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PvP Discussion: Rewards

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@Xtrverz.4069 said:

@Xtrverz.4069 said:Any idea what the next monthly items will be and will you ever add a way to exchange llamas for league tickets as I have quite a few sitting in my bank that I already have the final version of.

December's monthly gizmo is a frozen crown, if that's what you were asking about.

Changing unused llama's into league tickets also seems reasonable.

Do you happen to have a preview of the frozen crown or will we have to wait until people win the Monthly AT.

I could post one, but I'm not going to. :)

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@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:

@Xtrverz.4069 said:Any idea what the next monthly items will be and will you ever add a way to exchange llamas for league tickets as I have quite a few sitting in my bank that I already have the final version of.

December's monthly gizmo is a frozen crown, if that's what you were asking about.

Changing unused llama's into league tickets also seems reasonable.

My cousin combined his llamas. If you were to offer this, would the league ticket refund match the amount of llamas combined?

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idk everyone wants more tickets and shards i just want more tracks to do with more stuff to get. i understand why tickets limited cause it makes it so you only get 2x legendary armor parts a season, llamas i would like to be ascended shards instead but eh mini is a mini its choose what you want me i go for armor its shiny. but maybe we could add more llama boxes to ranked reward track idk maybe have it like the tokens but for last 3 chest.

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@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:For rewards, we have a couple things in the pipeline. Please keep in mind, the list below doesn’t include everything we have planned. It’s just what is far enough along that we feel safe talking about.

Obsidian Weapon setThis is a new competitive weapon set (shared with WvW). The first four weapons of the set will be available on 12/12. The weapons change effects and some detailing based on what team you’re on. (Red, Blue, Green) The set has 2 tiers. The first tier is exotic, tier 2 is ascended. Tier 2 will require grandmaster marks, the same as other ascended rewards.

PvP Armor set 2.5We are working on an enhanced version of the Glorious armor. No dates on this yet, as it’s still a ways out. We’re aiming for 2 tiers. Tier 1 for Leagues and tier 2 for Tournament prizes.

Tournament gizmosOur current plan is to continue changing the tournament gizmo monthly, until we have a full set. We anticipate that we will restart the cycle in July.

Other rewards?We’d love to hear your thoughts on rewards and what you’d like to see. Keep in mind, some things like armor sets and weapon sets are very resource intensive and have a very long lead time.

There need to be tracks added so that these items can be earned through PvE play, just like PvPers can earn dungeon and PvE map rewards via PvP tracks. Most GW2 players don't want to PvP, and locking out various skins from them makes no sense.

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@"Ohoni.6057" said:

There need to be tracks added so that these items can be earned through PvE play, just like PvPers can earn dungeon and PvE map rewards via PvP tracks. Most GW2 players don't want to PvP, and locking out various skins from them makes no sense.

Totally agree, would love to get PvP track, that will reward me with those Raid armor and Fractals backs w/o me going to mentioned Raids. /sarcasmOn suggestion though, dont mind those being "soldable".

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Add finally ascended Sigils and Runes to the game, which are accountbound unlocks..Then you can add these for PvP as rewards, so that players can slowly, but progressively unlock via playing PvP either them for their account, or through crafting in PvEThis is needed, if you want to ever make a functional working Build Template System, which requires, that all pats that should be affected by it, need to be accountbound and from everythign that can be affected by a BTS, upgrades like Sigils and Runes sadly are in their Exotic versions all soundbound.. so the next logical character progression step that needs to be implemented finaly is ascended accountbound upgrades

Ascended Upgrades in Pvp could then be rewards you can buy by just using the PvP currency that you earn for wins and if you have enough of it, you can buy then whatever of an ascended upgrade you want.The very moment you buy it, its permanently unlocked for your acocunt and allows you to use the upgrade everywhere in the game whenever you want as a possible upgrade you can choose to use for your equipment.

A really valuable reward, that gives the player also more comfort... sure, it will also devalue exotic upgrades eventually a bit, but only if you make ascneded upgrades slightly more powerful than exotic ones... but thats not neccessary, unless you think they shoudl be as part of character progression/reward slightly better.

