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Passion has gone my friends [Merged]

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45 minutes ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

True. Mmo is garbage for me. Because i have more things to do. Irl. I dont start with a new mmo every. Diablo 4 is my game now. Got some nice items already. 

Excellent. Next step for your mental health, and I mean this with all due respect: get off of MMO forums/subreddits/etc. You'll be much happier.

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47 minutes ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

True. Mmo is garbage for me. Because i have more things to do. Irl. I dont start with a new mmo every. Diablo 4 is my game now. Got some nice items already. 

you've been playing GW universe since 2003, you've had a greaty run and times, thats a great thing right?

Imagine you were at a great party, you had a great time but near the end you started to get bored.  A decent person would grab their jacket give a wave, give a few people a hug and then wander off into the sunset....not take a dump on the doorstop on the way out declaring loudly this party is garbage now 🙂


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10 hours ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

Yes. But others got already lucky but not me.

Well, do you understand the meaning of the word "random"?
It's also why it's being specifically pointed out that...

On 3/12/2024 at 8:57 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

You're unable to quit the game you clearly have no fun in at all (and you don't have fun, because you expect it to be an equivalent of some casino rigged in your favor where YOU are supposed to keep hitting jackpots, but not the others because that would make those items value too low for your liking)

...your expectations are not reasonable.

I wonder, do you understand as much or is this somehow unclear for you?


2 hours ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

True. Mmo is garbage for me. Because i have more things to do. Irl. I dont start with a new mmo every. Diablo 4 is my game now. Got some nice items already. 

Didn't you say you're still logging in weekly for some (unspecified?) meta loot? So are you playing mmos or are you not?

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7 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

We usually play this type of games to escape from life's faults. Not to replicate them.

Being a Necromancer of an imaginary race summoning minions in an imaginary world to fight another imaginary race, ride around on imaginary mounts and teleport around the map at will instead of driving a car to work where you are for hours, then drive back, buy food and so on does sound like escaping from life's faults.

I have to go to work to survive, I don't have to farm whatever to be able to play a game. Just because an Anet employee doesn't descent in front of your wearing white robes bestowing you whatever loot you want for picking up a flower the game is not "replicating life's faults".

4 hours ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

Guildwars 2 is not life. Its a virtual world. So unfairness should not excist. Sure for some ppl a virtual world us their first life. 

Good news, unfairness doesn't exist. I don't have it easier in GW2 than someone who dropped out of high school and someone with a phd doesn't have it easier than me.

3 hours ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

True. Mmo is garbage for me. Because i have more things to do. Irl. I dont start with a new mmo every. Diablo 4 is my game now. Got some nice items already. 

Will you quit Diablo IV in about a week as well?

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1 hour ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Being a Necromancer of an imaginary race summoning minions in an imaginary world to fight another imaginary race, ride around on imaginary mounts and teleport around the map at will instead of driving a car to work where you are for hours, then drive back, buy food and so on does sound like escaping from life's faults.

I have to go to work to survive, I don't have to farm whatever to be able to play a game. Just because an Anet employee doesn't descent in front of your wearing white robes bestowing you whatever loot you want for picking up a flower the game is not "replicating life's faults".

Good news, unfairness doesn't exist. I don't have it easier in GW2 than someone who dropped out of high school and someone with a phd doesn't have it easier than me.

Will you quit Diablo IV in about a week as well?

No as i said i already got some nice items  and i can do the thing i always wanted in guildwars 2. Creating builds with different stats and then play with it. But i never got legendary armor. 

2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Well, do you understand the meaning of the word "random"?
It's also why it's being specifically pointed out that...

...your expectations are not reasonable.

I wonder, do you understand as much or is this somehow unclear for you?


Didn't you say you're still logging in weekly for some (unspecified?) meta loot? So are you playing mmos or are you not?

