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Ranger and war are currently completly op.

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Simple fact: put a drood heal-bot on a side, a war heal-bot staff on the other, and poof, you have spec that can win every single 1v1 without even sweating a bit, and can bunker the node during x amount of time, and who requires minimum 2 or 3 people to kill it.

The amout of effort to kill thoses class is ridiculously, outragously high.
The ratio damage/self sustain/ez to play is completly out of control.

Give thoses spec to a complete degenerated monkey, he'll still have value with it cause how ridiculously hard to kill it can be, and how easy to play.

Something that does damage,have billion cc, mobility, dodges and block + invu, and is extremly easy to play, shouldn't EVER ever ever have this amount of sustain.

Edited by whooot.5784
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*Pulls up a chair, popcorn bucket in hand*

I love knowing more than one class, you get to see every angle. Going from "thief is hilariously broken, you have to bunker to counter it" to "I literally cant fight bunker specs on sides 1v1" is just the gift that keeps giving.

Congrats, both duelists and thieves are annoying if you don't play vs them right. Now you're beginning to understand. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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I think the subtext here is 'buff Specter', but practically every class can do this now.

For every heal war and Druid there's a FB that can stall for 10x as long, or a DH/Scrapper duelist that can AFK traps on point or run away with perma boons and superspeed.  

The only answer to fighting any of these builds is CC duelists--direct burst damage will not work as they've nerfed it too much.  

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I remember when I said ele at top of meta was the best thing for the game, becuase the specs were hard and punishing enough that any random couldnt just get on them and deny area. But now here we are.. specs that punish so little, the average player requirs a 2v1 to kill <30 seconds. You fkers deserve this meta 😜 

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Posted (edited)
18 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

I remember when I said ele at top of meta was the best thing for the game

I hope you're not talking about the cata FA or the condi one, cause honestly it was the worst abomination I've ever see in my entiere life lol
Thoses brainded ultra op spec can't be defended, like ever. Thanks god they got nerfed, it was a true nightmare, I still have ptsd from that

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19 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

I remember when I said ele at top of meta was the best thing for the game, becuase the specs were hard and punishing enough that any random couldnt just get on them and deny area. But now here we are.. specs that punish so little, the average player requirs a 2v1 to kill <30 seconds. You fkers deserve this meta 😜 

TBF ele metas are usually the worst because the only good builds for them are bunkers and supports. It makes the game so boring.

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1 hour ago, whooot.5784 said:

I hope you're not talking about the cata FA or the condi one, cause honestly it was the worst abomination I've ever see in my entiere life lol
Thoses brainded ultra op spec can't be defended, like ever. Thanks god they got nerfed, it was a true nightmare, I still have ptsd from that

Obviously not condi cata. FA is neccersary across many power specs, no mobility would otherwise make it unplayable in a lot of cases; Comparable to DD/DE thief with no stealth, or holo with no blocks. Just look at hammer cata, 0 mobility, everything can kite it, not suprisngly almost nobody plays it, despite it pumping out high damage.

47 minutes ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

TBF ele metas are usually the worst because the only good builds for them are bunkers and supports. It makes the game so boring.

Thats a load of rubbish. There were power and condi dps builds (before condi cata bs) for both scepter tempest and scepter cata. There were some d/d duel builds, and hammer cata was also a lot more viable 6-12 month ago, as the game was not massively mobility/bunker creeped. Support tempest was the most represented at that time (is it much suprise it was also the most forgiving ele spec?) while cata was meta, but hard and punishing enough that they were not massively represented at all (EU), aside from the echo chamber of the top 5% of plats.. who would have us beleive cata was easy to play and at 100% rep. Thats all echo chaber bias bs, I know plenty of good players who tried power cata, and stopped playing it days later becuase it was too much of a headache to do well on.


The rune and relic changes impacted ele more than most classes, lowering its already low HP pool, then the scepter nerf, stab nerf. Then the all specs weapon update, and now new weapons (ele didn't benefit much from any of that), then buffs to some other specs along the way. So now its at the point where specs that take half as much effort are as good, or better than any ele spec. The proof is in representations, its druid/warriors on sides, not hammer catas, its WB/SLB/Holo roamers, not scepter cata, its core gaurd support, not tempest. The only thing that seems to get any representation now is a nion meme 1 shot weaver build, which players would probably have been laughed at for playing 12 month ago, thats how far ele fell (rightly or wrongly so). Game doesnt benefit when some of the most difficult specs in the game (hammer cata) or being outclassed by some of the eaiest (insert multiple current side noders). How do you draw mistakes from such specs when they have fool proof mechanics baked into them, just like they did with the monstrosity cata signit build "how to do kitten damage/area denial with 0 effort"; gw2 theme. So again, this is the meta you all voted for, low skill side noding, and a scoruge+DH+core gaurd face tanking for days on mid.

