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Server failures

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I've been playing on EU the past two nights, doing the personal story (norn level 30 story specifically) and haven't had any problems. I've also not seen anyone else mention it, so it doesn't seem like it's a universal problem, which means it's unlikely to be the server.

It could be something to do with your computer. When my old graphics card was dying one of the first clues was that GW2 would crash whenever it tried to go into a cut scene (even the in-game ones where it just pans the camera around), then it gradually started affecting more and more things until I worked out what the problem was and replaced it. It could also be something to do with your internet connection or any of the connections (there will be a lot) between your house and the servers, or a combination of things.

If you want Anet to fix it (if it is a problem on their end) or help from other players about things you can do you'll need to provide more details about what exactly the problem is, at the moment there's not much to go on.

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To all the people saying it is just him, that is not true. I have had trouble for years completing story instances.
 it usually happens at the very end of a story mission but it is very annoying because of this. When having to do the return to achievements this would hit me daily on nearly every mission.  

I don't know what causes it but it seems to happen when the game is trying to transition you out of the instance, but just before you get rewards. 

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9 minutes ago, GBEW.5947 said:

To all the people saying it is just him, that is not true. I have had trouble for years completing story instances.
 it usually happens at the very end of a story mission but it is very annoying because of this. When having to do the return to achievements this would hit me daily on nearly every mission.  

I don't know what causes it but it seems to happen when the game is trying to transition you out of the instance, but just before you get rewards. 

No one is saying there isn't a problem with disconnects in instances, but a broken server affects everyone. Story disconnects are a well documented issue - yet always isolated to individual users and the devs have repeatedly said these come from a vast variety of reasons. But the issue is, people don't send in detailed information or bug reports. If they don't know why it's happening, what the specs of the computers are etc etc, they can't replicate it and solve it. If it was a broken story instance, again everyone would be experiencing it

It's not a broken server issue. I used to have disconnects, I upgraded my PC and now I rarely ever get any and they're usually weird one off ones. The highest likelihood is an issue with the user's hardware somewhere conflicting with the compexlities of the game, but without them speaking to the tech support, any issue with the game isn't going to be picked up. Saying "fix trash servers" is about as useless feedback as anyone can give.

Your example is another isolated issue. It wisn'tt affecting everyone else in the game. So it is either a broken client needing repair, a hardware incompatilibilty somewhere or a very rare bug

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2 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Cool. Now read what i wrote 😂

7 minutes ago, GBEW.5947 said:

i don't really care if me and the OP got the terminology wrong, the premise remains a problem. 

This was my response to what you had written. 


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9 minutes ago, GBEW.5947 said:

i don't really care if me and the OP got the terminology wrong, the premise remains a problem. 

It's more just to clarify for OP, who may think it's a server issue, that it is not.  There are bugs in instances.  Relogging usually takes care of this, unless your system needs an update/upgrade/etc.  I can think of one particular personal story chapter that seems to cause disconnects ever time, but not for two days.   

They might also consider taking someone else into the instance with them.  See if they have the same issue.  

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Just now, GBEW.5947 said:

This was my response to what you had written. 


A response to what I wrote and reading what I wrote are not the same thing.

To clarify, I never mentioned anything about terminology, but the crux of the matter is, saying something is broken and "fix it" will go nowhere. Few PCs are identical to another due the hardware differences, anti virus differeces, driver differences etc etc. Individual issues like your and the OP need fixing, but to be fixed, they need to give detailed information. SOmetimes I think people genuinely believe there is a switch somewhere that they need to flick and it will magically make these things go away.

The issue you have is a genuine one. The issue the OP has is a genuine one. But it can't be identified without information or bug reports because it is almost certainly a conflict at your end that is not obvious. Just saying "it's a problem fix it", is about the worst thing anyone can say that will actually lead to a fix, especially as it isn't game wide.

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Just now, Randulf.7614 said:

A response to what I wrote and reading what I wrote are not the same thing.

To clarify, I never mentioned anything about terminology, but the crux of the matter is, saying something is broken and "fix it" will go nowhere. Few PCs are identical to another due the hardware differences, anti virus differeces, driver differences etc etc. Individual issues like your and the OP need fixing, but to be fixed, they need to give detailed information. SOmetimes I think people genuinely believe there is a switch somewhere that they need to flick and it will magically make these things go away.

The issue you have is a genuine one. The issue the OP has is a genuine one. But it can't be identified without information or bug reports because it is almost certainly a conflict at your end that is not obvious. Just saying "it's a problem fix it", is about the worst thing anyone can say that will actually lead to a fix, especially as it isn't game wide.