Ofc i understand that. And i said i dont actively play mmo. But there is a difference between low drops and some items that drop more often. Like a mount in wow is very low. But a nice skin is a higher chance. Guildwars 2 loot is super rare but further the boss drops nothing. But junk. You know exactly what posts i created. Now go search on forum about rare unidentified bags are no rewards. 
but to the posts you create. I dont like ppl like you. But there are much more ppl here that i dont like. On blizzard forum they are called white knights. Dont know what the word really means. But seems like defenders that defend everything. And ofc ppl dont like me because my opinions can hurt if i tell the truth. 

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28 minutes ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

No as i said i already got some nice items  and i can do the thing i always wanted in guildwars 2. Creating builds with different stats and then play with it. But i never got legendary armor. 

Ofc i understand that. And i said i dont actively play mmo. But there is a difference between low drops and some items that drop more often. Like a mount in wow is very low. But a nice skin is a higher chance. Guildwars 2 loot is super rare but further the boss drops nothing. But junk. You know exactly what posts i created. Now go search on forum about rare unidentified bags are no rewards. 
but to the posts you create. I dont like ppl like you. But there are much more ppl here that i dont like. On blizzard forum they are called white knights. Dont know what the word really means. But seems like defenders that defend everything. And ofc ppl dont like me because my opinions can hurt if i tell the truth. 


4 hours ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

Excellent. Next step for your mental health, and I mean this with all due respect: get off of MMO forums/subreddits/etc. You'll be much happier.


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Okay time for me to remove the game because some random dude lost his passion towards it and decided to make a drama post over pixels.


Good bye mate you can leave

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1 hour ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

This game has been in maintenance mode since PoF. It's weird people are now just realizing Anet gave up.

That's great news! It means even when GW2 is in maintenance mode they will still be releasing new expansions, new elite specs, new build options, new LWS, new legendaries, new fractals, new strikes, etc.

We can't lose then! Even when Anet stop developing GW2 they keep developing it. Woot!

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Define "Anet gave up" please.  Cause their still releasing new skins and patches for the latest expansion, fixing bugs, that doesnt seem like giving up right?

Or did you mean they gave up delivering quality/amount/content that is on par with previous expansions....?

Well most of us dont know what goes on in their minds as a company... as individual employees; We have 1 community spokesperson Rubi who response to various posts  (Gaile aswell in the past). But if there is problems concerning expansions or intricate perspective on the path forward they arent very vocal about it... information plenty; concerns not so much.

All we can do as consumers is makes assumptions as to why things are as they are now. For the majority of the time we must hope for the best.

A possibility could be: (and i am not talking about the replacement of daily login for astral vault; they just made that choice cause login was too OP + special vault rewards require SotO)

After EoD; wich felt like the Completion of Grand Adventure across multiple(succesfull) expansions ... maybe they hit rockbottom after that. Basicly having to start from scratch. Didnt had a good idea where togo from that Soowon final. no clue on new mounts, new Elite Specializations, etc. But time kept ticking... pressure from External sources(Ncsoft?)... staying relevant vs competition...  

Or simply:  this is how its suppose to be; the "foundation" has been build and now "smaller structures" like SotO will be build atop, meaning more time to fix stuff/ side projects.

But one thing led to another and now we have reached this point.

Some People feel disappointed, their expectations betrayed a little, and some People accept it for what it is and go with the flow.

But could it have gone a path that  everyone would approve?

For instance: Active Collaboration between Community and Company on idea's, etc to create a truly special Expansion everyone could like?

(They sort off did that in the past with weapon contests)

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Bit late to the party, but for the most part I'm with the OP. The only thing I have to disagree is the SotO rant, since it was clearly communicated that the so called content will be delivered in pieces over time, so everyone being surprised about that made a fault themselves. 

However, the initial post made me think about why I mostly share the same feelings. And to me, there's many reasons that individually wouldn't be too bad, but over time they cumulate and now I'm here thinking about the lot that imo went wrong and let to this burnt out feeling (to keep it short I'll stick to PvE only). 

