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Fix Staff

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Fireball, Water Blast, Chain Lightning, Stoning, Pyroclastic Blast, Gust, Shockwave: Increase projectile speed or improve the hitbox.

Plasma Blast: Add a detonate feature, unblockable.

Pile Driver: Unblockable.

Meteor Shower: There are like a half dozen things you could do to improve it. Reduce the channel time, unnerf the diminishing damage, make it function like rev's greatsword 5.

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For the metor sprinkles i think ppl will most appreciaye something that isn't random , like a metor fall on max 5 target x second (deal x damage to other near target , like 33% in pve and 10% in pvp wvw, because the cleave in wvw would be completely offscale in abus vs bus scenario ) and first hit cc the target , without any damage reduction , just like a base aoe who deals x damage a sec , but with meteor animation.

For the rest , staff is designed mainly as a support weapon , fire deal damage and water heal , earth and air are completely useless in both scenarios and are good for nothing ! those two attunements in staff need a complete overhaul to me for just being decent.

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2 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

earth and air are completely useless in both scenarios and are good for nothing ! those two attunements in staff need a complete overhaul to me for just being decent.

Are you saying breaking the defiance bar, one of the main mechanic of the game useless ? that's air staff attunement main role you know

Are you saying that controlling enemies movement with cripple/immobilize/wall is useless ? that's earth staff attunement main role, you even get a magnetic aura to kitten on all those projectile mechanics and one blast combo + two 100% projectile combo (yes even the AA is 100%) to use with the others 3 attunement combo field.

I'm not sure if you were sarcastic.


Otherwise i support paradoxoglanis about hitbox/projectile speed increase (maybe not in pvp) otherwise staff is a great weapon, it even allow to recognize ignorant players who don't even remember the base mechanics of the game so you can avoid them, it's awesome.

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Fire ball should blow up at its max ranges (aplays burning in spvp and wvw too), Water blast should heal more when the target has reg, Chain Lightning should do doable crit dmg, Stoning should be perching, Gust should give the user a buff if you land it, Shockwave should be unblockable.

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15 hours ago, soulknight.9620 said:

And it sucks at it. No wonder any decent support build atm uses d/wh. 

It mostly sucks because outside of raw healing it does nothing else , no boon whatsoever , completely underwhelming cc , and when i said fire is for damage i should have stated it was sarcasm , because outside of lava font (who isn't even amazing) the rest is purely ...useless . But comparing it to just the warhorn who has heat sync and sand squall (two main reason warhorn is used as htemp) , for the main weapon it doesn't change what you take , sword has some healing too like dagger , but mainhand in ele supp with warhorn are truly underwhelming too.

first thing to do to make staff relevant as support would be to make overloads give boons in a 360 aoe range instead of 180 , talking about fire and earth, then slaps some boon to staff abilitys and maybe make some kewl interaction with fire traitline as support , a thing like "firefields heals your allys" a bit like guardian Writ of Persistence , they can change the two major grandmaster trait in fire  who are useless Pyromancer's Puissance or Blinding Ashes (more blinding ashes because it seems pyromancer puissance has some use in pvp)

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I want a trait somewhere that increases AoE radius on the staff and extends durations of combo fields the weapon creates, or increases durations and effectiveness of boons and conditions generated by combos using combo fields that the weapon makes. This could add niche utility to the weapon that helps with power DPS, condi DPS, and heal/support focused builds alike. 

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ele staff needs a touch up,

i'm not asking for a full rework but some skills could do with changing.

such as Chain Lightning firing little bolts that chain, it should be replaced with a bigger beefier version of Arc Lightning with chaining.

i'd probably also replace Gust with something similar to Lightning Storm.


another massive buff to the staff playstyle would be to make tempest overloads ground target skills.

imagine being able to stand back and summon lightning storms? FINALLY ele can become the glass cannon mage that it should have always been.

