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Improve Magic Find

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- Magic find is now super busted OP. 

- People start farming one of the many bugged core tyria events for insane loot. 

- Bots users be like 🤑🤑🤑

- All drops loose their value over night. 

- Queue the market analysis on reddit 24h later that lines out just how ducked the economy is right now. 


But hey, not all is bad. The players that never managed to make a 1000g in 10 years can now make legendary weapons for basically free as all the materials are worthless now. 

OHH WAIT! Mystic coins don't drop and will skyrocket in Value. 😑

Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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7 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It broke the Envelopes fron Canthan New Year (after ~600 MF the loot started getting worse, and at the highest end it was significantly worse than at ~200-300 MF). That bug, btw, was never fixed. So, the very thing OP wants to increase MF for is broken and would not benefit from it.

I never said I wanted to increase magic find?  I said i wanted it to be better/improved , and asked what other people thought.  My suggestion was to use precursors for other things in addition to gen 1 legendaries so their value would increase, making magic find more exciting.

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2 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

I never said I wanted to increase magic find?  I said i wanted it to be better/improved , and asked what other people thought.  My suggestion was to use precursors for other things in addition to gen 1 legendaries so their value would increase, making magic find more exciting.

...making precursor drops be morea ffected by MF than they are now would hardly increase their value. And that's besides the fact that the precursor droprates are so low you could double or triple them easily without seeing any result on personal level. Those would be felt only on overall, market level but people "out in the field" would see absolutely no difference.

Besides, your mistake is completely ignoring the least visible (but most impactful) MF effects. I am sure that all the blues upgraded to greens, greens to yellow and yellows to exotics i have dropped so far have already earned me far more than all the precursors i have dropped (and i have dropped quite a few of those as well). You just think this factor is inconsequential, and dismiss it out of hand, because it's not a "big ticket" drop and you never thought of the impact those individually small effects have on your gains in aggregate.

It's like saying your lottery luck is bad, because you never get the big win reward, ignoring that you almost always walk off with one of the lower tier ones.

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I would change magic find so it has an independent chance of getting an exotic drop or perhaps even rarer black lion key, something along lines of :

for every +100% magic find gained you have a .1% chance of getting an additional exotic and an 0.01 chance of getting a black lion key.

Numbers open for debate obviously and don't need to be high with the key thing being that you get a tangible rare bonus reward that's clear when it drops that its a reward for your magic gain level.  

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On 1/27/2024 at 12:38 PM, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

My suggestion is to make gen 1 precursors used for other new items in addition to gen 1 legendaries, so that the value of them increases 

Very on-brand. If the gen 1 legendaries aren't making you enough gold anymore, maybe it's time to find a different cash cow.

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System is fine. Cap is fine as well. With normal play and salvaging loot for yourself (without buying to salvage) - you still need a lot of time to reach the cap. And afaik they even have a cap in total that you now can reach without having maxed the "luck". (Even with lower luck - with a lot of boosters.)

I wonder about the gold find cap though. (There seems no cap to be mentioned.) For the sake of completion + new players being able to catch up there need to be caps - that are not insanely high. For general drops of rare stuff that feels too rare - they should tweak that drop rates instead. (Though TP prices - if the thing is tradeable - can encourage players to specifically play content to get those items. If they usually do not play that content but the TP prices gets high enough they might play that content. Like ... with anomaly/leviathan and the mystic coins/ambergris for example.)

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I suspect that gold find is a fairly minimal impact.  I think I make most of my gold either through selling materials or through the WV, since there really isn't much (after going through laurels, mystic coins, and clovers) to get with AA other than gold.

As far as precursors go, they are already really cheap (many gen 1 are under 50 gold), so not sure that making them more common is the right answer.  Giving them some other use would increase their value, presuming that the other use has more value than selling them.


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On 1/29/2024 at 10:38 AM, RoseofGilead.8907 said:

Very on-brand. If the gen 1 legendaries aren't making you enough gold anymore, maybe it's time to find a different cash cow.

its not about me making gold, its that they're worth almost nothing and they need a new use, thus making the only "good/exciting" drop associated with magic find underwhelming, thus making magic find underwhelming.  Instead of gen 1 legendaries they could just make magic find drop bags of gold or something new and unique, or a new type of bag that is affected by it.  I dont care just anything to make the stat less boring.


Also what's your point that magic find is good the way it is now? lol  the stat has been neutered, barely affects anything in the game and the resulting drops associated with it are garbage.

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1 hour ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

Also what's your point that magic find is good the way it is now? lol  the stat has been neutered, barely affects anything in the game and the resulting drops associated with it are garbage.

