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List your issues with Warrior as a profession.


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Lets get a thread going where we state our issues, grievances and bug reports on warrior as a profession.

Lets get it going in a constructive manner so we can establish and catalogue that can be refereed back to easily in case people people want discuss issues further. This can also be a collection of requested changes that can be brought Devs if they want actual suggestions on what we want changed.

State your issue and give and explanation as to why you think its an issue and possible solutions you'd like to propose. 

I can start with what I experience needs to be amended.

  • Arc Divider needs to be reverted in its functionality and hit three times. 
    Multi hitting attacks fair significantly better in PvP/WvW environments since blind, weakness and aegis spam is so heavy, this effectively makes power berserker less viable by default.
    In PvE this skill has essentially lost most of the "Feeling great to use" status after the change and other warrior players have agreed in polls we've had on this forum.
  • 100 blades needs to be unrooted and given more damage or a halved cast time.
    In its current iteration its essentially a net damage loss over auto attacking and being rooted makes this ability so easy to dodge its frankly meme worthy.
  • Kill shot root needs to be removed, its damage needs to be drastically increased or it needs to be an instant cast ability.
    Kill shot for its rooting and time investment to cast on full adrenaline does 15% more damage then trueshot baseline... this speaks for itself.
  • Brutal shot needs to have functionality reverted to where it fires and evades at the same time or have its aftercast massively reduced.
    The only use for this skill right now is the free extra evade.
  • The trait "Crack Shot" needs to be reworked as it gives almost nothing of value to rifle as a weapon, its essentially a dead trait choice.
    This trait needs to be reworked and its effects need to be baseline, also is still bugged with brutal shot 6+ months after its change.
  • Fierce Shot on rifle needs to have its cast time reduced to 0,5s or 0,45s.
    The current 0,7s cast time is horrific compared to other weapon choices and makes adrenaline generation with the weapon really rough.
  • Rifles PvE damage numbers need to have a dramatic increase to make it a viable PvE choice for Power Warrior build.
    Warrior has no good option for ranged power damage in PvE.
  • Volley needs its cast time reduced by half and have some sort of mechanic to reduce its cooldown.
    This skill should be the main damage dealer for warriors rifle, I would suggest it gets some mechanic to have reduced cooldown, perhaps if hitting targets with 10 or more stacks of vulnerability  as suggested by other people in the warrior forums.
  • Allow Bladesworn to move at 50% speed while channeling dragon slash.
    The investment you make into casting a fully charged dragon slash is heavily hampered by its rooting element, allowing Bladesworn players to move at a reduced speed like was done to Deadeyes Kneel would help in not getting hit and losing your charge by the abundance of AOEs that exist in the game.

    This is the start of things that come to my mind, please come with your own!
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2 minutes ago, GamerToad.9248 said:

I'm yet to see someone playing MH mace without using Amulet of akeen and in competitive i rather play base warrior than junksworn.

MH Mace is "technically" meta on Quick Heal Berserker. I mean, you dont do dmg anyway, so the added CC is the only logical option to pair with Warhorn. 

But you don't see Qheal Zerker for a reason. 

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1 minute ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

MH Mace is "technically" meta on Quick Heal Berserker. I mean, you dont do dmg anyway, so the added CC is the only logical option to pair with Warhorn. 

But you don't see Qheal Zerker for a reason. 

I'm a hardcore warrior player... but recently i am just playing other classes. is so much easier to do anything in other classes that is not even funny.


I'm all in for hard classes but it should pay you in spades for you effort but warrior after all your hard work you becomes decent, is not like Ele where if you play perfectly you become unkillable.

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Delete the weeb bait that is bladesworn from warrior and replace it with the support spec we should have gotten in the first place. 

Bladesworn should have been the 10th profession instead.

Edited by sherwinator.7954
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The Warrior's Adrenaline and Burst mechanic has been a problem for ages.
Compared to other Profession mechanics, it's rather lackluster. in terms of functionality. We have to build up a resource (Adrenaline) and are forced to blow all of it, no matter how much we've stored, in a single attacking skill (Burst). With no way of conserving each of the 3 bars of Adrenaline to save for opportune moments, it's an all-or-nothing gamble when using a Burst Skill. And it's especially an issue when most of it's effects only activate when it connects a hit, a problem for most of the Warrior's skills and traits in fact.

Even gathering Adrenaline is painful. If you're not using Axes, or Utility skills to increase the amount of Adrenaline you gain from hitting an enemy, it will feel like it's taking ages to get to maximum. And for such little pay off.

