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AMAZING. Wintrading is a 3 day break these days, apparently.

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And a title removed. That'll teach them!!! Not.

These people are horrible for this game, I don't see any value in keeping the actual cheaters around especially when they are toxic to anyone trying to get into the game and learn. The best part is these same hypocrites gaslight and call everyone else the wintraders, yet they just got temp ban for top 1 leaderboard because it wasn't legit. I'm not going to mention names, but you all know who they are if you were there on the 24th. They were banned and removed from the leaderboard. One's an alt, the other wasn't but had another alt sitting in top 10. All three accounts. The same people still at this for years and the punishment is nothing compared to what used to happen for wintrading.

They will be back in a couple days though and back at it again for sure! Naru said as much on his stream, check it out! Welcome to dead game mode 2024 edition. I understand and respect that the developers want to add new things to PvP, and it's a big risk to attract new players, but keeping these people around with minor punishments for something that should be considered a serious offense, added the fact all they do is harass and put newer players down, what value do they REALLY bring that is worth keeping them here? They are not good for this game or its community. I've been done with ranked for serious play for a long time now, this whole season was silver q bonanza and then extreme amounts of wintrading that were made so obvious it's laughably sad. But this just infuriates me because we all know they're going to do it again. I hope Anet will be willing to remove their title and accomplishment every time they do until they give it up and stop, but I guess we'll see.

End Rant.

Feel free to share your own experience, it's great to hear what other gamers have to say. Don't know what else to add to this topic other than it's amazing this is the reality we live in lmao.

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26 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

What's amazing is how people get punished more for talking about obvious win trading than the win traders get punished for actually doing it.

THIS!! And they don't even try to hide it or pretend anymore. It's just wild. What even is there harm in talking about it when it's a real problem that's dragging on as the game gets worn down and it becomes worse/the new normal?

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Unfortunately, the same developers at Anet are the problem that causes this. We know that there are new players, but they are not properly calibrated and do not take the initiative to use meta or decent builds. It doesn't matter what rank you have on the leaderboard because Anet will still match you with those who are just starting out in PvP, and this makes the rankings a total joke and impossible to play.

PD: A 3-day suspension is a complete joke. The most acceptable would have been 3 or 6 months, but knowing the developers at Anet and considering that it's the PvP game mode, all that's left is to laugh.

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ask any of them and they're all defensive about duo q removal, which certainly makes it easier to do all the q sync and with a few q dodges they're almost certain to walk into free matches where their "wintrader" doesn't need to be that obvious about what he's doing


Edited by Pttf.2467
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4 minutes ago, Crackz.5278 said:

Unfortunately, the same developers at Anet are the problem that causes this. We know that there are new players, but they are not properly calibrated and do not take the initiative to use meta or decent builds. It doesn't matter what rank you have on the leaderboard because Anet will still match you with those who are just starting out in PvP, and this makes the rankings a total joke and impossible to play.

PD: A 3-day suspension is a complete joke. The most acceptable would have been 3 or 6 months, but knowing the developers at Anet and considering that it's the PvP game mode, all that's left is to laugh.

guess who goes all mad with suggestions of duo q removal and mmk tweaking that would make their qs longer and their matches harder

tip "not silvers and low golds"


pandemics back to back 119/1 records should have been enough to remove duo q

it's literally changing 1 programing line

Edited by Pttf.2467
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1 hour ago, Fenrir.1742 said:

it's great to hear what other gamers have to say.

Anyone know why they all roleplay as gangsters??? 


Throwing my game on your 6th alt... very demonic my killer 😅

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Just now, ccccc.4963 said:

Anyone know why they all roleplay as gangsters??? 

Could be part of the play pretend to hide the fact they have no irl achievements 🤣 irl gives no titles over their heads for them to stare at lmao, or like you suggested they came from the golden age of runescape drama and we're living in a simulation with them hahaha

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I used to PVP to get some achievements and stuff; but i quickly came to the personal conclusion; this is absolutely the domain of the Skillful.

