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Poll: Does Structured PVP Need Additional Game Modes?

Does Structured PVP Need Additional Game Modes?  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. What would be a Structured PvP game mode you would want?

    • Team Deathmatch - 5 vs 5
    • Conquer - Take turns Pushing forward into capturing your opponent’s base section by section. Team with highest progress wins.
    • Annex - Both teams fight to capture and control of 1 large capture point in the center of the map.
    • Escort - Take turns escorting a cart of treasure to its destination. The cart moves forward when you're near. Team with highest progress wins.
    • Artifact - Capture and hold onto the artifact gaining points for your team. Execute the artifact holder to steal. Artifact slows Movement and is still visible while in stealth.
    • Duel - 1 vs 1

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Guild Wars 2 has great team oriented combat, but most of the Structured PvP game types promote splitting up to capture points. I think it would be awesome if we got a few game modes that promote Team Play.  That being Said, I also think we need a 1 vs 1 game mode to please Duelists as well.

I added some popular game modes that are staples of multiple games. 

Please comment.

Edited by MatyrGustav.6210
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2 hours ago, MatyrGustav.6210 said:

Guild Wars 2 has great team oriented combat, but most of the Structured PvP game types promote splitting up to capture points. I think it would be awesome if we got a few game modes that promote Team Play.  That being Said, I also think we need a 1 vs 1 game mode to please Duelists as well.

I added some popular game modes that are staples of multiple games. 

Please comment.


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A 10v10 maybe 15v15 mode. Just copy wow battlegrounds. Plenty variety there. Popular mode (well it was when I still played, more than arena for sure).

I think it would attract more players than 5v5 because there is less personal responsibility and some players are afraid of it. It would be a nice entry mode that might feed 5v5 later (or kill it completely :)).

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3 hours ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

Only problem with some gamemodes is they would just turn into 5 support/bunker comps and nothing would ever die. There would have to be systems that discourage that.

I agree. I was thinking about that. In other games like Overwatch or Paladins your enemies that are within your mission area halts any progress for your team. Defeating them would continue mission progress, you would also gain additional points for kills.

So you would definitely need some damage in there. 

Edited by MatyrGustav.6210
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Just give us 8v8 GvG. The ruleset from GW1 was perfect. Import it over. Simply use components from WvW (Towers/Keeps as the base on a 3 or 4 section map). Even 10v10 would be great. 

WvW is a zergfest and doesn't highlight great individual players. And 5-man sPvP was a bad attempt to mimic the competitive 5-man games of the age (LoL, Dota, CS, etc). 8v8 in GW1 and even 10v10 BG's in WoW have just the right amount of players for it to feel like an ACTUAL battle. It's intense, but not too much to keep track of. But it's also the right amount of players to have a greater variety of builds. 

In GW1 the Devs made HA 6v6 for a short period of time, and I remember the quote to justify it "We believe that by lowering the amount of players, we will see more diverse builds. In the 8v8 model it's too advantageous to take more of the same damage. With 6v6 we expect to see more variety." Absolutely none of that happened, and instead the game descended into even fewer builds capable of holding halls, and the most effective builds were run with Heroes.... so it was always 2 players + 4 heroes vs 2 players + 4 heroes, and no variety.. The 6v6 mode lasted for a year or so I believe, before they reverted back to 8v8.

The 8v8 model was phenomenal, and the adaptation to GW2 would be super easy.

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On 2/21/2024 at 8:59 AM, Cuks.8241 said:

A 10v10 maybe 15v15 mode. Just copy wow battlegrounds. Plenty variety there. Popular mode (well it was when I still played, more than arena for sure).

I think it would attract more players than 5v5 because there is less personal responsibility and some players are afraid of it. It would be a nice entry mode that might feed 5v5 later (or kill it completely :)).

This would amazing.  Structured pvp could get a taste of a small scale version of WvWvW battles without the Zerg and trampling by the team with the highest numbers. 

Anet should definitely expand Structured PVP.


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