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Passion has gone my friends [Merged]

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I'm kinda feeling a bit unmotivated aswell lately. I've been taking a semi voluntary break over eastern were i had some other stuff to do. than a some point i kinda remembert "mh, you haven't even played GW2 the last 3 Day." and all i thought after that was "meh, anyway...whatever". But truth be told this isn't really about the "gw3 news but not really news" situation. I was feeling somewhat bored with the game lately anyway SotO dind't quite turn out the way i hoped and i've essentially "finished" the rest of the game already.

I think the GW3 namedrop isn't even the Problem of moste people. There are very few people that actually believe the servers will shut down anytime soon or that GW2 will go full maintenance mode. But i think Anet repeatedly stating that "there focus is on GW2" might even make things worse rather that better. If the current situation is what "focus is on GW2" looks like, that i dont even want to imagen what it would or will be like if GW3 actually does go into active development.

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I didn't change wvw worlds years ago because we were getting this nifty update called "alliances" that would allow me to play with my friends. It was a miserable decision and I shouldn't have held out hope that Anet would do anything about it based on rumors and sporadic progress updates.


There's no point planning your future around "maybes" and "rumor", especially if it stops you from having fun now. If you want that legendary amulet, go for it.

Edited by Westenev.5289
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Nahh man, if I'm enjoying the game I'm trying to unlock stuff no matter what. There's still so much time to grind for the stuff you haven't gotten yet and accomplish more and the game is still getting new stuff. I'm not playing any game forever but I'm not going to stop gaming on mmo's for 5 or more years just because I'll be done playing it by then and playing something new. That's 5 joyless years. I'll be done playing most games I play now by then, too, so if I'm still having fun, I'm still playing.

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You can just keep playing without spending money. Then its not a big problem. As long as you enjoy what you do ingame then its not a time waste. Sure your items dont carry over to next game. But you had fun. Its the same when watching some sports. You can enjoy the formula 1 race even when always the same person wins 😁 

also depends of what you going for. Now its an mmorpg. But if you take assassins creed origins as example. That game has way less hours to play and less end game content. But the 100 hours you spend in gives you alot of fun. Yes you spend 60 bucks on it for 100 hours only. And then its over. In guildwars 2 there is much more to do. Only thing is, getting all upgrades cost much gold. So compared to ac origins 100 hours… 3 - 5 years is loooong. 

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Naturally, yeah. I felt that way too when Path of Exile 2 was announced. I barely played it afterwards till not at all for years cuz I just wanted to wait for PoE2 to release due to how much better it looked... even despite the fact they're carrying over all your unlocked content from cash shop and achievements to the new one which GW2 likely wouldn't for 3. (But PoE took way too long to come out and I started playing again this current league as it draws close to beta XD)


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GW3 has always been requested by a small percentage of people throughout the years. Even if it was approved to develop doesn’t mean they will start making it. If GW2 is making money then why change something good? I doubt a guild wars 3 will make money if they kitten off all their existing player base, unless they specifically target a different group of people.

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Look at it like this. If you are already enjoying GW2 to where it feels like mere work and you've lost motivation due to a future potential, you already don't enjoy GW2 enough to continue for the theoretical 5+ years it would take for a GW3 release; you'd have already quit, so it'd make no difference and the "sunk cost" doesn't apply. However, if you enjoy GW2 now, it'd be only be diminishing your own enjoyment in the present by a potential (not guaranteed) future. Imagine if you lived your life like this outside of GW2 as well. It's stupid, you'd never live at all.

Also, legendaries have no inherent value. So the idea that it will be "worthless" is silly. They are already "worthless," and it is only you who deems them valuable for some arbitrary reason. It's but a mere challenge for yourself to invest time and dedication for a payoff of accomplishment/dopamine. It benefits no one, neither in real society or the  a virtual one in GW2. Legendaries have always been a waste of time unless you enjoy it by overcoming the grind/struggle for "something to do." They are not an investment. If you feel so guilty about the time you spend in GW2, maybe you should evaluate if you have an addiction problem--because deep down you feel you should probably be spending that time elsewhere (most likely irl).


