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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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What made LWS1 great was the active changes in the world as a result of live events. What made it bad is that the event was only playable for those playing GW2 at the time. Raids are great. What's bad about them is the difficulty getting into them as an average player is very high if you're not in a community who's doing training for it. Joining communities for the sole purpose of learning an entire game mode isn't really viable as an option for everyone - it's the only game mode that has this hurdle in GW2. Strikes are good and all, but they don't actually help anyone train for raids. How does someone learn mechanics and familiarity of any raid wing from doing strikes? They can't.

I've returned to GW1 lately to work on GWAMM and I've been really enjoying the normal mode/hard mode split. It's quite a wonderful invention that I don't know any other MMO's have. I still believe in many ways that GW1 is more revolutionary than GW2 as per the 2012 launch presentation, one of these reasons is because of hard mode. I don't know about programming or the game engine or things like that but I can't help but wonder, why can't we take advantage of the NM/HM split idea and evolve it for this game.

It seems to me to be an opportunity to, essentially, recycle content but with changes from events. We could still have living world events that permanently change the world, replayable in toned-down instances after the fact, with the permanent changes reflected in hard mode. Central Tyria with harder mobs in hard mode! Vanilla Kessex hills in normal mode! Access to vanilla LA... I can dream.

And normal mode raids. I know people who are familiar with raids or were carried through learning them tend to say raids are easy but it doesn't seem like the demographic of raiders is as large as the demographic of players who want to be raiders - I don't know if that's true it's just my feeling. Strikes don't help players get into raids so much, they do seem to help the average open world player improve, though. But there was already fractals for that purpose.

If there was ever a game or game studio that had a valid excuse to re-use the entire games worth of content to create new content, it has to be guild wars. You've already done it with one and, particularly with LW, could use that same idea and evolve it for a great advantage to everyone. Open world hard mode doesn't even need a story to justify its existence, just a higher rate of challenge and reward. Normal mode raiding doesn't need anything changed except damage values and decreased or different rewards. Yes that's still a decent amount of work to do but isn't it significantly less than designing new content?

I know I'm not the first, nor the last, to talk about hard/normal mode. I wonder if anet will ever consider this or address why it's an idea that's staying in the progenitor. I'd love to know if they've even considered it as a possibility! For me it's always been in the great list of possible unspoken future updates! But since LW1 has long since been and gone with the shift being away from live events - evidence suggests they're not entertaining anything like a dual world idea to allow for permanent changes and the only thing resembling hard mode is difficulty tiers in fractals... sooo... hope has dwindled.

Go on anet, give us a word! 


Edited by Nayaru.4716
weird spacing
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Open world content in GW2 and explorable content in GW1 are completely different things.


You cant really add a toggle for hard mode when you arent creating private instances by the sheer act of leaving an outpost, and in some cases of season 1, and likely with other future LW content, you'd have to have multiple new instances of a number of zones, which would greatly split the playerbase based on which version of which zone they wanted to do things in. 



Raids already have a hard mode through CM's. 

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in 2018, this was suggested. With the release of cantha, I really want access to some of the unreleased hairstyles on the NA client and those hairstyles that are on the Chinese exclusive Client.) I know some have crossed over, but I want the rest at some point!! > u < And some of the hairstyles suggested would be nice.

More options are nice 🙂


Other people who have been begging:



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37 minutes ago, TristisOris.2165 said:

please increase Fulgurite craft speed.


That is a good one.  Annoying waiting for the 25 things to be made.


I'd also like the ability to just take loot bought from the TP at a crafting station.  Crafting station already allows bank access.  Why do I need to run all the way to the TP to grab my stuff that I just bought?



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1. We need a way to merge all three portal tomes together. At the moment they occupy precious shared slots so we can access them with any character. I don't know whether making new tomes was an oversight or a well thought decision but it sucks to have unnecessarily split items with the same functionality from different times.