  1. Company direction. Every now and then there seems to be a new vision of what the game should be like, just to be abandoned after a bit of try and error. I feel like they never had a clear idea of what they want GW2 to be and how to keep players engaged. Or may be they just hadn't the courage to stick to a path, knowing it would drag some players away, who knows. But as the saying says "you simply can't please everyone".
  2. Repeating old errors. Balance is a big issue across all game modes and GW1 showed, that adding more and more options makes it exponentially harder to get the game somewhat balanced. Yet they kept adding more E-Specs and now Weapon Masteries, making every approach to balance the game a plain nightmare.
  3. The neglection of instanced party/squad content. While having an open world to explore and just relax is nice, it's imo nothing to sustain a game in the long run. Running around anonymously, whacking a big baddy for laughable loot every now and then amongst dozens of other players, where it doesn't matter wether one activates auto-attack and watches youtube or actually engages in the content is just disappointing. While it's nice as an option and for variety, it's hard for me to believe that this kind of gameplay really keeps players interested in playing over an extended period of time and actually deal with the game and it's possibilities and stay connected. To achieve that, a MMO should focus on instanced party content to promote finding like-minded people and overcome challenges together. Remember how good it felt to finally beat a hard mode dungeon in GW1 EotN for the first time? Or some tougher missions or elite areas? And after that I always felt it was worth coming back, be it to challenge myself, for the loot or just to help friends or even strangers. Simply because one got the feeling of "hey, we achieved something together!". But GW2 abandoned dungeons, fractals are at a stale with the few newer additions being... let's say... not so well received. Raids are abandoned and strikes feel like a cheap fast-food substitute. Literally every type of content that holds some replayability value got abandoned or got added in an unattractive way. And on top, that kind of content mostly got trivialised by massive powercreep.
  4. Shown ignorance towards the community. There was a time when there were community coordinators, even for multiple languages, that kept in touch with us players and sent a feeling of "we see you, we hear you". But for years, all we get is a couple of announcments and every kind of criticism just stays uncommented. The whole legendary relic fiasko? Zero, just announcments, sometimes even contradicting the ones before and that's it. No response to the massive amount of feedback. Also this thread, lots of dedicated long time veterans share their feelings and their concerns- zero response.
  5. Quality decline. Mostly visible with EoD which I guess left many of us disappointed, especially those that loved GW1 Cantha. I won't even drop a word about the disgrace called Gyala Delve. And SotO.... I'm sorry, but to me it's almost a scam. Making active players pay for follow up living story content is a no go for me.
  6. May be a minor reason and it might sound strange, but to me, the lowering of AP that came with EoD was a huge let down. Only getting 1-3 AP for achievements doesn't feel very motivational to me, knowing we got +5 or even +10 for similar stuff in the past. While I know I'll never be even close to the top of the ladder, seeing the account AP increasing slowly but steady also held some motivation to play. Sometimes I just browsed the hero panel to see what I could do to just add some AP. To me this is gone entirely.

I'll end here, even though I'm sure I could bring up even more points, but it's already quite some wall of text. Why I wrote all above you might ask? Why didn't I leave long ago already if everything is so terrible? There's not "the" answer to it. One aspect certainly is, that it's hard to leave a belvoed franchise after roughly 20 years, since there's also a lot of good memories and the hope for better times to come. Another is, that besides all its (unfortunatly steadily increasing) flaws, GW2 also does a lot of things right. Many of the QoL improvements added over time turned out to be blue prints for other studios. I found myself more than once trying out some other game thinking "oh nice, but GW2 had this feature already 2 years ago, good copy pasta" or "well, nice game, but too much QoL features are missing to keep me interested". Also worth to mention is the server architecture with almost no down times, not even for patches. And the possibility to return to instances even after disconnects is a straight upgrade to what we had in GW1 and early GW2.

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1 hour ago, Nash.2681 said:

The only thing I have to disagree is the SotO rant, since it was clearly communicated that the so called content will be delivered in pieces over time, so everyone being surprised about that made a fault themselves.

