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Stop nerfing solutions to problems

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On 3/1/2024 at 4:47 PM, Custodio.6134 said:

Well, have you ever considered that... 



that what ArenaNet does is EXACTLY how they envision the game-mode and its balance?

This doesn´t mean that you have to agree on that vision. This doesn´t mean that anyone has to like what they´re doing. But it is ALSO NOT up to the players to decide what EVERYONE has to consider correct. Because the opinions massively vary.

ArenaNet is NOT, in any way, obligated to do what the players subjectively feel is right. They are not even obligated to do what objectively would be the correct choice. 

And while we can voice concerns about our PERSONAL thoughts, we (as players) are NOT in a position to decide. WE will have to accept what ArenaNet envisions on the game-mode and balance. And if it doesn´t fit our preferences.... WE will have to ADAPT. 


Devs that created a game and risen it up is no longer with the anet, turnover there is huge. 

Current ones is being carried by work, idea, and engine done of their predecessors while at same time killing the interest in game and engine with their own ideas.

The state of wvw now is absolute mind killer, wvw require no skill whatsoever now (just numbers matters, if ~ equal then chinese gvg war of attrition) used to be that u could outplay way bigger targets with proper positioning and skill use. 

Also the game engine itself is dying, skill lag makes this unplayable, 10s skill que's, maybe just convert to turn based and call it a day?

I login less and less, losing interest in wvw, state of it makes me annoyed, it feels like chore, its not fun.

Already abandoned pve because of trivial content + completion of pretty much everything, only thing keeping me coming to gw2 is wvw and community, yet wvw becomes worse each day so lol...

Anyways i digress back to original point that nu-anet rides on combat engine and dynamic that was done by people before their time, current course is basically reworking whole combat system, soon it wont at all resemble the game we loved, im packing up as soon as alternative to what combat used to be appears in mmorpg market as i have no hope that these devs will do anything productive, game state just gonna continue going downhill and power creep continue to go uphilll... Complaining is pointless

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Stuff like these makes me question their balancing abilities. 

We made some adjustments to mesmer support builds in WvW in the January update, but it's clear that they're still a bit stronger than we'd like them to be, and we're making additional changes to reduce their effectiveness. We've also made some small improvements to power-based mirage builds in PvE.

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5 minutes ago, Bunny.9834 said:

Stuff like these makes me question their balancing abilities. 

We made some adjustments to mesmer support builds in WvW in the January update, but it's clear that they're still a bit stronger than we'd like them to be, and we're making additional changes to reduce their effectiveness. We've also made some small improvements to power-based mirage builds in PvE.

When it comes to mesmer support, they aren't allowed nice things for very long. 😏

Null field nerf I would guess is to deal with double usage with continuum split, cut it in half so it only adds up to one. 🤷‍♂️

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Mesmer Support ---> buff boons ---> give too many boons ---> nerf null field (?) instead of nerfing the offending build. on the basis that broken build would be even more broken if using Null Field but also kneecapping non-broken builds that would use it. But the broken build needs to exist to compete with other broken builds so null field must be sacrificed but because there are no real options anyways, people use it anyways.

This is typical balance, and as usual has only one build in mind so things are easier to balance for them, instead of like, caring about the players. But then again, they didn't even touch the most annoying aspect of this (weakness spam) so the nerfs continue.

I'm also certain they only looked at the skill and thought it cleansed too much; they should really check the wiki a bit more on these things.\

To be fair we also killed alacrity generation on most but not all classes, and weirdly enough Alacrity was once designed for Chrono so who really knows.

The worst part about this is that mesmer has gone through countless cycle of this same thing. But you know what they say about trying the same thing over and over while expecting different results...

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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On 2/22/2024 at 8:36 PM, Blockhead Magee.3092 said:

Anet does like the blobs and they buff the things they like. 

During one of the "devs play wvw" streams, the 2 devs sat inside a 40 ish man blob, which just stood inside Klovan farming the like 5 people who were trying to save it.  40.  Killing 5 over and over.  And the devs commented how fun it was.  And when someone in chat asked about whether the 5 were having fun, they actually said yes, those type of fights are fun for both sides.  This is why we can't have nice things, because this is what they think of the game mode.  But, I guess it's better than the reaction the guy in charge of the game gave when they asked him about what vision they had for warrior, which was met with annoyance and then admittance they had no vision for the class.