I would rather have the Adrenaline mechanic be a toggled based system, where you switch between gaining Adrenaline passively in combat and draining it to empower the Warrior's weapon skills, not burst skills but the currently on-hand weapon skills, until F1 is toggled off or until the Adrenaline gauge is completely depleted.  The Warrior's various Specializations and their traits could be reworked around this mechanic, with traits that get more potent when Adrenaline is turned on, and some traits that are exclusive to when Adrenaline is in use.

For example, when the Warrior activates their Adrenaline toggle/trigger, the Strength Specialization traits related to it can increase the Strike damage and Power of the Warrior's weapon skills, the Defense Specialization could provide additional Toughness and Resistance, and the Arms Specialization could increase the Condition damage and Expertise of the Warrior's weapons skills. 

The Discipline Specialization could be redesigned to revolve around literally practicing discipline in using the Adrenaline toggle/trigger, to encourage shorter bursts. It's traits could reward you based on how much of your Adrenaline bars are remaining after toggling it off,  giving players an alternate style of gameplay with a Warrior that's more controlled with their Adrenaline usage.

Plus, it's still a simple mechanic, "Press a button to become stronger" but with the potential to be more complex in how it's effects are used and applied, it gives Warrior players more options to choose from when it comes to what traits they can take for their Warrior, and how they're enhanced when Adrenaline is activated.

Increase your output of strike and power damage even further than normal? Tank hits and survive from what would've been lethal damage? Cause more debilitating conditions on your enemies? Practice discipline with your Adrenaline usage, for long reaching rewards and boons? etc. 
All in all, I really think the Warrior's current Adrenaline mechanic could use a rework that now only put the profession in the same leagues as others, but still keep their identity as a Adrenaline fueled fighter.

Edited by Smoothpine.1895
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-rework spellbreaker utility skill, allof them are abysmal  except elite bubulle

-rework shield to also give boons or self heal at least raise it's use to be at least on the same level  of usefulness than any other classes shields.

-get rid of alac on bladesworn , trully build a support spec or rework spellbreaker to work with it

-rework  spellbreaker or bladesworn to have two  pve variant build (please make it condi)

-give core a three choise burst (f1 dps, f2 support/stun break/cleanse/... , f3 offhand -> utility/mouvement/ranged/cc/...)


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Ever saw the three headed dragon meme?
Well that one head that's "off" is Tactics for me.

Staff - massive heals, some boons, but it's a weapon.
Discipline - does not heal itself but gives massive boosts to other heals, banners and fast hands for staff.
The two have clear strengths, weaknesses, but also great synergy with one another.

And then there are Tactics...
The traitline with multiple personality disorder where each personality wants to kill the others...
Healing traits? Weak, gated by nasty cooldowns and if that wasn't enough - grandmasters excluding eachother.
Vigorous Shouts or new Martial Cadence. Can't have both, middling healing output from each be damned..

Boonshare? 60% of non minor traits are clear losers here. Either pitiful effects (Roaring Revelie concentration bonus),
or focusing around a boon we already share in abundance (might) and nothing else (Empower Allies, Phalanx Strength).
Soldier's Comfort and Martial Cadence are no brainers here if we're talking boonshare.

Fixing this mess.

What I would like to see is power being distributed more evenly between these three.
Discipline is fine (the support part of it)  but banners could do with 600 radius, given they're a long cd immobile boon source.
Tactics need to pump way more juice as far as healing is concerned and need more balanced, streamlined boonshare options.
Staff quite the opposite - it needs to lose some healing output in favour of tactics. It could do with some condi cleanse instead.

Right now if you want to heal, staff is not a choice. It's a must.
After these changes a warrior should have way more fine grained control over the amount of
healing, cleansing and boons it wants to bring into the fight.

Us warriors have no support e-spec.
So our power as support is not having crazy utility with 15 additional buttons for it.
Instead we have the ability to better control how much support we bring at expense of our dps,
aiming to always ride that fine line between "just enough support" and "as much dps as we can squeeze".
The warrior trait/weapon design and ulities he has allow it. Just fine tune it to really take off.