A lot of you peeps really make an effort to properly learn/understand how things work mechanic wise and implement them in the rotations and whatnot.

Out of a type of respect i don't ever do PVP cause i know 100% i am bad at it, and will absolutely drag dedicated pvp-ers down in a match. To each their own fun.

But  it is understandable what a lot of you folks feel. it kinda hits overall PVP morale hard when someone comes along and breezes past all that like its nothing. It makes all that hard effort to try and play fair, feel like its a complete joke; and that is frustrating.  As for the solution; that's gonna be a tough nut to crack; its really in Anets hand atm; its difficult to truly figure out the real reason behind it, Official Dev responses on such matters is rather exotic if not nonexistent. We just dont know their official stance on those things. Thats sort of a bad thing ofcourse; They communicate with the PVE sections alot.... they should just do the same for the PVP-ers aswell for equality and to show pvp also matters.

Compared to PVE; PVP is way smaller so tracking down the problems is not the issue. Its something else, but one can only ponder what that is.

Otherwise... the dedicated PVP community as whole must rise up to say: enough is enough. Remember that movie Ants?  The power of the collective many.  It works at times.

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9 minutes ago, vilesoldier.9826 said:



Wow, I guess the meme is worth the inc permaban

I mean as long as more eyes get on this and Anet notices

That's the idea. Though it seems they definitely notice considering they didn't revoke the titles and brought him back after 1 day lmao. If we ever had any proof something is bonkers wrong in the PvP department... This would be it. They were definitely 'scrubbed' from the leaderboard though, but now we know what happens to these accounts when they get leaderboard scrub: they keep the titles.

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Just now, Fenrir.1742 said:

That's the idea. Though it seems they definitely notice considering they didn't revoke the titles and brought him back after 1 day lmao. If we ever had any proof something is bonkers wrong in the PvP department... This would be it. They were definitely 'scrubbed' from the leaderboard though, but now we know what happens to these accounts when they get leaderboard scrub: they keep the titles.


I mean I'm guess they "unbanned" to remove the title (allegedly) and then this video is what happens next. Apparently they can still be removed after consuming, so rly this is just unnecessary trolling that is prob escalating to a perma


funni meme tho

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This last 5v5 season, I managed to get 7th on the leaderboard within the first 2-3 days. After that, the season became one of the worst I have experienced. I think I still ended top 250, but the match manipulation combined with the lower population made for an unbalanced mess of a season.

The first few days actually feel competitive. Once those days pass, just try to have fun playing the game.

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Imagine getting up at 3 in the morning, to sync Q with some other nolifes, just to get a title in a gamemode where noone gives a single fk anymore....... and then thinking you are achieving anything.


In all honesty.....  How friggin sad is this. 

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2 hours ago, Toecuttur.2695 said:

Anyone have a screenshot of the pre-ban leaderboard?    I missed seeing it before the ban and would like to see the names that were removed.

Thing is, banning a person on one account out of the 20 that they have, isn't exactly banning them.

They also like to let that one banned account keep the title it cheated to obtain when it comes back after its 3 day slap on the wrist.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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2 hours ago, Toecuttur.2695 said:

Anyone have a screenshot of the pre-ban leaderboard?    I missed seeing it before the ban and would like to see the names that were removed.

Don't worry, you will see them again next season 🙂 

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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Thing is, banning a person on one account out of the 20 that they have, isn't exactly banning them.

They also like to let that one banned account keep the title it cheated to obtain when it comes back after its 3 day slap on the wrist.

Yeah willow/schlass/final chapter/athena all being untouched accs that fed the dqd #1/2 🫣

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Anet: "hey guys uh, stohp doing it..! We told you to stooohp"

We seem to have this convo at the end of every season... Anet 100% knows the issue. They either wont solve the top25 mini-game issue or they can't and I really doubt it's the latter.

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