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Guild Wars 3 - Ideas [Merged]

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On 3/27/2024 at 7:17 PM, uberkingkong.8041 said:

Also, wanted this point this out.


There was a lot of likes and trophies. I feel like the confused face, whenever theres ideas or challenges to the game, people/regulars like to gang up with the confuse face so the outcome was good from that thread. And be like Elden Ring basically be tough but mechanically tough not no dps checking type of vibe.

Soo-Wong was pretty mechanically, gotta be on your toes and somewhat dps check.

I remember they nerfed it a lot of times, I think I beat it like after 2 nerfs and I was enjoying it before I finally beat it too. Something about community coming together and being serious and everyone has common goal. Its fun.

If its participation trophy expansion you don't really see that, its more of who can play faster more efficient or cheesy way rather than everyone come together lets discuss how we gonna overcome. Make squads and hold people accountable, not no join just for kicks squads. Get your 10 buff stack, everyone be serious if you don't 10 buff stack let me know, we gonna do if you have any questions let me know. yada yada.

EoD meta was fun.

The asinine way in which theΒ πŸ˜•Β react is used in this community is easily the most trifling thing I've seen in ~25 years of online discussion lol.Β  It's like: "I don't agree with you, and I don't want others to agree with you, but I don't have the depth, wit, or courage to engage you...so I'll just drop a gatekeeper's mark on your post and laugh behind the safety of my keyboard."Β 

Honestly, it seems like there's just some rando dropping a confused react on every post, regardless of the context.Β  Internet anonymity at it's finest.

19 hours ago, DoctorOverlord.8620 said:

Interesting Korean articles, thanks for posting them.Β  I hope ArenaNet takes all the things they have been learning over the years with GW2 and uses them well in GW3.Β  Β 
Another Hall of Monuments type of rollover would be great.

Regardless of the rumors, I think I think GW3 is inevitable.Β  If they release it, I imagine everyone would like to be recognized for their level of achievements/progression in GW2.Β  I know I would as I only played GW1 for a few months after release and missed out.Β Β There's nothing confusing or controversial being said here but πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•...amirite?Β Β 

17 hours ago, Hsanrb.1570 said:

The only view I don't agree with. Your enjoyment of an MMO, or any video game, is not based on progress and the destination but the journey of your adventures while you played. I don't want to play a game that has 10-20 expansions, goes on for nearly 25 years and the population reaches a point the developer is going to pull the plug anyways. Look at FFXIV, its getting harder and harder to encourage people to start because its nearly 5 full expansions of content (ARR, HW, StB, ShB, EW, soon Dawn Trail) so make it 6 expansions of content to get "current" with the rest of the community.

IF each Guild Wars has a ~10 year shelf life, before the developers get to do a full on upgrade and a fresh story start to let new players in... you are more likely to encourage new users than having to drag them through 10 years of content just to be with everyone else. Even with horizontal progression, the latest expansion is likely to draw players from the content of previous expansions while its the new shiny content until they finish everything and go back to content they enjoy doing.

All very sound and logical points.Β  I know a lot of people who have stopped playing over the years, but when I broke the "news" to them, they got really excited.Β  This is why developers make sequels.Β Β I don't know why people are so afraid of new things or what they expect?Β  GW2 would be at least 15 years old by the time a hypothetical GW3 drops.Β  Surely that is enough time to consider a sequel release.Β  The advances in computing technology and all the lessons learned from GW1 and GW2 have the potential to set up an amazing new game.Β  That's exciting to think about.

I love GW2.Β  I've invested over 2K hours in it with very longs breaks in between content releases.Β  However, just the thought of a sequel has me wanting to jump in and grind for potential legacy rewards.Β  This GW3 report/rumor is the only reason I'm back on the forums checking in.

LOL, but whatever.Β  Bring on the....πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•Β Β πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•Β Β πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•Β Β πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•Β Β πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•Β Β πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•Β Β πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•Β 

Edited by Golvellius.7856
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1 hour ago, Maria Murtor.7253 said:

I came up for the idea of a new dragon race a while ago. Not sure anymore after this whole "I'm going to sleep" scenario.


