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Personal Housing, A New Raid, A New Weapon, and More: Janthir Wilds launches August 20! [Merged]

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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

I can confirm that we are not gonna be doing that. 😛 

Yeah, that's obvious. xD That point was a more theoretical thing. I'm not that deep into game dev but 2 months would be way too little time to change such a big feature. And I get that some people like that - I'm personally not a huge fan - but I hope people who do will have fun with it. And i hope it will generate enough money through gem items, so the team can grow, and we might get even more encounter based end-game content in future expansions and in GW3.

Edited by Maximillion.3425
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4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

They said there will be an open world way to experience the story of that raid. It may just mean that wing 8 will be the raid version of the map meta. Which might end up as similar as the Raid versions of Vale Guardian and Sloth are to the OW ones.

The crazy part is I forgot those even existed since they are so different to the actual fights 

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1 hour ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Like we said in this morning's news post, we're going to have much more info coming about Janthir Wilds. I don't want to spoil all of that but I can give you a few quick answers to questions I've seen here and there:

  • Your current home instances are not going away when Homesteads arrive on August 20.
  • Homesteads will have a separate crafting profession from Guild Scribing. 
  • We are not planning to add new strike missions in addition to the raid with Janthir Wilds.

 We have a lot more to share with you between now and Janthir Wilds launch. Stay tuned!

I'm very happy to see raids comming back.

What i'm interested in though is, why raids and strikes are so separated. Thinking about raids, each boss fight makes a great strike mission. So i kind of wished for this to be a move to add raids again and doubling the use cases by offering the single encounters as strike missions. I do like the move to opening raids up to bigger groups than 10 to make them more accessible to people who are not into the 10 people gameplay.

Why are raid encounters not also accessible as strike encounters? Are the systems that different that they can't share the encounters? I always thought it would be a good idea so that people could fight those single encounters without doing the whole raid (for people with time contraints). Also you can justify doing more raids, because you can pretty much serve 3 different communities at once.

Would really be interested in the behind the scenes there.

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1 hour ago, Super Hayes.6890 said:

The new war claw skin preview video had idle animations that very much reminded me of a horse. Are we getting horses via skins for the war claw with this expansion???

What is a horse?

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3 hours ago, babak.3654 said:


A bit weird that every profession gets the same weapon, but it's a 'new' 2-hander and sounds like it will have unique abilities for each profession so I guess it's fine.


Well to be fair we do not know if every class will use it as a 2her.

Some might only get main hand spear or off hand spear, some can get both and some can use it in a 2h way.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Homesteads will have a separate crafting profession from Guild Scribing. 

Please make it an account wide crafting profession so any of my characters can make decorations on a whim.

Or make it so that all crafting professions can make decorations themed to them.

Edited by Eloc Freidon.5692
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2 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

I don't want to spoil all of that but I can give you a few quick answers

Questions I have (and some of my friends do as well) that I fully expect you cannot answer here is: 

Will the gathering nodes be placeable in custom spots?
Will the home portal stone work for homesteads or will that be a new item like the portal scrolls?

I'm not necessarily looking for answers in this thread for it (but that'd be awesome) - but I really really hope the answers are included in the details shared about homesteads later when that is shared 🙂 

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, BrotherBelial.3094 said:

Well, I guess I'm not buying it then. They are charging us for Living world now and just calling it an expansion. The expansions were good value before, having a full story at launch then with a story to bridge to the next. now it's a poor man's WoW release model.

not true, they said they are smaller expansions at a reduced price, the way it was before wasn't a good model when we got the whole story at launch and than waiting 2 to 3 years for another expac and nothing to do, the new way is much better.

Edited by vrauns.3215
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Cronospere.8143 said:

I full on agree here. 

Building a new crafting profession which (for now) looks like it will do the same as scribing, seems a big waste of resources for me. And also an opportunity missed to develop an existing discipline. 

Must be because of the way how a "guild" scribe works. 

Yeah.... why develop an entirely new system instead of reworking the old one? Move the guild stuff to 400-500 range to dodge the problem?

Edited by Rorschakiin.9437
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Hey so are we going to make sure all the animations and sounds on the new weapon skills are complete this time? I'm absolutely going to wait for video reviews of content before buying this one.

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Overall my thoughts are simply, well, not impressed.

I think it's a meme that Guild Wars is finally getting " Guild Wars " but we gotta buy an xpac to get it. I do however think that Guild Wars as a game mode is probably the best thing you could have ever made for this game, but we know absolutely nothing about it and you should have told us how many players it was instead of stringing us along to wait and find out, I wouldn't of cared if you just said we haven't set a number yet, or there's multiple team sizes.

Homesteads are literally just home instance 3.0 or guild hall 2.0, I didn't need another gathering node place to have to do everyday and I certainly don't care to hang out there.