It's not about the release schedule change. As you said, it was announced, and thus had to be expected. The point is, that Anet did try to imply that it's just a reshuffling - instead of one big expansion every 2 years we 2 smaller ones (one per year), and instead of followup 6 LS chapters we'd get 2 sets of 3 followup patches. Different packaging but same content overall. And even though some more suspicious players did try to bring up that it's unlikely for Anet to make such changes for other reasons than to decrease the amount of content given, many players wanted to believe, and thus bough into that Anet narrative. Only to be met with SotO and realize that it was very far from the truth.

In short, Anet did announce how the content will be packaged, and that was to be expected, but they did not mention how little of said content there will be (and of how poor quality), and that caught a lot of players by a very unpleasant surprise.

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19 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It's not about the release schedule change. As you said, it was announced, and thus had to be expected. The point is, that Anet did try to imply that it's just a reshuffling - instead of one big expansion every 2 years we 2 smaller ones (one per year), and instead of followup 6 LS chapters we'd get 2 sets of 3 followup patches. Different packaging but same content overall. And even though some more suspicious players did try to bring up that it's unlikely for Anet to make such changes for other reasons than to decrease the amount of content given, many players wanted to believe, and thus bough into that Anet narrative. Only to be met with SotO and realize that it was very far from the truth.

In short, Anet did announce how the content will be packaged, and that was to be expected, but they did not mention how little of said content there will be (and of how poor quality), and that caught a lot of players by a very unpleasant surprise.

I agree, I was just referring to the part of OPs surprise of having to wait another 6 months for the piece of cake he was looking for. Personally I was amongst the "more suspicious players" and it saddens me that apparently I was right about it. Given the disappointment of quite a lot people that got SotO blue eyed and are now disappointed, I wonder if they really stick to this concept or revert it again in fear that for the next mini "expansion" more people will vote with their wallet.

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On 3/14/2024 at 12:04 AM, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

Ofc i understand that.

Then why are you complaining about random being random instead of it magically favoring you?


And i said i dont actively play mmo.

Logging in to mmos weekly is still actively playing them, isn't it?


But there is a difference between low drops and some items that drop more often. Like a mount in wow is very low. But a nice skin is a higher chance.

Why are you still going back to this tired "but wow" when you literally said you've quit it due to not getting any drops for months? Why do you keep repeating this "but wow" as if "wow drops were satisfying for you" when you.... quit it due to not getting drops? How is this supposed to make any sense?


but to the posts you create. I dont like ppl like you. But there are much more ppl here that i dont like. On blizzard forum they are called white knights. Dont know what the word really means. But seems like defenders that defend everything.

I don't care you don't like me. You probably don't like me because you're hearing the truth you dislike. Like the one about your expectations of recieving rare loot while it still would be rare for others (because otherwise it wouldn't be valuable enough for you to consider it "worth it") being unreasonable. Or the one about you logging in weekly going against your claims of "not playing mmos". Ooor the one where you somehow repeatedly keep praising wow drops while you also said you've quit the game due to not receiving good drops for months.


And ofc ppl dont like me because my opinions can hurt if i tell the truth. 

Nah, I neither like or dislike you, I'm just pointing out your expectations are unreasonable and a lot of what you're writing makes no sense from my point of view or even goes against your own words from your other posts.

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5 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

In short, Anet did announce how the content will be packaged, and that was to be expected, but they did not mention how little of said content there will be

What do you mean they didn't mention how little of content there will be? I think they did tell us about staggered release, including how many maps we'll get and the information about partial releases of the last map. We already saw what "partial releases of the map" look like too. I do dislike this whole release schedule and the concept of cutting maps into pieces to make it appear as if content is being released more often, but I'm not surprised about what we got, imo we got what they told us we will. And again, I do dislike these staggered releases, but I don't feel somehow deceived here and I'm not sure why you do.