Edited by StraightPath.3972
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I really like Savage Onslaught trait in Strenght... The thing is tho, it's in Strenght traitline, which does literally nothing except boost your physical damage (and will not do much more in the patch of 25th) so it gets completely overshadowed by Defense and Discipline : ( I like quickness, it's such a convenience. And it makes you harder to react to a bit in WvW : D

Edited by Codename T.2847
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i don't really agree that warrior's as bad as people make it out to be in pvp, at least within the role it has to play, it's been top tier since the defense rework and shows no real signs of stopping despite tons of nerfs since

but i think it's really weird that anet's seemingly given up on allowing it to be played in different roles
especially when zerk fits teamfighter probably the most thematically of all the elites, and the rework turned it into yet another sidenode build lol

it's incredibly frustrating to play something and then look at an actual good build within a similar role and it does just as much damage, more survivability, mobility, CC, whatever
lookin at you here, gunflame, why exist when i could do the same thing but infinitely better as deadeye or power mirage

Edited by Shagie.7612
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18 hours ago, DemonCrypto.6792 said:

-rework spellbreaker utility skill, allof them are abysmal  except elite bubulle


Spellbreakers are, thematically, a mix of guerrilla sunspears and mesmers that use meditations, and all three of which are concepts associated with mobility, but what actual mobility options does the spellbreaker give? Well, there's Featherfoot Grace, I guess... but that doesn't really fit the profile. What about replacing Imminent Threat with something similar to Flash Combo, allowing spellbreakers to teleport in to a Mordant Crescent spellcaster's face, ruin their day, and then teleport away before being mobbed by Awakened?

And that's without even considering the possibility of using a utility to contribute to alac generation as part of moving alac off bladesworn, since alac spellbreaker, particularly heal alac spellbreaker, would probably work much better than the bladesworn equivalents.

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1 hour ago, Shagie.7612 said:

i don't really agree that warrior's as bad as people make it out to be in pvp, at least within the role it has to play, it's been top tier since the defense rework and shows no real signs of stopping despite tons of nerfs since

but i think it's really weird that anet's seemingly given up on allowing it to be played in different roles
especially when zerk fits teamfighter probably the most thematically of all the elites, and the rework turned it into yet another sidenode build lol

it's incredibly frustrating to play something and then look at an actual good build within a similar role and it does just as much damage, more survivability, mobility, CC, whatever
lookin at you here, gunflame, why exist when i could do the same thing but infinitely better as deadeye or power mirage

Warrior could have a 0.00001% playrate in pvp and the pvp forum would still argue Warrior needs nerfs. 

Somehow, Warrior is always to strong. Regardless if people even play it or not. 

Even in Warriors worst states, it's still a Noob stomper thanks to all the cc. And guess what kind of players are QQing in the PvP forum?

Its the same idea as people telling you warrior is fine in PvE. It's objectively not and we have the numbers to proof it. 

Why are the cries of Warriors invalid when we are in just as bad of a state as ele in PvE? 

It's a mystery to me. 

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21 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Warrior could have a 0.00001% playrate in pvp and the pvp forum would still argue Warrior needs nerfs. 

Somehow, Warrior is always to strong. Regardless if people even play it or not. 

Even in Warriors worst states, it's still a Noob stomper thanks to all the cc. And guess what kind of players are QQing in the PvP forum?

Yeah? And you're basing that on what, exactly?
Because Warrior's had great presence in all levels of play, but especially high rated play AND monthly tournaments since the Defense rework.

Objectively it is and has been good since then, and for most of that time has also been the top sidenoder, as Bladesworn, then Zerk, and now Spellbreaker.
At one point it got pushed out by Druid, because Druid was massively overtuned, and beat literally everything just as badly. Warrior was still second best at that time.

What evidence do you have that supports warrior not actually being very good in PvP?

Also by your own admission haven't you like, not touched PvP in multiple years? How would you even know lol

Anyways my point is, and this applies to quite a few elites/builds, that for a game that prides itself on not having a trinity and allowing for build freedom, PvP is incredibly rigid and trying to play off-meta is an abysmal experience, and they're left that way for years and years at a time and that's really dumb and I don't understand how nothing is ever done about it.

e: i cant spell bladesworn oopsie poopsie

Edited by Shagie.7612
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15 hours ago, Codename T.2847 said:

I really like Savage Onslaught trait in Strenght... The thing is tho, it's in Strenght traitline, which does literally nothing except boost your physical damage (and will not do much more in the patch of 25th) so it gets completely overshadowed by Defense and Discipline : ( I like quickness, it's such a convenience. And it makes you harder to react to a bit in WvW : D

And makes you able to land the final hit of 100b which its cast time is longer than any warrior's cc (with exception of back breaker with a weakened target but if you are in hammer you have a better follow up built-in).