Edited by Liewec.2896
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On 6/15/2024 at 3:49 PM, raido.4073 said:

Are you saying breaking the defiance bar, one of the main mechanic of the game useless ? that's air staff attunement main role you know

Are you saying that controlling enemies movement with cripple/immobilize/wall is useless ? that's earth staff attunement main role, you even get a magnetic aura to kitten on all those projectile mechanics and one blast combo + two 100% projectile combo (yes even the AA is 100%) to use with the others 3 attunement combo field.

I'm not sure if you were sarcastic.


Otherwise i support paradoxoglanis about hitbox/projectile speed increase (maybe not in pvp) otherwise staff is a great weapon, it even allow to recognize ignorant players who don't even remember the base mechanics of the game so you can avoid them, it's awesome.

so you saying a whole attunement has a single use for a 150 dmg breakbar ? nice ! ... sarcasm here ofc

magnetic aura ? when you have freaking moving bubble like revenant has , or guardian humongous big wall who last 300% longer than this stupid aura good for nothing , not mentioning that projectiles who end up as aoe are not affected by magnetci aura ...

earth attunement with a Shock Wave 2 sec immo on a 25 cd ... jeez .... and this amazing wall who does not affect defiant ennemies only if they go trough when defiance bar is active ... , mmm yummy ...

and last the projectile combo effect , oh man this one is gold ! https://wiki-fr.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combo 

so here guys with amazing earth AA we can choose between :

-inflicting 1 sec burn

-inflicting 1 sec shiver 

-give not 1 nor 3 but 2 sec of regeneration !!!!

-or 1 WHOLE stack of vulnerabilty dangggg !!!!!! (my sarcasm detector exploded just now)

Not to mention there is no combo field in earth ... lol , i guess you have to put lava font then switch to earth start blasting those AA babys to play condi staff burn stacker !!!! with 2 secs burn on each aa , jesus christ , raid bosses be aware here comes viper staff ele combo fields ! 15k on raid training golem ! the burden simulator !

Who you calling ignorant ? the base game ? it's been 12 years dude ! things have changed a little bit you know , we don't rely on combo fields anymore , ppl have stop stacking ele staff for blasting might trough combo fields , now we got a herald who stackup 25 might alone , with little effort ... combo fields ... pfuuh ... so 2012...

i wonder if you are sarcastic in your post ? staff a good weapon for ele , pfff yeah i guess , you can easily kill rabbits in queensdale with it to get indiscrimante slayer achiev if you are a new player(kill 1000 ambient creatures , like rabbits , rats , ...), you only play obviously open world baby mode gw 2 or you have been a liability to your teamates trough instanced content and you don't know it. I am actually stunned you didn't mention the humongus dps the meteor sprinkles... euh i mean shower does ! Quickly anet make meteor shower a fire combo fielsd so we can play staff condi ele ! (mys sarcasm detector exploded a second time , didn't know it was possible)

Ty for the laugh dude , if laughing increase life spawn , i juts made + 6months

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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It's just trash. All skills are slow as kitten and barely do damage in WvW. Takes forever to kill afk enemy in wvw, but they kill you under second even if you try to run away. Weapon whole point is just tag enemies and stop some lone necromancers so 50 players can blob them down.

Edited by Junkpile.7439
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15 hours ago, soulknight.9620 said:

Buht SC can do 40+k dps on a large training golem with staff! Its OP! 

staff used to be in a better spot... then everything changed when the sword/warhorn nation attacked. i remember that we were looking at something around 39-44k depending on hitbox before SotO, but then they nerfed weaver and staff was never compensated for

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I've given up on a proper rework and would just be happy to have useability tweaks. Staff is stuck in 2012 and needs a major functionality overhaul to actually be good. 

Increase range of all/most skills to 1500


Fireball should have partial target tracking and faster projectile speed. 

Lava font should have 240 radius and the initial tick should deal 1.2 damage

Flame Burst is in the same slot and has the same CD as Phoenix, but does less than 1/3 the damage, isn't a blast finisher (for what little value that is at this point), doesn't remove conditions and isn't unblockable. Damage should either be 2.5 or it should be made instant cast with a 5 second CD to make it more comparable to Lightning strike. 