Aside of adding Ascended Upgrades as Rewards/Character Progression (with eventually PvP beign the most effecttive/fastest way to obtain that to give people a reason to priorize PvP over PvE to play) I think it woudl be also nice to see as rewards for PvP:

  • Earn there a new Equipment Type - Epic Weapons/Armor Sets, that is same as powerful like Ascended Equipment, but with the difference, that you can change with it stats as like legendaries, but they aren#t so flashy like Legendaries. For the people, which just want to have only the comfort of stat change at will, without wanting to have the skins of the legendaries,. nor dont want to grind for the gold, materials ect. but just play PvP onlyto have a faster way of obtaining just the stat changign feature, that is helpful in WvW/PVE to have and most importantly comfortable (saving ivnentory space, not needign to have multiple armor sets anymore)Costs no ressources at all ..so very simple to add new reward type... make therefore ascended stuff slightly easier /fasterto craft and as result of that cheaper to gain and for gods sake, remove finally this stupid time gating , it was neccessary onl<y for like its introduction phase, but now years later.. the time gating has become obsolete.

  • Add Portrait Frames as new reward type.. so that you can earn for your Character Portrait the Status of "Veteran" (Bronze), "Elite" (Silver), "Champion" (Gold) , "Legendary" (Purple) and lastly a new and player unique Portrait Rank that is over the top of being Legendary - which is being a "Myth" (Mint Green with Laurels)

  • Add as unique way to obtain it for PvP and new type of reward coming from playing PvP as new feature SKILL SKINS to the game, that allow us to change, how our skilsl look like.I want to be able to change for example for my Necromance,r how their Minions look like, or i want to change for my Elementalist, how their Summons look like, changing them from ugly litle rock golems n djinns to more ferocilous looking elemental beasts, like summoning a majestic phoenix, instead of a silly fire elemental, or summoning a frightening Kveldulf, instead of a borign ice golem and so on ...

  • What could be added as rewards and what is somethign, that many people want to see in this game and what was unique and part of GW1 is - CAPES.Make them a special guild reward eventually

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@Trendy.1694 said:

@"Ohoni.6057" said:

There need to be tracks added so that these items can be earned through PvE play, just like PvPers can earn dungeon and PvE map rewards via PvP tracks. Most GW2 players don't want to PvP, and locking out various skins from them makes no sense.

Totally agree, would love to get PvP track, that will reward me with those Raid armor and Fractals backs w/o me going to mentioned Raids. /sarcasmOn suggestion though, dont mind those being "soldable".

Yes, definitely that too.

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@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:

@nekretaal.6485 said:Could pvp legendary armor be added to count towards the “get 18 pieces of legendary armor” achievement?

It not counting was actually one of the ways McKenna and I were able to get it approved for PvP and WvW.Makes sense considering the title for the achievement is used as proof to have earned more than 750 LI and is also themed to the raid armor (its called envoys armor after all)If pvp legendary armors had an unique skin they could give their own title I guess

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@Dropdown.7460 said:

@Ashyri.5426 said:
Remove pip rewards for defeats from ranked match during the seasons.
This will end afk/botting pips farming, people actually have to play to in order to win the game. Also it might increase the match quality on low tiers and newcomers to pvp might actually enjoy and learn enough of it to stay playing PvP.

I would go another route. I've posted this in another thread, but I think pips don't have to be an all or nothing deal. Afk farming should be dealt with via the report system and Anet. The fact they aren't is another issue entirely. Why are we letting a few bad leeches determine reward structure? That seems counter-intuitive.

My suggestion would be to alter the pip reward structure. Baseline is 3 pips for participation. Getting to 500 (winning) awards 10 pips plus the extra pip for top stats. Instead of the current system, pips would be rewarded for good, competitive play. At 450 you earn 9 pips, 400: 8 pips, 350: 7 pips, 300: 6 pips, 350: 5 pips, 300: 4 pips.

I know some pvp players will jump on this and say it's a bad idea. Here's why it's not: By encouraging players to not give up, to continue to work toward a higher score, they are
to play well. Blowouts can still happen, sure, but people are less likely to give up. Knowing a close match still awards you a decent amount of pips.

