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Plz Anet give us more equipment template slots!..

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I remenber us having a free addon, that managed endless equips / builds.... You decided to make the addon illegal so you could capitalize on the new templates...  fare...  but only give us 6....? people asked more you added 2 more but now we still stuck with only 8.... quite the joke.... why for the love of dwayna cant you had more equip template slots... !? expecialy now with the new weapons.... ?

Its really annoying to have to swap lgendary arround all the time. not to mention we now have to pay for something we used to have on arc dps,  better and for free...  so plz at least add more equip tempate slots.. 8 is not enough if you want alll builds in 1  main char!!

Thank you!


Edited by Rvoltpt.8453
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2 hours ago, Rvoltpt.8453 said:

I remenber us having a free addon, that managed endless equips / builds.... You decided to make the addon illegal so you could capitalize on the new templates...

Stay with the truth please.
That addon used macros/functions that would have been against the policies.
The dev worked together with an Anet dev to make it still legal, assuming they will shut down the addon as soon as Anet has an official tool for the same purpose.

Anet did not "make the addon illegal so they could capitalize their own stuff".
Anet made it legal for the time they had no official tool.
If Anet did nothing, that addon would have been illegal from the begin on. If you used the template addon, you should be grateful Anet allowed that, instead of accusing them for "making it illegal".


2 hours ago, Rvoltpt.8453 said:

not to mention we now have to pay for something we used to have on arc dps,  better and for free... 

Do you remember that addon correctly?
Because what it did was nothing else but automatically swapping your stats etc. by "hand". It took time, it bugged out every now and then, so you always had to check everything manually anyways and so on.

Equipment templates on the other hand are literal loadouts. You have you gear on that slot, no matter what happens. You can swap from and to it, even per hotkey, you can set your skins for each template individually and it's safe. No manually checking after each swap needed.


The templated are definitely not flawless. The monetization is annoying and the limit should be higher than 8, but it's definitely better than the addon we had back then.


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5 hours ago, kiroho.4738 said:

Stay with the truth please.
That addon used macros/functions that would have been against the policies.
The dev worked together with an Anet dev to make it still legal, assuming they will shut down the addon as soon as Anet has an official tool for the same purpose.

The assumption was that if (and that was a big "if" then) Anet ever makes their own build templates system, it will offer at least the same level of QoL. Not to mention most people expected it to be part of the core game, not a paid option. Yes, even those that were saying "shut up and take our money". Nobody expected this level of monetization, noone asked for the monetization to negatively impact QoL, and i doubt anyone ever suspected that the Anet version might actually be inferior to a third-party one.

5 hours ago, kiroho.4738 said:

Do you remember that addon correctly?

Because what it did was nothing else but automatically swapping your stats etc. by "hand". It took time

Because Anet asked ArcTemplates auhor to introduce that delay in order for it to not work too well.

5 hours ago, kiroho.4738 said:

it bugged out every now and then, so you always had to check everything manually anyways and so on

Honestly, it was still far more options and less manual work than what i have to deal with in the current system.

5 hours ago, kiroho.4738 said:

Equipment templates on the other hand are literal loadouts. You have you gear on that slot, no matter what happens. You can swap from and to it, even per hotkey, you can set your skins for each template individually and it's safe. No manually checking after each swap needed.

Sure. But the low tab cap reduces most of that usability to zero. Whenever you do a weapon swap with legendaries, you still need to manually adjust sigils every single time, for example. Or you need to lug ascended weapons with you, in which case you still end up in worse situation as soon as that weapon gets applied to more than one tab.

5 hours ago, kiroho.4738 said:

The templated are definitely not flawless. The monetization is annoying and the limit should be higher than 8, but it's definitely better than the addon we had back then.

There's only one situation where the current version is better - it's when you aren't using it too much and have a very limited number of build options used (and that's even when you pay for additional tabs - if you don't, you end up with barely 2 builds to swap between, with no variants of them to choose from.

Basically, Anet system is good for people that do not need it, but terrible for those that do. As such, them wanting us to pay for it (a lot, and per character, not per account) seems like a bad joke. At our expense.

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1 hour ago, Doggie.3184 said:

10 is a pleasant number, it should be the new max for Equip/Build templates and I'd buy meowre.

12 also as a certain charm to it, it should be the new max. That said 14 is kinda looking sexy too.

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9 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Not to mention most people expected it to be part of the core game, not a paid option. Yes, even those that were saying "shut up and take our money". Nobody expected this level of monetization, noone asked for the monetization to negatively impact QoL

Monetization wasn't even the point..
I already wrote that the monetization was a bad decision and I think nobody disagrees, so what do you want to discuss about?


9 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

i doubt anyone ever suspected that the Anet version might actually be inferior to a third-party one.

Well, apparently OP does.


9 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Because Anet asked ArcTemplates auhor to introduce that delay in order for it to not work too well.

It was much more than just the delay.


9 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Honestly, it was still far more options and less manual work than what i have to deal with in the current system.

No, it was not.

With the official system you create your templates and you can swap between them perfectly fine without any problems.
The addon - as already said - bugged on several occasions so you had to switch like half your gear manually. And if it didn't bug, you had to check each item manually anyways to make sure it didn't bug.
Also it's didn't work well with several interactions such as combat, teleports, mounts etc.


9 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Sure. But the low tab cap reduces most of that usability to zero.

