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Passion has gone my friends [Merged]

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On 3/8/2024 at 11:51 PM, Labjax.2465 said:

The point was that from everything I understand about how this system operates, through theoretical explanations, through stats, through anecdote and self reporting, the expectations from the very top tend to be unrealistic and always wanting more.

And this is different than your previous claim about "justifying a decision after the fact based on the fact that it was the decision that was made" which you apparently based on... "it worked before so there's no reason it shouldn't work now". You have no access to any specific numbers about player purchases which means you're just making up whatever you want on the spot. One could say you're "searching for justification after you made a decision you don't want to believe in whatever anet says or does".

On 3/9/2024 at 1:01 AM, Ashen.2907 said:

There are a lot of business models that work for a while and then not so much. Every business model works until it doesn't, at which point the company adapts or dies...or adapts and dies anyway.

Exactly. His attempt to claim that change shouldn't happen "because they made it work for some time before!" is nonsense.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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On 3/7/2024 at 7:01 PM, kharmin.7683 said:

Loot in GW2 is there to sell for gold to convert to gems to buy the stuff from the store that you really want.  Or to breakdown and be used for crafting.

Exactly, so the loot is bad so players use their wallet. And this is what i hate. No loot worth gold means no gems. But they keep showing store items while you barely make gold ingame. So 2 choices. 1 use wallet or 2 waste your life by quit the gym or other sports and no life grind guildwars 2 to be able to affort some virtual skins. 

By farming wow raids i meant weekly runs.

and maybe i use the wrong words sometimes. But this language is not my main language. I dont have the luxury that i can talk my language everywere. And second. No luxury that we have a forum on our own language. 

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1 hour ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

Exactly, so the loot is bad so players use their wallet. And this is what i hate. No loot worth gold means no gems. But they keep showing store items while you barely make gold ingame. So 2 choices. 1 use wallet or 2 waste your life by quit the gym or other sports and no life grind guildwars 2 to be able to affort some virtual skins. 

By farming wow raids i meant weekly runs.

and maybe i use the wrong words sometimes. But this language is not my main language. I dont have the luxury that i can talk my language everywere. And second. No luxury that we have a forum on our own language. 

Using one's wallet is exactly what ANet wants.  They need real cash to keep the servers running.  Also, as has been pointed out already, if loot were worth so much more in game gold, then you would devalue it since everyone would be getting more gold per drop.  Check out the economy in SWtoR where items in the shop are sold for hundreds of millions of game currency as an example of a system gone wrong.

Virtually everything in the gem store is not required to play the game or complete content.   Items cycle in and out, especially during annual sales.  Players don't need to "grind for gold" to convert to gems.  Just play the game and the gold will accrue naturally. 

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Personality i feel like the biggest missed opportunity with the removal of aurene and the end of the dragon cycle was the ability to tell smaller stories. Reason cadacus and joko were good story arcs in the living story were they were actual characters that had relatable motives. Even Balthazar had motives i could understand.  

Instead we are back to man vs nature conflicts that is the status quo for the game. Epoch is just like zhaitan, mordy, kraik, primo, and the void. They are the way they are by nature with no motives. Even jormag felt that way in the end. 

Personally i would like to see a xpac that revolves around minister le and the purists, or kudu's daughter with the inquest. Basically stop telling the same the world is going to end story that has been the status quo since the second half of ls3. At this point the only god level entity I would want to see is Menzies but even he should not be super powered. 

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1 hour ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

Personality i feel like the biggest missed opportunity with the removal of aurene and the end of the dragon cycle was the ability to tell smaller stories. Reason cadacus and joko were good story arcs in the living story were they were actual characters that had relatable motives. Even Balthazar had motives i could understand.  

Instead we are back to man vs nature conflicts that is the status quo for the game. Epoch is just like zhaitan, mordy, kraik, primo, and the void. They are the way they are by nature with no motives. Even jormag felt that way in the end. 

Personally i would like to see a xpac that revolves around minister le and the purists, or kudu's daughter with the inquest. Basically stop telling the same the world is going to end story that has been the status quo since the second half of ls3. At this point the only god level entity I would want to see is Menzies but even he should not be super powered. 

