are not interested in either the content or the reward, this in itself is NOT an issue. Getting new content that people are not gonna be interested in itself however is an issue, this change seems to be suggesting that sadly (why else would they insist on legendary owners having to do it anyways?- if the content in itself would be interesting there would be no need for that)

What with this change becomes a big issue is the no longer existing freedom of trying out new stuff as soon as an expansion hits, wich to some is the most interesting part of even buying said expansion. Like in the past with new elites or new gearcombinations or even new runes (provided the expansion even had them... looking disapprovingly at you EOD!). Also what this means is adjusting to a new meta will likely take even longer than it already does, if even the hardcorest guys can't start straight at the golem but have to play through stuff first. BTW have you noticed that there aren't that many left anyways? Some may even only come back for exactly that part (new benchmarks) and nothing else- meaning if they can't do that anymore in the future (cause you know they can't with not having relics unlocked and not wanting to be bothered with content)... there will be no new benches for some classes maybe or atleast way later. I really don't know this for sure, it's just a guess. I like some trying new stuff out instantly myself so that is why it bothers me personally.

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1 hour ago, Hotride.2187 said:

So my 6 runes that gave me access to all the 6th rune bonuses, they were everything for nothing, not QoL? Cause I'll be getting less out of 6 runes and relic now. What is the legendary relic in this case? Lack of QoL? Less QoL? I think I agree with the last one actually, they are less QoL than before and the amount of QoL is not enough for me.

6th rune bonuses aren't a thing anymore, for anyone. You enjoyed that while it was a thing, it is now not a thing. You still get access to all the rune sets for convenient stat swapping on every character on your account, you will also get the legendary relic and all the current relics FOR FREE. All that is being asked of you, is that you do some teeny tiny little tasks and actually give the new content a fair try to unlock the additional functionality of the new relics.

The way people are moaning here about it, is the way a spoilt toddler throws a tantrum at having to finish some vegetables before they get dessert. You had nothing but dessert for breakfast lunch and dinner since Legendary gear was introduced, you still get dessert now, but you're being asked to eat some greens first. Meanwhile the other kids don't get dessert at all but you're still bawling like a little baby, that's how you sound.

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4 hours ago, kiroho.4738 said:

I mean, you need 250 currencies. That's 2 meta events. That's not much.

Technically 750, since there are 3 relic who need it. 

And I agree it's not really a grind, but it is an inconvenience if people want to farm for other rewards.

Personally I like the new system, but it does nobody any good to minimize the current cost.

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3 hours ago, Minna.7895 said:

(why else would they insist on legendary owners having to do it anyways?- if the content in itself would be interesting there would be no need for that)

To push everyone to try the related content. And to streamline the total experience. 

It's easier to deliver a consistent experience that way.

The same way they asked for fishing for the eod spec weapons and for a strike for the turtle.

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2 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

 The way people are moaning here about it, is the way a spoilt toddler throws a tantrum at having to finish some vegetables before they get dessert.

Just lol. I got like 10+ books in my queue, at least 5 games I want to spend time on, who knows how many I've bought and have not played yet. And here I am, being called a toddler by some  person that cannot wrap their head around the concept of not wanting to farm gear in a game, over and over and over again. You dont get it, fine. Devs dont get it, also fine. I just go do something else, not like I care that much. It was a good goal, to not have to farm gear ever again and just be able to play what I want. Now no longer possible, I go do something else.

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4 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

Then I can only recommend you spend some time in WvW or PvP and use the reward tracks to unlock your relics.

If you don't enjoy either of those game modes or the PvE story, then I'd suggest simply playing something else until the experience improves.

I was answering your question as to why someone who was disinclined to play SotO would choose to not leave GW2.

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I’m relatively new to the legendary grind. I have a handful of weapons, and I’m working on Aurora and Conflux. I also just started raiding, so I’m working on Envoy I. I would like to briefly share my experience.

When we lost the 6/6 rune effect bonus, I didn’t really care because I wasn’t frequently doing competitive game modes and I hadn’t even touched leggy runes. The most I would do is dip in and out of WvW to work on the GoB track. The normal bonus from having 6/6 runes was fine for open world and story content. However, that changed with raiding. There were additional effects (not many but a few) that I thought would be beneficial to me and my team, so I got a few relics.

Did I craft one leggy rune to get the free leggy relic, so I never had to worry about getting another relic ever again and could delete all the soul bound relics in my inventory? Yes. Am I disappointed that I have to unlock future relic effects? Yes. Am I concerned that legendary gear will change to this new model in the future? YES.

Part of what I love about this game is I can do whatever the heck I want. One day, I could do a world boss train and the next, I could be grinding HoT masteries to work on crafting gen 2 leggy weapons. BUT part of the joy and comfort in doing whatever I want in game is the satisfaction and security legendary gear brings. I never have to worry about whether or not my legendary gear is suitable for old or new content. It just is.

