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'Return to Heart of Thorns' Rewards

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The 3 MC per day are nice. I don't think the prices of them will drop. (Though that would not be too bad actually - if they slightly dropped.) Other than that is is partly stuff that also helps new players. I like the events so far - that are meant to be re-used later. The weapon box givign one plated weapon is nice for slowly catching up on those old collections while being able to save currency for other stuff. And even if you maxed there (new players won't so it is extra nice for them) ... the MC are still nice.

Seems like a healthy balancing for new + old players to get these kind of events rolled out into a schedule/rotation for regular and repeated use. Managed to finish a few  remaining map achievements. (Everything except gold and a few silvers in adventures ... is done now. And the 100 times meta in Tarir. :D) Was nice to not even have to ask for help - there just were enough playing the map needing this maybe - for defending the tower in the Ordnance Corps optional event (for additional achievement) chain in Verdant Brink.

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1 hour ago, Chyro.1462 said:

They won't go down that easily with the current high demand due to legendary crafting. And even if they do go down a bit, they won't just suddenly collapse.

Okay slight exaggeration on collapse, but it wouldn't surprise me if the prices do come down with more events. Bad for speculators, probably good for the community on the whole.

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4 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

Okay slight exaggeration on collapse, but it wouldn't surprise me if the prices do come down with more events. Bad for speculators, probably good for the community on the whole.

Mystic Coins already went down in price not so very long ago due to changes ANet implemented, more than 50%, in fact. And yet now they're back at 2G apiece, like they were before. These temporary events will not crash or permanently change the value of Mystic Coins if the previous permanent change hasn't either.

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Using temporary events like this to provide mystic coins is probably a smart way to increase supply without making changes that may have unforeseen consequences down the road, which is often the case if drop rate is increased slightly or crafting recipes are changed.  In those cases, it can take quite a while for the market to stabilize based on those new supplies/demand.

But with a temporary event, Anet can probably get a pretty good idea of the total number of coins that will get added to the game over this event.  Not every player is going to do all 3 dailies every day (I know I'm not).  They can look at the TP and see number of outstanding orders and what price.  So if Anet thinks mystic coins are overpriced, this is a good way to bring that price down in a controlled fashion - if the price drops too much, then next bonus event likely won't give out mystic coins and something else instead, to let the mystic coin price rebound.


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34 minutes ago, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

Mystic Coins already went down in price not so very long ago due to changes ANet implemented, more than 50%, in fact. And yet now they're back at 2G apiece, like they were before. These temporary events will not crash or permanently change the value of Mystic Coins if the previous permanent change hasn't either.

You forget in your argumentation that after the increase of supply there was also a strong increase in demand namely the 1 month rune crafting and the SotO armor.

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5 hours ago, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

Mystic Coins already went down in price not so very long ago due to changes ANet implemented, more than 50%, in fact. And yet now they're back at 2G apiece, like they were before. These temporary events will not crash or permanently change the value of Mystic Coins if the previous permanent change hasn't either.

Part of the reasons for the MC price increase is a permanent change though - the Vault system replacing previous login rewards.

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2 hours ago, Dayra.7405 said:

You forget in your argumentation that after the increase of supply there was also a strong increase in demand namely the 1 month rune crafting and the SotO armor.

Which goes to show my point. You're pointing out the reason the price went back to its previous position. It simply explains why what I said has happened.

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15 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

So, an overall positive.

Yes in the greater sense. My point was that MC as a reward for these events is great while MC stay at 2g a piece, but if the prices do come down it will become less of an incentive to do them, considering that the other rewards are basically just some karma and a skin that a lot of people probably already have.

It's all speculation though, I'm more than happy to do 9 events for 3 MC every day for the duration.

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I finally had some time to play yesterday and in just under 2 hours in Verdant Brink I got 4 'Return to' achievements completed, made progress on a few more, and completed some original HoT achievements I'd never finished. The fact that I could get 1/2 way through the meta achievement in under 2 hours of just running around doing whatever I came across makes me think it doesn't need big rewards, because completing it isn't a big commitment.

I suspect I'll be able to get another 4 achievements done on Saturday morning and then may or may not finish some of the rest depending on how much time I have and what they involve. I know doing it this way means I don't get as many mystic coins from the dailies, but that's not something I can change, I don't have time to play GW2 every day during the event.

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2 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

Yes in the greater sense. My point was that MC as a reward for these events is great while MC stay at 2g a piece, but if the prices do come down it will become less of an incentive to do them, considering that the other rewards are basically just some karma and a skin that a lot of people probably already have.

Those are temporary events though. Even if the MC price does come down, it will be in the future (and then they will be able to adjust and maybe replace MCs in those future events with something else).

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13 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Part of the reasons for the MC price increase is a permanent change though - the Vault system replacing previous login rewards.

Mystic Coins had the value they have now even before SotO. Three years ago the price of MC's climbed, up to the maximum it has been through GW2's entire existence: 2.5G. The vault simply brought it back to what it used to be after ANet removed some of the supply of MC's (which made the price drop, not rise, contrary to what many people on the Forum expected). This little weeklong event will not have the effect on MC prices some people expect.

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That is really bad rewards. I can get Karma from anything, and i am not even using it that much. It would be so much easier to give +1mystic coin for all legendary crafters.

Also repeat story mission is so much work, it shoub be 3 tiers for 3 quest each, and like more coins on each one.

Not to mention that things like liquid acid or machete is something you can buy for like 20 copper or something.

Such disappointment, shame on you AN.

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38 minutes ago, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

Mystic Coins had the value they have now even before SotO. Three years ago the price of MC's climbed, up to the maximum it has been through GW2's entire existence: 2.5G. The vault simply brought it back to what it used to be after ANet removed some of the supply of MC's (which made the price drop, not rise, contrary to what many people on the Forum expected). This little weeklong event will not have the effect on MC prices some people expect.

Check your facts first. The price of MCs was decreasing long before Vault entered the picture (it started dropping around EoD launch). It started to rise again only after Vault replaced the previous login rewards.

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22 hours ago, Pinkeh.4207 said:

Doing 9 story missions for 2 swigs of karma. Feels bad.  😂

This one is funny. 9 missions is a lot of work, especially if you already did them. It should be like 3 tiers for 3 missions, and maybe 3 mystic coins each time. Missions could be very time consumming.

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On 4/12/2024 at 3:44 PM, Astralporing.1957 said:

Check your facts first. The price of MCs was decreasing long before Vault entered the picture (it started dropping around EoD launch). It started to rise again only after Vault replaced the previous login rewards.

No offense but, reading comprehension. Get it, mate. It prevents you from replying to message and saying the exact same thing in your reply, only in different words.

But to reiterate: MC's were at their most expensive about 3 years ago. Then the price decreased to less than 1G (even though people expected it to rise due to a more limited supply of MC's). This would be during EoD, since that was before the Vault. Since the release of SotO/the Wizard's Vault, MC prices have gone up again and seem to have stabilized at around 2G.

Now tell me, how is this different from what you said?

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