Admittedly, this likely WOULD be a decent ways after Aurene wakes up, possibly as far as centuries or millenia depending on the timescale.Β 
(also oops thread got merged)

I do see there being a decent chance there'd be a Brood being created, either for the reasons mentioned in that post, to assist in organizing and combating threats to the world without her getting involved directly (similar to the Saltsprays), be it more small-scale or some potential Mists (or Void?) Incursion.

And with more dragons, more chances for relationships (either between each other, or other races potentially)...

Plus, as someone else had said, it'd probably get lonely being pretty much the *only* Dragon left (aside from a few surviving Saltsprays), especially when the does Commander inevitably die of old age. So companionship/someone to relate to may be yet another reason for them to exist.Β 

1 hour ago, Farohna.6247 said:

Could be a saltspray dragon.Β  Β 

As long as it makes sense in the storyline and not just "because it's cool", sure why not.Β  And tengu.Β  And Kodan.Β Β 

Of course, this as well, not JUST purely because "Dragons are cool" (although it is true that they are, infact, very cool), they'd need some canonical reason to exist, like the rest (such as the Sylvari and Asura) do.

As of right now, we DO have the setup for it to happen in the future (Aurene is an Elder Dragon, and a friendly one), it's simply a choice of if they'll actually DO it, similar to the Asura and Tengu, and if so how will they go about it.Β 

The first example being non-playable when it was set up but certainly being capable of it in the future (which they were), and the latter set up for it, but not going through with it in the end and staying non-playable.Β 

...plus, the Charr were made playable despite a lack of setup at the time, which i honestly didnt expect (but a welcome surprise for sure) gonna be honest :VΒ 

Regardless of Playable or not, i absolutely do expect Dragons to be pretty involved in the future, once Aurene wakes up (unless it's such a long time, eg 10,000 years or more, that it's effectively writing her out of the story forever in any potentialΒ sequels, no matter how far into the future it's set).


1 hour ago, Oulov.7913 said:

To ANet: If you guys want your game to be successful you should go back to the roots. GW3 should take place before the events of GW1. No more flashy high-tech bullsht. Don't copy this crap anomaly you call Gw2 (it doesn't even have anything to do with actual guild wars).Β 

Keep it simple: low max level, minimum grinding, maximum end-game fun, engaging and challenging dungeons, races to play: human, dwarf, charr.Β 

Don't make another typical asian mmo for kids with flashy oversized weapons and 100 level.

The story is already available.
For Tyria: guild wars between kryta and ascalon
For Elona: 2 queen rulers (I forgot their names) and scarab plage
For Cantha: wars between Tengu and the Empire.
For EoTN: what led to the construction of the Eye of North etc.Β 

Max Level is pretty much arbitrary, aside from allowing a smoother climb in difficulty, and a wider gap between level ranges.

"minimum grinding"?Β  GW2 is pretty grind-light already, unless you directly aim for some stuff like Legendaries (Which really SHOULD be a grind in some capacity)

"maximum endgame fun" is pretty vague, and is basically GW2 already.

"human, dwarf, charr" is... kinda boring AND odd at the same time, especially lore-wise. I assume you main Charr right?Β 

"Don't make another typical asian mmo for kids with flashy oversized weapons and 100 level."
You already miss something that's pretty easy to realize: People like the options of a mix of normal AND wacky stuff. People also like big numbers, this is a simple fact.

Let people dress up as a 13th century Ronin/Medieval Knight/Roman Soldier, and let them dress up as a 15 foot Disco Ball with Legs and a Punt Gun too, or an Anime Protagonist, or just Bill from HR.

Ideally for GW3: Make it something we DONT know much about,Β  and havent explored at all. Maybe even answer something like the EotN question.

