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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Hi, I am a new player. I feel embarrassed for not finding this game earlier since this has some years of development.


I love this game and it is just a start. 


I found something that may be "missing" or "less improved", it is, without deteriorating the game's structure, a search on the map, like we already have one for hearts, waypoints, points of interest, etc. If we could have something similar for banks, merchants, and trading posts that already have been discovered. Not all people can see perfect ^^

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Mass Selling & Trading Post

Currently we are limited on our sales, before the wrath of the spam filter attacks us. Mixed with the persistent 'lag effect', I avoid the TP unless I have to use it.


My suggestion is in the form of a system in which you add items you wish to sell to a checklist, and then submit that checklist to the system. Your goods are locked (to prevent screwing up amounts) and/or moved to a separate tab, and enters a rotating waiting list, before being placed on the Trading Post (to prevent overkill). Each time you use this service, it would cost you gems/gold, in order to persuade the user into not using this service, but is available if needed.


Thanks for your time reading this.

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I just came back to the game recently and I couldn't help but notice that Minis have gotten a lot more... intrusive, compared to how they were handled in the past. Not only have some grown in size, but others have also become flashier and even have special sound effects. It's getting to the point it has become distractingly jarring, and there's been hundreds of posts complaining about this all over the forums and Reddit since launch. This is even more egregious whenever someone uses a mini of their Jade Bot.


I hope ANet adds a feature in the future that allows us to disable or silence them all together, similar to how we can mute projectiles. The game already has too much visual vomit, and this is just adding more on top.

Edited by Maulclaw.4365
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  • Maulclaw.4365 changed the title to Please allows us to hide other player's Jade Bots...
  • Maulclaw.4365 changed the title to Please allows us to hide other player's minis...

need an option in tp filter skins already unlocked or lock. waste hours scrolling and hovering over skins. this is very basic requirements, after 10yrs its still here. 

the pop up message error unable to login server bla bla....kitten why is it design to pop up like a spam even during pvp, cant u just have it at the side and non confronting and affect skills/action cam etc. common sense

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On 3/21/2023 at 5:13 AM, Kari.1492 said:

Hey could we make fishing stacks persist between instances of the same map?


It has been unbearably frustrating to be told probably 6 times in the same 2 hrs of fishing to change maps because my instance keeps closing and I keep having to volunteer to go to the new map, and I LOSE all my stacks each time. It sucks. It makes doing my fishing achievements that much more mind-numbing rather than enjoyable.

Or maybe just get rid of fishing stacks entirely, and have the buff from the masteries + food. My dislike of this is, as well as the closing map problem, that I have lost contact with my skiff while getting off it to fight enemies. 

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17 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

There's a search bar in bank too.


That's not the same point, my proposal (that apparently made someone cry, I'll never understand people reactions in this forum) was a function that allows you to rearrange all your bank items by type/name/whatever in one click.

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I think Glint should get more idle conversations and some hidden easter egg chats like Kalla and Alliances have. 

Most other spirits average 3 idle conversations and the elite specs have hidden chats if you get to a certain location. There is a lot that can be done!

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Hey hi!
I would love it if we got an check-box option to hide our login Emails in the Gw2 launcher. I personally use an email that contains my name in it for my account, which I imagine many others do as well.
It's not really a concern for most people but as a content creator I worry about the possibility that the game crashes or has an issue and I end up doxxing myself by showing my email on stream or accidentally in a video.

Similar features exist in other launchers for other games, either by the account being remembered and details not showing, or having options to turn off showing the information.

I imagine that third party launchers exist that would not show the information but I think it would be moderately easy to implement considering passwords are already displayed as stars.

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These are my personal QOL improvements I would implement if I was on Anet team. Highly subjective!


1. Switch mounts instantly. Current behavior: Jackal -> dismount -> on foot -> mount -> Skimmer (if you get hit during the on foot part, see second point). QOL: Jackal -> Skimmer. More fluent, feels fresher and modern.


2. Fix aggro. Fall damage doesn't count as aggro so players can still mount. If mob isn't attacked in x seconds and didn't attack player, lose aggro on player so they can mount. Prevent the need to "press F12 -> character select" in order to lose aggro.


