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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Sure, for the fishing hat and vest only, just to really add to the humor.  I'm amused, especially by the increased size of our fish tales.  

I'd welcome some more fishing related achievements or a fun storyline for a skin or glyph for a fishing rod..."the one that got away".  

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They could also add to the armour pieces. 😉


Boots would look like rain boots sailors/fishermen use.

Pants could be cargo shorts with belt.  Belt could have a fillet knife on it, small bags, gear, ect. (Yes boots with shorts, because people who fish are on the forefront of fashion)

Gloves would look like leather gloves, the type people use to hold fish without cutting themselves on the sharp bits.

The shoulder piece could be a folded net draped over one shoulder.


I'm tearing up thinking of it!


You could even make fishing weapons:


Rifle would be an "Illegal Fishing Rod"

Dagger would be a Fillet Knife.

Sword would be an Epic Fillet Knife.

Great Sword would be an even more outrageous version of the sword, with an even more humourous and unbelievable name.

Just a starter list, Anet is extremely creative and I have no doubt they could easily fill out the rest of the weapon types thoughtfully and  humourously.

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I'm just going to drop this here since I've recently suffered this and its just not right to suffer like this after putting in so much effort:


Add a grace period for re-joining map instances if you disconnect! I bet almost everyone has suffered from a random disconnect (or game crash) here and there, whether it be to bad internet, a server hiccup, dx11, or something else. I just went through the WHOLE Dragon's End meta, 2 hours of prep and 1 hour of the actual meta only to disconnect right before the end of the Soo Won fight. Was at the last 20% phase with plenty of time left when it happened. My internet was working perfectly fine, as I always test it out when the game randomly kicks me out. But it still takes some time to re-open the game back up and load back in. Even though I can get back in the game fairly quickly, the game would NOT let me back in the specific map instance I was in! 😢


All my time and effort, WASTED. This is just so wrong considering DE is one of the longest meta events in the game!

Edited by Huffinator.4598
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Probably suggested several times previously but : adding a « return to previous map » feature (as well as including them on the world map to be able to use wp from there) on all lounges, not just Mistlock’s, Thousand Seas Pavilion and AB ? It would actually convince me to get it another lounge other  than the three mentioned above (that remain nice tho) ^^ and I am pretty sure these two are much more purchased than all the others because of that feature 

Edited by Syldana.6920
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Hi there,

As more and more mount, and equip/build template is now up to 8

I'm running out of shortcut on my keyboard to keep the shortcut not using more then 3-keys combination

(yeah I'm now start using Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Something for non-combat shortcut)

So I'm wondering if GW2 can identify the Ctrl, Shift, Alt on the left, and Ctrl, Shift, Alt on the right as 2 sets of keys?


Edited by Alik.9651
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46 minutes ago, chris.9142 said:

why would you need a shortcut key to chnage build templates?



are you chnaing that often dont see the point espeically when you only do it out of combat


because it is more easy for me using a shortcut then that little tiny button, or go through the hero panel.

especially some OOC gap only have a sec or 2 between combats.

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I know that the game is really old, but if they want to put in on steam I don't think that the new players are going to let it all slip by just because it's old. 
As a veteran player, going back to the core Tyria to do daily events (for the 2daily gold) or trying to get some rare drops made me want to make this thread. 


I will focus on defend (an area) and escort events. They take too long and/or are too slow. Giving an NPC slight speed aura, that speeds up nearby players can cut the 5-10 minute escorts into 3-6 minute escorts. Those NPCs can't even be sped up by the player spells, which makes things even worse. That is why I recommended aura (source NPC) instead of letting the players speed them up (some classes don't have spells that can do that, especially not on early levels). Even for a new players those events are really not that fun and there are tons of them in the core Tyria. 

Defend/keep an area from not being taken by the enemy mobs takes too long. Some take up to 10-15 minutes, just standing there. Wave after wave. It's boring. Cutting the timer on all those events up to 5-8 minutes would be a good fix. 

Edited by corwin.3495
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Update Enchanted Treasure Chest (object) that can be looted daily in a player's home instance.

It takes around 1000-1500 gold to get the whole collection. No one is making you get it but it is not an excuse to get such trash from it.

Increasing drop chance for the items needed for it would be nice. I talked to some people camping certain boss events you need for the chest for YEARS! They got 1 drop in a year. 1 drop, they did it every day for a whole year! This is disgraceful
Events are old, the item itself is outdated.