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17 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Thats a load of rubbish. There were power and condi dps builds (before condi cata bs) for both scepter tempest and scepter cata. There were some d/d duel builds, and hammer cata was also a lot more viable 6-12 month ago, as the game was not massively mobility/bunker creeped. Support tempest was the most represented at that time (is it much suprise it was also the most forgiving ele spec?) while cata was meta, but hard and punishing enough that they were not massively represented at all (EU), aside from the echo chamber of the top 5% of plats.. who would have us beleive cata was easy to play and at 100% rep. Thats all echo chaber bias bs, I know plenty of good players who tried power cata, and stopped playing it days later becuase it was too much of a headache to do well on.

You are kind of agreeing with my point? Hammer cata is a bunker. Condi signet cata is a bunker. Tempest is support. Fireweaver is bunker. Water weaver is bunker. The only non-bunker non-support ele build in like the last 4 years that has been meta is FA cata. And all of them are no fun to play against.

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7 minutes ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

You are kind of agreeing with my point? Hammer cata is a bunker. Condi signet cata is a bunker. Tempest is support. Fireweaver is bunker. Water weaver is bunker. The only non-bunker non-support ele build in like the last 4 years that has been meta is FA cata. And all of them are no fun to play against.

+1 for fighting bunkers is boring. 

I'd love to do damage but Anet has a weird obsession with making my skills hit less often and not improving the ones that don't hit to begin with.  And when they do hit people whine about stunlock and how that's unfun. 

Idk what to tell you, but I sure do prefer the meta being faster. I think people just cant dodge and are coping 6 ways from sunday. 

When people wake up and decide they miss power zerker tearing people to bits with axes, I'll ... well let's face it I'll probably be gone but I'll be here in spirit and with a welcome home flag. Until then, let me introduce you to blockchains.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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15 minutes ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

You are kind of agreeing with my point? Hammer cata is a bunker. Condi signet cata is a bunker. Tempest is support. Fireweaver is bunker. Water weaver is bunker. The only non-bunker non-support ele build in like the last 4 years that has been meta is FA cata. And all of them are no fun to play against.

I played hammer cata for a while, across multiple itterations that were not bunker. Even the "bunker" build took considerable skill to do well on, which was my point, it is easier to make mistakes on hammer cata when your survival depends on comboing for the right aura at the right time (and stability), which requires full knowledge of every spec, and what current weapon they are using. That is even more difficult now, when almost all specs now have access to both ranged/melee damage, and enough mobility to jump between the 2 at a whim (they are all like power untamed, a nightmare to fight as hammer cata, go try). Hammer cata is the bench mark of a skill indexed side noder that requires high game knowledge to push a player off the point, something that is not required from the average druid/warrior, who are tanking TWO people <TWO> 2 <2>. Get it yet?


There is no reason to mention condi cata as a spec.. it was a short lasting thing that was broken, and does not represent ele as a whole. Thats just like slating all of ranger across all of time becuase SLB was busted for a few month.


Tempest is not just support, there have always been DPS or hybrid builds that did good damage, which where destroyed as specs, thanks to ANET sledge hammering scepter condi to deal with the monstrosity that was condi cata. They were not bunker builds, they were group fighting dps builds, which could top damage, the opposite of bunker. There were more than a hand full of power scepter and D/D specs that I mentioned, which you conveniently neglected. You then talk about weaver builds, which have been the least played of all over the last 2 year, its not my fault you're a weaver main and didn't realise their were plenty of "none bunker none support" cata/tempest builds.

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1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:

I played hammer cata for a while, across multiple itterations that were not bunker. Even the "bunker" build took considerable skill to do well on, which was my point, it is easier to make mistakes on hammer cata when your survival depends on comboing for the right aura at the right time (and stability), which requires full knowledge of every spec, and what current weapon they are using. That is even more difficult now, when almost all specs now have access to both ranged/melee damage, and enough mobility to jump between the 2 at a whim (they are all like power untamed, a nightmare to fight as hammer cata, go try). Hammer cata is the bench mark of a skill indexed side noder that requires high game knowledge to push a player off the point, something that is not required from the average druid/warrior, who are tanking TWO people <TWO> 2 <2>. Get it yet?


There is no reason to mention condi cata as a spec.. it was a short lasting thing that was broken, and does not represent ele as a whole. Thats just like slating all of ranger across all of time becuase SLB was busted for a few month.


