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Pet wish list


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Since we're on our way to another expansion, I figured I'd throw out the wishlist. Please add your desired new pets below, reworks and Ideas for reworks to existing pets deserves its own thread. Thank you in advance 🙂

1. Juvenile Hydra in some form

2. A juvenile Skyscale which looks like the adult version, just smaller
3. A stonehead, because its basically a T-rex
4. A warg of some kind, they've been in game forever and deserve to be a pet
5. A Rock-dog, again have been in game forever and deserve to be a pet
6. A Raptor or more saurian pets in general
7. Any of the mounts really, all of them have good models and could be cool pets if given the chance (This includes mount skins, because some of those are even cooler then the original mount)
8. Killer Whale (Underwater of course)
9. Siege devourer of some kind, complete with charr tech for our charr ranger friends
10. Arrowhead (Another saurian)
11. Bonebreaker (Another Saurian)

Thanks for reading, please leave your wishlist down below!

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Can I get a stout merge bird please. Also, can you make whiptail devourer beast skill go off in less time than it takes for me to have a kid and send them off to college?

Edited by Tycura.1982
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i wish they would add something like WoWs beastmaster spec, which lets you tame special exotic pets and buffs your pets to be a large part of your damage

(kinda like mechanist in GW2 having jade mech doing the majority of damage and tanking.)

then we could tame hydras, wargs, stoneheads etc 🥰

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Raptors were established as being tameable as pets on release (Shrieksy) and now as mounts, so seems an obvious choice. Main problem I see is differentiating them from moas, but I could see them being more aggressive with a pounce, kind of like a cat/moa hybrid.

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Venomous snakes that inflict poison and maybe bleeding, confusion, torment, fear, weakness, vulnerability.

Constrictor snakes that inflict immobilize and maybe cripple, daze, stun, torment, fear, weakness, vulnerability. 

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