...say, something set during the Previous Cycle? Entirely different races, entirely different world.

Yeah, Guild Wars 2 wasnt exactly focused on the whole "guild war" aspect that's for sure (although it did pick dragons and stick with dragons for , but... Guild Wars 1 really wasnt either??Β 

Like, yeah the Guild Wars DID happen, but it wasnt about the Guild Wars, it was about stuff either before or after them (the Charr invasion, Abaddon, Shiro and the Jade Wind, etc).Β 

It's kind of like how The Elder Scrolls literally didnt even involve the titular Elder Scrolls til the FOURTH game (and only learned what they were in the third).Β 

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3 hours ago, hellsmachine.4085 said:

Can we please get a basic mage class this time? My friend refuses to play this game because she only plays mage classes. Elementalist is not the same as a mage, it's more of an avatar Airbender, captain planet class and Mesmer is also not a mage.

Oh i would pay for that,Β  mage is not a melee yoda wannabe bouncing all over the place.

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16 hours ago, hellsmachine.4085 said:

Can we please get a basic mage class this time? My friend refuses to play this game because she only plays mage classes. Elementalist is not the same as a mage, it's more of an avatar Airbender, captain planet class and Mesmer is also not a mage.

Could you please define what a mage is if not a user of a variety of magic types? Elementalists use elemental magic. Mesmers use chaos and illusion magic. Necros use blood and death magic. Guardians technically use 'holy' magic, or even just plain defensive magic. Rangers use nature magic. Thieves use shadow magic. Revenants use demensional magic. The only actual non-magic users are warriors and engineers.

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7 minutes ago, Zera.9435 said:

Could you please define what a mage is if not a user of a variety of magic types? Elementalists use elemental magic. Mesmers use chaos and illusion magic. Necros use blood and death magic. Guardians technically use 'holy' magic, or even just plain defensive magic. Rangers use nature magic. Thieves use shadow magic. Revenants use demensional magic. The only actual non-magic users are warriors and engineers.

Think WoW, there's Druids, Shamans, Warlocks etc that all use magic and then there's the Mage. They excell at AoE, nukes and CC.

GW2 has the typical Warrior, Thief, Ranger which most RPG fans can identify with, but it's missing the typical mage. They could call it wizard or sorcerer, but it would have to be a mage with the whole kit.

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Just now, hellsmachine.4085 said:

Think WoW, there's Druids, Shamans, Warlocks etc that all use magic and then there's the Mage. They excell at AoE, nukes and CC.

GW2 has the typical Warrior, Thief, Ranger which most RPG fans can identify with, but it's missing the typical mage. They could call it wizard or sorcerer, but it would have to be a mage with the whole kit.

I don't play WoW. Tell me, what does a 'typical mage' do that the elementalist, necro, and mesmer do not do? What is so unique to the 'mage' that would make it completely different from an ele, a mesmer, or a necro?

This game has 3 mages: elementalist, mesmer, and necromancer.Β  The reason aoe nukes aren't a thing in this game is because every player character is capped at 5 enemy targets regardless of the size of AoE hits. Personally I hated this from the very beginning because a kittening meteor shower should be a very real threat to a kittening zerg in WvW, but alas ArenaNet decided to cap us to 5 enemy targets in all game modes. CC is done by EVERY class, not just the mages. Since you clearly didn't play GW1, you don't know that in that game there was no cap to the number of enemies hit by an aoe spell. The ele, mes, and nec were all capable of doing incredible aoe damage, particularly the ele.

So your complaints are less about there not being a mage class (there are 3). Your complaints are actually about the 5-enemy target cap for all the big hitting skills.

The mage is an archetype, not a single class. WoW just foolishly chose to name a class as mage.

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1 minute ago, Zera.9435 said:

I don't play WoW. Tell me, what does a 'typical mage' do that the elementalist, necro, and mesmer do not do? What is so unique to the 'mage' that would make it completely different from an ele, a mesmer, or a necro?