If new relics are locked behind story content, it will take me months to do. I’ve played through the living world stories and expansions in small doses because I find them boring until the last chapter when something climatic happens. It’s gonna suck.

I knew what I was doing when I crafted the leggy rune. I knew what I was getting. I’m glad I’ll have the convenience of relics up to and through SotO. But that doesn’t mean I can’t also be disappointed and concerned about the future leggy gear is potentially taking.

Just my two cents.

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Oh also, honestly the best solution is to keep the legendary relic acting like all legendary gear, and just creating an account-bound ascended relic. Have it act like other ascended gear that you can stat swap. You’ll have to interact with new content to unlock new recipes, like you have to do HoT stuff to get vipers recipes.

Now I guess that’s my three cents? 🤷🏻‍♀️

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1 hour ago, yann.1946 said:

To push everyone to try the related content. And to streamline the total experience. 

It's easier to deliver a consistent experience that way.

The same way they asked for fishing for the eod spec weapons and for a strike for the turtle.

Assuming you are talking about the elite weapons that need a collection and not the legendary aurenes (gen3)- both of your examples have absolutely nothing to do with legendary gear and are absolutely fine and not what myself or anyone else in this thread is talking about. As for the turtle and the strike...remember the outrage that made them change it to not needing the strike anymore?

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6 hours ago, kiroho.4738 said:

I do, but EoD for example has a collection per elite spec where you need to buy ascended trinkets (with new stats available).
Other players do that collections because they needed new stat trinkets anyways, but for me there is no reason. Getting 2 AP is not really a reward for the costs/work behind it.
Unlocking new stats would have been a motivation to do at least one of them though.



I mean, you need 250 currencies. That's 2 meta events. That's not much.

This is a question about your personal motivation vs others choice. IMO you should do stuff you want to do in game, not because somebody forces you to do so.

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20 hours ago, Deihnyx.6318 said:

I'm pretty ok with how they're implementing legendary relics.
To be honest, I was expecting them to do that for new set of stats as well in the future. It's always baffled me that you could access all the new stats without the need to engage with new content.
So this is a good balance, one that incentivizes to play again for players who have full legendary sets.

Why not have stats AND engage in new content?
Legendary gear gives choice of stats you can try immediately. You can test on golem, like it and go do the new content with it.

Engaging in new content should be purely related to a quality of new content. If it's not engaging, it's developer problem. Too many games nowadays put a grind and a carrot as a replacement of good content people will WANT to play. And I feel GW2 is heading this direction, which is very sad. IMO SotO is the worst expansion in GW2 so far. I'm visiting its content only if I really need something there, otherwise doing anything else.

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10 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

Akeem - Tied to the story mastery achievement, you have to complete 8 of the 13 available achievements, 5 of these will be done just by completing the story once. There are then a couple of otherwise optional collection quests that take place entirely within the wizards tower that simply require you to interact with some objects and will take you a few minutes to complete. Then there are two story branches that are mutually exclusive, so you will have to replay one story step and follow Lyhr/Mabon each time. You also have to /sit next to Zojja at a certain story step, you could conceivably miss this one without knowing in advance. Then you could also beat the final boss without being downed.

Pick any three:

Fractal - You don't have to be "swimming" in materials to purchase this one, there are multiple ways to buy it.

  • 250 pinches of stardust + 500 research notes (the currency is literally floating in the air all over the map, those glowing orbs drop 2-4 each time, plus from arcane chests)
  • 250 static charges + 500 research notes (same again 2-4 from latent magic and 2-10 / 4-18 from lesser/greater arcane chests)
  • 50 testimony of jade heroics + 100 badges of honour (If you play any amount of WvW this is very easy, you will likely have a lot of these currencies)
  • 10 PvP league tickets + 50 ascended shards of glory (similar to WvW if you are into PvP this is not expensive)

Demon Queen - Defeat Heitor without being downed (story mission)

Karakosa - Defeat the story instance version of Sorrow in Through the Veil within the time limit

Nourys - Do 10 convergences

Also any of these can be gained via a WvW or PvP reward track.

EDIT: If you spent as much time doing the easy tasks listed as you did reading this forum post, complaining, and confused reacting to the posts telling you how easy it is, you'd have all your relics unlocked by now.


I didn't say that all those things were expecially hard. I pointed out that your claim that "you just need to play through the story once" is false. And what you are saying here just underscores that i was right about that.

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4 hours ago, WRay.2391 said:

This is a question about your personal motivation vs others choice. IMO you should do stuff you want to do in game, not because somebody forces you to do so

Getting rewards for content is not "getting forced to do them".

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13 minutes ago, kiroho.4738 said:

Getting rewards for content is not "getting forced to do them".

Again, taking convenience of legendary and converting it to new "reward" is not something I would like to see ever. Add new exciting rewards without downgrading existing convenience trend and I will be fine with it.