2. An option to turn off effects of other players. I'm very confused why this is being ignored for so many years though it's been requested million times already.

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Hi guys.

Can we please have more ways of obtaining the Racing Scarf?

I absolutely, atrociously suck big time at Beetle Racing, and it costs a whopping 70G in TP.



Also, can we please have more armour skirts, mini skirts, tube skirts, pleated skirts, for females?

I don't understand why men have more skirts than females do in this game.

I would like to dress my light armour and medium armour females with skirts.


GW1 has some neat mini skirts for light armour. I would like that here too.


Last but not least, please consider class changing guys.

That's another thing that went backwards.

I'm tired of deleting characters time and time again, even 2 and 3 YO characters because I find that another class would suit it better, or just simply because I fancy a change.


Since we're in the subject, why not even race change?

It could be made in a special way, in which to change race you'd have to go through a ritual.

Then you'd spawn in the designated race specific area.

You get to keep all your stuff, and progress.


Thanks for the attention.

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Move the 'Guiding Star' dye from the BLUE hue dye section, to either the white/gray or brown hue section. It's not blue in any way, shape, or form.


And please allow us to permanently select how we categorize our dyes. It's tiring having to constantly sort by hue every single time the dye panel decides to compact by itself again.

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The release of Legendary Armory was great, the ability to toggle trinket effects on and off as well. (Maybe we can have it for legendary armors too?)
How about we take it one step further and make legendaries scale with level like the Dreambound and Bloodbound Weapons do?
This has probably been brought up before but even if it have, I feel it's worth mentioning again.

I would also like to see some improvements to the Skyscale, it's slow at ascending which is not that big of an issue, but it's very slow at descending which makes no sense. Most of the times it's faster to just disengage and mount up a bit further down rather than to just descend normally. Draconis mons is a good example of where the skyscale test your patience. 

And last but not least, as someone stated yesterday, please make it possible to merge the tomes.

Edit: Please make the Candy Corn Gobbler function like the Snowflake Gobbler so that we aren't forced to have the actual materials in our bags if they are in the material storage.

Edited by Zewix.6093
Added a suggestion
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For many years I have seen people talk about this issue: Hiding Squad/Party names.


With all due respect, why can we hide all names of players as we please in the open world, but not those of people in our squad/party?
While doing big events, the names from 20-30 players stacked on top of each other gets kind of annoying, and imo, unnecessary.

Multiple times i've heard that people avoid squads for this exact reason. Avoiding playing with other players because of this is not right.
I love how Arena Net pays so much attention to the small QoL stuff, it's one of the reasons why i keep coming back to this game. So I hope this is an issue that could get resolved.


I assume a lot of players are having the same issue. I see posts about particle/armor effects cluttering the screen too much. In my view, player names are a big factor in cluttering your screen with unnecessary stuff (in certain circumstances). The difference between having (sometimes) 20-30+ nameplates stacked on each other versus hiding them is a very big difference clutter wise. Not even speaking about the FPS difference. 


This has been asked before, but it still hasn't been changed. I have absolutely no knowledge in coding, so this might be a huge timesink, idk. But if its doable, please add the option for us to hide it. I know many players would be happy with this option.


Thank you.


tldr: Squad/party names give unnecessary screen clutter in big events. Please let us hide them.


Offtopic: Also, the ability to display health bars for non squad/party players would be cool from an open world healer perspective. Although this is not as gamebreaking as the squad/party name issue.

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I have been spending a lot of time in Drizzlewood Coast recently often running as commander through the entire meta. I find the meta to be possibly the best in the game. The gameplay is rewarding and highly re-playable. The challenges are fun and the group involvement is top notch. The issue is that when you finish the meta (kill The Claw) the map resets (which is fine) but the players are booted out to maps that are already in progress and often to a map that is more than half way through the meta. That means we are forced to play through the northern map over and over which gets very repetitive. There is nothing wrong with the north meta but I find the double sided aspect of the south meta much more fun and engaging. Multiple events running at the same time often causes groups to split up to keep control of the map and allow progression. This aspect does not exist in the northern meta which means it feels more like a zerg.