This game has 3 mages: elementalist, mesmer, and necromancer.Β  The reason aoe nukes aren't a thing in this game is because every player character is capped at 5 enemy targets regardless of the size of AoE hits. Personally I hated this from the very beginning because a kittening meteor shower should be a very real threat to a kittening zerg in WvW, but alas ArenaNet decided to cap us to 5 enemy targets in all game modes. CC is done by EVERY class, not just the mages. Since you clearly didn't play GW1, you don't know that in that game there was no cap to the number of enemies hit by an aoe spell. The ele, mes, and nec were all capable of doing incredible aoe damage, particularly the ele.

So your complaints are less about there not being a mage class (there are 3). Your complaints are actually about the 5-enemy target cap for all the big hitting skills.

The mage is an archetype, not a single class. WoW just foolishly chose to name a class as mage.

If you haven't played WoW then there's no point trying to explain it to you. I'm not complaining, I'm making a request. And my request wasn't aimed at you it was aimed at arenanet.

I'm asking for a class that the average RPG gamer that usually plays mage/wizard/sorcerer can identify with, because Elementalist and Mesmer have missed the mark, at least for my friend who loves fantasy RPGs.

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Just now, hellsmachine.4085 said:

If you haven't played WoW then there's no point trying to explain it to you. I'm not complaining, I'm making a request. And my request wasn't aimed at you it was aimed at arenanet.

I'm asking for a class that the average RPG gamer that usually plays mage/wizard/sorcerer can identify with, because Elementalist and Mesmer have missed the mark, at least for my friend who loves fantasy RPGs.

ArenaNet sees these posts. So go ahead and justify why they should add a 'mage' class. WHY should they add a 'mage' class? What does a 'mage' class do that nothing else in GW2 does? ArenaNet needs to know the why, and your friend is NOT a reason.

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I would support a GW3 purely on the premise of improving the fundamentals that can't really be changed anymore in GW2. The action combat gameplay in GW2 is still fine but its very old at this point and its been overtaken by other mmos with better gamefeel. GW3 would also offer a chance at addressing the photon soup fights by redoing skills and effects from the ground up, and a new engine will allow for better networking code and better large group experiences.

In terms of setting I'd prefer to keep it medieval fantasy with a dash of magitech as it currently is. I think full sci fi would alienate the thousands of GW fans that would be willing to return to try out GW3. Maybe put things into the 1910s - 40s in terms of how warfare works. As for writing, well, I've accepted the disney-marvel tier story for what it is.

Imo GW2 did so many things right and I think most people would be happy to see GW3 be similar in nature but expanded where techniques in game development have risen. Graphics, seamless open world, readable group fights and improved action combat feel. Keep the meta events, keep the class customization, keep the amazing story set pieces, keep the detailed world and setting.

Edited by Fipmip.7219
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Elementalist feels like a mage to me, or would if staff were a better weapon. The idea that a mage needs to attack at melee range, with melee weapons, to reach its potential as a "nuker" is a bit off IMO. Again, all it would take is a rework for staff for me to be happy with Ele.

And I agree with the comment above about not caring for the target cap of five, especially for Meteor Shower.

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8 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

Could you please define what a mage is if not a user of a variety of magic types? Elementalists use elemental magic. Mesmers use chaos and illusion magic. Necros use blood and death magic. Guardians technically use 'holy' magic, or even just plain defensive magic. Rangers use nature magic. Thieves use shadow magic. Revenants use demensional magic. The only actual non-magic users are warriors and engineers.


Incorrect. Warriors could use self buffing spells and magic sigils in their weaponry (hence why weapons are comically huge), and Engineers can be presumed to use some degree of Magitek in their devices.


Remember that in Guild Wars, magic emanates from everything that lives and exists, hence why rogue magic-eating elder dragons were a huge problem.

Edited by Westenev.5289
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6 minutes ago, Westenev.5289 said:


Incorrect. Warriors could use self buffing spells and magic sigils in their weaponry (hence why weapons are comically huge), and Engineers can be presumed to use some degree of Magitek in their devices.