I read what you wrote, and responded accordingly. Don't worry about it. 

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Just now, Randulf.7614 said:

Cool, good luck with your bug report then and hope you get it fixed!

I haven't had to do story for years, Return to AP for example. New players and less tolerant players will run into this and quit. I'm merely claiming legitimacy to the other side. 

EoD and Soto stories havent crashed for me.

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Lol if a guy came to your door claiming to be Arena net tech support would you actually grant him access to your computer?

If the trouble is a faulty connection in the cables owned by your internet service provider, do you think Anet would be able to harass your isp into sending a repair truck to find and fix each faulty connection leading to your street?  The isp would probably just block the calls and spam folder the emails.

Then there is the miles of cable between your isp and the closest Anet server.  Cable potentially spanning  states, countries, or oceans.  Anet can't legally touch any of it.  They can only submit service requests to authorities who control those cables.

What do you expect Anet to do to their servers that would overcome so much possible interference?

For all we know your own internet service provider could be throttling your internet speed because you haven't subscribed to their premium internet package.



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5 hours ago, GBEW.5947 said:

To all the people saying it is just him, that is not true. I have had trouble for years completing story instances.
 it usually happens at the very end of a story mission but it is very annoying because of this. When having to do the return to achievements this would hit me daily on nearly every mission.  

I don't know what causes it but it seems to happen when the game is trying to transition you out of the instance, but just before you get rewards. 

Then it's a you and them problem.  Issues on Anet's end tend to be more widespread as we have seen in the past.  If you have the computer knowledge to accurately say that it's not you then it's likely between you and Anet.

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It may not be your issue, but I too had multiple instances of the game crashing/disconnecting after an instanced story, the most notorious being after the loooong Balthazar fight in PoF; I think I did actually ragequit for a while after that happened twice in a row.

But these problems went away (mostly) when I went into the first tab in Options - all the way at the bottom - and turned Streaming to "Max".  Crashing after instances has become a thing of the past.  Try it; you'll like it...

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Crashing is usually a client side issue. Disconnections can be an Anet server issue, but is also usually "client side." Both can be so freaking random on when they happen/what triggers them.

Funniest crash I ever had was the final LWS4 mission when I did a Core->Champions(IBS) playthrough of the story. Beat the heart of Kralk and then it'd get stuck trying to load the cinematic before crashing. Tried multiple times, restarting the comp, changing settings, updating drivers, downgrading drivers, etc. What "fixed" it? Literally lb1 auto-attacking everything; dunno if it was because it took me longer to do the mission (power soulbeast go brrrr) or if I wasn't using some skill(s) that made the computer/instance mad, but it worked. :| I have no freaking clue why it worked that time. 

15 minutes ago, Baddxian.3851 said:

It may not be your issue, but I too had multiple instances of the game crashing/disconnecting after an instanced story, the most notorious being after the loooong Balthazar fight in PoF; I think I did actually ragequit for a while after that happened twice in a row.

But these problems went away (mostly) when I went into the first tab in Options - all the way at the bottom - and turned Streaming to "Max".  Crashing after instances has become a thing of the past.  Try it; you'll like it...

When PoF first came out, I did the Eater of Souls mission. 30+ minutes. Crashed at the very end twice (wasn't the only one). There was rage. 🫠🙃

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On 2/17/2024 at 5:26 PM, GBEW.5947 said:

i don't really care if me and the OP got the terminology wrong, the premise remains a problem. 

The terminology is important though in this case.

If it's a server problem only anet can fix it.

If it's not a server problem it might be impossible for anet to fix.

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On 2/17/2024 at 1:56 PM, Zebulous.2934 said:

Lol if a guy came to your door claiming to be Arena net tech support would you actually grant him access to your computer?

If the trouble is a faulty connection in the cables owned by your internet service provider, do you think Anet would be able to harass your isp into sending a repair truck to find and fix each faulty connection leading to your street?  The isp would probably just block the calls and spam folder the emails.

Then there is the miles of cable between your isp and the closest Anet server.  Cable potentially spanning  states, countries, or oceans.  Anet can't legally touch any of it.  They can only submit service requests to authorities who control those cables.

What do you expect Anet to do to their servers that would overcome so much possible interference?

For all we know your own internet service provider could be throttling your internet speed because you haven't subscribed to their premium internet package.



This is a great theory but Guild wars 2 is far from the only game I play, but the only game where I can intentionally make my client crash by doing a story mission. 

For this to be sound at all i would need to experience the same problem elsewhere, or even, everywhere else. 

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