Land Spears, great another weapon is fine, but is that the only weapon we're getting? If so I feel cheated, rather have hammer necro, and rifle guardian, etc.

Raid Wing 8, Sneb Slug, but also don't care, don't raid, literally you made maybe 100 people really happy.

Warclaw, so WvW Cornerstone? We really shouldn't ever get our hopes up with a new WvW map I guess.

Lastly, expected way more, spvp/wvw maps, really was lookn forward to new weps not reused spears, was lookn for Monthly tab in the Wiz Vault, maybe some more options for dailies, was expecting something tied to rifts/convergences, etc.

I'm expecting a large focus on WvW/SPvP in the next xpac after this 1, prolly some love to Guild Wars mode too, new map for that, it's time to stop saying " Cornerstone " and not doing anything meaningful to it, I'm tired of it.

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To be fair since IBS strikes raids was the end game goal. Strikes were meant to introduce people into 10 person content and transition to raids. Then it seemed like they were making strikes the replacement. Hopefully these 3 “encounters” is as good or better than the 2 strikes we got with soto. I’m ok with more raid wings if they take the place of strikes.

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This is rough. I'll wait for more reveals, but aside from the story and new regions (which I would like to explore, but that is not the part of this thread I think), so far none of these announced game features seem exciting to me, mainly because they seem "recycled", meaning they don't appear to bring new/fresh gameplay experience.

With housing, we have guild halls and home instances, isn't adding another a bloat? I get the appeal of "making your place". So why not updating home instance and/or make the upgrades in guild halls cheaper (you could get extra new currency for already built upgrades, which you could use for new things). Refining already present content might be better than bringing same experience in a different coat.

Spear on land is nice, but the excitement of getting new weapons for each profession is almost gone. Everyone will be running with spears now no matter the profession. Also we can get a feeling of polearm combat style with staff. There are still missing weapons for most professions that players want in their character's arsenal. For many playing with new builds and weapons=part of the fun of character fantasy.

We can get a feel of warclaw combat in WvW. (New skills for warclaw for pve is a cool idea though, hopefully it wont be gamebreaking in older areas)

And the description of the new raid is a bit confusing to me. Does it mean that the raid instance will be the same area as the open world and not a new place to explore?


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Strikes were in some ways superior to raids. For one thing, they're smaller bites of content, which makes them easier to manage (there's a reason that fractals are now run individually rather than in sets). For another, because they usually just rehash story fights, they  sidestep the issue dungeons and raids had of gating story behind instanced group content. For a while, people kept asking for story mode for raids; strikes basically are the implementation of that, but in reverse -- the main story is the story version of content, and the strike is the raid-level mechanics version of the same content.

Anyway, hopefully they haven't forgotten what they learned in transitioning from dungeons to raids to strikes to whatever dragonstorm is to convergences. My personal wish is that they would return to exploration-focused maps, and run an instanced version of the same map for metas, with dragonstorm/convergence type large squad gameplay.

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3 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • Homesteads will have a separate crafting profession from Guild Scribing. 

I kind of remember last blog mentioning something about constantly reinventing the wheel, and how that's not a good thing. This seem like a good example of learning a lesson and deciding to not put it in practice.

There's already a crafting profession dedicated to exactly this kind of stuff. Instead of duplicating it (and then basically abandoning Scribing somewhere in a ditch), wouldn't it be better to use what is already present? Even if it required having to remake that profession (which, to be truthful, would still be needed, because as it is it just doesn't work all too well).

Please, stop introducing new stuff just to abandon it after a while, because you decided to go for a new shiny that happens to exist in the same conceptual space. Don't introduce new grinds for the sake of grind either (because i have a serious suspicion that one of the reasons for not reusing Scribe is to make people grind a new crafting profession, likely requiring new kinds of crafting materials. Scribe was already very bad in that regard, i'd hate to see a repeat)

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I'm excited for all the features coming in Janthir Wilds, most notably Player Housing/Homesteads. THANK YOU for bringing housing content to GW2. It's been something I had on my "wishlist" for many years. I hope this is just the beginning and the new feature will be built upon, like additional houses in different lands for the future. From looking at the screenshots so far it looks awesome, can't wait to hear more about it. 🥰

The new story, landscapes to explore (gorgeous) and Spears for each profession fantastic. Also, really interested in the new mechanics coming for Warclaw for new areas, I'm hoping these new mechanics will work in other landscapes? Looking forward to more info.

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4 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • Homesteads will have a separate crafting profession from Guild Scribing. 