I propose that Drizzlewood Coast should not kick players at the end of the meta. Instead, move players to Umbral and allow play on the fresh map much like Dragonstand. However, allow the players to determine the rate of meta progression rather than have the meta on a set timer (like Dragonstand and others). There are many players who would love to stay in group and run the events over and over. I believe this would be a big improvement over the current system which causes otherwise very entertaining and engaging  gameplay to become stale due to over exposure to a small part of the whole.

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Can I suggest the capability to Title my Bank Tabs (even my Inventory Bag Tabs)

I tend to have all my tabs closed in my bank just because it genuinely looks neater. 

Having the option to title these tabs would make searching easier for my myself anyway.
(Plus helps with my OCD)

Like I keep my:
Asc gear
Sigils / Runes / Inscriptions
Gem Items
Kill Proofs
Guild Wars 2 (gyazo.com)
(As you can see there is a Bar that would be PERFECT to place my own little title.

All of these Items I store in separate Bank Tabs.


Can Baubles be added to my Wallt Currency. 
They're taking up space in my bank >.<


Edited by DiablosLight.5396
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(Inspired by me recently accidentally salvaging a rare exclusive dye. Oops.)


Given just how much loot I acquire and need to salvage at once, I've gotten used to clicking "Yes" on this without question. For example, getting rid of 20 Rare items, my workflow is either:

  1. Click my salvage tool of choice, click an item, click "Yes", click next item... 20 times
  2. Right-click my salvage tool of choice, click "Salvage all rares", scan over the list quickly, click "Yes"


Are you sure you'd like to Salvage? [Yes / No]


Currently, this message appears on a modal when salvaging Rare (yellow) or Exotic (orange) items.


Obviously, the first has less chance for error, but is extremely repetitive. This encourages the user to not even read the modal, but to click "Yes" without stopping, which is a dangerous pattern as it makes these warning messages less useful overall. (This is a known effect in health & safety fields, known as "Alarm Fatigue").


My suggestion to reduce this "cry wolf" effect: Once a player reaches Lv 80 and begins receiving many Rare (yellow) items, it makes sense to stop showing this alert when salvaging Rare (yellow) items, but keep it for salvaging Exotic (orange) items. These items are worth the message below Lv 80, when a character doesn't generally have access to anything higher rarity, but quickly becomes outdated.


Salvage all (Uncommon, Masterwork, Rare...)


This tool is wonderful overall, and does happen to come with a built-in warning when salvaging non-equipment items. However, this is easy to miss when you regularly salvage Common (white) items meant exclusively for that purpose.


I have two suggestions to make this interface more convenient, and less accident-prone:


  1. Visually separate equipment and non-equipment into separate sections. This uses the Principles of Grouping to create a message that is immediately interpreted and processed, rather than use text that takes time to read and process.
  2. Add the ability to click/right-click an item to "grey it out" and exclude it from the mass-salvage operation. This is a general QoL improvement for when you have one item you'd like to keep, but get rid of the rest.


Other possible settings / options you may want to look into:

  • An option in the settings for "Never salvage non-equipment items when using Salvage All", or something similar
  • An option in the settings for "Show salvage confirmation warnings for... (Uncommon, Masterwork, Rare, Exotic, Ascended)"


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Sure, confirmations' pop-ups could be done much better. Currently those are bad. As you wrote - confirmation for salvaging every cheap gold item, no point, nobody reads them. It's also the same for buying daily limited items, don't see how a limit would make someone resign from buying, if he buy anyway, then no point to confirm.

Confirmations should base on value, it could check TP price and/or merchant value for bound items. Should be doable, as inventory shows all prices on Sell tab.

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47 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Don't Invisible Bags work for your 'grey-out' suggestion?

