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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Alright Anet, it is long past due for this to happen: the meta event participation reward chests we get spammed with. I think we would all greatly appreciate it if those were made to be on par with the other event reward chests that we can just right click on and they get collected and go away without the annoying pop up.

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I don't know how anyone thought about it as a good idea during playtest. This is the first thing it came into my mind, that there should be a "pressing f to use ley-line" option. But being forced to use it once you touch it, is so garbage as you mostly end up at the wrong end of the map, because it is hard to get off it. This really needs to be fixed.  I hope they don't put it as new mastery in the next expansion, lol.

On 9/12/2023 at 10:05 PM, Blude.6812 said:

I suspect that this will get the same response from Anet as the requests to being able to turn off/on gliding.

There is a keybinding for it. For example I have to press the spacebar to activate gliding and when I press it again it stops gliding. 🙂

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18 hours ago, Frostfang.5109 said:

Junk trophies

Please get rid of "glob of globby goo" and similar junk trophies! They are so pointless!! Make them copper drops instead. Only keep the trophies that are actually used for something such as collections etc. 

That would ruin the Jade Bot recycler chips.... Using these, you can automatically have all the junk transformed into the five things below, depending on what you want/need

  • Bloodstone
  • Dragonite 
  • Empyreal Fragments
  • Jade Slivers
  • Karma

If you want gold, you save them and sell them at a vendor. The easiest way to do that is have an oiled bag that collects them all between sellings.

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The game needs more cows. As ranger pets. Minis and NPCs. Mounts! Guild Hall decorations. Home instance inhabitants (like all those cats). Cow-themed outfits, armors, and weapons (especially a warhorn that goes MOOOO). Emotes. There should be a Cow Lodge in Hoelbrak. Cow bobble heads in that damned box o' fun thing. A Relic of the Bos Taurus that summons a Herd of Cows to stampede over enemies. A jump puzzle in which we are transformed into cows and must jump over the moon!  Cow Dancing Adventures. Craftable items to cleanse any and all varieties of barnyard/pasture stinkiness. Cows, I tell you. Cows.

And opossums.

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it only sucks when you are on griffon and not on skyscale.. cause you don't have a skill to move forward to leave it like on the skyscale.. i think they could add a mastery to have something similar so we dont get stuck on the ley line and go back to where we were by mistake lol

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There should be more granular control over the HUD 'Objectives' section.

Specifically, a way to pin the Wizard's Vault Objectives (the read out with the % completed) to the top right corner. Not only for the daily, but also the weekly and special.... independently.

Along with this, allow users to hide 'story' and 'special events' sections independently as well.

Like a check-box in the UI settings area or something. That way, if you are the type of player that tries to complete all those challenges, you can have it shown always, and if you don't do those, or don't focus on them, not have it shown.

Currently it is "show area" and "hide area" only.... you can not really choose what goes there though (aside from what to watchlist, which does not include the Wizards Vault objectives)


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23 minutes ago, DemonAtTheWheel.1804 said:

Specifically, a way to pin the Wizard's Vault Objectives (the read out with the % completed) to the top right corner. Not only for the daily, but also the weekly and special.... independently.

Along with this, allow users to hide 'story' and 'special events' sections independently as well.

While you are at it, don't forget the option to hide the Wizard's Toilet as well.

And put the login daily in a wiggly box about the minimap, so people can just get the 5 currency by right clicking the wiggly box and thus bypass the awful, mobile game inspired UI.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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A few things on my list i'd like to see.

1. A gem shop Portal Folder item that we can put all our passes portals and portal books and portal items into. I mean im building up quite a stack of portal books and portal items. they take up my entire maxed out shared inventory at this point.


2. Upgraded skyscale dash. would rly make the final touch for the skyscale to give a mastery that upgrades its dash with a third bar and longer distance dash like the raptor or the jackal mount dashes get.


3. Aesthetic slot separate from helm for tattoo, glasses and glowing eye helm items. would be nice to wear glasses with my favorite helm or have glowing eyes with a crown etc. They separated them in GW1 so it'd be nice to see a repeat of that action in GW2.


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The home instance is massive and disorderly,could it be made some changes? Plan an separated area,players have their own yard and houses which can be customized(like european,egypt,or cantha style),place furnitures,plant flowers,etc...and you should knock the door if you want join the train to mining nodes. 🙂

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Probably been mentioned countless times, but I'll try anyway:

How about changing armor rigs of every armor to the same type or say, outfit? It is A LOT OF WORK - I know. But it would allow SO MUCH in terms of fashion for the players and possible ways of income for the devs! Many, MANY outfits would work amazingly as armor sets and players would gladly pay a hefty penny for that option!

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Can you please remake the SotO achievement "find the shrine guardians" at least one; all like the rock or smash?

The "series of checkpoints" are a nightmare to do.

NOT all of us has the Ultimate acceleron 10+ core computer; with a mega ultra nvidia gforce 9999.9999 ultra mega tetra bite , accelerator, phosphorion megatron max, latest computer.

Some of us are working class, with bills to pay , and do have othet expences besides GW2.

So, we cannot afford to run the game without getting atrocious lag, and are not able to complete this.

Amnytas also lags to death... almost to a 1920 slideshow, with 0000.p01 fps, prehistoric dinosaur radio shack performance. 

So, please consider us 

Not all of us are RICH mummy and daddy boys and girls with yhe latest tech and ultimate €2000 computer.


If it's not too much to ask... please consider us, and fix the dam lag.

Yours truly.

Thank you very much.

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The new design philosophy that has been spoken about in the Studio Updates, suggests a desire to encourage players to delve into core content and other expansions rather than just focusing on new maps and new expansions. Given that masteries also function beyond their original expansions, it seems logical to let players progress on a mastery track outside the exclusive zones of those expansions, provided they've purchased the relevant content.

Currently, if I want to advance an expansion exclusive mastery track, I'm limited to expansion exclusive maps. Ideally, I should be able to choose any mastery track I've gained access to and play wherever I wish to earn xp progression towards that mastery, rather than being restricted to particular areas.

While it's reasonable to earn mastery points in the expansion zones related to them – promoting exploration and engagement with new content – the subsequent experience progression feels unnecessarily restrictive. The current system feels outdated and opposes the intent to enhance the core game experience. How? If playing in maps outside of an expansion hinders my ability to progress, then all of that content becomes immediately obsolete. This, ironically, shortens my engagement time with any new expansion because it results in content burnout at an accellerated pace.

Without flexibility, every new mastery track inadvertently escalates this sense of obsoletion, at least for me as a player who is primarily motivated by systems that promote shorter feedback loops for a sense of progression. Like leveling and mastery tracks. If I choose to engage in activities in previous zones, it feels like a halt in my progression since any XP gained outside new maps feels like a missed opportunity.


Edited by Sondergaard.8469
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We need more hairy chest options for human male characters in this game. It's a sick joke that the hairiest my character can be is a sad excuse of a testosterone deficit. 90% of the chests are shaved for some reason and the ones that have hair let's be honest have less hair than a naked mole rat. I have about 4x the chest coverage of hair than my character does and this is a HUGE problem. I would also like more armors that show off said chest hair. Some deep V's are in order. The women characters get to run around with their chests jiggling and wearing mini skirts I just want a deep V and more chest hair. You think my Ranger has had time to shave his chest in the past year? Let alone even shower? Forget about it. This sexism needs to end. If I can't make my character look like me when I go to the grocery store then what is this all really about anyways?

Edited by Mount Mazama.2917
added human specifically. inb4 just play charr
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