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Do you think this is fair ?

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Ranked game, double duo q, made of top 20players (all of theim), against full pu team, with gold player in it.

Right here somehow the game was pretty close, but the last 6 times it happened to me the last few days (exact same scenario, we couldn't have more than 50points.)


ANET, YOU NEED TO JUSTIFY YOURSELF, why the hell do you let that happening ?

Perhaps do you think this is normal? A balanced system? A good MMR? Are you kidding us? Do you have such disrespect in your player base to inflict that to us? Do you even care?!

May I friendly remember you that all the top 50 players in the ladder are all actively duoqing? What do you do about the others 95% of the player base who plays solo?

Fffs, I feel like I am speacking to a wall, it feels pointless, and useless.

I love this game, trully, I want it balanced, and fair, is that to much asking? Please.

====> Remoove DUO Q !

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Hard lock elos, so I can watch half of the top 250 quickly rack up a 80% loss rate. Sweaty off peak/que dodging duos hard riding fotm builds vs solo gold/silvers, and they feel no shame. I know kitten well half those players are not Boyce level, just from dueling the average "plat" in arena. Nothing against duo with friends.. but we all know there is that other kind of duo.


As the MMR stands, that button you press to join a ranked game "compete", should say "role the dice". Who ever gets the sweatiest plat/duo on fotm carry build wins.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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Maybe I'm remembering this wrong but didn't anet poll us on what we preferred and the winning option was to compromise between full 5v5 queues and solo queue and we chose duo queue?

Edited by Kuya.6495
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1 hour ago, Kuya.6495 said:

Maybe I'm remembering this wrong but didn't anet poll us on what we preferred and the winning option was to compromise between full 5v5 queues and solo queue and we chose duo queue?

I think this actually puts in perspective how much Anet cares about the game mode. The most recent poll of this kind I can think of is over seven years old, from 2016 in ranked season 5. 30+ seasons in, and they still didn't double check on whether or not the approach worked and didn't even disclose their thoughts on it to begin with. Obviously they should have reviewed it by now, even if we again voted for duos for some reason, not reviewing the game mode from time to time (like any other competitive game does every single season) is baffling.

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2 hours ago, Kuya.6495 said:

Maybe I'm remembering this wrong but didn't anet poll us on what we preferred and the winning option was to compromise between full 5v5 queues and solo queue and we chose duo queue?

I dont recall a 5v5 vs soloQ poll. I guarantee you the majority would want (and still wants) a solo-only queue system. AT's was the answer to the 5v5 premade that players wanted while compromising on a duoQ system.

Now, there was indeed a public poll in the pvp forums as to whether or not to have classes Locked when queuing, or to give us the option to swap before the match starts.

It was a close poll, somewhere around 55% wanted the option to swap before the game started, similiar to Overwatch... except with how GW2's algorithm works on how it attempts to prevent more than two of the same classes from being on the same queue... it became exploitable by duo sync queueing.



WHY have class swapping allowed in AT's and MAT during the game, any time, is beyond my understanding.... That just shouldn't be allowed IMO.

Edited by Saiyan.1704
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So my theory is that unbalanced teams are caused by the algo trying to put an even number of each class on each team. For example, it tries to not put 4 Guardians against 4 Necros. So evenly distributing classes on each team might lead to uneven skill distribution. Its a hard problem to solve because of course people don't want to go up against 4 Guradians or 4 Mesmers because it looks scary, but 2 of those Mesmers or Guardians might be not as good so it would have worked out in the end.

I'd rather the algo put more emphasis on skill rating rather than class distribution.