Edited by MedievalThings.5417
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58 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Mesmer Support ---> buff boons ---> give too many boons ---> nerf null field (?) instead of nerfing the offending build. on the basis that broken build would be even more broken if using Null Field but also kneecapping non-broken builds that would use it. But the broken build needs to exist to compete with other broken builds so null field must be sacrificed but because there are no real options anyways, people use it anyways.

This is typical balance, and as usual has only one build in mind so things are easier to balance for them, instead of like, caring about the players. But then again, they didn't even touch the most annoying aspect of this (weakness spam) so the nerfs continue.

I'm also certain they only looked at the skill and thought it cleansed too much; they should really check the wiki a bit more on these things.\

To be fair we also killed alacrity generation on most but not all classes, and weirdly enough Alacrity was once designed for Chrono so who really knows.

The worst part about this is that mesmer has gone through countless cycle of this same thing. But you know what they say about trying the same thing over and over while expecting different results...

Look at the bright side: at least it’s not the engineer.

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GvG shouldn't be a game mode inside WvW anyway. Yes, there should be GvG in general, but WvW always was a more "free4all" pvp zone that had place for solo roamers, small groups and blob fights over objectives - and even dedicated scouting and people having fun running yaks and upgrading towers and keeps.

 Anet makes the same mistake Blizzard does with their idea to make 5% of the population happy while ignoring the rest.

The important questions for the devs should be:
- Why was WvW way more popular in 2012(or on release or on any given xpac)
- What changes did we make since the start of the game
- Why are people transfering on a monthly basis


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10 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

When it comes to mesmer support, they aren't allowed nice things for very long. 😏

Null field nerf I would guess is to deal with double usage with continuum split, cut it in half so it only adds up to one. 🤷‍♂️

Boon support generates boons faster than u can possibly strip with full sub of strippers.

Strip in current meta...it is folly.....whoever still think its viable is probably only roaming, yet even there its kinda silly venture going for strip traits.

Only thing that is worth using was sand shards that prioritized stab strip(which they remove on march 19) and thief steal trait thingy that also prioritizes stab, like any other trait or utility is lowkey wasted now, meta don't care about strips, its a joke.

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12 hours ago, urd.8306 said:

The important questions for the devs should be:
- Why was WvW way more popular in 2012(or on release or on any given xpac)
- What changes did we make since the start of the game
- Why are people transfering on a monthly basis

WvW is less popular then it was back then because the game was more populated as a whole back then; this is an old game and there's always going to be attrition. Then again, they never report how many people are playing the game, and while it should be a lot, it's one of those things where people are judged guilty by omission.

WvW was also a more accessible game mode; there's less barriers to entry and for the most part these days people expect you to have all the masteries leveled, while back then it wasn't expected because most people didn't have them.  The mount is sideways, as while it creates an additional barrier to entry, but it also reduces the ease of being ganked once they have it.

You could actually do stuff on an uplevel, but these days elites give too much of an advantage.

The game as a whole as had so many mechanics topped on top of it, and a lot of them do not build on each other and prepare you for the next set because they just keep heaping more on without any rhyme or reason.

Many aspects of the game are outdated and stuck in 2014, making it look abandoned. QoL features are nonexistent, though I suppose the entire game has that issues. One particular annoying thing is the increasing deluge of junk that pours into people's inventories. But they don't increase the storage space without a hefty fee.

The game does very little to encourage people to do beyond the minimum. Certain defense activities like repairing or trebbing are definitely not worth the time to do in any sense. They also decided to be greedy in the monetization of templates so you have 1 equipment template per game mode

But the worst thing is the game hasn't really fostered community building tools. It is inevitable that with that, communities began to decay. When WvWers and other groups like RPers begged Anet to at least keep cities as hubs for callouts, it fell on deaf ears, and then they upended the guild system to take away what people earned and sold it back to them in HoT-- it was a giant middle finger to the smaller guilds that were a large part of WvW. And some will argue it still happens. The only community hub we really have is paywalled, and oh you can test a build on a golem that doesn't even have any features like the raid ones have. What?

