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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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That would actually be a great idea to have some dye preset for mount.

I've faced the same problem as you and I have many time though about it.

If anyone else see this post don't hesistate to add a reaction or either a message so the staff will be informed about that !

Thank you kindly !


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hey gang!

today is a quick suggestion, i think it would be GREAT if we had more access to lv 80 boosts.

the game has been out almost 12 years now, i'm guessing most people are max level and have been for awhile,

the thought of making a new character with nothing unlocked like waypoints etc makes alting quite daunting and a bit of a chore

(if you use tomes to level up for example you need to click through 79 level up rewards that you don't even care about!) 😱

but then we have these wonderful lv80 boosts that come with the expansions, a few clicks and your new alt is lv 80 and ready to go!

complete with waypoints to start the expansions, decent sized bags, gathering tools and a full set of exotic celestial gear, it really is the perfect start for an alt!

the only problem is that once you've used the ones that came with the expansion, if you want to play other alts at 80 they SO EXPENSIVE, around £20 here in the UK! 😵


so my suggestion is to make a way of getting these lv 80 boosts, perhaps a vendor who trades looooots of tomes of knowledge for them? like a whole 250 stack per boost?

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Um, don't you have stacks of those experience books? https://i.postimg.cc/5tmd696w/gw430.jpg

Create a char -> spam click the books -> lvl 80
(no unlocked waypoints and no lvl 80 celestial equipment though but veterans have excess of armor anyway and the rest you can get from the wvw dude)
For armor of my choice -> https://i.postimg.cc/ZRWpsntm/gw431.jpg
For everything of choice -> https://i.postimg.cc/zGMgb5HP/gw432.jpg
Not to forget the AA Rewards you can choose for ascended gear.
For fast HPs -> https://i.postimg.cc/LXCK2HsN/gw441.jpg

ANet has made things way easier already.
If you're not a newbie.
A newbie has to plan ahead and prepare.
Like I do certain rewards tracks on my latest account, as preparation for ascended gear from a npc. Takes time but no grind and no extra effort (for me). https://i.postimg.cc/NFyQ9y9K/gw442.jpg (and it is the first step for a legendary)


Edited by Lucy.3728
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Suggestion: have a searchbox on the map to find areas. I can never remember where anything is at. e.g: being able to type in "lake" and have lake doric be highlighted or zoomed in on would be handy.

Edited by Watt.6420
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32 minutes ago, Liewec.2896 said:

... it would be GREAT if we had more access to lv 80 boosts.

I have great news for you! You can just go out to the gem store and buy one!

My car is 10 years old. I wish Kia would just give me a new one, I'll even give them my old one.

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Suggestion: List watched achievements in the UI based on current zone. I have 20+ achievements I've added to my UI to be able to track, but only one from the current zone is showing.

The ones I'm tracking are all for the return to achievements. The UI should list the ones I can complete in the current zone before ones from other zones.

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On 2/6/2024 at 4:56 PM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:


Show In-world Bubbles — Toggles chat dialogue bubbles appearing over player characters.

I’m aware of this, and even mentioned that in my original post - we can disable player bubbles, but currently we *can’t* disable NPC bubbles. My suggestion was that there should be an option to remove *NPC* bubbles specifically, especially since radio messages appear above our character’s head and obstruct our view. Thanks for trying to help though! ❤️

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As there is already gear customisation window, how about extending its functionality regarding legendary effects?

Adding toggles to switch on off your unique effects like draw animation, sounds, projectile and trail effects would be a great addition. Then you could change equipment skins without loosing those effects that make legendary gear special or just turn off effects that wont work for you or your character.

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8 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

I had a very similar metaphor in mind, but with my truck instead.

but both of those metaphors don't really work.

GW2 is the 12 year old car and i'm not asking for a new game. 😉


Um, don't you have stacks of those experience books? https://i.postimg.cc/5tmd696w/gw430.jpg

i do, over SEVEN HUNDRED of them, and i've leveled 5-6 characters using them, but recently i've used my 3-4 Level 80 boosts and man, it is just such a better experience.

which is why i think there should be a way to convert the Tomes into a boost, even if it takes 200 of them i'd still gladly do it for the quality of life and the hour or two it saves,

but £20? hell naw, the boosts are on "sale" now, but they're still £17 which is waaay more than a QoL time-saver should be priced.

i recently preorded the Tombraider 1, 2 and 3 remasters and all 3 games came to around the same price as a single lv80 boost. 🤔

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5 hours ago, Liewec.2896 said:

GW2 is the 12 year old car and i'm not asking for a new game.

I think they were referring to you asking for free level 80 boosts, even though you are expected to buy them, if you want more.

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4 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

I think they were referring to you asking for free level 80 boosts, even though you are expected to buy them, if you want more.

i know what they were referring to, it was just a faulty analogy. 😉

also i wasn't asking for free boosts, i was wanting to trade hundreds of tomes for them which would be a massive QoL improvement, shaving an hour or two of "work" to get a lv 80 ready to play (as it currently is if you level with tomes)

using tomes to level to 80 just seems so archaic now that we have a system in place to get you to 80 and ready to go in a few clicks.

so it would make sense that we have some way to convert tomes into the more modernized level-up process.

Edited by Liewec.2896
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1 hour ago, Liewec.2896 said:

i know what they were referring to, it was just a faulty analogy. 😉

also i wasn't asking for free boosts, i was wanting to trade hundreds of tomes for them which would be a massive QoL improvement, shaving an hour or two of "work" to get a lv 80 ready to play (as it currently is if you level with tomes)

using tomes to level to 80 just seems so archaic now that we have a system in place to get you to 80 and ready to go in a few clicks.

so it would make sense that we have some way to convert tomes into the more modernized level-up process.

From a monetarily point of view, that's still asking for more free sources of something that you are supposed to buy from the shop.

Your choices are, you either pay up for it being faster, or you don't pay and take your time eating through 78 tomes in a row.

Convenience makes money. There's a reason why you can't turn your tomes into full boosts.

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8 hours ago, Liewec.2896 said:

i know what they were referring to, it was just a faulty analogy. 😉

also i wasn't asking for free boosts, i was wanting to trade hundreds of tomes for them which would be a massive QoL improvement, shaving an hour or two of "work" to get a lv 80 ready to play (as it currently is if you level with tomes)

using tomes to level to 80 just seems so archaic now that we have a system in place to get you to 80 and ready to go in a few clicks.

so it would make sense that we have some way to convert tomes into the more modernized level-up process.

Well those tomes are giving it away for free tho you get a crap ton of them just playing, if you want the convience of the boost buy it or go through 78 lvl up chests.

It is better now when 85% of it can be salvaged instead of before when all you could do was mystic forge half of it and delete the rest.

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Well, next expansion should be happening later this year and if they can stick to the pattern, new weapon masteries may come to the classes in about a year. New elite specs probably won't happen if we can believe the new way ANet wants to do things.

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