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  • Maybe GW3 never gets released. ==> (Your progress in) GW2 stays relevant.
  • Maybe GW3 gets released at some point in the future, but it is a different genre ==> (Your progress in) GW2 stays relevant.
  • Maybe GW3 gets released at some point in the future and is a remake of GW2 on a new engine ==> (Your progress in) GW2 stays relevant.
  • Maybe GW3 gets released at some point in the future, it is a MMORPG but players don't like it. ==> GW3 dies and (Your progress in) GW2 stays relevant.
  • Maybe GW3 gets released at some point in the future, it is a MMORPG and you can keep your characters, achievements, mounts and gear ==> (Your progress in) GW2 stays relevant.
  • Maybe GW3 gets released at some point in the future, it is a MMORPG and while you can't keep your characters, but there is an excellent way you can transfer your current gear, achievements, mounts and progression to the new game ==> (Your progress in) GW2 stays relevant.
  • Maybe GW3 gets released at some point in the future, it is a MMORPG and while you can't keep your characters, and most of your progression does not transfer, the GW2 game will get it's own development team that continues to develop expansions and releases for the game into the long future. ==> (Your progress in) GW2 stays relevant.
  • Maybe GW3 gets released at some point in the future, but it is unsuccessful, a financial disaster for ArenaNet. GW1 and GW2 still have a decent market value and AranaNet gets sold to a different publisher. It makes all the sense in the world to keep GW1 online and GW2 updated because it sill makes money to do so. ==> (Your progress in) GW2 stays relevant.


  • Maybe GW3 gets released at some point in the future, it is a MMORPG and you can't keep your characters, your current progress is not meaningfully transferred to the new game, GW2 no longer gets meaningful updates and gets into maintenance mode like GW1 is. ==> Yes, now your current progress is severely degraded. But I don't expect ArenaNet / NCSoft to be so stupid to go this way.

TL;DR: There are many scenarios. Most will end up in your current progress being valued as it should. In the end: We just don't know what the future will be. Anet never wanted this information to be out now and are probably as displeased by the NCSoft reveal as many GW2 players are.

Edited by TheQuickFox.3826
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I first had that malaise myself when I heard the news but at this point until its confirmed by Anet that its happening, I really am not gonna let it deter me because I play this game for me and my time spent plus the money spent in it hasn't felt wasted. Even if GW3 is a thing I wouldn't feel regret because it was worth it to me, and furthermore we don't know if it's an MMO or a stand alone singleplayer title so it might not even have an effect on 2. Kinda like how FF has 16 installations at this point and two (?) of them are MMOs but the rest of them are Singleplayers and I'm pretty sure 11 is still alive and kicking despite 14 being the bigger successor. I mean hell, GW1 is still thriving alongside 2, so GW3 (if its an MMO) might share that same synchronicity. Yeah it means no more content updates but there's still plenty to do, especially if a new player comes into it late, there's 10+ years of content to sink their teeth into and enjoy.

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As I understand it, they've essentially confirmed that they're officially talking about possibly doing GW3. The result of that conversation could be 'no', and even if they do actually make a new game, it'll be 5-10 years away. I'm not terribly worried about it.

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Hm.. you're asking for help with 'fixing' that reaction you're having to the news. I'll try to offer some thoughts that may help.

Ask yourself if you're enjoying the game in its current state, and if you want to keep playing it. You mentioned you were working on the legendary amulet, did you have fun doing that? It will still offer the same benefits and still enhance your gameplay in the same manner as before those news were released.

If you're worried about the continuity of the game, they already confirmed that their focus is on the next expansion. There will most likely also be one after that, and one after that next one. If there ever is a Gw3 (which is a big if) it's far in the future after you've already gotten a lot of gameplay and hopefully enjoyment out of this currently existing game. Things you earn in Gw2 won't disappear, anything you achieve you'll still have achieved. It may not carry over into Gw3 (or it may, who knows) - but do you ever worry about progress in a current game being carried over into a different game? Wild example, but if you play a current or older pokemon game do you lose any interest in playing it if a new generation is announced? Does a game lose all its appeal and gameplay enjoyment simply because a follow-up game (that nothing is known of yet) happens somewhere far in the future?