I didn't even say what my opinion of magic find is. Personally, I think it's a useless stat that should be removed and that drop rates (and the quality of drops) should be improved. The point of my comment is that your posts about the rarity/quality of dropped items always seem to bring up gen 1 legendaries and how you think they need to be worth more.

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3 hours ago, RoseofGilead.8907 said:

I didn't even say what my opinion of magic find is. Personally, I think it's a useless stat that should be removed and that drop rates (and the quality of drops) should be improved. The point of my comment is that your posts about the rarity/quality of dropped items always seem to bring up gen 1 legendaries and how you think they need to be worth more.

So?  What does that even mean?  Is that supposed to make what I said untrue or invalid lol?  Like why even bring it up?  you even say the quality of the drops should be improved, well that's gen 1 legendaries and their associated value. I also wanted the thread to be open ended as there's tons of stuff they could do to make magic find better.

But instead you single me out?  And chastise my suggestion while simultaneously agreeing with it.  OK....

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Given I have played GW2 since it came out, over 5000 hours played, and never gotten a precursor to drop, the value of them is meaningless to me (and probably many others).  In fact, given that fact, I like them cheap - it means I can buy the precursor and still make legendary items.

Now I have gotten 2 precursors in the mystic forge, but I don't know if magic find affects that at all - I don't think it does.

But given the above, and given the precursor drops are so rare, I doubt that making precursors more valuable is even on the radar for Anet.  In fact, given you can get a legendary weapon through the wizard vault for 1000 AA (which also includes other stuff), if anything, that indicates Anet wants to make precursors even less valuable (and at 30 AA/gold, that reward costs ~33 gold, not including the value of other materials you get for buying it)


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8 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

So?  What does that even mean?  Is that supposed to make what I said untrue or invalid lol?  Like why even bring it up?  you even say the quality of the drops should be improved, well that's gen 1 legendaries and their associated value. I also wanted the thread to be open ended as there's tons of stuff they could do to make magic find better.

But instead you single me out?  And chastise my suggestion while simultaneously agreeing with it.  OK....

You cannot improve both droprates of gen1 precursors and their value. An increase of former will unavoidably result in decrease in latter. In fact, this is a far more general statement, not limited to legendaries - you cannot have MF offering "better" drops without it resulting in decrease of value of said drops.

From what i see you'd very much want to have both more/better drops, and have those drops be worth more as well. That is not going to happen.

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13 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

You cannot improve both droprates of gen1 precursors and their value. An increase of former will unavoidably result in decrease in latter. In fact, this is a far more general statement, not limited to legendaries - you cannot have MF offering "better" drops without it resulting in decrease of value of said drops.

From what i see you'd very much want to have both more/better drops, and have those drops be worth more as well. That is not going to happen.

I never said to improve their droprate I said to use gen 1 precursors in more crafted items besides just gen 1 legendaries, which would increases its value, which would make mf a little more exciting when you do get a drop because then it would be worth more gold.  THers a million other things you could do with MF that would make it better, this is just one suggestion.

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Improve it by removing it.

"but that won't happen!" -well, in equal degree neither will using gen 1 precursors for something else. Also not like you'll be farming gen 1 precursors just by maxing out mf. This request doesn't make much sense as something targeted at "improving magic find" in the first place.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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55 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Improve it by removing it.

"but that won't happen!" -well, in equal degree neither will using gen 1 precursors for something else. Also not like you'll be farming gen 1 precursors just by maxing out mf. This request doesn't make much sense as something targeted at "improving magic find" in the first place.

Ok well I view magic find like I do in diablo 2, which is where the term "magic find" for video games came from. IN that game it increases the quality of the drops (more Magic, Rare, Unique items).  Similarly, in gw2 the top quality drop you can receive from killing mobs is an exotic precursor.  Magic find affects various other things, but all of those things are monetarily inconsequential compared to a precursor drop, which is and has always been the top/wow factor drop associated with magic find (which like diablo 2, increases the quality of item drops). Which means you're much more likely to get greens, yellows and exotic (orange items, including precursors) from mob kills.

Sadly the value of precursors has tanked so much because precursors are now given out as the daily reward system, and also people don't want gen 1 legendaries as much because they already have them (because they are old items and most people already made them).  Additional uses for the gen 1 precursors would make them more desirable and thus increase the value, and thus make magic fine more valuable and something that people want to up.  It certainly felt that way when precursors sold for 1300 gold instead of 30g which is where most of them are at now.

By increasing the value of precursors it make the wow factor associated with getting the "top" drop from mob kills more exciting, and thus makes magic find more exciting.

There's TONS OF OTHER THINGS you could do with magic find, instead of just removing it.  Have it affect more mechanics in the game, Have it affect black lion chest drops, have it affect infusion drops from meta events,  have it affect ecto gambling. I DUNNO it could do many things, if they wanted it to.  What I suggested is just 1 of many suggestions.