Wait, so we aren't getting scribing fixed or made relevant? The existing system isn't getting built upon? I was really hoping with the housing reveal that we'd get some Quality of life for scribe. There's so much nonsense built into it as needless cost and bloat that makes it a horrible experience to level. Such as crafting components being split into several other components, which in turn are split into several components, many of which aren't able to be deposited to the bank. Account bound or guild bound schematics, meaning there's not even a way to craft and sell decorations. It may have been intended to prompt a "guild working together" kind of thing, but with the guild hall decoration proximity limits, and the fluctuating instance nature of the halls, it was a Sisyphean task from the start.

Since I'm one of the early sufferers of the Scribe Profession, I will complain about this vocally.

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9 minutes ago, ParagonPaladin.7516 said:

Wait, so we aren't getting scribing fixed or made relevant? The existing system isn't getting built upon? I was really hoping with the housing reveal that we'd get some Quality of life for scribe. There's so much nonsense built into it as needless cost and bloat that makes it a horrible experience to level. Such as crafting components being split into several other components, which in turn are split into several components, many of which aren't able to be deposited to the bank. Account bound or guild bound schematics, meaning there's not even a way to craft and sell decorations. It may have been intended to prompt a "guild working together" kind of thing, but with the guild hall decoration proximity limits, and the fluctuating instance nature of the halls, it was a Sisyphean task from the start.

Since I'm one of the early sufferers of the Scribe Profession, I will complain about this vocally.

My guess is that it will use all or most of the scribe materials that we currently have and those materials (not scribe itself) with get the QoL fixes such as being in the materials tab

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I do echo the concerns about bloat. Last week you said it was a lesson learnt. This week, bloat is part of the system from what is revealed. I’m not unhappy with the reveal, but as Konig said, you’ve basically brought in a smaller version of guild halls and yet left guilds and their halls untouched - that was a bigger priority and refining and building on that would have been better than abandoning it. We also have personal instances which everyone can access, now they need the expansion for the new version of it.

You are also abandoning scribing for this instead of refining it to be more accessible. I sort of get since scribing has hundreds of crafting options and you want to avoid confusion, but I’m not sure not utilising it helps either.

If you have abandoned bloat reduction as a lesson so quickly, one wonders what other lessons are abandoned or not actually in practice. 

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4 hours ago, Super Hayes.6890 said:

The new war claw skin preview video had idle animations that very much reminded me of a horse. Are we getting horses via skins for the war claw with this expansion???

Hope you like goats...

3 hours ago, Gilosean.3805 said:

It's a little bit too bad that the home instances are being abandoned instead of reworked for the new system. I can understand not having the dev time to spend on upgrading or integrating the older work, but the game really needs fewer odd legacy systems hanging around.

But my most important question - can we add pets to the homestead like we can to the home instance? Display areas for minis, maybe?

My burning question is about the home Chef station from the Gourmet achievement: will that also carry over into the new homestead, and will my other characters finally be able to at least access the bank?! Not thrilled about mastering a new crafting track but since I never bothered to finish Scribe, I guess this at least tells me to continue not bothering.

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I like the release announcement and features in general, sounds pretty cool.

Like other recent posts I am puzzled at how introducing a new crafting profession for the housing gels with the principle of merging similar systems to reduce bloat rather than adding parallel and overlapping systems. On the face of it the housing system seems a bit too parallel with the guild decoration/scribing system.

More questions than answers at this point about how it would all work so will wait to see how it develops.

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Kind of weird that a single spear, legendary or otherwise, can't be equipped in both land and water slots simultaneously. It's not like a weapon swap situation where we'd actively be swapping between land and sea. It's basically holding onto the same weapon as we enter and leave water, which is what the first teaser implies. If single handed weapons can effectively be used in two slots by leaving their slot empty on the opposite set, a similar state should be applied to amphibious weapons

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Posted (edited)

@Rubi Bayer.8493 (apologies with lobbing you with another question, as I'm sure you're up to your eyeballs in them right now)

Just seeking some clarification about the legendary backpack. 

Is it open-world, or is it earnable in raid? Site lacks a definitive answer as to its obtainability; I figure spear is open world at the very least. If it is raid earned, does the open-world event version contribute towards it or na?

Edited by KindredPhoenyx.8976
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5 hours ago, jozze.9532 said:

Why are raid encounters not also accessible as strike encounters? Are the systems that different that they can't share the encounters? I always thought it would be a good idea so that people could fight those single encounters without doing the whole raid (for people with time contraints). Also you can justify doing more raids, because you can pretty much serve 3 different communities at once.

On that note, the ability to replay raids (rather than waiting for next week or recruit an instance opener) would also be very welcome. As would a shared hub for both strikes and raids - preferably for all expansions. Loading screens can take a while, so anything that reduces the number we have to get through for a daily strike/raid run would be very much appreciated.

Heck, it'd be such an improvement just to be able to move straight from one IBS strike to the next so that the "fast 5" doesn't involve four zone transitions into Eye of the North in between 🙂

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