So I guess that leads to the final question. People transfer because there's no reason to stay where they are. So when the matchups go bad, people don't think twice about leaving. And since it encourages gem sales, no reason to change things.

While WvW has its own issues, I think the game itself as a whole doesn't do itself much favors at times, due to it really living in the past with archaic UI and poor QoL at times. There's also two types of toxic groups that I feel block change. One would be the typical group that drank the koolaid and think the game is flawless, but there's also the toxic casual group which is huge and actively despises gameplay that applies effort. I think there's a lot of overlap.

Because of all these reasons, many in the  WvW community have grown insular and xenphobic to new players. This happens with any aging game, because veteran players sometimes fail to remember what it was like being a new player and thus flame new ones for not knowing stuff they "should" know.

However, in this case, the decay is much worse that a lot of WvWers seem detached from the rest of the gw2 community, and actively hate it when they see people they perceive as outsiders coming in. This is often seen during event weeks.

You end up with a situation where people utterly lack social graces to anyone outside of their social circles. Such as fight guild/lingo memes in /t. It's pretty damned cringe at times but it gets normalized. Which sometimes can make WvW seem cringe. And then there's all that BM towards new players and sometimes just people asking questions. Or just general weird edgy/offensive jokes that aren't really that edgy because it's overused and thus the edge fell off.

And this also leads to a death spiral where normal people come in, and witness nothing but cringe. And then they leave.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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23 hours ago, MedievalThings.5417 said:

During one of the "devs play wvw" streams, the 2 devs sat inside a 40 ish man blob, which just stood inside Klovan farming the like 5 people who were trying to save it.  40.  Killing 5 over and over.  And the devs commented how fun it was.  And when someone in chat asked about whether the 5 were having fun, they actually said yes, those type of fights are fun for both sides.  This is why we can't have nice things, because this is what they think of the game mode.  But, I guess it's better than the reaction the guy in charge of the game gave when they asked him about what vision they had for warrior, which was met with annoyance and then admittance they had no vision for the class.

Because they're biased and not professional, and catering to one group of players, the ones they're friends with, who don't even care about wvw as whole, only to get fed bags on a conveyor belt. I don't know anyone who would think 5 vs 40 is "fun" for the 5 when they can do absolutely nothing to the 40, when they're constantly nerfing the effective tools for the 5 to use on those numbers. The only thing they can hope to do is kill siege and wait for the blob to move on, how would that even be fun for most players. Such a narrow, biased, never walk in others shoes point of view they have... I fully expect my post to get erased. 😕

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1 hour ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

I don't know anyone who would think 5 vs 40 is "fun" for the 5 when they can do absolutely nothing to the 40, when they're constantly nerfing the effective tools for the 5 to use on those numbers. The only thing they can hope to do is kill siege and wait for the blob to move on, how would that even be fun for most players. Such a narrow, biased, never walk in others shoes point of view they have... I fully expect my post to get erased. 😕

Agree, but sometimes the grump kicks in. I would be one of the bad idea peeps trying to dislodge them. This kind of thing is what makes me grumpy. Archon claimed I was a War main, its more when a side is making me grumpy I go more tanky and the 4 Wars come into play. Am I happy that they have more, no. Am I smart enough to move away, sadly no. Am I going to let them walk over us, not without challenge, oops. 🙂 Its easy to speak of why, but has no bias without connections. And this is just a game. Don't fear e-death, take them with you and make them pay for ground they gain IMO. Of course, I am biased over time. Time catches us all. 

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7 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Agree, but sometimes the grump kicks in. I would be one of the bad idea peeps trying to dislodge them. This kind of thing is what makes me grumpy. Archon claimed I was a War main, its more when a side is making me grumpy I go more tanky and the 4 Wars come into play. Am I happy that they have more, no. Am I smart enough to move away, sadly no. Am I going to let them walk over us, not without challenge, oops. 🙂 Its easy to speak of why, but has no bias without connections. And this is just a game. Don't fear e-death, take them with you and make them pay for ground they gain IMO. Of course, I am biased over time. Time catches us all. 

