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[WvW] - List of kittenous game and class mechanics.

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Posted (edited)
  • Permanent/pulsing Stability: Catalyst and Willbender.
  • Permanent/pulsing Aegis: Willbender and Bladesworn.
  • Permanent reflect: Bladesworn.
  • Blind spam: Thief and Flashbang Engineers.
  • Weakness spam: Harbinger.
  • Distortion spam: Virtuoso.
  • Pulsing daze/cc: Dagger Mirage and Harbinger.
  • GW2 implementation of Stealth.
  • Chill: Excess movement speed reduction and skill cooldown reduction.
  • Excessive access to Teleports/Shadowsteps: Willbender and Thief.
  • Excessive access to instant cast skills: Chronomancer.
  • Excessive access to unblockable attacks: Virtuoso.
  • Excessive access to multi-hitting attacks: Willbender, Catalyst, P/P Thief.
  • Excessive sustain.
Edited by SleepyBat.9034
Gotta wonder if I should have left off the bit pointing out the offenders since it seems to have triggered some people.
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20 hours ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:
  • Permanent/pulsing Stability: Catalyst and Willbender.

Yeah. This is dumb, along with perma-resistance. Ignoring mechanics is bad. It's dumb in small scale, and it's dumb in zergs. (spicy take, I know).

20 hours ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:
  • Permanent/pulsing Aegis: Willbender and Bladesworn.
  • Blind spam: Thief and Flashbang Engineers.

I rate these as annoying, but not honestly that bad? They would have been toxic back in the old 2012 game, but in the current year, most skills hit like 15x per activation, so blind/aegis don't do much unless you get lucky, or if you're fighting one of the few builds out there that relies solely on big single-hit skills.

20 hours ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:
  • Pulsing daze/cc: Dagger Mirage and Harbinger.

I don't even know if this is that good, but my god, if this isn't the most toxic build I have ever seen in this game (maybe tied with perma-stealth trap thief back in the day). Antifun greatly exceeding fun. It's like a Blue control deck in MTG. Horrible, unfun experience. Can't even cast a 1/4s skill. Can't even cast *instant* skills that have a slight animation.

A large part of why it's annoying afaict is that you can get infinite dodge in WvW, and that is sort of balanced for zergs, but super busted for small scale on some builds.

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I get that GW2 implementation of stealth sucks - but more specifically long duration stealth stacking is an issue. I have no real issue with short duration stealth on a reasonable cooldown. 

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5 minutes ago, coro.3176 said:

I rate these as annoying, but not honestly that bad? They would have been toxic back in the old 2012 game, but in the current year, most skills hit like 15x per activation, so blind/aegis don't do much unless you get lucky, or if you're fighting one of the few builds out there that relies solely on big single-hit skills.

They are plenty impactful, even if you aren't playing a Warrior. If you are it's a guaranteed loss condition. I will concede that Blind spam is probably only a serious issue on p/p Thief since it has a 100% chance to apply Blind while attacking if it's standing in a smoke field. Combine that with the unblockable blind from Black Powder and you have a degen build.

Also, the 15x activation is something I take issue with because it makes limited access to Blind and Aegis completely useless.

5 minutes ago, coro.3176 said:

I don't even know if this is that good, but my god, if this isn't the most toxic build I have ever seen in this game (maybe tied with perma-stealth trap thief back in the day). Antifun greatly exceeding fun. It's like a Blue control deck in MTG. Horrible, unfun experience. Can't even cast a 1/4s skill. Can't even cast *instant* skills that have a slight animation.

A large part of why it's annoying afaict is that you can get infinite dodge in WvW, and that is sort of balanced for zergs, but super busted for small scale on some builds.

I could probably put Evade spam on that list, to be honest.

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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Exzen.2976 said:

I get that GW2 implementation of stealth sucks - but more specifically long duration stealth stacking is an issue. I have no real issue with short duration stealth on a reasonable cooldown. 

I've fought condi Druids before, even a small Stealth can be incredibly kitten since it almost guarantees the ability to juke your opponents and resustain when coupled with burst mobility. Star Craft 2 has the best implementation of Stealth I've seen so far.

Edited by SleepyBat.9034
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Stealth and teleports resets the fight completely if they go far enough. Then they come right back when your burst is already spent and your skills are on CD, while they still have most of everything ready to go.

Thieves aren't impossible to defeat, obviously, but it's ridiculous what they can do. Not to mention giving thieves the ability to burst at range was always ridiculous. Well, besides pistol. Pistol always seemed fair nowadays, no matter what thief build includes it.

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Holosmith main, reaper main in note

no complaints about reapers and only pointing out blind spam on engi


  • excessive poison: vass holo
  • excessive chill and bleed: reaper
  • hard to kill + high damage: also reaper
  • excessive grenades: any grenade engineer


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Posted (edited)

Holosmith main, reaper main in note

no complaints about reapers and only pointing out blind spam on engi

Neither of those is overperforming in WvW atm.  I won't pretend they're on the level of thief and most EoD specs in WvW.