PvP is incredibly toxic as it now. Why add to the toxicity -- thus driving players away -- when we can foster a more
competitive atmosphere? Removing pips on loss means people will stop playing. I know I will. For one, I can't choose all my teammates, so I could be getting bad players. Why should I be penalized for that? Isn't my time worth anything? I don't believe this would encourage match manipulation any more than it already does; people trade gold for wins. I know there is a small pip reward for "close" games, but I think a tiered structure would do more to encourage players. At the very least, trying this for one season to see how things shake out couldn't hurt. Something needs to be done to revitalize pvp and, aside from balance changes that are needed, more incentives means more competitive players.

tl;dr: Instead of
players for poor play,
players for good play. This is basic psych 101 folks. Punishment creates and fosters avoidance behavior. Rewards reinforce good behavior. We want good behavior and more participation.

I think this is a fantastic suggestion! And if you are under 20% of the teams total in every catagory (damage, healing, kills, revives only- otherwise we'd have bots afk on home and run back when killed) you receive nothing because you contributed nothing.

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@Ohoni.6057 said:

@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:For rewards, we have a couple things in the pipeline. Please keep in mind, the list below doesn’t include everything we have planned. It’s just what is far enough along that we feel safe talking about.

Obsidian Weapon set
This is a new competitive weapon set (shared with WvW). The first four weapons of the set will be available on 12/12. The weapons change effects and some detailing based on what team you’re on. (Red, Blue, Green) The set has 2 tiers. The first tier is exotic, tier 2 is ascended. Tier 2 will require grandmaster marks, the same as other ascended rewards.

PvP Armor set 2.5
We are working on an enhanced version of the Glorious armor. No dates on this yet, as it’s still a ways out. We’re aiming for 2 tiers. Tier 1 for Leagues and tier 2 for Tournament prizes.

Tournament gizmos
Our current plan is to continue changing the tournament gizmo monthly, until we have a full set. We anticipate that we will restart the cycle in July.

Other rewards?
We’d love to hear your thoughts on rewards and what you’d like to see. Keep in mind, some things like armor sets and weapon sets are very resource intensive and have a very long lead time.

There need to be tracks added so that these items can be earned through PvE play, just like PvPers can earn dungeon and PvE map rewards via PvP tracks. Most GW2 players don't want to PvP, and locking out various skins from them makes no sense.


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Having some of the assets from spvp available as guild hall decorations could be fun, and shouldn't take a lot of resources to create. I love the siege decorations from wvw, and spvp could have statues like the lords in foefire, beasts in Niflhel, model of the Capricorn, etc. Different tiers of Llama statues too.

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@"Mireles Lore.5942" said:You need a reward structure that is catering to a MMO mentality in which time and effort = rewards.

I think its essential to offer awesomely unique rewards to top players and top performers to encourage a competitive scene in a MMO which is presently being done.

What is not being done is rewarding people to keep playing and trying their best to keep a large population with a good culture. Right now, the entire reward reason to play PvP is to win, nothing else matters in terms of reward. This causes the behavior and attitude that if you are losing, you are wasting your time and effort, why am I even playing this? This attitude also leads to unwanted behavior which we all know very well has been more present in recent years, because reward reason to play PvP was added. We went down this path, we have people in a already small population playing PvP not because they enjoy it, but because it offers unique rewards. This is an MMO after all. If you are going to have people lured in by rewards it should be done in a way that encourages behavior we want to see. While I know player behavior isn't a topic or something this team may be able to directly do something about, you can influence attitudes with rewards.

People need to be rewarded/rated based on team score win or loseBe it either done through pips or some alternative system. People need a reward reason to play through the match. Again, a loss if it be 50-500 in 5 mins or 499-500 in 10, the reward value of those matches is the same no matter how much effort was put in. This encourages some people to just quit if the match goes at all badly at the start, why prolong the inevitable if the result is still "I get nothing until I start the next game". If your rating loss is dependent on how hard you get your butt kicked, you bet people are going to at least try to minimize it.