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2 hours ago, maxwelgm.4315 said:

I think this actually puts in perspective how much Anet cares about the game mode. The most recent poll of this kind I can think of is over seven years old, from 2016 in ranked season 5. 30+ seasons in, and they still didn't double check on whether or not the approach worked and didn't even disclose their thoughts on it to begin with. Obviously they should have reviewed it by now, even if we again voted for duos for some reason, not reviewing the game mode from time to time (like any other competitive game does every single season) is baffling.

remember at pandemics when kids were home 24/7 we had like 4 seasons in a row NA top 1 with 119/1 records, totally not sus and totally doable without duo q LUL

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10 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Hard lock elos, so I can watch half of the top 250 quickly rack up a 80% loss rate. Sweaty off peak/que dodging duos hard riding fotm builds vs solo gold/silvers, and they feel no shame. I know kitten well half those players are not Boyce level, just from dueling the average "plat" in arena. Nothing against duo with friends.. but we all know there is that other kind of duo.


As the MMR stands, that button you press to join a ranked game "compete", should say "role the dice". Who ever gets the sweatiest plat/duo on fotm carry build wins.

U bad tho 

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10 hours ago, Kuya.6495 said:

Maybe I'm remembering this wrong but didn't anet poll us on what we preferred and the winning option was to compromise between full 5v5 queues and solo queue and we chose duo queue?

You're remembering right but omitting a few important things worth considering
1) Nobody was told about the poll until after the fact. You had to frequent the forums to even know it happened. They announce every single ranked season in the launcher but they didn't say a word about the solo/duoq poll before that season. If you didn't keep up with the forums then you didn't know it even happened until after the fact.



2) DuoQ won by single digits. It was very nearly 50-50 and when considering something as impactful and fundamentally unfair as duoq, it should have been at least 75% in favor of duoq to even consider adding it imo. Just for example, OSRS polls all its updates to players in game, and anything that doesn't get strong majority support is canned because they; unlike Anet, understand the cost behind adding divisive updates to an already low-population game

3) The poll didn't consider that the majority of users pro-duoQ past plat2 each had upwards of 10 alt accounts, meaning they could vote multiple times in the poll and rig it in their favor

4) Before the poll, the queue structure was very different. Early seasons like S4 were pretty much a totally open queue not too different from unranked and nobody would even know what mostly soloq was like until s9

and 5) The poll was only for solo/duoq. There was no option to vote for a split queue with solo/duo both existing but separately, or anything in between that could appeal to both crowds

Rigged poll, fake news. Would recommend don't play ranked if you play soloq. Let the gods of the dung-heap play alone and wait 30 minutes in queue like they deserve.

Edited by Multicolorhipster.9751
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14 hours ago, whooot.5784 said:



Ranked game, double duo q, made of top 20players (all of theim), against full pu team, with gold player in it.


ANET, YOU NEED TO JUSTIFY YOURSELF, why the hell do you let that happening ?

From your screenshot it's...500 to 411?! 

Either those are some terribad top 20 players, especially when 4/5 of them are in duo--or something is off here 😂.

Like, is that gold player John Rambo? I really want to know names now in your screen--as a gold carrying that hard is actually hilarious and does more to prove everything is working than it does to prove what you intended.  

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21 hours ago, Kuya.6495 said:

Maybe I'm remembering this wrong but didn't anet poll us on what we preferred and the winning option was to compromise between full 5v5 queues and solo queue and we chose duo queue?

Yes but it was on internet forum, everyone can be 70 "different" people if they wish to be.

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7 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

From your screenshot it's...500 to 411?! 

Either those are some terribad top 20 players, especially when 4/5 of them are in duo--or something is off here 😂.

Like, is that gold player John Rambo? I really want to know names now in your screen--as a gold carrying that hard is actually hilarious and does more to prove everything is working than it does to prove what you intended.  

And that's why I said at start, seems fair match 😂. Because if the imbalance in top players vs many lowers is that low in difference of score. Then yea it's fair I guess

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2 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

And that's why I said at start, seems fair match 😂. Because if the imbalance in top players vs many lowers is that low in difference of score. Then yea it's fair I guess

if this is NA I'd not be surprised if that pug is another top player alt trying to grief the the top 20 duo to get them a -20 something lol

Edited by Khalisto.5780
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11 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

From your screenshot it's...500 to 411?! 