I agree. Big stories are fun! I really liked the Elder Dragon Saga. But if the goal is to make each story fit into its own, one-year-long expansion, then we need to see these stories shrink a bit I think. Smaller scope, less characters (more opportunity for a smaller cast to get sufficient limelight in a shorter story). If the goal shifts in the future, from a storytelling perspective, to return to multi-expansion-long stories, then these big stories with dozens or more characters makes a lot more sense.

A smaller story can still feel fun and impactful. I'm sure the writers can find ways to make my Commander still feel like who he has become and not necessarily make him feel like a fetch boy in a smaller story, for that matter.

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On 3/1/2024 at 9:01 AM, soulknight.9620 said:

@OP the problem you are describing is basically - SOTO is a glorified payed living world season. The same structure, same type of content, same quality and quantity (although i would argue that quality was better in lw4). 

Actually not a living world, soto has the same chapters as a full expac did, probably more.

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On 3/1/2024 at 5:54 PM, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

I already left. My goal is to only play games that dont make me angry. Also quit call of duty and battlefield 2042. And hearthstone. Much more fun playing an arpg game. Were loot atleast drops for time spend. Instead of doing multiple bosses and meta’s and getting nothing but junk loot. I feel i am forced to spend cash to buy the loot (skins) from gemstore. Skins that would DROP from mobs in other games. This game and the forum community (most of them, not all, with their emoticons and always defending) made me angry. And this endless grind for legendary armor is insane. My idea was to play with stats and make my own builds. But i now do this in the arpg game. 

Sounds like you need to quit gaming in general.

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On 3/2/2024 at 4:30 AM, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

They working hard on GEMstore skins because the more skins the more money. They ignore other things what players want (maybe because there is no budget for) new races, classes, specs, pvp, wvw (bug free), raids or what players all want. 

gemstore skins are just skins without to have to programming mechanics like a raid. So i think its just a fast money grab. 

but why should they? If the players are addicted to the game and keep spending and your business stay healthy. Then milk it. 
normally company’s only change when numbers of players going drastically down. If that wont happen then you keep mostly gemstore content. 

ppl always say stop buying the game. Like call of duty. Then it maybe gets better. 

They are allowed to make money because they gave us a free battlepass while other games charge for it, so that logic won't fly with me, this whole thing about people wanting new races are the same people who want new animations, like really, how many animations can they make of a character swinging a mace, 6 classes is enough, end of story, pvp is not what this game was advertised as the main feature of this game, wvw needs work, yes, raids are irrevelant, strikes are the new raids.

Gemstone skins are what they are suppose to be, a skin, nothing more.

Again, they need to make money to keep the game alive, what do you expect them to do, if you all gemstore items for free, if they did that, it would kill the game.


Edited by vrauns.3215
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3 hours ago, vrauns.3215 said:

Actually not a living world, soto has the same chapters as a full expac did, probably more.

One could take a single page short story, write it so that each sentence is a separate chapter, resulting in dozens of chapters, and still only have a single page worth of material compared to a full novel, with the same number of chapters, and its 400 full pages of material.

Number of chapters is irrelevant.

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5 hours ago, vrauns.3215 said:

They are allowed to make money because they gave us a free battlepass while other games charge for it, so that logic won't fly with me, this whole thing about people wanting new races are the same people who want new animations, like really, how many animations can they make of a character swinging a mace, 6 classes is enough, end of story, pvp is not what this game was advertised as the main feature of this game, wvw needs work, yes, raids are irrevelant, strikes are the new raids.

Gemstone skins are what they are suppose to be, a skin, nothing more.

Again, they need to make money to keep the game alive, what do you expect them to do, if you all gemstore items for free, if they did that, it would kill the game.


Another person with pink glasses. A defender who cant think or imagine other ways because. Yes addiction. There is NO balance. Compare fishing too wow (i always say wow because i have never played another mmo then that besides guildwars 2) fishing is guildwars 2 takes much time. With that bar going fast its not relaxing what it should be. And the loot is garbage. No mounts. No mini’s. 
the loot that drop is super rare. 

i wont say my opion about your last sentence. But greed should not be a reason to keep a game going. 

