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You know what staff war needs?

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An Instant cast skill that fire off while it blocks. Wait.. maybe a second one as well. I'm thinking both should be an 8 second cooldown. It should cleanse them too. Some quickness and super speed for good measure. A blind proc too after a dodge.  It should cast behind them as they run. One of the two should get a 3 second block with it just to be safe. I think 3k damage sounds about right. It shouldn't have any tells to it. It should be able to be used when they're CCed as well.

Don't you guys think this *well designed and thought out pair of skills* would be really healthy for the game?


Edited by Tycura.1982
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2 hours ago, Tycura.1982 said:

It is confusing isn't it? Surprising even. Shot out of the blue. Particularly strange to have such a notion accelerated before you. These theoretical skills sound down right busted.

this sounds like it is already in the game

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Staff is meant to be a support weapon. Like Engi Shortbow, Warrior's need to be able to support themselves while supporting others. The mobility, blocks, CC are all core part of their survivability. Have you ever tried playing core Warrior? Didn't think so. Post nerfs, it's tricky but I think what staff Warriors really need to do to get the most out of it is getting really comfortable with the CC combos and: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_ig4SUNg1k&t=15s


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On 4/20/2024 at 10:58 PM, Tycura.1982 said:

An Instant cast skill that fire off while it blocks. Wait.. maybe a second one as well. I'm thinking both should be an 8 second cooldown. It should cleanse them too. Some quickness and super speed for good measure. A blind proc too after a dodge.  It should cast behind them as they run. One of the two should get a 3 second block with it just to be safe. I think 3k damage sounds about right. It shouldn't have any tells to it. It should be able to be used when they're CCed as well.

Don't you guys think this *well designed and thought out pair of skills* would be really healthy for the game?


I think its weird that i can make it 80% thru this text, and it still felt like you are proposing elementalist sceptre to warrior xD

IF you leave out:    It should cleanse them too. Some quickness and super speed for good measure. A blind proc too after a dodge. One of the two should get a 3 second block with it just to be safe.

It would literally be ele sceptre.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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Posted (edited)
On 4/21/2024 at 4:07 AM, bethekey.8314 said:

Staff is meant to be a support weapon. Like Engi Shortbow, Warrior's need to be able to support themselves while supporting others. The mobility, blocks, CC are all core part of their survivability. Have you ever tried playing core Warrior? Didn't think so. Post nerfs, it's tricky but I think what staff Warriors really need to do to get the most out of it is getting really comfortable with the CC combos and: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_ig4SUNg1k&t=15s



4 hours ago, Endorphin.9147 said:

Why does this sound more like an ele or engi than a warrior?


3 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

I think its weird that i can make it 80% thru this text, and it still felt like you are proposing elementalist sceptre to warrior xD

IF you leave out:    It should cleanse them too. Some quickness and super speed for good measure. A blind proc too after a dodge. One of the two should get a 3 second block with it just to be safe.

It would literally be ele sceptre.

Thats because the joke is it's literally suprise shot and particle accelerator when you run the tools trait line in engineer. I imagined people had a better understanding than this but apparently not. It's depressing, really. Here I was making an elaborate joke but it turns out the people that complain about balance don't even know the skills that are meta for holo. Eesh. 

Edited by Tycura.1982
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36 minutes ago, Tycura.1982 said:

Here I was making an elaborate joke but it turns out the people that complain about balance don't even know the skills that are meta for holo. Eesh. 

I think its more about you making a "warrior so op" joke, right after its been nerfed.    Just a guess tho.

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1 hour ago, Tycura.1982 said:



Thats because the joke is it's literally suprise shot and particle accelerator when you run the tools trait line in engineer. I imagined people had a better understanding than this but apparently not. It's depressing, really. Here I was making an elaborate joke but it turns out the people that complain about balance don't even know the skills that are meta for holo. Eesh. 

I told you that you had to be more blatant...

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2 hours ago, Tycura.1982 said:



Thats because the joke is it's literally suprise shot and particle accelerator when you run the tools trait line in engineer. I imagined people had a better understanding than this but apparently not. It's depressing, really. Here I was making an elaborate joke but it turns out the people that complain about balance don't even know the skills that are meta for holo. Eesh. 