Reward people for simply playing PvPMany players don't play PvP because any type of reward is highly dependent on winning. If your goal is to bring more playing bodies into the mode you need to give some kind of participation reward to bring it in line with playing other modes. What to reward is highly dependent on to balance and discussion. But, even something as small as AP could help. Be it adding more for participating in matches or flipping some of the general competitive achievements from win "x" matches as "X" class to play "X" matches with "X" class, could draw people in and minimize the impact on the economy.

This. Year of Ascension looked pretty good at first glance but you have to cross 10 league divisions in total to get the final piece to make the PvP Gift. I gave up on it after Season 3 because I can only just get past one division. 4 is just out of the question for me. So I've abandoned it. By comparison; the WvW backpack is inevitable through regular play. The spikes drop fairly frequently, the tickets are steady and the higher I get in ranking, the easier and faster it will become.

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Tie the new armor skins and weapons to standard reward tracks. Playing a game should be its own reward. If it's not so, then the game isn't well-designed. Don't bait people into playing old, niche content solely for fashion in an MMORPG.

Reduce grandmaster mark costs on all related armor and weapons to 1 mark per piece of armor or weapon box respectively. See above about forcing players to grind just to inflate GW2's unreleased, in-house "player participation" metrics. People want to play video games; not repeat monotony until they can finally play video games. Grandmaster marks are about as video games as the HoT pop-ups that tell people how they can't participate in certain content because they didn't grind the post-80 expanded level cap hard enough.

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@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:

@"ButterPeanut.9746" said:I second the post above about a "repeat this reward track indefinitely" checkbox. This would be great.

I don't know anyone wouldn't want the "repeat" button. We looked into this at one point and apparently it's not an easy change.

Common. Not an easy change? Really? This is one of the most infuriating things in WvW, too.

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The problem with great rewards is simple, once you reached your "goal" you stop playing, because you got what you wanted.

Pleas look at the data from last year, how many players just stoped playing after they unlocked the glider? If possible, look at the datas of players who previously played PvP a lot and players who are new to PvP

My guess a dramatic drop in PvP activity after they reached their goal

Therefore rewards should be small and random - if you want to add something "big" a black lion chest key, or the chance for a black lion chest key, because that's a reward you won't achieve, because you always need more ;)

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@"Tiefsee.3647" said:The problem with great rewards is simple, once you reached your "goal" you stop playing, because you got what you wanted.

Pleas look at the data from last year, how many players just stoped playing after they unlocked the glider? If possible, look at the datas of players who previously played PvP a lot and players who are new to PvP

My guess a dramatic drop in PvP activity after they reached their goal

Therefore rewards should be small and random - if you want to add something "big" a black lion chest key, or the chance for a black lion chest key, because that's a reward you won't achieve, because you always need more ;)

Gold. Always a good incentive. Playing PvP should be a lucrative as farming the Silverwastes map. Byzantium reward gold should be higher than it is now; each increment more like 5 gold each (quickest would be 3 wins in 30 minutes and slowest would be 10 losses with no top stats, appx 1hr 40 minutes + queue times). Final increment can stay at 20g or go up higher. I'm sure this won't happen, but it's an easy way to incentivize players to PvP while giving them an alternative to the mundane farm zones that become Flavor of the Month.

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@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:

@Jiyu.8310 said:

@bluri.2653 said:On the topic itself, weapons awesome idea same goes with "upgrading" or fixing the look for the armor to make it look more prestigeous.

We're working on another version of the Glorious armor. I'm specifically aiming to have the tournament version look noticeably different than the League version. It will basically be a paint over/effect treatment on the current armor. Some work has been done, but it's still a ways out.

Ben just for clarity, do you intend to update the existing ardent glorious(aka league version) and glorious hero(aka tournament version) armor (inlcuding updating the skins for peopel that already own pieces of these armors) or replace them with the overhauled skins and turn the old ones into legacy skins? I think u meant just updating the skins but just wanna be sure.

They will be a new skin and a new set of armor that you have to earn.

I'd love to play for Mastery Points. I'd even be willing to do a multi reward track grind for them, ( within reason.) Some of those masteries are even tougher than GW1 masteries which is saying something. I ahem "strongly dislike" jumping puzzles and timed puzzle tasks for mastery points.