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11 hours ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

Another person with pink glasses. A defender who cant think or imagine other ways because. Yes addiction. There is NO balance. Compare fishing too wow (i always say wow because i have never played another mmo then that besides guildwars 2) fishing is guildwars 2 takes much time. With that bar going fast its not relaxing what it should be. And the loot is garbage. No mounts. No mini’s. 
the loot that drop is super rare. 

i wont say my opion about your last sentence. But greed should not be a reason to keep a game going. 

You've only played WoW and GW2 and have such sprawling knowledge of things and business and MMO mechanics? WoW and GW2, who are both relatively generous when it comes to this onerous genre? Who both have something resembling drop rates, and, at least in GW2's case, has actually increased the drop rate of valuable things several times over the years? /gatekeeper mode on 

Oh boy, wait until you try some Korean MMOs. That...that will be a very eye opening day for you in the capacity for evil and greed and suffering within the MMO business. In generosity to our Daddy NCsoft overlords, try Aion Classic (the NCWest North American version, not Gameforge) to step your toes into the more vanilla side of the nightmare of KMMOs.

(Obviously, it would be nice to have better/alternate ways to guarantee some stuff, like how they did with the frost legion infusion, everbloom infusion, fractal infusions, etc, but, dang, man, this game doesn't hold a candle to what the parent company of Anet + other companies have done to this simultaneously awful and wonderful genre of gaming.)

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11 hours ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

Another person with pink glasses. A defender who cant think or imagine other ways because. Yes addiction

You're unable to quit the game you clearly have no fun in at all (and you don't have fun, because you expect it to be an equivalent of some casino rigged in your favor where YOU are supposed to keep hitting jackpots, but not the others because that would make those items value too low for your liking), while praising "wow drops" when you also... quit wow due to not getting drops... and you're talking about others being unable to think or imagine other ways because addiction  🫣 

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13 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You're unable to quit the game you clearly have no fun in at all (and you don't have fun, because you expect it to be an equivalent of some casino rigged in your favor where YOU are supposed to keep hitting jackpots, but not the others because that would make those items value too low for your liking), while praising "wow drops" when you also... quit wow due to not getting drops... and you're talking about others being unable to think or imagine other ways because addiction  🫣 

Yes. But others got already lucky but not me. I only took wow as an example compared to guildwars 2. And i dont say everything here what i think. But i will make a new example. The time i played wow actively (for around 6 years) i got 2 x thunderfury, sea turtle, headless horsemen mount, the ragnaros orb, some very rare fishing poles from bags, fiery warhorse, and many more mounts from raids. While in guildwars 2 the time i played actively around 7 years total i NEVER LOOTED an expensive super rare item. (Worth more then 1k, the winters heart i got was 880 gold, sure i was happy because i wanted winters snow shoulders very bad and when looting that infusion i was able to make what i wanted and also was able to buy a very cool mini jack-a-lope) that was the first year i started to play actively. 
i said in wow i didnt get something nice but that was AFTER the break to win from the afdiction.  i played again after 7 years to try the game again. But because it did not gave me exactly one of the items i wanted i didnt comtinue to buy subscription. You are now comparing guildwars 2 7 years playtime with wow 90 days. Ofc i get not one of the rarest mount drops in those days. And even lower if i only play it on max 3 characters a week. While open world bosses can be killed daily if i am correct. And i just mentioned some low drops. I could list more but then i have to check warcraftmounts page. 
In those 90 wow days i also got 2 warglaive of azzinoth sets. Some player i met ingame farmed a Year for it.

in diablo 4 i looted a low drop mount armor and a thropy a few days ago. And that game has also a shop to buy from. And no subscription. So its possible. Its just what you want to give back to the players. 

i forgot to say that the items in wow were not for sale but for self use. (But high value in play time to obtain them) But the idea is the same. I was after some items that i really wanted. It can count the same as confetti infusion i would use if myself. Others are for trading post. Making money in wow is not hard. Players are sometimes dumb(not good informed). I once bought an item for 400 gold while i knew it was worth over 10k. So i bought it and it tool not long to earn the huge profit. 

Edited by Holmindeboks.3490
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1 hour ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

that was AFTER the break to win from the afdiction.

I don't know if I understand you correctly and I don't mean it as an attack: Are you addicted to gaming/loot? Here in the forum we won't be able to help you much with good advice. Except maybe: Take a break from the game and get help?