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

What do you mean they didn't mention how little of content there will be? I think they did tell us about staggered release, including how many maps we'll get and the information about partial releases of the last map. We already saw what "partial releases of the map" look like too. I do dislike this whole release schedule and the concept of cutting maps into pieces to make it appear as if content is being released more often, but I'm not surprised about what we got, imo we got what they told us we will. And again, I do dislike these staggered releases, but I don't feel somehow deceived here and I'm not sure why you do.

It's not just about number of maps. It's about other stuff in those releases as well. Like, say, the size of the story. I must say that patches managed to surprise (in a negative way) even me, and i was one of the sceptics. The people that legit expected the same overall amount of content (just cheduled differently) than in original Expac +LS release system (and there were a lot of them)? They sure didn't feel good. Sure, you can say now that they should have been expecting the worst, not the best, out of Anet's announcements, but i haven't seen you saying that then, when a ton of people were defending that new schedule and calling all sceptics to be unrealistic doomsayers.

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1 hour ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

Crazy how people are still in denial about GW2 being in maintenance mode after seeing post-SoTos release schedule and content offerings.

Crazy that people are still in denial about GW2 being in significantly reduced resource use mode after seeing Gyala and SotO.

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2 hours ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

Crazy how people are still in denial about GW2 being in maintenance mode after seeing post-SoTos release schedule and content offerings.


This word dont mean what you seem to think it do.

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3 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:


This word dont mean what you seem to think it do.

I mean, it's not really the right word for it, but the spirit behind it seems similar. The difference is the live service model being what it is now, companies don't want to give up the cash cow if they can keep raking in the money, but they also don't want to put a lot of resources into it if there isn't a promise of major return on investment, so stuff can end up in this sort of limbo place where it's technically still getting updates, but at a drastically reduced level of investment compared to its peaks. The employees themselves could be putting in just as much effort in as at the product's peaks, sometimes more so if consolidation is putting pressure on them to do more than one person's job, but realistically, if (for example) the workforce is 1/5th of what it was in the past, they won't be able to come close to matching the previous energy.

Still, I don't think reduced resources is intrinsically what causes some people to give the side-eye. It's more so when a company tries to compensate for reduced resources by overhauling existing systems to try to keep the profits at the same or higher level in spite of investing less into the game (ex: taking a piece from one part of the game, rune bonuses, and putting them into another, relics). It becomes sort of self-defeating at a certain point, as far as I can tell. Maintenance mode is arguably better in some ways than this kind of situation; at least with maintenance mode, the stuff that worked well continues to work well and stay the same.

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11 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

The people that legit expected the same overall amount of content (just cheduled differently) than in original Expac +LS release system (and there were a lot of them)?

Sorry, but anyone who was expecting a one year mini expansion to have as much content as a full expansion plus living world is plain delusional (plus has reading difficulties as Anet explicitly said what was going to be in the one year cycle).

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4 hours ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

Sorry, but anyone who was expecting a one year mini expansion to have as much content as a full expansion plus living world is plain delusional (plus has reading difficulties as Anet explicitly said what was going to be in the one year cycle).

He said over the course of two annual expacs.

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4 hours ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

Sorry, but anyone who was expecting a one year mini expansion to have as much content as a full expansion plus living world is plain delusional (plus has reading difficulties as Anet explicitly said what was going to be in the one year cycle).

To be precise, people expected one year mini-expansion + 3 followup patches to be an equivalent of half of a 2 year one and half of the living world season. And what Anet said did allow for that interpretation. Even if it was unlikely, many people did want to believe in Anet. You're right - they shouldn't have done so, and should have been way more sceptical of anet's optimistic announcements of how they now have more devs than before and will be able to deliver wonderful content. Still, they did believe.

And no, i don't think they should be ridiculed now for being naive and actually believing Anet could deliver. The real issue from the very beginning was (and is) a downgrade of content. Most likely caused by siphoning off resources to non GW2 projects. Again, i might add.

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