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Janthir Wilds is a huge disappointment for me, there are things that I would like the developers to change in the game

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24 minutes ago, Fipmip.7219 said:

romancing characters, asking whether spears are optional... this thread was the perfect bait for this kitten forum

I was wondering why no one seemed to pick up on that (well, at least in the first 3 pages, after that I lost interest reading through the repetition)... Clearly this was a troll post, the romancing part gave it away. I'm just impressed with OP sticking to the role this long.

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On 8/8/2024 at 2:26 PM, Darves.6798 said:

I guess you don't understand the problem though. It's supposed to be a game, pleasure, entertainment, not another job, I already have a job, I don't need another one. I play for the pleasure of learning about the story, not for the challenge. You want your torturous raid challenges, great, I just want completing the entire story part to be much easier.

100% agree with you

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I'm gonna be honest here: By the title alone I expected a shitpost - the expansion isn't out yet and there's already a 15 page thread about how JaWi is a "huge disappointment for me". Btw, regarding the "for me" - I don't know you, should I know you?

Regarding your points: The tl;dr is you either want another game or you should git gud. I genuinely don't understand how you can be playing the same game as I do and still think that the changes "[you] would expect" are anywhere near the realm of possibility.

At least I had to smile once or twice at the ridiculousness of it all. "I am very much looking forward to at least some of the changes I have proposed." ---> Who are you again?

So, yeah, I wish you the best of luck. 

Edited by BelleroPhone.4238
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I think, I have made it abandoundly clear, that I disagree with Darves. But it sadens me how quick people are to accuse them of being a chat bot. That's quite dehumanizing. The situation they are presenting is a bit too niche and too realistic for a chat bot to come up with. I am telling you, I know were they are coming from and they act in line with how a human in their situation would. 

I also find it really invalidating that so many people call them a troll. There is a higher chance of that than the chat bot thing, but I think it's more plausibel that they are genuine. It's easy to stick to a role, if it's not a role. They are frustrated with the game, got it in their head, that they have the perfect solution, came here expecting to find an echo chamber and now they can't handle people disagreeing. Have you never delt with people like that? Eitherway, the result is the same and there is no constructive conversation to be had. And calling them a troll or a chat bot is only pouring oil into the fire. All that does is make them not feel heard and provoces them to try and shout louder. Just leave it guys. 

I am starting to agree with the people calling for this thread to be locked, because it's clearly not going to run it's course on it's own. 

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Wondering why the thread is still up. Usually those kind of threads get locked (I think a forum mod should also look in the forums at the weekend every now and then) or even completely removed.

There have been some valid points. But Ashantara made a good point. User claims people say it is easy for them - doesn't mean for everyone. But then they say it is hard and make it look like a majority would think it is too hard. 😄Of course such stuff does not get quoted. (I also had a "lucky" post that did not get quoted. Or ot was too good and could not be argued with.)

The main purpose of the thread seems like "baiting" - getting people to get aggressive while the user aims to stay calm trying to make the others look bad or ssomething like that.

I can just say: Yes the point with the majority not using the forums is totally true and valid. But: Only ArenaNet has the numbers and they are a company trying to make money. They do apply changes that might not have been wanted by a majority of the forum users. But the story already exists for a long time now ... and no changes. (Though such changes to difficulty happen much faster and they now even brought some low-priority QoL changes over the past years/months but no changes to the story.)

We must assume that it either is too hard to code (not worth the effort) - or (more likely): The expected changes in profit/income for the company are negative. (Otherwise as a company trying to make profit they would have made changes.) There could as well be a lot of people not coming to the forums that are okay with the game as it is. And numbers/date (that ArenaNet has more access to than the casual forum user) can show this. Making it easy for everyone might scare away other players and creating an optional easy mode for the 0.01 percent of players that might need it cause they are bad at gaming in general ... could still be too costly then. Even if it was not much work - but it barely is needed ... not worth the dev time.

Then there is the thing that gaming in general usually does not come with such easy modes. Some games afaik - especially in the single player rpg section - does bring such modes like "no fights" and full story modes. But that is not your usual thing. Especially in asian stuff (like Final Fantasy) you have leveling and grind in the single player parts of that franchise. When you try to rush and flee combats you will be underleveled at a boss - no story mode. There are workarounds - to watch story on YouTube.

But at the end ... not every game is for every player. Some ... are just not for everyone. And that means that a handful of players might find themselves having to play other games when the company does not want to make a mode where no combats happen - or 1-click-achievements - for the people that shy every little bit of a challenge. That handful of playres. They exist and there also exist games for such a type of player. But not every company can include game modes in their types of games to satisty this kind of players.

On the other end of the scale we have the hardcore raiders (and raiding even got a mode to make it easier I think . "emboldement" or whatever it is called) and they also do not get their gear treadmill to get better and better gear as motivatoin (to have better gear stats than the causal player). Ascended is the end.