3. The radial mount should be an in game feature.


4. Give players the option to ignore the "map is closing" pop-up. Add a checkbox in the options.


I can only dream of these features 😁

Edited by GroteDwerg.4752
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Huge QoL for all Legendary Armours/Weapons/Sigils/Trinkets/Runes.

Legendary Change Stats "Favorites" Tick box that show up at the Top.

I swap a lot of stats often and change builds regularly. I know you people have the incentive to make money off your Build Template and Equipment Template Business Model. But for others not minding stat switching. Having a little check box next to the stats, runes and sigil options that could be checked to keep up near the top would be absolutely amazing!

That was Berserker, Viper, Harrier, Diviner, Minstrel etc. would always show up at the very top in alphabetical order. Afterwards the unfavorite ones would continue as normal.

With Legendary Sigils having the Checked ones in the same situation. That way my Favorite Sigils would show up at the top. Same with Runes. Would definitely make Legendary stuff even more worth than they are. 

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I know this is a first World issue...but SERIOUSLY!

19 Infusions have to be changed;  Here is the process to switchout infusions:

1.  Select armor/weapon/tricket/Assessory (Right Click)

2.  From the menu,  Select Customize (Left Click)

3.  Select the infusion currently attached (Left Click)

4.  Choose the new infusion (Left Click)

5.  Select Accept (Left Click)


For Armor Stats and Rune/Sigil Stats you have a check box to indicate you want the rest of your Armor...Weaopns...TAinnkets/rings/assessories to have the same to the remaining items...can we have that for infusions too??




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There should be a hide achievement option alongside the tracking option.

This would simply make it so any achievement that was hidden wouldn't show near completion section of the achievement panel.

When i get a little downtime in game I'll like to progess my most complete achievements but every so often I'll come across an achievement that I literally have no interest in doing like; any slayer achievement, weapon master for warhorn or focus, random pvp achievement for playing a certain class.

It would be nice to hide them and let me move on to the next thing.

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Oh this will be very unpopular:


I wish devs reduce the impact of Quickness and Alacrity (mostly Quickness). I'm not really into the endgame since I prefer to play casual, but it seems to me that, for the sake of balance, they are simply adding Q and A to every spec (some here, some there), just because Q and A are extremely powerful in a team and somehow mandatory for the dps. I think those boons should be good but not that good, something like, I dunno, +20% attack speed for Quickness and +10% skill recharge speed for Alacrity (considering that they are patch by patch more present in builds), and focus the spec balance more on the identity and tactics of the spec itself, and not just on exceptional but very common effects. Q and A would still be used and requested, but they would make a slightly less massive difference in battle, letting people have more fantasy making builds while still being effective and close to meta builds.


Edited by Val.7826
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So Guild Halls are great, don't get me wrong, but they're huge and the space mostly go unused unless you're a huge guild, or you really like Roller beetle racing.  they're also only truely accessable to meduim to large guilds with the player numbers to acquire them, and the resources to develop them; leaving smaller guild only 1 option for gathering or accessing guild vendors, that being the Guild Initiative office in Lions archs.

It would be nice for smaller guild to have a more varied access to those guild functions; these smaller guild halls wouldn't be as functional as the current 4  large halls, and only offer a small improvement over the Guild Initiative office such as teleport access from the guild panel and limited customization, and there are serveral location within core tyria that would serve as good locations, and serveral areas in the Expansions offer ideas for themed structures:

  • The 3 faction headquarters would make a good choice for players with only access to the core game each with its own unique feels and aesthetic

  • Areas like Aurenes egg chamber or Noble's folly could serve as a template for Heart of Thorns maps

  • A Gambling den in Amnoon, or an Order of Shadows outpost

  • A Minsec Branch office, or a Jade Brotherhood warehouse

these guild halls aren't designed to replace the currently large halls, but simply give smaller guild a place to gather and customize while building up to getting one of the big 4.

Edited by Parasite.5389
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Image here
please can we get a "Max number of item to claim box for" chest such as the canthan crafting material coffers? I have a whole stack of it and don't want to have to do the repeatable action 250 times, because it will destroy my wrist.  Please look at the image if you don't understand what I mean


Thank you very much  

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