Either those are some terribad top 20 players, especially when 4/5 of them are in duo--or something is off here 😂.

Like, is that gold player John Rambo? I really want to know names now in your screen--as a gold carrying that hard is actually hilarious and does more to prove everything is working than it does to prove what you intended.  

I won't name people I don't wanna get ban or something, but I know for a fact that one of us was in gold cause I have him in my friend list.

Yeah like I said somehow it was a pretty close game, but believe me in that scenario that was the only one, when I am facing double duo q of top20-40 players it's usually a one sided game, a pur stomp.

Don't pay attention to numbers, right here it's about double duo q facing a full pu team, say whatever you want, that is NOT normal and shouldn't happen at all, low population or not, close game or not.

And it's not rare at all, that's the problem. Ranked should be about equality, for everyone, and not beeing able to exploit such things like that. As long this system stays in the way it is, ladders means nothing, titles means nothing, cause basicly you just have to abuse duoqing and play off hours, there is so many way to exploit it.


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2 hours ago, whooot.5784 said:

Don't pay attention to numbers, right here it's about double duo q facing a full pu team, say whatever you want, that is NOT normal and shouldn't happen at all, low population or not, close game or not.

It's true. These redditors should use their big heads to think on the phrase "the exception proves the rule"
The exception does not disprove the rule. You could win against a double duoq as a team of random solos and it wouldn't change a thing

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On 2/25/2024 at 1:24 PM, whooot.5784 said:

Don't pay attention to numbers, right here it's about double duo q facing a full pu team, say whatever you want, that is NOT normal and shouldn't happen at all, low population or not, close game or not.

I don't disagree, so here--gonna bump this topic with a screen of my own:


Red was almost entirely alts in plat+, and I asked and confirmed my team was entirely silver (s3 to be precise; I was the lone gold at ~1400 atm).  

Which is why I ask if the gold in your game was Rambo, because as a g3 I can't possibly carry to a < 100-point differential since it's impossible to keep any nodes to begin with.  In addition, rallies keep games far apart too--was a DE on other team that must have rallied 3 times in a row because my team was getting insta-nuked.

The kicker is it is a -16 point loss for me, and I guess a +6 point win for the other team as I found that out as well by asking about top/bottom duo dynamics with one of the opposing players....  

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1 hour ago, remorseless.6352 said:

If team 1 has avg 1500 rating no duoq and plays into team 2 with either 1 or 2 duoq both being avg 1500 rating is that still a problem and if so why?

Yeah. Imagine you're 1700+ and have to scale down to get the average. Tbh the problem is solely population and anets disconcern for pvp. 


BTW op literally everyone here has played unwinnable games, so yeah it's fair. Duo qs are a part of the game, snipe them and beat them.. 

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18 hours ago, Unknown.6851 said:

Yeah. Imagine you're 1700+ and have to scale down to get the average. Tbh the problem is solely population and anets disconcern for pvp. 


BTW op literally everyone here has played unwinnable games, so yeah it's fair. Duo qs are a part of the game, snipe them and beat them.. 

but in this scenario all 10 players are 1500.

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14 hours ago, remorseless.6352 said:

but in this scenario all 10 players are 1500.

Useless hypothetical then cus the odds of everyone being the same rating are slim to none

duoq uses an average too for the purpose of matchmaking. A legend duo'd with a silver has ~1,500 average rating. So does plat3/gold1 and plat2/gold3 so long as the sum of both ratings equals to ~3,000 then their average rating is ~1,500. You can ignore this if you want 2 but that isn't going to stop no-lifes from smurfing for lower-rated games or from boosting w/ it

And even if everyone was 1500 then the advantage is with the team with 2 duoqs versus the team with none. should b obvious without the math that the team with the advantage is going to win most of the time

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