Imo ArenaNet the comany that tries best to include as much as interests of different groups pf players as possible. Never seen another game that does soooo much. (Take a look at the Clocktower and the ches to feed cancy corn to it - to progress one of the other achievements. Thats specifically made for people that could not to the JP ... so they were able to progress on another achievement that needs it.)

Any attempt to twist words trying to make the game/company look bad in that department ... can't be anything else then the thing I call "baiting". (Trying to provoke aggressive responses as backlash because you are so obviously wrong.)

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On 8/8/2024 at 11:26 PM, Darves.6798 said:

I play for the pleasure of learning about the story, not for the challenge.

Then perhaps MMOs are not for you? There are tons of single-player RPGs where you can enjoy the story to lengths. MMOs are not supposed to be unchallenging.

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PSA.  Do not attempt to play expansions before they are released.  Do not instant level 80 boost on your first character.  Do not presume all games are the same.  Do not attempt group content solo unless you are prepared for it.  Do not expect the world to change for you.  

Do...play the starting zone tutorials.  Learn your character.

Do...learn to dodge.

Do...ask for help if you need it and be willing to take advice and constructive criticism.  

Do...understand everyone has different skills levels but be willing to learn.  

Do...look up or ask players for build advice to make your life easier, most are very kind and helpful.  Be willing to try new things.  

Do...well you do you, if romancing pixels is your thing instead of talking to actual humans online that you can't even see, that's your business.  

15 pages of this.   Yikes.   I'm sure the devs are rolling while they eat popcorn reading it.  

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20 hours ago, Darves.6798 said:

Daily and weekend reward system. In my opinion, it is not fair, I wrote why in the first post, there were people here who shared my point of view, but most of you just ignored this part.


Weeklies were already changed some times ago, the PvE weeklies are the same for all accounts no matter which expansions you own, so they all can be done without visiting expansion areas.

Dailies can be a problem, if you don't want to visit the maps before doing the story, but I think most days they can also be done without visiting the expansion areas too.

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14 hours ago, Starseer.1047 said:

I certainly agree with the homesteads bit. Some of my friends are absolutely, positively excited, sparkly-eyed and happy, and I'm glad for that! However, homesteads, building a home, decorating a home, it all really isn't my cup of tea. And considering how much of the marketing of this expansion is centering around homesteads, as well as SotO's... lack of polish, it's actually the first expansion I don't really plan on buying unless the meta demands it (I'm in multiple statics, including a sweaty one), let alone preorder it immediately. And that saddens me. I want to support the devs and the game, but I just can't currently justify to myself that it would be a worthy use of my money this time around.

I would also like to support developers again, but they don't make it easy for me. Let's start with the fact that for purchasing Soto, you received nicer rewards than for purchasing Janthir Wilds. But that's subjective. However, the main selling point for Soto was that it was the first expansion in years and the fact that they introduced an easier option to unlock Skyscale. I haven't played it, but from what I've read, in terms of plot length, Soto is closer to Lw than to a real expansion like Hot or Pof. Janthir Wilds is supposed to be another Soto type expansion and its selling points are a cabin in the forest and a spear on land, both of which do not appeal to me. I understand that some of the community may have been waiting for this, but not me. There is still the story content of Janthir Wilds, but here again I have a problem, because I think that completing the story content of the entire game, LW's and expansions in their current form is too difficult for me, so buying another expansion when I have problems with the previous ones is a bit pointless. Of course, if Anet introduced at least an optional easy mode for all story content, including all Lw's and expansions, I would probably buy Janthir Wilds to have more story.


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5 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

I think that completing the story content of the entire game, LW's and expansions in their current form is too difficult for me, so buying another expansion when I have problems with the previous ones is a bit pointless. Of course, if Anet introduced at least an optional easy mode for all story content

Ok, I guess people calling this thread a bait are correct.

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6 hours ago, Maienstern.2154 said:

But it sadens me how quick people are to accuse them of being a chat bot. That's quite dehumanizing. The situation they are presenting is a bit too niche and too realistic for a chat bot to come up with. I am telling you, I know were they are coming from and they act in line with how a human in their situation would. 

I also find it really invalidating that so many people call them a troll. There is a higher chance of that than the chat bot thing, but I think it's more plausibel that they are genuine. It's easy to stick to a role, if it's not a role. They are frustrated with the game, got it in their head, that they have the perfect solution, came here expecting to find an echo chamber and now they can't handle people disagreeing. Have you never delt with people like that? Eitherway, the result is the same and there is no constructive conversation to be had. And calling them a troll or a chat bot is only pouring oil into the fire.

Calling me a bot or troll is simply disgusting and reflects very poorly on the people of the forum. Marking each of my answers as confiused is probably intended to offend me and show that the statement is stupid and unimportant. As a psychiatrist by training and profession, I am concerned that for some people on the forum every statement they disagree with is confiused. If you are confiused all the time, it's not malice, it's probably time to look for a specialist who can help you.