Pretty hard to make them pay when they have insta res too. No down state week is the only time 5 vs 40 would be remotely interesting in the current combat atmosphere. Pretty disgusting the amount of extra cushion and life lines these blobs have to carry them.

Edited by XenesisII.1540
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13 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Pretty hard to make them pay when they have insta res too. No down state week is the only time 5 vs 40 would be remotely interesting in the current combat atmosphere. Pretty disgusting the amount of extra cushion and life lines these blobs have to carry them.

Agree, but you disregard Choppa. This is where the mental bits kick in and when roaming and I refuse group and Squad invites. I never claimed to be sane. But able to grow grumpy. 😉 that's different.  And that's when bad calls will be made, don't make them with me, get out since if I turn I am being grumpy and looking to draw their eye and try and take some and let others go. I don't care about KDR outside of trying to drop some of them and getting our peeps out. Hence, bad calls I make all the time. But if you never attack more, how do you know you can't take more, and its funny when you do and they run.

🙂 My friend, if we make it T2 I am expecting rains of targets since between us were are zergaluscious in a bad idea. We just need to draw Archon and Chaba into the bad idea and see what epic death we can end in. Getting Sit killed is fair due to the inspector role, but I get Splat killed enough its not fair and can't blame Tarp for seeing it it as a trap. So all the mayhem, limit the death, and regret that Anet does not mix EU and NA else Luranni could Kpop all the action and we could LMAO thru the week. Just sayin. 

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10 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

his is where the mental bits kick in and when roaming and I refuse group and Squad invites.

But I need pips though.

Some people think tags demand players bring builds and crap, but that's the most important thing.

10 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

We just need to draw Archon and Chaba into the bad idea and see what epic death we can end in.

I mean you gotta look at least winnable. If you're dead before I can get to you, then there is nothing. Also brb resupplying. (I have 23 supply.)


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1 hour ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

But I need pips though.

Some people think tags demand players bring builds and crap, but that's the most important thing.

I mean you gotta look at least winnable. If you're dead before I can get to you, then there is nothing. Also brb resupplying. (I have 23 supply.)

lol if you need an extra body for the pip let me know, I don't mind, I like fighting with you guys, long as you don't mind if I squirrel off to grab some nuts off the walls every once in a while. 🤭

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1 hour ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

lol if you need an extra body for the pip let me know, I don't mind, I like fighting with you guys, long as you don't mind if I squirrel off to grab some nuts off the walls every once in a while. 🤭

sooon pulls from mesmers nerfs...

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12 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

I mean you gotta look at least winnable. 

What I have enjoyed in server linking's is the tells when linked asking who what where and why. Added some friends overtime and lol'd with others while knowing I was adding trouble to the list. But, don't assume when I jump into it I think it is winnable since sometimes its more of a factor making them doubt. Doubt has its own power.

Had a newer player join the guild from another game, which is rare, and ask me, what do you mean cause doubt. Our server wasn't present but I wanted another server to paper a keep controlled by the third server. So I set to intercept their reinforcements. Yes Havocs are called gankers when doing this for the peanut gallery. So we attempted to slow defenders returning to the defense though our side was not in the fight. Killed a number of them. The doubt factor is when they do come back as a group, and though they would have won if they tried, they instead opted to stay focused and move away thereby taking longer to get to the fight. The looking big gambit does pay at times. Make them doubt is a game factor in my book.

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23 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

lol if you need an extra body for the pip let me know, I don't mind, I like fighting with you guys, long as you don't mind if I squirrel off to grab some nuts off the walls every once in a while. 🤭

If we didn't want you to do that, we'd do it first.

And for the most part nobody will pay attention unless you die or set off the watchtower or something.

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On 3/15/2024 at 3:58 PM, XenesisII.1540 said:

lol if you need an extra body for the pip let me know, I don't mind, I like fighting with you guys, long as you don't mind if I squirrel off to grab some nuts off the walls every once in a while. 🤭

lol, I have been trying the War staff pull compared to the DH, Mez, Reap pulls and its meh. So anytime you want to make it rain, 🙂 don't doubt, I am game. Bags bags bags!

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