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10 minutes ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

Ok well I view magic find like I do in diablo 2, which is where the term "magic find" for video games came from. IN that game it increases the quality of the drops (more Magic, Rare, Unique items).  Similarly, in gw2 the top quality drop you can receive from killing mobs is an exotic precursor.  Magic find affects various other things, but all of those things are monetarily inconsequential compared to a precursor drop, which is and has always been the top/wow factor drop associated with magic find (which like diablo 2, increases the quality of item drops). Which means you're much more likely to get greens, yellows and exotic (orange items, including precursors) from mob kills.

Sadly the value of precursors has tanked so much because precursors are now given out as the daily reward system, and also people don't want gen 1 legendaries as much because they already have them (because they are old items and most people already made them).  Additional uses for the gen 1 precursors would make them more desirable and thus increase the value, and thus make magic fine more valuable and something that people want to up.  It certainly felt that way when precursors sold for 1300 gold instead of 30g which is where most of them are at now.

By increasing the value of precursors it make the wow factor associated with getting the "top" drop from mob kills more exciting, and thus makes magic find more exciting.

There's TONS OF OTHER THINGS you could do with magic find, instead of just removing it.  Have it affect more mechanics in the game, Have it affect black lion chest drops, have it affect infusion drops from meta events,  have it affect ecto gambling. I DUNNO it could do many things, if they wanted it to.  What I suggested is just 1 of many suggestions.

To me the black lion chest keys that drop from mobs are the top tier drop

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38 minutes ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

Which means you're much more likely to get greens, yellows and exotic (orange items, including precursors) from mob kills.

The part where you use "much more likely" and "precursor drop" together is where I think you're terribly wrong and that's what I was talking about -it can increase its drop chance and still remain being negligible.

38 minutes ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

There's TONS OF OTHER THINGS you could do with magic find, instead of just removing it.

Sure, but removing it or having its relevance low enough that it's not some "must have" for newer players is the solution I prefer over those other I've seen. Including the ones you just proposed (and no, anet won't make it into a mechanic that makes players need to wait to max out mf before they can start spending on blc keys).

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11 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

Which means you're much more likely to get greens, yellows and exotic (orange items, including precursors) from mob kills.

Yes, you are more likely to get greens, yellows and exotics (and far less likely to get whites/significantly less likely to get blues). Not the precursors though (because their negligible drop chance means that even after it'd get doubled it would still be negligible - or that at the least the difference would be too small to be noticeable for anyone). Your mistake here is treating that tier upgrade as unimportant and concentrating on the precursors alone. In reality, those "normal" tier upgrades in aggregate are worth far more than the meager chance of winning the precusor lottery. And that would have been true even if precursors still had their original value.

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MF is a fake stat. It doesn't actually do anything. It's just there to make you think you're getting better drops. Just grind out the drops you want. Yes, you might have to do Chak Garent several hundred if not thousands of times and still never get what you want, but that's MF for you. I suggest you just ignore MF all together and just play the game. Odds are you will never get the drops you want and will have to buy it off the TP from someone who got lucky.

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15 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

...Similarly, in gw2 the top quality drop you can receive from killing mobs is an exotic precursor...

Mobs drop ascended gear as well, which I'd say is worthy of consideration. My first piece of ascended gear way back in the day, was from a drake I killed while waiting for the jungle wurm to start. Considering it was a starter zone, I was sure there must have been some achievement I'd reached, or special reward for the millionth drake slain in game, or somesuch. But no, just a mob drop.

Anecdotal, I know, but my main account gets far more blue>greens and green>yellows when opening up Unid gear than my low-MF alt accounts. My MF stat is at 290% (I believe). It all gets salvaged anyway, but now we're talking ecto, motes, charms & symbols rather than just materials. And while there are oooh-aaah drops, the main thing is to collect and craft or sell. If you are expecting the oooh-aaah all the time, you will be sorely disappointed. in GW2.

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41 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

Mobs drop ascended gear as well, which I'd say is worthy of consideration. My first piece of ascended gear way back in the day, was from a drake I killed while waiting for the jungle wurm to start. Considering it was a starter zone, I was sure there must have been some achievement I'd reached, or special reward for the millionth drake slain in game, or somesuch. But no, just a mob drop.

Anecdotal, I know, but my main account gets far more blue>greens and green>yellows when opening up Unid gear than my low-MF alt accounts. My MF stat is at 290% (I believe). 

The ascended drop is weird, since the wiki doesn't even list random mob drops as a method of acquisition for ascended gear. I mean, they can drop from champ loot boxes, but as far as I know they haven't ever dropped from random mobs.

And MF hasn't affected unidentified gear since 2019.

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