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I have one more thing. I looked through the forum, my thread and a few others at random. The users who are here are the same people, maybe 50 people, I'll be genorous to let it be 100. One of the people who, didn't agree whit me, showed some compasion was Maienstern.2154, a new user on the forum. While 4,674 people are currently playing GW2 on Steam alone, there are safely you can say 10 times more people playing through the launcher. So it's a bold statement that a handful of forum members are responsible for the opinion of the entire community.

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Once again, let me us know which parts of the story are too hard for you, I'm sure plenty of people will help you with what you're missing.

As for the post above, I don't even know what that's supposed to be addressing. It just looks like further avoidance of what people say.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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22 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Once again, let me us know which parts of the story are too hard for you, I'm sure plenty of people will help you with what you're missing.

As for the post above, I don't even know what that's supposed to be addressing. It just looks like further avoidance of what people say.

Do I have to repeat myself once again? Judging by the number of posts you have published on the forum, you have been playing GW2 for years and the game is trivial for you. Imagine, you can, that this is not the case for everyone. Okay, but since you asked, I'll repeat it. The fight against Zhaitan was very difficult, I kept dying. Lw1, there were 2 bosses in the rat caves, the fight with them was a pain, the same with the pirate and her companion with bombs. The first fight with Scarlet, the game wasn't kind enough to explain why I wasn't dealing damage to her, I had to waste an hour looking for answers in Google. Tower of nightmare, getting to the top where the story content is was a real nightmare, I was dying every moment. Lw2, the first map is a nightmare, the wind knocks you off the platforms and you still have to fight and dodge. In general, it would be nice if Anet made jumping easier, some auto-correction of jumps or something, falling all the time and killing yourself is not fun. Someone mentioned Mad King's Clock Tower, great fun, you keep falling and killing yourself, amazing


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On 8/8/2024 at 6:10 PM, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

No you don't.
Your needs and wants have no weight on any matter here, nor mine, or anyones. 

What? How does that make any sense? By your own statement, his right have zero weight, but also your rights or anyone's rights have zero weight? Zero = zero doesn't? So in fact he does have just as much right as anyone else, zero. 

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17 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

Do I have to repeat myself once again? Judging by the number of posts you have published on the forum, you have been playing GW2 for years and the game is trivial for you. Imagine, you can, that this is not the case for everyone. Okay, but since you asked, I'll repeat it. The fight against Zhaitan was very difficult, I kept dying. Lw1, there were 2 bosses in the rat caves, the fight with them was a pain, the same with the pirate and her companion with bombs. The first fight with Scarlet, the game wasn't kind enough to explain why I wasn't dealing damage to her, I had to waste an hour looking for answers in Google. Tower of nightmare, getting to the top where the story content is was a real nightmare, I was dying every moment. Lw2, the first map is a nightmare, the wind knocks you off the platforms and you still have to fight and dodge. In general, it would be nice if Anet made jumping easier, some auto-correction of jumps or something, falling all the time and killing yourself is not fun. Someone mentioned Mad King's Clock Tower, great fun, you keep falling and killing yourself, amazing


you do know this game is recommended for 13 year olds and over right?  Yes, 13 year olds (and probably younger) are completing this game.  The problem is you don't want to learn.


Enjoy  https://learningworksforkids.com/playbooks/guild-wars-2/#:~:text=With an engaging story%2C rich,to players 13 and older.

maybe this section helps you


Reading plays a large role in most MMORPGs, and Guild Wars 2 is no exception. That being said, the game is perfect for hesitant readers or those who need practice due to the fact that most text is also spoken, preventing them from being discouraged by large amounts of text while giving them the opportunity to read along.

Edited by Bladestrom.6425
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1 hour ago, Darves.6798 said:

Calling me a bot or troll is simply disgusting and reflects very poorly on the people of the forum. Marking each of my answers as confiused is probably intended to offend me and show that the statement is stupid and unimportant. As a psychiatrist by training and profession, I am concerned that for some people on the forum every statement they disagree with is confiused. If you are confiused all the time, it's not malice, it's probably time to look for a specialist who can help you.


The confused emoji is the de facto disagree button on the forum (since there is no real disagree button on the forum). So yes, it is not malice. No, they're not confused so they don't need a specialist. It's just disagreement. That's how I see it, anyway, and how most people see it, judging by their admissions I've seen throughout the years. There really is no sure way of telling what every single individual's motivation was for putting a confused emoji on your posts. But I feel safe to say it is rarely, or ever, a case of true confusion.

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7 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

Molten Bosses (Flame and Frost section), and the fight with Marionette wasn't too easy either

so if Anet aimed the game at the skill level of13 year olds and  above, don't you think making it even easier than this would be a bit weird in a game where the majority of players are adults?

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