Burning retreat should be cancelable, give fire aura at the end of the evade(or when canceled), and the transmute fire secondary ability. 

Meteor shower should be a normal pulsing AoE instead of an AoE lottery. Just hit 10 targets per second for 10 seconds with no damage reduction for repeated hits. Small targets don't get hit 3 times, large targets don't get hit 24. Everyone gets hit 10. 

Blasting staff was removed shortly after launch because it was seen as mandatory for staff to be effective. Persisting flames now has the same net effect and the 2 seconds of additional fire field should just be made baseline. 

Air - needs enough damage to justify being stuck in it for 2-4 seconds. 

Chain lightning should deal 1.2 damage and have a faster moving projectile

Lightning surge should have a 5 second CD, not 10, and a 2.1 damage mod

Gust should be a launch instead of a knockback, and function as a cone attack instead of a projectile


Stoning should deal 1.4 damage, move faster and have limited tracking

Eruption should have a 2.0 damage mod, 4 second CD and a 1/2 cast and 1 second delay before explosion. Nearly 5 seconds from button press to effect is simply too slow for 2024.

Shockwave should function as a shockwave (i.e. coalescence of ruin), and have 4 seconds of immobilize. 


Ice spike should be the same as Eruption

Frozen ground should freeze targets hit by the initial cast in place with an effect similar to Entangle. Their feet would be incased in ice that applies immobilize continuously until broken or the ice fades after 5 seconds. 


Weaver - dual skill cooldowns are too long for what they do and how weaver functions. Constantly having your 3 skill doesn't play well.

Pyroclastic Blast should have a 10 second CD and fall out of the sky instead of being a painfully slow projectile. 

Pressure blast 10 second CD

Plasma blast does nothing but damage, but doesn't do a lot of damage and is hard to land. Standard treatment: faster projectile, more damage, lower CD. 

Monsoon should be deleted so no one accidentally presses it. Just leave a grey square and Weaver would be better off. 

Piledriver needs to be castable while moving, and projectile needs to track. 


Edited by Caffynated.5713
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I would love to see some skills from weaver mostly and any thing that is very slow moving become NON projectiles so they cant be destroyed or reflected.

We have an real question now what is staff for it seems to be mostly an utility wepon now that spear is going to take over the power dmg and yet we have no condi dmg aimed 2h wepon now. So maybe its time to push staff into more condi and utility. Staff may need boon strip on some cc skill so like earth 4 and air 3. We may need to see strip on the weaver skill as well so air/water 3 and earth/water 3 should have an boon strip as well for a very set boon type (i am thinking might/protection and swiftness/fury) .

We also need to look at MS its not going to be the power only dmg end all be all effect any more for the ele class it maybe time to give it an after hit of burning or just simply have it apply burning and a soft cc.

The question is how do we make staff into an condi base wepon and the utility that comes with that.

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Staff is nothing but a utility weapon and a true celestial weapon. 
Can kinda do everything but in a mediocre way.  

It does have its uses in competitive modes as it provides great utility in the form of healing, condi cleanse, CC, blind etc. 

The damage however is laughable. Staff air is lamer version of Scepter. 

It's stuck in 2012 like a lot of the forgotten core weapons. 


Now that the spear is here, staff won't see the light of day in PvE. 

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Staff needs dark fields on earth 4 and strong zone/weak zone for aoe effects. Like they are doing with spear.

Also lighting rod needs to have Fulgor effect on it. When you cc you should apply Fulgor and not weakness. I would also love to see slow some where in the ele core traits.

These would do A LOT for ele staff it would do a lot for ele over all.

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On 6/16/2024 at 5:48 PM, rwknoll.7824 said:

I want a trait somewhere that increases AoE radius on the staff and extends durations of combo fields the weapon creates, or increases durations and effectiveness of boons and conditions generated by combos using combo fields that the weapon makes. This could add niche utility to the weapon that helps with power DPS, condi DPS, and heal/support focused builds alike. 

That trait existed for quite sometime, until they made the increased radius baseline 😅

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