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5 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

Yeah? And you're basing that on what, exactly?
Because Warrior's had great presence in all levels of play, but especially high rated play AND monthly tournaments since the Defense rework.

Objectively it is and has been good since then, and for most of that time has also been the top sidenoder, as Bladesworn, then Zerk, and now Spellbreaker.
At one point it got pushed out by Druid, because Druid was massively overtuned, and beat literally everything just as badly. Warrior was still second best at that time.

What evidence do you have that supports warrior not actually being very good in PvP?

Also by your own admission haven't you like, not touched PvP in multiple years? How would you even know lol

Anyways my point is, and this applies to quite a few elites/builds, that for a game that prides itself on not having a trinity and allowing for build freedom, PvP is incredibly rigid and trying to play off-meta is an abysmal experience, and they're left that way for years and years at a time and that's really dumb and I don't understand how nothing is ever done about it.

e: i cant spell bladesworn oopsie poopsie

I think we misunderstood each other. 

I should have made my point clearer. 

What I was trying to communicate is that Warrior can't be buffed in pvp because the moment Warrior is even remotely viable as something else other than tanky side noder, you see outrage. 

Warrior does dmg despite huge tells and a mountain of downsides? Despite the fact other classes do so without the former? 

N E R F N O W!!! 

I'm just sick of people saying warrior is fine regardless of the state warrior is in, just because there is that one build that's playable. 

It's the exact same as in PvE. 

Eles are allowed to QQ as much as they want. (Rightfully so). 

But Warrior, which is in the exact same realm of playrates and neglect by Anet, somehow isn't allowed to cry for help. 

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I’ve been playing warrior for a very long time as a main (Yitomuta). Before I get on the list of things that need to be looked at let me point out some great things about warrior that I believe some warrior players over look. 

a sword and dagger setup has very high damage potential but it requires good timing and CC chaining

dual axes have always been a top tier damage output for the class and has very little wrong with it. 

overall staying power with a warrior vs NON Condi players puts it in the top tier

now for the critical points that need to be looked at.

1. The condition clear on Warrior is a joke. In an era of everyone playing a variant of condition base builds we need a good way to counter then. The boons for reducing the damage and negating the damage are not enough of an additional support to help the class. In essence it puts a very big choice in the players hands. Do I want to do damage or do I want to survive. Not truly ideal.


2. Range options are limited and lack luster. Lack luster in the idea of there is very little movement. Playing at range with a warrior is either Longbow or Rifle. And as Rifle does have an additional dodge it’s not enough. Most of the builds in the warrior’s tool leaves the player rooted in one spot. Most caster classes can zone us out with little effort. 

3. The warrior as a class is much too slow. Which becomes a problem when all other classes have very quick moving abilities that seem to be used very often comparatively to what warrior can bring into engagements. Yes i understand if built full zerk and unload a lot of damage on to a target. And I see what you would think that Warrior doesn’t need that because of the idea that the class may be come “broken” 


4. Viable options are limited and it pulls people away from the class. Again Warrior has two modes. Bunker or Glass cannon. I believe that a lot of that can be fixed by trait reworking. The elite spec class mechanics are great. I don’t believe the current base trait line help it in anyway. 

this is just a general post and I can go in to much more detail about specific issues (banners, lack luster utilities and heals. Worthless elite skills that are worth taking in certain only on certain situations) weapons choices that do nothing but the warrior more clunky. 

It’s to the point now to develop a warrior outside of the current “meta” it takes a great deal of thought. And most players don’t want that type of work load. Warrior needs brought up to the same status as rev and guardian in terms of damage, mobility, ease of use, and build diversity.