That's before the modal appears, if you get to the screen that lists the items to salvage and you see that there's one there, in order to remove it you currently have to exit out of the salvage operation entirely, move the item(s) to not salvage to an invisible bag / the bank / etc, and then retry the entire salvage. I'm thinking that from the modal listing the items, you can individually specify whether to salvage each one without leaving that screen.


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Didn't see this thread before but I will post here as well:

Since Barrier is also reduced by agony in Fractals, and It requires to be PRE-cast its a preventive type of healing, which means it is much harder to utilize it to maximum efficiency unlike normal Reactive healing where you will heal as much as needed when needed....
Can we finally get over the stereotype in Runes, Food and Utilities which normaly have  "% Increased outgoing Healing"   to something like "% increased outgoing Healing and Barrier effects"  
I don't see any reason why barrier providers should NOT benefit from the food and utilities that their friends "healers" can.   Most of the barriers you throw will never be utilized as efficiently as Heals, which is  balanced out with the fact that poisons reduce healing a bit.. Which is also not noticeable that much as everyone is tossing around condi-cleanses like its their main profession lol.

Also it would be neat if we got some more DEFINING roles in classes. It would be nice that Certain classes provide certain buffs/effects/ instead of  almost everyone having ability to reach almost every boon.  Instead of having Engineer, Guardian, Mesmer All able to provide permanent Quickness it would have been better if that was just Guardians job. Give the aoe Quickness to Guardian as a CLASS, To all of his Specs, instead of spreading it to multiple specs.  And instead give unique interesting boons/effects to other classes which are on par in terms of utility or dps etc...  
Like Druid with his Spirits. Instead of giving druid 25 might perma spam, buff the spirits enough to be a worthy of group slot in all contents not just raids,  and give the 25 might spam to someone else like Warrior.

I have given just the vague example, but the point is it would be interesting if we had boons, Condi-Cleanses, Barriers, Heals, Damage Reductions,  Damage boosts(which are not boons) , etc..  spread through classes ...Warrior, Mesmers, Guardian, Necro, Engi... etc etc...   Rather than giving each class access to most of those.  If Necro has barriers, give it to Necro and not just Scourge spec as his thing only. Instead give the new Mechanist for example a new type of buff that reduces damage taken by % per stack..of buff, and stacks fall off every time you get hit.. Or some totally unique effect, it could be anything like giving explosive ammo to allied ranged attacks every few seconds or hits for example..... something connected to the Traits and Theme of that Class. 

Revenant and his Spirits are good example of a healthy design. He shouldn't have had Alacrity. That should be only Mesmer's thing. But add it to all MESMER specs instead.   And instead buff Revenants spirits actives to be strong enough to compensate and be worthy of a group slot just as much. 

I feel that we are going too much towards Everyone has Everything type of game, which rly isn't what Guild Wars was about.  CLASSES (not their Specs)  should be Unique in what they bring. And they should be all balanced so that we players are not punished if we dont bring a certain Class/Spec into group.  But rather be able to enjoy vast and diverse combinations. 

One example would be if Warrior is the only class that provides Might, and can upkeep 25 might with proper SKILL and rotation, You shouldn't feel less dps if you didn't bring one but instead you brought Revenant with his Spirits that will buff the groups attacks/spells... 
Every class should be optimal and picking different classes should bring different gameplay options for players. Interesting effects to utilize for their benefits. You have to stand in Revenants  spirits circle to be able to gain the effect,  but because of that you get benefit as if you had 25 might.  Might on the other hand provides AOE application and is more usefull for fights where you are moving a lot etc...  I am just giving vague ideas because I am at work now so I can't really type. But you get the point.

Edited by Marko Welder.3547
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I have been working on getting ready for EOD. I have been maxing out crafting, along with a lot of other things. It would be great if, from the Character panel, when you hover over the crafting for each toon that shows up, you can see what level the craft is from that panel so that you don't have to flip through each toon to check the levels of crafting. 



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