I guess we've gotten to the point where the topic is derailed to the point where we're discussing GW2 again lol, but ... since we're talking about it, the Spellbreakers meditations are also very magical.

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What you need to do is think about GW1 or the Dragon's Dogma series with the henchmen, heroes and pawns.

People can create their main character with a certain profession or role like farmer or crafter or merchant or monster hunter or pvper and they'll be part of a larger house in a city with a couple dozen other characters partially AI driven, partially driven by other players. What this will allow is players to play the content they want without feeling like they have to do something they do not want to do. Other players and AI 'henchmen' from their house will help them accomplish that. This was part of the success of Palworld for example. The Pal AI helping you manage various survival aspects of the game.

Keep horizontal progression, give players titles for personally completing the content. The AI combined with the players keeps the world alive, the ability to choose a role in a household or clan allows you to main the content you want to and your friends, allied AI can help where there is a lack of personal desire. And AI does need to be managed. You'll need a team of narrative and story staff to train AI on the world and story as it evolves over time but the AI can help bring it to life, interpret it and personalize it for players.Β 

Juts a thought. Guild Wars 2 big success is the casual open world that feels alive, vibrant and not, go to x, kill y, return to z to get the reward so why not lean into that?

Edited by Leger.3724
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Okay, with all the Talk latelly here are my 2 cents.

1. Don't do it!...

no siriusly. If it's not a real sequel and some kind of spin off in a different genre, just call it something different and do it early on to avoid the doomsday panic some are facing right now.

if it IS a real sequel... still Don't do it!... just make it a GW2.5 instead. Meaning have it work more like a standalone addon with character import functionality, sort of like old school Bio Ware games, like Mass Effect did it. I know it's not practical to let everyone keep everything but thingst that should carry over are:

  • Legendarys
  • Your Character with his Backstory (a.k.a. the Commander)
  • Titles & some achievement
  • some level of MTX at least the Character bound upgrades such as Bagslots and Gear/Build Templates
  • Maybe some other skills, the slot your character is in or Bank/Storage expansions.

Basically a hall of monuments dialed up to 11.

For a lot of other Systems in the game iΒ believe a clean slate could be benificial. There are a LOT of legacy systems in place and parts of theΒ economy are borked beyond repair. Some stuff just needs to be wiped and redone but to only way to make players accept this ist to let them opt in. The things that are subject to change should be:

  • Skills, Traits and Boons but don't reinvent the wheel.
  • The Combat system. Thats a tricky one. I like how it is now but i also think it's to fast for most people. make it accessible but keep it action based.
  • Leveling. Honestly just get rid of ot all togehter it's meaningless in this day and age anyway also makes the character import easier to handle.
  • Currencies. I know. I know. Everone loves there gold but keeping this would destroy the new economy out of the gate so that stuff should stay in GW2.
  • The engine. Obviously! With that some updates to graphical fidelity but keep the general vibe, don't make it hyper realistic. mabe dial down a bit on the effects.
  • Multiplattform support. While i am a member if the PC masterrace myself i can't deny that the real monye is on consols and even more so ... mobile🀒 i don't think it will be posible to make the game fully playabme on mobile yet still engaging enoght on PC but some kind of companion app with mini games and/or management tools and social featues, as wale bait could get a long way.
Can but not Must:
  • Reimport to GW2. Not shure how it would work but i'm sure it would be complicated

Lorewise you can go the cataclysm route. "Oh, no something very bad happend. Aurene died, magic's going wild, all ower skills have changed, Tyria is doomed. We need to flee to the mysterious, magical land of GW3 to survive and stop the BBEGs before they destroy everything else. While we are there you we can use ower arcane magical macguffin to travel to a mist echo of Tyria before the calamity a.k.a GW2".

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7 minutes ago, Glott.7239 said:

Okay, with all the Talk latelly here are my 2 cents.