This might be a great reason for PvE'rs to come give PvP a try.

On the subject of PvE vs PvP; I was strictly PvE. WvW lured me in. Then I heard I could "get good" by participating in PvP. Sadly... that hasn't really worked out and I find myself drifting back toward PvE these days.

Many PvE players might be attracted by the idea of becoming better players. Being stomped into the ground doesn't make you a better player. It doesn't motivate you. It kittens you off and makes you a meaner player. That may be a big reason PvP has the reputation it does.

Treat new players better, don't feed them to high level players. NO REWARD will compensate for a 500-72 game.. like one I had earlier today.

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I think you guys are doing a good job on rewards honestly. The only thing that I believe should be added is a way to obtain ascended gear, with ascended shards, without needing the grandmaster marks "because needing 500 in multiple craft disciplines isn't so practical to be tagged onto pvp reward requirements." That or make a reward track that gives boxes of grandmaster marks at the end of the track.

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@"bluri.2653" said:Unique finishers for monthly AT/PvP Season similar to the WTS ones. I also think you could add ascended shards/leauge tickets into AT's and the top in the ranked leauge. Other "maybe" rewards could be clovers or some sort of way to create legendary weapons. Similar to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_the_Desert but a PvP version of it.

Have you discussed anything regarding enabling infusions for PvP? Theres a lot of people who play all game modes and have very expensive infusions who might want to see them but they do not work in PvP. Could also lead to potential reward in PvP from Leauge/AT's.

Unique mounts for AT's/Leauge

So you want to bring gear grind to sPvP? The only thing that could make this worse is make them available in the gemstore only.

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@Ithilwen.1529 said:

@Jiyu.8310 said:

@bluri.2653 said:On the topic itself, weapons awesome idea same goes with "upgrading" or fixing the look for the armor to make it look more prestigeous.

We're working on another version of the Glorious armor. I'm specifically aiming to have the tournament version look noticeably different than the League version. It will basically be a paint over/effect treatment on the current armor. Some work has been done, but it's still a ways out.

Ben just for clarity, do you intend to update the existing ardent glorious(aka league version) and glorious hero(aka tournament version) armor (inlcuding updating the skins for peopel that already own pieces of these armors) or replace them with the overhauled skins and turn the old ones into legacy skins? I think u meant just updating the skins but just wanna be sure.

They will be a new skin and a new set of armor that you have to earn.

I'd love to play for
Mastery Points.
I'd even be willing to do a multi reward track grind for them, ( within reason.) Some of those masteries are even tougher than GW1 masteries which is saying something. I
"strongly dislike" jumping puzzles and timed puzzle tasks for mastery points.

This might be a great reason for PvE'rs to come give PvP a try.

This. I would love to be able to earn Mastery points (not XP) through PvP rewards.

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@Sihmm.9236 said:

@Jiyu.8310 said:

@bluri.2653 said:On the topic itself, weapons awesome idea same goes with "upgrading" or fixing the look for the armor to make it look more prestigeous.

We're working on another version of the Glorious armor. I'm specifically aiming to have the tournament version look noticeably different than the League version. It will basically be a paint over/effect treatment on the current armor. Some work has been done, but it's still a ways out.

Ben just for clarity, do you intend to update the existing ardent glorious(aka league version) and glorious hero(aka tournament version) armor (inlcuding updating the skins for peopel that already own pieces of these armors) or replace them with the overhauled skins and turn the old ones into legacy skins? I think u meant just updating the skins but just wanna be sure.

They will be a new skin and a new set of armor that you have to earn.

I'd love to play for
Mastery Points.
I'd even be willing to do a multi reward track grind for them, ( within reason.) Some of those masteries are even tougher than GW1 masteries which is saying something. I
"strongly dislike" jumping puzzles and timed puzzle tasks for mastery points.

This might be a great reason for PvE'rs to come give PvP a try.

This. I would love to be able to earn Mastery points (not XP) through PvP rewards.

...but then any achivements related to Mastery points would be irrevelant.

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