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Good lord dungeons are horrible [Merged]

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I really enjoy dungeons and I regret that they've been abandoned, tho I understand why they have. I've run eight paths every night this week just to tick the dungeoneering chest and it has been a pleasant experience. I will say that my lfgs fill mostly with vets, probably just running for nostalgia during the event. I've seen very few new players looking for help or explanations. And I'll also say I stick to paths I know I enjoy. SE is my favorite, I do all three of those. All my little happy dredge workers : )

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On 7/11/2024 at 12:12 PM, Naxos.2503 said:

The Lupicus remains one of my favorite boss fight, in spite of all the more recent bosses. Movement, position and timing have to be on point for the fight, but taking it down legitimately is a bloody "Feels Good" moment. 

Arah does veer off in the "too long" category of dungeons at times, but if memory serve, some paths are shorter than others.

Sadly lupi is no longer anything more than a tank and spank fight that lasts about a minute - 2 at most - in a group. The three runs I did this week he got wrecked very quickly after he activated

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16 hours ago, Obfuscate.6430 said:

The only complaint I have is that during arah: muursat path, once reaching a mesmer boss, if the party wiped , the path to the boss becomes locked and you have to leave the instance tostart over. Might be a bug? 

Is that the bone wall bug that stops you getting to the boss? You can unbug it by forcing a second party wipe.

Edited by Randulf.7614
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On 7/13/2024 at 4:37 PM, Nilkemia.8507 said:

Answer : Yes, they are overall horrible. Get the weapon and armor skins you want and never look back. They're a relic of a time best left in the past.

I like dungeons. Being linked to the core story is nice, the story modes are a good intro to instanced content for new players (likely more challenging than anything else a new player has encountered if doing them shortly after they unlock, but still doable), the exploration modes add a significant step up for new players but are still doable once you improve your core gear and build, and there are some fun puzzles in there (we do them without referring to the wiki unless we get stuck for a long time). There are a still a few exploration paths I haven't done and we were doing a new one on Sunday which had some cool puzzles we got a buzz out of solving ourselves.

Fractals are fun and more polished content (presumably being newer helps a lot here) but I'm not convinced that having them so separate them from the story was a good move.

Edited by Mistwraithe.3106
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On 7/11/2024 at 4:16 PM, Fueki.4753 said:

But then people learned how to put Lupi into the wall and how to reflect his projectiles.

You can casually defeat the boss by having the whole group attacking the boss at 1200 range where the barrage becomes easy enough to walk out of.

Wall trick is harder because it requires coordination with teammates, which don't usually play well with casual players.

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4 hours ago, Vilin.8056 said:

You can casually defeat the boss by having the whole group attacking the boss at 1200 range where the barrage becomes easy enough to walk out of.

Wall trick is harder because it requires coordination with teammates, which don't usually play well with casual players.

These days, that may be true.

But back then (in 2012/2013, the time I was referring to), when players weren't as needlessly powercrept as they are now, people preferred cheesing Lupi with reflects.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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Man I like the old dungeon, I just remeber run ascalon catacombs over and over again, it was fun, IMO a net need to transforma the old dungeon in raids or something like that, nobody run dungeons anymore, not because it is "terrible", but because the rewards sucks 

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On 7/10/2024 at 11:17 PM, senoramor.7534 said:

Whoever designed City of Arah should be forced to run it over and over for the rest of their lives, and even then I'm not sure that's punishment enough.

You have no idea how easy it is now compared to year 1 and 2 pre-powercreep, back when benchmarks looked more like 10k instead of 40k, we had no jade 10 cores or infusions for inflated vita, and we had like 1/6th the sustain factors that we have now.

Back in those days, Arah was harder than raid bosses are now.

When you hear guys saying: "I used to solo/duo Arah paths with my buddy and sell the paths" you better respect it.

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On 7/11/2024 at 6:22 AM, Robban.1256 said:

Regarding to GW2 efficency you can get ~98c or ~4s per token, depending on how you use them. So 700 thats ~6g86s or ~28g . You also get 150 AA which is worth 25g, so rush dungeon  tokens + AA = ~32-53g


Also this is on top of the base rewards from dungeons.

Dungeons are an underrated way to make gold, assuming you are good at them and can do them quickly. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Fundamental problem is that you can get vastly different gear: some ppl do 40K damage, others do like kittening 2k damage. It's hard to balance and  fundamental problem with this game. Also, dungeons are ancient and buggy gimmicky instances. I liked arah back then cuz of atmosphere etc, but some parts were kittened up.

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