Tempest is not just support, there have always been DPS or hybrid builds that did good damage, which where destroyed as specs, thanks to ANET sledge hammering scepter condi to deal with the monstrosity that was condi cata. They were not bunker builds, they were group fighting dps builds, which could top damage, the opposite of bunker. There were more than a hand full of power scepter and D/D specs that I mentioned, which you conveniently neglected. You then talk about weaver builds, which have been the least played of all over the last 2 year, its not my fault you're a weaver main and didn't realise their were plenty of "none bunker none support" cata/tempest builds.

So you are agreeing with me, thats great.

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Staff warrior is the worst spec I've seen in a while. Almost unkillable in 1v2 situations, insanely strong AoE healing capabilities. Spec is extremely unfun to play against. I don't usually take breaks because of the meta, but I think this will be the first. So many specs are way too tanky in the meta, but warrior takes the cake. Once the season is over, I'm shelving GW2 till the idiotic live lord builds get nerfed, if they ever will

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I love 🪄

Sidenoding 🪄

If you all don't want me to sidenode, advocate for better damage delivery, but the one constant is that I'll be annoyingly effective despite it all so pick wisely.

Pick which way you want me to play.  Either I have to take away your right to play the game because my weapons don't have good range, or I stall you to death. 

I was trying to do teamfight berserker but then they made that weird change to arc divider and took the damage away again, then halved my savage instinct duration then made rampart splitter crit on glass for 1k, so it's pretty obvious they want me to once again adopt the peaceful ways 🙏

Namaste 🙏 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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1 hour ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

I love 🪄

Sidenoding 🪄

If you all don't want me to sidenode, advocate for better damage delivery, but the one constant is that I'll be annoyingly effective despite it all so pick wisely.

Pick which way you want me to play.  Either I have to take away your right to play the game because my weapons don't have good range, or I stall you to death. 

I was trying to do teamfight berserker but then they made that weird change to arc divider and took the damage away again, then halved my savage instinct duration then made rampart splitter crit on glass for 1k, so it's pretty obvious they want me to once again adopt the peaceful ways 🙏

Namaste 🙏 

That one month around EoD when they buffed daggers and SpB to do damage was fun and there were no bunkers to be found cause if you sat there on the node you got shanked, till people complained that SpB was outplaying them and it got nerfed and we were back to bunkers. The fun bit was that the build was quite killable and couldn't do 1v2 that long.
Its weird getting thing in the heads of people, like Warrior did kitten all and they got used it and if does something its OP instead of thinking they got skill checked.

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4 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

I love 🪄

Sidenoding 🪄

If you all don't want me to sidenode, advocate for better damage delivery, but the one constant is that I'll be annoyingly effective despite it all so pick wisely.

Pick which way you want me to play.  Either I have to take away your right to play the game because my weapons don't have good range, or I stall you to death. 

I was trying to do teamfight berserker but then they made that weird change to arc divider and took the damage away again, then halved my savage instinct duration then made rampart splitter crit on glass for 1k, so it's pretty obvious they want me to once again adopt the peaceful ways 🙏

Namaste 🙏 

Staff Mace/Horn Spellbreaker with full shouts and VS.

Namaste 🙏


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Absolutely agree. You need to outnumber the staff spellbreaker to have a chance, and it still survives for too long. I thought that Druid was bad but manageable. Staff warrior is even harder to kill

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On 3/12/2024 at 3:52 PM, whooot.5784 said:

Simple fact: put a drood heal-bot on a side, a war heal-bot staff on the other, and poof, you have spec that can win every single 1v1 without even sweating a bit, and can bunker the node during x amount of time, and who requires minimum 2 or 3 people to kill it.

The amout of effort to kill thoses class is ridiculously, outragously high.
The ratio damage/self sustain/ez to play is completly out of control.

Give thoses spec to a complete degenerated monkey, he'll still have value with it cause how ridiculously hard to kill it can be, and how easy to play.

Something that does damage,have billion cc, mobility, dodges and block + invu, and is extremly easy to play, shouldn't EVER ever ever have this amount of sustain.

We need to remember that not every class is made for 1v1 excellence and holding/bunkering nodes like duelists are. Each spec fulfills a certain role in the match, whether it be sidenoder/roamer/support/ bruiser/ or damage.

Sidenoders are made to be difficult to kill in a 1v1, and to kill others in duels on their node. Their job is literally to hold a side node while the team fight exists elsewhere. So if a roamer like a willy shows up against a good spellbreaker or druid sidenoder/bruiser, you should be expecting to not cap that node without some help or kiting.

While other roles can somewhat duel and hold their own for a while, they can not and should not be expected to maintain momentum enough to kill a good sidenoder. Against other roles? Sure. Sidenoders? No. 

These are not my words. They had a video on this:

That all being said, I think spellbreaker f1 staff hits a bit too hard. And Druid sustain is a bit too high.

Edited by gmmg.9210
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