1. Don't do it!...

no siriusly. If it's not a real sequel and some kind of spin off in a different genre, just call it something different and do it early on to avoid the doomsday panic some are facing right now.

if it IS a real sequel... still Don't do it!... just make it a GW2.5 instead. Meaning have it work more like a standalone addon with character import functionality, sort of like old school Bio Ware games, like Mass Effect did it. I know it's not practical to let everyone keep everything but thingst that should carry over are:

  • Legendarys
  • Your Character with his Backstory (a.k.a. the Commander)
  • Titles & some achievement
  • some level of MTX at least the Character bound upgrades such as Bagslots and Gear/Build Templates
  • Maybe some other skills, the slot your character is in or Bank/Storage expansions.

Basically a hall of monuments dialed up to 11.

For a lot of other Systems in the game iΒ believe a clean slate could be benificial. There are a LOT of legacy systems in place and parts of theΒ economy are borked beyond repair. Some stuff just needs to be wiped and redone but to only way to make players accept this ist to let them opt in. The things that are subject to change should be:

  • Skills, Traits and Boons but don't reinvent the wheel.
  • The Combat system. Thats a tricky one. I like how it is now but i also think it's to fast for most people. make it accessible but keep it action based.
  • Leveling. Honestly just get rid of ot all togehter it's meaningless in this day and age anyway also makes the character import easier to handle.
  • Currencies. I know. I know. Everone loves there gold but keeping this would destroy the new economy out of the gate so that stuff should stay in GW2.
  • The engine. Obviously! With that some updates to graphical fidelity but keep the general vibe, don't make it hyper realistic. mabe dial down a bit on the effects.
  • Multiplattform support. While i am a member if the PC masterrace myself i can't deny that the real monye is on consols and even more so ... mobile🀒 i don't think it will be posible to make the game fully playabme on mobile yet still engaging enoght on PC but some kind of companion app with mini games and/or management tools and social featues, as wale bait could get a long way.
Can but not Must:
  • Reimport to GW2. Not shure how it would work but i'm sure it would be complicated

Lorewise you can go the cataclysm route. "Oh, no something very bad happend. Aurene died, magic's going wild, all ower skills have changed, Tyria is doomed. We need to flee to the mysterious, magical land of GW3 to survive and stop the BBEGs before they destroy everything else. While we are there you we can use ower arcane magical macguffin to travel to a mist echo of Tyria before the calamity a.k.a GW2".

All this sounds great on paper perhaps but the reality is that this will just maintain GW2 and maybe get a new small peak before it starts dwindling down again. It won't be as explosive as when this game came out and in the end the graphics will be too old for new players etc. GW2 never had the numbers that WoW had after all and as such investing into GW2 will not be as high as for a new game.Β 

Now I don't think that GW2 will stop existing when GW3 comes out but by then I suspect it will be a niche game just the same. I don't see this game doing better than it is now 5 years from now, no matter what they throw at it. And over time there will be fewere players in GW2 I reckin. Games get old, too old for most players. Not all but most.Β 

But, if GW3 does end up happening, I do wonder as well where they will go and when in particular. They might go back in time and maybe GW3 will be what they promised GW2 would be but never did, which is to take what we loved about GW1 and make it better.Β  πŸ˜‰Β 

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GW3 as a single player game wouldn't hurt GW2 as an MMORPG.

Look at the Final Fantasy Franchise... FF11 and FF14 are two MMOs Square Enix maintained while they continue making great single player games like FF15 and now FF16. The single player games aren't getting people to leave the MMO games since they are not the same genre. GW3 as an MMO would be a mistake but as a Single player would be great way to bring in new blood to the franchise who may even look at getting into the MMO GW2

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People keep talking about graphics in MMOs needing to be updated, but in my opinion, MMOs will always suffer worse graphics than single-player games because of the client + server + internet coding and necessary relationship. Look at Archeage. They advertised using CRYENGINE3... and couldn't even come close to CRYSIS 3 in terms of graphics. and Crysis 3 is older by several years. Archeage's graphics sucked in comparison.