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

We usually play this type of games to escape from life's faults. Not to replicate them.

So, then, everyone who plays the game should have the same, equal result?  They were complaining that some people are lucky but not them.  How would you escape this in-game?

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7 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

So, then, everyone who plays the game should have the same, equal result?  They were complaining that some people are lucky but not them.  How would you escape this in-game?

Not lean too heavily on RNGesus-based mechanics. I was never a fan of extreme drop rarity stuff for example.

Yes, if you put a certain amount of effort into something, you should never get significantly less than someone else that did the same as you.

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49 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Not lean too heavily on RNGesus-based mechanics. I was never a fan of extreme drop rarity stuff for example.

Yes, if you put a certain amount of effort into something, you should never get significantly less than someone else that did the same as you.

AH, but that RNG is what gaming companies use to keep players logged in and (hopefully) spending money.

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6 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

I don't know if I understand you correctly and I don't mean it as an attack: Are you addicted to gaming/loot? Here in the forum we won't be able to help you much with good advice. Except maybe: Take a break from the game and get help?

Yes some times i am. But only drops. I wont pay money on those trash. Attack or not. I am not a loser who report players for whatever they say. I can earn much. 

also some person was showing off all mounts i wanted. He got mount after mount. So i said i quit wow so you dont have fun for showing off. He said i would come back. Thats the reason why i didnt came back for 7 years. I didnt want that he was right. 

Showing off can hurt some ppl. Imagine driving a bugatti worth 3.6 million through a slum. What a bad person you are then. 

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Not lean too heavily on RNGesus-based mechanics. I was never a fan of extreme drop rarity stuff for example.

Yes, if you put a certain amount of effort into something, you should never get significantly less than someone else that did the same as you.

Well there are a alot of single player games were do the thing get the thing is the norm maybe mmorpgs is not that users cup of tea.

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Not lean too heavily on RNGesus-based mechanics. I was never a fan of extreme drop rarity stuff for example.

Yes, if you put a certain amount of effort into something, you should never get significantly less than someone else that did the same as you.

Yeah me neither. It's usually a trait of Korean mmorpgs where you have these super rare items but the content itself is quite easy. So it's just about grind. The good thing in gw2 is that these grindy rare items are just cosmetics (and don't really interest me much).

In wow if you clear raids consistently, you'll get your gear.  Some cosmetics are more rare though.

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54 minutes ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

Guildwars 2 is not life. Its a virtual world. So unfairness should not excist. Sure for some ppl a virtual world us their first life. 

If everyone got the valuable drop, it'd no longer be a valuable drop. Look at "rare" (the item type) gear in GW2. It used to be "rare" and "valuable," but now it comes from everywhere and is worth relatively little. Even most exotic gear is worth almost nothing now versus when it was actually rare.

And I don't know what you mean by inequality and unfairness in GW2. Everything you need to succeed at GW2 is available with minimal effort, no RNG, and extremely cheaply. Cosmetics aren't a "need." They're a nicety.

If you want inequality and unfairness, again, let me point you to try Aion Classic (and other KMMOs).

Edit: Going to be straight with you, dude. Maybe MMOs aren't the genre for you. For your mental health, I recommend not trying to play MMOs anymore.

Edited by QueenKeriti.5176
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23 minutes ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

If everyone got the valuable drop, it'd no longer be a valuable drop. Look at "rare" (the item type) gear in GW2. It used to be "rare" and "valuable," but now it comes from everywhere and is worth relatively little. Even most exotic gear is worth almost nothing now versus when it was actually rare.

And I don't know what you mean by inequality and unfairness in GW2. Everything you need to succeed at GW2 is available with minimal effort, no RNG, and extremely cheaply. Cosmetics aren't a "need." They're a nicety.

If you want inequality and unfairness, again, let me point you to try Aion Classic (and other KMMOs).

Edit: Going to be straight with you, dude. Maybe MMOs aren't the genre for you. For your mental health, I recommend not trying to play MMOs anymore.

True. Mmo is garbage for me. Because i have more things to do. Irl. I dont start with a new mmo every. Diablo 4 is my game now. Got some nice items already. 

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