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13 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

I didn't say that all those things were expecially hard. I pointed out that your claim that "you just need to play through the story once" is false. And what you are saying here just underscores that i was right about that.

I never said that you get all the relics from playing through the story once. There are relics that you do get from playing the story once. I believe I explained in that same post how to get all of the relics added in the most recent content, and even went into detail about the only one that requires you to do more than a single task.

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14 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I was answering your question as to why someone who was disinclined to play SotO would choose to not leave GW2.

Then it's just as well there are other methods to obtain the relics than playing SotO content, i.e. PvP and WvW reward tracks.

For the players who won't touch PvP, WvW, or SotO, they are fortunate to be given a way to obtain the legendary relic without having to touch SotO in the first place, given that it is tied so closely to the new content. It's a gesture by the devs to allow people without the SotO relics unlocked the opportunity to have the same QoL benefits with the core relics.

It has already been established that Anet wanted to do this "unlocking functionality" thing with stats for previous legendaries, but chose not to, we've already been getting a free ride in terms of not having to engage with new content. Just take the carrot and give that 10% effort and then never touch it again if you don't like it.

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15 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Just lol. I got like 10+ books in my queue, at least 5 games I want to spend time on, who knows how many I've bought and have not played yet. And here I am, being called a toddler by some  person that cannot wrap their head around the concept of not wanting to farm gear in a game, over and over and over again. You dont get it, fine. Devs dont get it, also fine. I just go do something else, not like I care that much. It was a good goal, to not have to farm gear ever again and just be able to play what I want. Now no longer possible, I go do something else.

You think doing a very simple task once or twice is a farm, you know who else has that mentality? Toddlers. Putting their shoes on is a task worthy of a complete meltdown.

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16 minutes ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

I never said that you get all the relics from playing through the story once. There are relics that you do get from playing the story once. I believe I explained in that same post how to get all of the relics added in the most recent content, and even went into detail about the only one that requires you to do more than a single task.

Me: "If playing through it once was all it took, it would be one thing, but it is not like this at all."

You: "But... that is all it takes..."

So, sure, you never said that at all.

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15 minutes ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

It has already been established that Anet wanted to do this "unlocking functionality" thing with stats for previous legendaries

It has already been established that Anet has long ago wanted to get away from original "done once, have forever" system to a vertical gear grind one. Yes, this sure is another such attempt. Forgive me for not looking at it too kindly though, as it is a complete overturn of one of the very things that brought me to this game in the first place.

Gear grind is just a cheap, poor quality replacement for actual content, nothing more. Moving to that model is a step down, not up.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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4 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Me: "If playing through it once was all it took, it would be one thing, but it is not like this at all."

You: "But... that is all it takes..."

So, sure, you never said that at all.

I think we misunderstood each other then, if you were referring to only the story then you are correct it is a little more than that.

I meant the achievements are all one time tasks with very little repetition and a low difficulty, there isn't any stage that requires you to grind dozens of hours or sink hundreds of gold of materials. You can unlock a number of the relics from just completing the story if you pay attention to the achievements along the way (like not dying on some bosses). Many of these are so easy that you might even do them accidentally on the first go.

My whole argument is that it's easy and not a grind. Any player who has even the slightest motivation to try and enjoy new content as it comes out should not have a hard time doing it. It serves only to incentivise you to give it at least a fair hearing before saying it sucks and you never want to play it again. At least you got some cool relics out of it.

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11 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It has already been established that Anet has long ago wanted to get away from original "done once, have forever" system to a vertical gear grind one. Yes, this sure is another such attempt. Forgive me for not looking at it too kindly though, as it is a complete overturn of one of the very things that brought me to this game in the first place.

Gear grind is just a cheap, poor quality replacement for actual content, nothing more. Moving to that model is a step down, not up.

To be honest a real vertical gear grind looks very different than what we got now in the game. Look at games like world of Warcraft where you have to grind new gear every expansion and basically every bigger patch. Guild Wars 2 is very far from that and getting relics is far away from being a grind.

But I like how the upcoming legendary relic will work. It’s a step in the right direction.

Edited by yoni.7015
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6 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It has already been established that Anet has long ago wanted to get away from original "done once, have forever" system to a vertical gear grind one. Yes, this sure is another such attempt. Forgive me for not looking at it too kindly though, as it is a complete overturn of one of the very things that brought me to this game in the first place.

Gear grind is just a cheap, poor quality replacement for actual content, nothing more. Moving to that model is a step down, not up.

Continuing to call it a grind won't make it a grind.

If you have ever played other games with actual gear grind you would understand. Gear grind is needing to repeat content over and over often with random stat rolls or huge material/time sinks playing a big part in it. Here we have very specific, easy, one time tasks, with a defined reward. If you refuse to interact with the game on even this basic level I'm not sure why you're even playing.

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