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Hopes for new Ranger Land Spear


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Rangers focusing on strike damage are doing really well right now, with a wide variety of different viable weapons. I think it's time we got another condi weapon.

It looks from the trailer like ranger spear is probably getting a leap, so this could pair pretty well with shortbow? I feel like having some evasion (a spinny thing, like axe 5, but evading attacks instead of reflecting projectiles?), some cleaving AoE and a longer reach jab attack could all feel great.

Beastmastery has a trait that gives improved strike damage and faster cooldowns on spear, and provide fury when you disable an enemy, so at least one disable would be good. This whole traitline is for power damage weapons, though. So this trait will realistically only ever get chosen if land spear is a power damage weapon...


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Personally, I care more about functionality, than whenever it's power or condi.
Would be great if ranger finally got good mobility option, since greatsword 3 and sword 2/3 isn't much and besides weapons, there is just a couple merge skills.

The best sounding options we know from the post are:
-A set of spear skills featuring a new spin on an existing skill type. (Might be a good excuse to get some skill effects we are missing.)
-A set of spear skills with multiple ways to reset the cooldown of its key skill. (Ranger got cooldown synergy a few times, so sounds realistic.)
-A spear skill that inflicts a debilitating effect with a new unique effect. (This might lead to condi.)

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2 hours ago, Frozey.8513 said:

I hope it's going to be ranged power weapon, so you can pair it with longbow, and then later on with rifle when we eventually get that one. 😩

From the trailer it looks melee based. Probably something between GS and Sword with more cleave, PbAoE control. But that's just a hunch. Could also be more bouncy, something with lots of leaps or bound backs/kick you outta my space moves or a skirmisher sort of block/evade and retaliate move set. Something more aggressive than GS in that regard, quicker but with a lower max damage potential as a trade off.

I'm going to beat you to death with this hunk of metal and see big numbers VS I'm going dance around you and jab and pummel you until you give up or die. Spear could be a lot of things for ranger. Pretty sure it won't be ranged. Ranger has that down already.

But it might also have a few throwing moves/flip skills that let you chunk it. Never know.


Rifle denied but we're the 1200 range spear throwers. 😬

If this plays out like EoD/SoTO weapons reveal, they're probably going to start revealing each classes move set with Spear over the month up till the livestream on the 21st. And of course near the end of the month we'll all get to test it out.

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The ironic thing is that ranger might well be getting to the point where it genuinely is pushing towards having too much melee. They've currently got sword, greatsword, dagger, hammer, mace, and it looks like spear will be melee as well. Meanwhile, the ranged weapons are shortbow (condi), longbow (power), axe (hybrid) and staff (support). That's still better off when it comes to ranged weapons than some (including, ironically, elementalist and engineer), but they're coming due for another ranged weapon.

Would be ironic if they end up getting land speargun before rifle.

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4 hours ago, Frozey.8513 said:

I hope it's going to be ranged power weapon, so you can pair it with longbow, and then later on with rifle when we eventually get that one. 😩

We don't need 4th projectile weapon, especially when we have all roles filled in and 3 future options that are highly likely to be projectiles.

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5 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Would be ironic if they end up getting land speargun before rifle.

There was a pretty cool idea of repurposing spearguns into crossbows, as fundamentally crossbow and speargun are very close to each others. Both shoot bolts, have stock in the back, bolt is released from a trigger, with only real difference being if bolts are shot from gun barrel rather than track by the bent limb and it's bowstring.

Crossbows would be really neat addition to Ranger, and would allow optimal full on ranged bowbuilds without needing to swap between 2 bows of same kind with same skills.

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honestly what i would like to see is finally an AoE based ranged weapon. Its really missing form the rnagers kit and raining down AoE by throwing spears and creating growths of plants and voens would be really dope tbh.

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4 hours ago, Frozey.8513 said:

There was a pretty cool idea of repurposing spearguns into crossbows, as fundamentally crossbow and speargun are very close to each others. Both shoot bolts, have stock in the back, bolt is released from a trigger, with only real difference being if bolts are shot from gun barrel rather than track by the bent limb and it's bowstring.

Crossbows would be really neat addition to Ranger, and would allow optimal full on ranged bowbuilds without needing to swap between 2 bows of same kind with same skills.

Might have been me - I commented in a few places before it was revealed that it would be spears for all that there are strong enough similarities between spearguns and crossbows that they could fix any aesthetic issues people have with terrestrial spearguns by making a bunch of skins that are crossbows that people can use on land instead.

There's still be the option to use classical speargun skins, but there are plenty of sillier weapon skins in the game than using a speargun on land. (And spearguns on land can still be pretty deadly - need to propel that harpoon with a fair bit of force to get it to go through the water effectively, after all.)

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I wish Ranger had better stealth options in open world. You have a weird longbow skill on a bad PvE weapon that puts you into combat, you have an awkward pet combo field + finisher to get a short stealth, and Druids have an easier option to trait for stealth when you leave celestial avatar. I get that it's not supposed to be as key to the Ranger's feel as it is for Thief, but it just feels entirely inaccessible on Untamed in the open world.

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46 minutes ago, Levetty.1279 said:

More projectile based ranged attacks and on a PvP focused weapon at that.

Exactly what Ranger needed. 🙄

Go tell them lolol:


22 minutes ago, frazazel.7501 said:

I thought that projectiles were just bad in WvW zergs. Won't this be perfectly viable for WvW roaming and sPvP?

Yes.  Probably broken to the point they nerf smokescale.  Again. 

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On 6/5/2024 at 9:20 PM, Ehecatl.9172 said:

I've always thought Ranger spear would make for a good skirmish weapon. Something that mixes melee and range and lets the ranger jump in and out of melee combat as they need.

Whelp, I'm happy with what we're getting.

This is exactly what I wanted. The stealth access is a huge bonus too. Looks like this will be a weapon that plays like a hunter stalking through the forest and leaping out to take down foes.

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