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  • Warrior lacks the ability to do condition damage well outside of Berserker, as both Spellbreaker and Bladesworn are exclusively power-based, meaning any weapons that are "meant" to be a condi weapon is ultimately pointless and even works for power for all I care.
  • A lot of skills, especially Spellbreaker's utilities, practically see no uses. Common skills are Bull Rush, For Great Justice, Shake It Off, to name a few. Maybe some stances and Stomp, but stuff like Throw Bolas are not very useful, if at all. Fear Me Shout is another example, like who uses that?
  • Bladesworn having Alacrity seems like an afterthought, because it previously took the space of a unique trait that greatly alters how Dragon Trigger functions. It...works, I guess, but it also feels very shoehorned and something could be done to fix that.
  • A lot of weapons are either underpowered, has a lot of annoyance or just straight up garbage. Comparing Warrior mace to Ranger mace is like comparing a Chihuahua to a T-rex. Meanwhile, Greatsword 2 is still rooted, which is a problem not because it is barely worth casting, but also it goes thematically against the rest of the skills, that being movement-based. Shield is...okay, for what it is, but it certainly feels underwhelming compared to Engineer's. Rifle doesn't work even after revisions, outside Primal Berserk skill.
  • Not exactly an objective fact, but I do think Warrior could use a bit more spice in their skills. I keep mentioning things like "remove cooldowns from Kick" or "Hammer burst launches foes" because I find those things to be a little qol stuff that just makes Warrior more fun and hilarious to play. If you're going to be someone who's always framed as an underdog profession, might as well make the skills and utilities have silly effects while we're at it.


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25 minutes ago, Guy.9207 said:
  • Warrior lacks the ability to do condition damage well outside of Berserker, as both Spellbreaker and Bladesworn are exclusively power-based, meaning any weapons that are "meant" to be a condi weapon is ultimately pointless and even works for power for all I care.

I would add to Arms somewhere, either as a new trait, or onto an existing trait that applying a bleed stack also applies a torment stack, but at a short duration (1.5s for PvP/WvW and 2s for PvE). This would turn Core into a stronger condi option, and thus help Spellbreaker. What Bladesworn needs is a trait, either in Arms or in its own traitline that causes explosions to deal bleed stacks per hit.

25 minutes ago, Guy.9207 said:
  • A lot of skills, especially Spellbreaker's utilities, practically see no uses. Common skills are Bull Rush, For Great Justice, Shake It Off, to name a few. Maybe some stances and Stomp, but stuff like Throw Bolas are not very useful, if at all. Fear Me Shout is another example, like who uses that?

Throw Bolas should have a flip over to pull the target. Fear Me needs ammo stacks.

25 minutes ago, Guy.9207 said:
  • Bladesworn having Alacrity seems like an afterthought, because it previously took the space of a unique trait that greatly alters how Dragon Trigger functions. It...works, I guess, but it also feels very shoehorned and something could be done to fix that.
  • A lot of weapons are either underpowered, has a lot of annoyance or just straight up garbage. Comparing Warrior mace to Ranger mace is like comparing a Chihuahua to a T-rex. Meanwhile, Greatsword 2 is still rooted, which is a problem not because it is barely worth casting, but also it goes thematically against the rest of the skills, that being movement-based. Shield is...okay, for what it is, but it certainly feels underwhelming compared to Engineer's. Rifle doesn't work even after revisions, outside Primal Berserk skill.

Weapons on their own need a whole lot of discussion. It isn't so much that the look simple, but that they do too little. There is a reddit meme floating around comparing guardian sword/shield to warrior sword/shield that still holds true to this day.

25 minutes ago, Guy.9207 said:
  • Not exactly an objective fact, but I do think Warrior could use a bit more spice in their skills. I keep mentioning things like "remove cooldowns from Kick" or "Hammer burst launches foes" because I find those things to be a little qol stuff that just makes Warrior more fun and hilarious to play. If you're going to be someone who's always framed as an underdog profession, might as well make the skills and utilities have silly effects while we're at it.


See my above comment. Our skills do too little in comparison to some other classes. Ele to some extent also suffers from that, but Ele has 4 weapon bars to pick from to balance that. Warrior has far fewer skills in comparison to other professions, and those skills do less than their counterparts.

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7 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:


See my above comment. Our skills do too little in comparison to some other classes. Ele to some extent also suffers from that, but Ele has 4 weapon bars to pick from to balance that. Warrior has far fewer skills in comparison to other professions, and those skills do less than their counterparts.

Yeah, I feel you warrior mains on that one. Ele and Warrior seem similar in a way, because yeah it might seem impressive/oppressive (depending on who you ask) to get outplayed and killed by people playing these classes, but only when the guy in question has atleast a few thousand hours clocked in to make it look easy :,D

meanwhile, I'm pretty sure I could cut on the game right now, go power Herald/Vindi, Willbender, melee Untamed or Reaper and play them religiously for like a week and realise just how much raw power they have flowing out of their fingertips x) 

Edit: although I'm pretty sure this will change for Ele soon, since D/D will be an even bigger melee menace than it already is in today's patch, I just gotta get used to not having focus on 

Edited by Codename T.2847
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