I agree with DreamyAbaddon on this one. Any more Guild Wars titles in the next decade need to NOT be MMOs. Single player GW games would actually be interesting and could double up on some graphics design. New zones in the single player games could be used in GW2, and old zones in GW2 could be reused in the single player games.

I only have time for one MMO. i've said it before that if there is a GW3 MMO anytime soon... i'll most likely abandon the franchise, because i'm tired of starting over from scratch just because the devs won't support the game anymore with new content, or because the devs decide to increase the grindfest nature of the game beyond the ability to enjoy multiple characters.

Edited by Forgotten Legend.9281
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Love me some Guild Wars 2, but would also love a Guild Wars 3 or a new IP or something in the same universe but not the same rehash. I think gw2 was a home run, but no matter the game there is always stuff that is learned and with Guild Wars 2, they threw basically everything at the board and saw what stuck but now there is a lot of bloat in the game that definitely becomes confusing for new players. I love the wiki style interaction of playing the game because it just makes all the info cohesive, other games it's not as good. It's like a players manual and I dig it. And lets not forgot how old the engine GW2 is running out, I'm sure it creates a lot of limitations, especially in performance. But for me, I would like a change in how skills, traits, and professions are. I prefer a little more autonomy in skill selection and I feel like everything being tied to weapons kinda ruins some customization, and then it feels like trait lines and customization like that just lacks a lot of depth. For example, as an ele player the ele was designed to always be a jack of all trades, but with the attunement system it constantly makes the weapons funnel into each other and kind of forces the same thing over and over again because there's a lack of ways to modify how the attunements work, as opposed to like every other class who can have there class mechanics totally replaced with something new. Let alone not being able to specialize in one or two elements to create a good rpg fantasy. Traits are also a little wack because you can only take so many traits of a specific line and are forced to focus on three trait lines, and with so many useless traits there isn't a lot of build discovery. I really liked the guild wars 1 system that was inspired by magic the gathering, it created a lot of fun builds even if they weren't optimized. Playing spirit strength ritualist in pvp with a bow was just kinda funny because people just don't expect it and it could catch people off guard. The hardcore pvp was also really fun and required a lot of communication, having a few ele's time out their big skills to spike targets down just felt like you were playing basketball and then excecuting these cool plays and strategies that felt really rewarding to pull off. And let's be honest, waiting for monks or ritualist healers to be able to play wasn't ideal, but the trinity is a popular thing for a reason. Having a role is fun and in GW2 we now have a sorta trinity that was designed to be not a trinity that results in weird role identity, and the homogenized boons/conditions and no unique hexes or enchantments really takes away from class identity.Β 

But really gw2 is getting old, new ideas seem to be running out, there's limited weapons which kind of makes new weapons for some classes not make any sense but they're stuck with that system and now they have to figure out how to make hammer ele work, which I don't mind ele hammer, but there's no more casting weapons to add to them. They should have added different load outs for different weapons instead so for example ele could have like 3 different styles with the staff so it's not stuck being a useless piece of garbage that's a relic of 2012.Β 

But I love guild wars 2, it just seems some foundational designs, over time, have become limiting in how they can keep expanding the game. And I feel like we are nearing that mark with how new things are just kind of the same. I don't think thats exclusive to guild wars, but more so with any game that goes on this long. Computers have gotten better and I think it's worth looking at an engine that can run on a potato from 2012 and now look at average computers of 2024 and beyond and make it more optimized. 30fps in a city and large meta events is just ridiculous, it's something you get used to, but turning the camera fast makes it really noticable. On teapots stream, sneb was talking about how there's all these little things in the combat that the majority of players don't understand and there isn't anything telling them. Without arc dps, you won't really know you're just dealing 5k dps and that that's poor damage output. For most people it's a spam autotack game and that keeps people from actually learning the combat.

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