Hope those thoughts may help a bit with overcoming your motivational hurdle. If not, maybe it helps to take a break and try some other games until you possibly find your joy in this one again. Or just move away from doing a bigger grindy project in the game and seek some other activities that involve less effort or motivation to do - whatever you find enjoyable in the game and feels easily approachable to you.

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I'm reminded of an interview I heard about once.  Sam Tramiel, then CEO of Atari, gave an interview to Next Generation magazine about the status of the company and their console at the time, the Atari Jaguar.  This interview was supposed to help reassure customers, stock holders, and future potential customers of the value of the Jaguar console.  However... Tramiel botched it.  Terribly.  One of the things he mentioned in this interview was that the Jaguar 2 was under development.  This, among many other things, caused all interest in the Jaguar 1 to plummet, as no one wanted to sink their costs into that console anymore.  

NCsoft leaking the potential development of GW3 could very well be what sinks this game.  The malaise of the OP is going to be a commonly shared sentiment.  

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48 minutes ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

This, among many other things, caused all interest in the Jaguar 1 to plummet, as no one wanted to sink their costs into that console anymore.  

NCsoft leaking the potential development of GW3 could very well be what sinks this game.  The malaise of the OP is going to be a commonly shared sentiment.  

That's an interesting example, but I don't think it's a good parallel to what the OP is feeling. The Jaguar 2 is a new successor to replace the old. We have no idea if GW3 is that, just mere speculation. It may reduce the amount of new players willing to start GW2 now because they may think they should just wait for GW3, but even that...is really jumping the gun. 

I think a more comparable situation to what the OP is feeling is that of a stamp collector. Now, would a stamp collector decide to stop collecting stamps because he's afraid one day his house may burn down and take his collection with it? Until we get official details and an actual timeline for a GW3 release, we are literally worrying about our house burning down sometime in the future with no more information that "it could possibly happen for real." It's illogical to make current choices or even let it destroy our present happiness based on such an irrational fear.

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9 hours ago, Legend Sully.1568 said:

Anyone else feel this way?

I was grinding all the story metas for the legendary amulet, and ive kinda lost all my motivation to keep going due to gw3 coming out. I know im likely falling victim to a sunk cost fallacy or something similar, but i cant shake it from my brain

Gw3 news just makes me feel like gw2 isnt worth my time and i dont know why, i was having lots of fun before the news and now... Meh

Anyone have any tips to get over this weird behavior? The solution is probably just to go outside more but who knows.

I keep telling myself itll be 5 years until gw3 anyway... But that doesnt seem to work

lol. First off consider the new's source. An Execute that is trying to make share holders not sell. You should think GW3 as a decade long project. MMOs take a decade to get in place in general. Look how long GW1 to GW2 took. I would say you say have about 10 year's before its and issue between GW2 and 3. I would worry more about other games that are ending their 10 year development cycle.

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10 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Isnt the only "news" essentially that GW3 is not in development at this time? 

No. The news are that "it's being worked on", and " the start of the development has not been finalized yet" (notice, the last one does not mean the development has not started, it might as well mean that they are developing it, but are still in initial phases of it). That's from NCSoft, because news from Anet are that "we won't confirm or deny GW3".

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7 hours ago, hellsmachine.4085 said:

When GTA 6 was announced I noticed my friends on steam started playing GTA 5. I wonder why MMOs have such a different effect on players despite being just as grindy. 

I think the MMO players on average are more attached to their accounts and characters. They are more susceptible to the sunk cost fallacy in other words. I suspect it has something to do with the persistent world and how you move around in it, essentially becoming a representation of yourself to lots of other people rather than a single-player or co-op game with your friends or a couple of strangers. That's just my take on it.

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3 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

lol. First off consider the new's source. An Execute that is trying to make share holders not sell.

Yeah. Notice, how lying to shareholders is not just not smart. It's actually something that can get you in jail. Lying to your customers in a press releases however is a bit more hazy issue.

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I just look at it from the positives: I don't care as much about the legy relic not being legendary anymore, cause it just doesn't matter as much with gw3 on the horizon. Maybe the next gw2 xpacs will be good, maybe they won't ...but finally we got an explanation as to why the last releases (EOD -especially the tunnel- and SOTO) were questionable and not of the former quality of HOT/POF era (opinions may differ on that one ofc).

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