Only when you use only 1 of the 8 templates, which absolutely is not the poitn of this thread.


9 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Whenever you do a weapon swap with legendaries, you still need to manually adjust sigils every single time, for example. Or you need to lug ascended weapons with you, in which case you still end up in worse situation as soon as that weapon gets applied to more than one tab.

That's a problem of the legendary armory, not the templates. Two different systems. Wrong topic.


9 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

There's only one situation where the current version is better - it's when you aren't using it too much and have a very limited number of build options used (and that's even when you pay for additional tabs - if you don't, you end up with barely 2 builds to swap between, with no variants of them to choose from.

All your arguments again are only about the 8 template cap.
Different words, same meaning -> "The cap of 8 is the only thing where the official templates are worse than the addon".
In any other points the addon was worse.


An additional points, the templates (actually loadouts) are only one part of the system.
Being able to safe, load and share your builds is the other part, which is much better than what the addon had.
Sure, the build storage is limited to 30 again, but unlike equipment templates the builds are just a line of letters. You can safe them anywhere you want. Let it be a txt file, your guild message and somewhere else.
You can share them via chat. You can even put them on your website so people can just copy&paste them directly into the game.
And - another really nice thing - you can preview them before loading. Also when loaded or when changing your traits/skills, trying aroung things, you can undo than with a single click, when you are not happy.
The addon was a nice walkaround, but the templates are the fleshed out version (with a sh**y monetization/cap though).


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yeh only thing im mad about  is the cap xD i dont care if i have to buy them on gemstore just give me more plz 🙂 8 is bad...... i want to have more equip templates ready on the go with a click... 😉

Edited by Rvoltpt.8453
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  • 1 month later...

It would be nice if we get 16+ build and equipment templates. 

It's already hard to manage all needed builds: 

  • Power Damage PvE OpenWorld/Tests
  • Condition Damage PvE OpenWorld/Tests
  • Power Damage PvE Endgame (SnowCrows builds)
  • Condition Damage PvE Endgame (SnowCrows builds)
  • Damage/Boons PvE (Quickness)
  • Damage/Boons PvE (Alacrity)
  • Heal/Boons PvE (Quickness)
  • Heal/Boons PvE (Alacrity)


  • PvP Builds 


  • WvW Builds


  • Special builds like handkite, tank...
Edited by Iustitian.9176
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14 minutes ago, Iustitian.9176 said:

It would be nice if we get 16+ build and equipment templates. 

It's already hard to manage all needed builds: 

  • Power Damage PvE OpenWorld/Tests
  • Condition Damage PvE OpenWorld/Tests
  • Power Damage PvE Endgame (SnowCrows builds)
  • Condition Damage PvE Endgame (SnowCrows builds)
  • Damage/Boons PvE (Quickness)
  • Damage/Boons PvE (Alacrity)
  • Heal/Boons PvE (Quickness)
  • Heal/Boons PvE (Alacrity)


  • PvP Builds 


  • WvW Builds


  • Special builds like handkite, tank...

You can always start making alts for each of those.

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More equip/build template slots would be nice. 

PvE berserker alone takes up 5 slots. 

-Openworld build. 

-Power (Quick) Zerker

-Condi Zerker

-Condi Quick Zerker

-Quick Heal Zerker

Add these:

-Openworld Bsw

-Openworld SpB

-Power Bsw

-Power SpB

-Power Alac BsW

-Heal Alac Bsw

Thats already 11. And I didn't even include none meta/for fun builds like:

-Dagger/Axe + GS Zerker

Or the potential future builds:

-Power Alac SpB

-Heal Alac SpB


I realistically need closer to 15 templates. 

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On 4/1/2024 at 8:08 PM, Lucy.3728 said:

Just take the system GW1 had. Simple and endless.

Why do something new when something better existed in the previous game?


Idk what Ure referring as "better" in gw1... In GW1:: Equipment set swaps to different weapons but equipment themselves take up space in inventory slot... Also if u tried to put the weapons in equipment slot and switch between "shield with scepter" and "staff", it moves the shield from equipment bag to the first inventory bag.. so annoying

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On 4/1/2024 at 4:38 PM, Lucy.3728 said:

Just take the system GW1 had. Simple and endless.

Why do something new when something better existed in the previous game?

Why make something that is known to work well, when you can break it in multiple ways in order to make profit from it?

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On 4/1/2024 at 4:38 PM, Lucy.3728 said:

Just take the system GW1 had. Simple and endless.

Why do something new when something better existed in the previous game?

Fun fact:

GW1 had equipment templates only available in PvP. PvE had no such feature.

Also in GW1 loading an equipment templated deleted all your previous PvP gear and generated a new one. This can't be translated to GW2.

For PvP it would be rather easy to create a similar system due to how the PvP equipment system work in GW2.
But for PvE and WvW they had to create a whole new system to make it work. Which is what they did eventually.

So there is nothing "better that existed in the previous game". It's something completely different that existed in the previous game.

Edited by kiroho.4738
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There is a problem that in wizard vault we are getting skin template and even storage, but not equipment template. You can have some use with same equipment but different skill set but limited. So having 1 equipment template in each season vault would be a major improvment.

Apart from that you can assign key shortcut for rotating skill set and num pad has 10 numbers so perfect number for skill/equipment is 10 so we can reach max keybind.

However at some point you can just create another character, especially if you have purpose pvp wvw, or condi vs power.

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