You made a joke maybe 3 people would get, on a public platform where most people don't even understand the concept of empathy yet. 

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On 4/20/2024 at 4:58 PM, Tycura.1982 said:

An Instant cast skill that fire off while it blocks. Wait.. maybe a second one as well. I'm thinking both should be an 8 second cooldown. It should cleanse them too. Some quickness and super speed for good measure. A blind proc too after a dodge.  It should cast behind them as they run. One of the two should get a 3 second block with it just to be safe. I think 3k damage sounds about right. It shouldn't have any tells to it. It should be able to be used when they're CCed as well.

Don't you guys think this *well designed and thought out pair of skills* would be really healthy for the game?


Oh Oh, can we give them only one stun break, 15 - 18k health, and only give them their damage boost when they're in this clunky mode that disallows them from using some of their skills?  

Now in case they still have a chance, lets make those two cool skills they have b neutralised by any projectile denial.

Edited by shion.2084
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4 hours ago, shion.2084 said:

Oh Oh, can we give them only one stun break, 15 - 18k health, and only give them their damage boost when they're in this clunky mode that disallows them from using some of their skills?  

Now in case they still have a chance, lets make those two cool skills they have b neutralised by any projectile denial.

 Poor holo. They truly have it so bad. Zero tell damage with cleanse and blind from 1000 range away while they spam defensives. I weep for the poor sods. They're the epitome of balance. It's the rest of the game that's wrong.

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Posted (edited)

For all you confused people, go fight a meta holosmith. Once you eventually lose a fight, glance at your death recap. Now, making the bold assumption you've got hands and a brain to use them, you're going to find the bulk of your damage taken is from instant cast skills and traits. The joke being that holosmith has as many defensive as staff war minus one stunbreak but up way more blinds, superspeed, quickness. Go try it for yourself if you don't believe me. If the description of skills in the original post sounds overloaded, that's because it is. If it doesn't, that's because you've got A. Horrible ideas about balance or B. Play engineer and don't want it nerfed.

Edited by Tycura.1982
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Man, the engi main I thought would be in here having AI write old school rap disses towards OP for even saying holo is OP actually is ITT but was predicably too busy with memes to read any of it 💀.

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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10 hours ago, Tycura.1982 said:



Thats because the joke is it's literally suprise shot and particle accelerator when you run the tools trait line in engineer. I imagined people had a better understanding than this but apparently not. It's depressing, really. Here I was making an elaborate joke but it turns out the people that complain about balance don't even know the skills that are meta for holo. Eesh. 

Well, they always say, if you have to explain a joke, the delivery sucks. Know your audiance I guess?

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3 hours ago, Tycura.1982 said:

The joke being that holosmith has as many defensive as staff war

I feel like you don't understand the concept of cooldowns, or how certain "defenses" only work if you can hit them. For example invulns block everything, but a blind-on-hit has to, well, hit first (usually past projectile hate, blocks, random pathing misses) then there has to be no resistance, no cleanse, the person has to use their big ability within ~1 second (depending on cast times)... You get the idea.

Not all defenses are equal, and not all defenses can be used as frequently as say, Full Counter (which gets 3 casts every 24 seconds, whereas Engi shield gets 1). Full Counter happens to be one of the best, if not the best defensive in the game with it's impact and frequency of use.

Whenever I see an Engi in a match, it's clear they're almost always the easiest target. 1 stunbreak so you known when you can lock them down. Mediocre health/armor. Rarely stability. No big disengage/teleports. No reliable evade chains. No frequent stealth. No perma prot or resolution. Rarely an invuln. I mean, what other common build are you going to go after instead? The 50k HP, 50% damage reduction, 2 teleport Reaper? Really, I'm curious.

The instant cast damage is kinda lame, you're right. If you just stuck with that, you'd be in the clear imo. Since we're obviously nerfing instant daze + shatter combo Mes, desync'd, no LoS Rev teleports, and Fresh Air Ele then too, how do you suggest the damage be redistributed?

3 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Man, the engi main I thought would be in here having AI write old school rap disses towards OP for even saying holo is OP actually is ITT but was predicably too busy with memes to read any of it 💀.

I really did a number on you didn't I?

Edited by bethekey.8314
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