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Guild enhancements can never be removed?

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So those guild boosts you can get in your guild hall... they can never be removed no matter what? I know you can switch them out and they used to be 24 hours. I was hoping to remove it cause I don't want it adding 1 more thing to my boon space. Plus I don't like something being permanent. It irks me. I've tried going into pvp, wvw, raid, making a new character hoping it would transfer to them. Nothing seems to get rid of it. Is there some way aside from completely deleting my character?

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I've never actually tried, but I'm not aware of any way to remove them. The nearest you could get is picking one which is useless for that character, like the WvW XP gain on a character who never goes to WvW.

Making a new character and picking the same boost definitely wouldn't help, because there's no restriction on how many characters can use each one.

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1 hour ago, circuitnerd.5863 said:

So those guild boosts you can get in your guild hall... they can never be removed no matter what? I know you can switch them out and they used to be 24 hours. I was hoping to remove it cause I don't want it adding 1 more thing to my boon space. Plus I don't like something being permanent. It irks me. I've tried going into pvp, wvw, raid, making a new character hoping it would transfer to them. Nothing seems to get rid of it. Is there some way aside from completely deleting my character?

Why does it irk you, though? 🤔 Those boosts are useful.

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17 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Why does it irk you, though? 🤔 Those boosts are useful.

it's the old "UI clutter" thing, it's not particulatly hurting anyone (I personally don't mind it), but it is Another icon ontop of an increasing long bar of icons

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5 minutes ago, costepj.5120 said:

I think if you left any guild that has that enhancement, then the boon would disappear. Then you could rejoin but never visit the tavern.

the buff stays, even if you leave the guild

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Posted (edited)

I wonder if they ever plan to change that 1 long bar. Would prefer it it were 2 or 3 - there is enough height there and that would be better. Guild-stuff and other long-term stuff in one bar. (Together maybe with the food.) The Orange icons with white icon for the usual boons ... in a different bar. Would be nice.

Edit: I mean a 3rd bar. xD
The orange ones are already in a own bar. But for example signets (passive effect) can fill up the other bar too much - with the blue icons.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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4 hours ago, circuitnerd.5863 said:

So those guild boosts you can get in your guild hall... they can never be removed no matter what? I know you can switch them out and they used to be 24 hours. I was hoping to remove it cause I don't want it adding 1 more thing to my boon space. Plus I don't like something being permanent. It irks me. I've tried going into pvp, wvw, raid, making a new character hoping it would transfer to them. Nothing seems to get rid of it. Is there some way aside from completely deleting my character?

I think those got removed when you entered super adventure box but yea thats over now.

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It makes sense for the buff to stay when you leave the guild hall instance.

Interesting if it remains when you aren't representing that guild.

If you quit all of your guilds, I would expect the guild buff to go away.

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59 minutes ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

It makes sense for the buff to stay when you leave the guild hall instance.

Interesting if it remains when you aren't representing that guild.

If you quit all of your guilds, I would expect the guild buff to go away.

So far as I know, it never goes away, even if you leave all guilds.

From Wiki: "Effect durations were modified from 24 hours to infinite with the December 17, 2019 update. They are not removed upon leaving a guild."

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3 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

It makes sense for the buff to stay when you leave the guild hall instance.

Interesting if it remains when you aren't representing that guild.

If you quit all of your guilds, I would expect the guild buff to go away.

It won't. Applying the buff to character is tied to a guild, but the buff itself is completely guild-independent.

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If it bothers you that much, you could try asking support for help? Maybe they're able to remove the infinite duration buff from your character. If there's no ingame way to do it, that may be your only option that has any chance of success.

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It does seem odd that it's not possible to remove them at all. I know it's unlikely anyone would want to do it often so it wouldn't be a priority but I think it would be useful if Anet could add a way to do that.

The main use I can think of is various DIY challenges (like survivor/perma death characters) where part of the challenge is that buffs aren't allowed. I know it's not likely you'd pick up a guild buff by accident, but it would be really annoying to do that and then find out it's permanent.

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