Edited by SleepyBat.9034
confused emote =/= argument
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Posted (edited)
  • Permanent superspeed: Scrapper
  • Excessive quickness access: Holosmith, Reaper, Scrapper
  • Excessive amount of low CD CC skills: Scrappers/Holosmith/Reaper/Harbinger
  • Excessive upfront condi burst: Scrapper, Harbinger
  • Unsavoury mechanics: Engineer with permanent superspeed running throwing grenades behind me/Harbingers with broken elite, so broken it makes even the most obtuse individuals look good and decent - the most broken elite skill in the long 15 history of GW2 franchise, the most asinine design ever: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elixir_of_Ambition , no sane person can even try to defend something like this and imagine playing a necro...and complain about balance...utterly insane
  • Excessive access to Chill: Reaper/Harbinger
  • Unnerfed Main mechanic: Reaper shroud still sitting at -50% dmg reduction despite Feb 2020 sustain nerfs overall, shroud should have been nerfed to 25% dmg reduction

Basically, the OP is complaining about every single thing he cannot permanent superspeed runaway/grenade spam and CC lock/condi spamm from 900/1200 range...


Edited by Arheundel.6451
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3 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:
  • Unnerfed Main mechanic: Reaper shroud still sitting at -50% dmg reduction despite Feb 2020 sustain nerfs overall, shroud should have been nerfed to 25% dmg reduction



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Posted (edited)

Most of this is cringe cherry-picking behavior. Ele main complaining by the way.

  • Permanent superspeed: Scrapper

I'm not sure what you're smoking, Scrapper hasn't had perma Superspeed in WvW for years.

10 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:
  • Excessive quickness access: Holosmith, Reaper, Scrapper

You're grasping at straws out of spite to troll. Holosmith doesn't have excess quickness and you know it, and Reaper has some of the slowest cast times in the game so Quickness access is fair compensation. As for Scrapper, that class can be redesigned from the ground up for all I care, I never liked it.

10 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Excessive amount of low CD CC skills: Scrappers/Holosmith/Reaper/Harbinger

Again, you're being spitefully selective for no reason and it's freaking annoying. Nobody complains about "excess low CD CC" on Holosmith or Scrapper, it's not a thing. As for Reaper, I wasn't aware that 25-40-second cooldowns counted as low in your book. No mention of Warrior or Druid at all, as expected.

10 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Excessive upfront condi burst: Scrapper, Harbinger

I didn't mention anything about excess damage, condition, or otherwise because it would apply to virtually every class in the game. If I did, Harbinger would probably be near the top of the list and Scrapper would be mid if it was on it at all.


Unsavoury mechanics: Engineer with permanent superspeed running throwing grenades behind me/Harbingers with broken elite, so broken it makes even the most obtuse individuals look good and decent - the most broken elite skill in the long 15 history of GW2 franchise, the most asinine design ever: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elixir_of_Ambition , no sane person can even try to defend something like this and imagine playing a necro...and complain about balance...utterly insane

Again with the permanent Superspeed nonsense? I'd have to do some personal research on nade about face spam before I decide.

Me defending Elixir of Ambition? Delusional. I play Reaper, not Harbinger.

  • Excessive access to Chill: Reaper/Harbinger

I think Chill ought to be 33% reduced movement speed and cooldown reduction tbh. Harbinger has virtually no chill at all, stop talking about things you're clueless about.

  • Unnerfed Main mechanic: Reaper shroud still sitting at -50% dmg reduction despite Feb 2020 sustain nerfs overall, shroud should have been nerfed to 25% dmg reduction

Seems like a reach, current sustain levels are still pretty degen so I'm inclined to say it's a non-issue. I'd have to think about it.


Basically, the OP is complaining about every single thing he cannot permanent superspeed runaway/grenade spam and CC lock/condi spamm from 900/1200 range...

If it's overperforming because of a degen mechanic. Sure.

Edited by SleepyBat.9034
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18 hours ago, Skada.1362 said:

guys... the entire game is bloated af. there is too much of everything these days and soon spears arrive and we get like 100 new skills put into the game, yey.

And balance team devs are ignoring outliers for whatever reason. It is not impossible to balance this game but it is impossible in hands of current devs. 🤷‍♂️

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Posted (edited)
On 7/1/2024 at 5:41 PM, SleepyBat.9034 said:
  • Permanent/pulsing Stability: Catalyst and Willbender.
  • Permanent/pulsing Aegis: Willbender and Bladesworn.
  • Permanent reflect: Bladesworn.
  • Blind spam: Thief and Flashbang Engineers.
  • Weakness spam: Harbinger.
  • Distortion spam: Virtuoso.
  • Pulsing daze/cc: Dagger Mirage and Harbinger.
  • GW2 implementation of Stealth.
  • Chill: Excess movement speed reduction and skill cooldown reduction.
  • Excessive access to Teleports/Shadowsteps: Willbender and Thief.
  • Excessive access to instant cast skills: Chronomancer.
  • Excessive access to unblockable attacks: Virtuoso.
  • Excessive access to multi-hitting attacks: Willbender, Catalyst, P/P Thief.
  • Excessive sustain.


"Nobody remembers the excuses, Nobody remembers remember the failures but they will always remember the results" 

Isn't that's what it is all about...

Leaving a Legacy?

Making a difference?

Isn't that what matters...

The Results?

Letting Results speak for themselves??


Until there are results, there are no reason to play

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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