TLDR; Increase the drop rate of the collection items needed for it and give the Chest contents a buff. 

Also, why can't other players loot it??? That is the only home instance item that has that kind of an interaction☠️

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Please add more options in which icons we want to see in minimap and the directional GPS.

For instance, if we want to choose to see Hero Points only, or Vistas only; wich could also branch out into seeing directions to vistas that we haven't yet seen only, and ignore those already seen.


That goes for PoI, etc...


That would be really proper useful QoL

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When you close a Map or are asking players to move from a Map so YOU can close it, You need to allow up to 2 mins grace on the boat fishing accumulator. I Have been Moved on at least 4 occasions in one day and lost from 60 to 99 accumulated boat fishing points each time. 

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Suggestion - Quality of Life Improvement

[20th July 2022]

Unsure if this has been brought up before but here goes;


1st - Novelty

Please add Mystic Chromatic Ooze into Novelty!


2nd - Research Notes

Please enable the option to salvage Ascended Armors, Ascended Trinkets and ALL Ascended Weapons into Research Notes.

There are some Ascended Weapons that can be salvaged into Research Notes but NOT ALL for some reason (mainly the ascended weapons we obtain from End Of Dragon - more specifically the 'Living Water' ones). As for Ascended Trinkets and Armors we obtain from Fractal's random drops, there doesn't seem to be an option to salvage them into research notes as of yet - please enable this option. Doesn't make much sense that you can salvage 'some' of the weapons and not the rest.

Edited by Stalvros.9217
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Suggestion - Fishing.


Hello, I'm sure all of the fishermen in GW2 had this issue at least once : You are fishing on your boat, your Fishing Party buff is pretty high, and due to lack of players, the map close in 1hour... And because changing map reset the Fishing Party bonus, you end up with a time limited fishing experience.


Thus a simple tweak allowing to conserve that bonus when changing map would be greatly appreciated.

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After many years of gameplay, going to the same locations for interaction with Pact Supply agents is a bit boring. I think it would be a good idea to consider some new locations to keep the game fresh. By all means keep the original ones, but add more to keep it fresh. I now some only want to map in, get the supply and map out but I like to do quests, farm and other activities in these areas like when I do dailies and I think it would motivate players back into areas which have very low numbers of players. There could even be a random generated rotation? Just a thought. It would be interesting what other players think.

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I hope this can get the attention of the one who designed this Sword from the Image.

The heavy armor set of this character on the image is the Heritage Heavy Armor set available for GW1 Players who linked their GW1 account to their GW2 account.

However, I believe the Sword is still non-existent in the game.

Heritage One-Handed Sword

I would like to request to please implement this one-handed sword skin in the future as  a Gem Store item.

Edited by Kingslayer.6397
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Ability to swap grandmaster marks for other grandmaster marks. E.g. tailoring for weaponsmith.


Consume all on Tomes of Knowledge.


Consumption of Tactics/Improvements Packs.


Re-work scribing for guild tactics.


Oh and one more thing...

Gib me Cantha Borderland.

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I'm not sure how to Merge this into the QOL suggestions.

So, the game is getting huge bloat around "Portal Scrolls / Tomes". Other games, that shall remain nameless here, use a menu system, which is like a Universal Portal Tome. Everyplace that would get a scroll in that game - That is needs some sort of Unlock, but you did it and got there, appears automagically in this menu. And then you can go back there. How about we do that in this game. Avoid all that Portal Tome / Scroll bloat and just make a travel menu or Universal Travel Tome - in the menus not an item in the Inventory.

At this point it seems that the tome and scroll bloat is just gonna get worse and worse. Of course items like the Lilly of Elon don't have a tome to live in, so that could just live in this menu too under a tab called "Special Destinations" or something.

Do we really think that the taking of the small amount of magic / gold from the game economy is worth the confusion that Travel Tome/Scroll Bloat is causing? Let's take a lesson from Dungeon Currency Bloat and make a Travel Menu.


Oh. Arbotstone Stone, Spearmarshals plea, Hall of Monuments, Invitation to Dragon Bash, Invitation to this other thing, Exhalted Portal Stone, and on and on and on.

Edited by windyweather.1238
Oh, look what I forgot...
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