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Can the bank tabs be improved, please?

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1 - Being able to rename them

2 - Filter tabs by item type (so depositing items go to the correct tab automatically)

3 - Re-order tabs (move them up and down)

4 - When searching, always leave one slot open in each tab so you can drag items onto it


That would be a good start?


P.S. I just remembered of another one, after organizing my inventory: resize the window.

Edited by angrax.1372
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19 hours ago, angrax.1372 said:

1 - Being able to rename them

2 - Filter tabs by item type (so depositing items go to the correct tab automatically)

3 - Re-order tabs (move them up and down)

4 - When searching, always leave one slot open in each tab so you can drag items onto it


That would be a good start?


P.S. I just remembered of another one, after organizing my inventory: resize the window.

Oh yes, especially 1 and 3. Those would make GW2 life so much easier for me

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First and above all: More bank tabs.

More dedicated storage options like we now have for material storage and wallet for

  1. food/utility consumables
  2. booster consumables
  3. black lion currency
  4. all kinds of keys
  5. festival tokens/tickets
  6. guild/homestead decorations
  7. quest items ("trophies")

Drag and drop bank tabs to reorder them

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So much this and more tabs.
I do not find renaming tabs useful but I am not against it, probably even the easiest of it to implement so why not but everything else are very nice changes!

"deposit to bank" button if you already have same item in the bank sounds way too good :).

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Renaming seems simple, straightforward, helpful, no reason not to do that one . . .

Reordering tabs would be helpful, idk how difficult to implement that would be but I imagine it's not hard? We can do it with bags . . .

Filtering tabs by item type seems like a step backwards. There's no way to do that without assigning items to tabs, which limits my ability to decide how I want things organized . . .

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On 8/17/2024 at 10:10 AM, angrax.1372 said:

1 - Being able to rename them

2 - Filter tabs by item type (so depositing items go to the correct tab automatically)

3 - Re-order tabs (move them up and down)

4 - When searching, always leave one slot open in each tab so you can drag items onto it


That would be a good start?


P.S. I just remembered of another one, after organizing my inventory: resize the window.

This would be better with guild wars 3.

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Isn't it easier to just make your own system and stay organized instead of depending on an automated system that will almost guarantee fail which will prompt you to come asking for it to be disabled, like the sort button on the inventory that people "kept pressing by accident ruining their organization."?

Also, naming the tabs, how would that help when you can just see the stuff in there...

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I'm not against any of these but I'd only want tabs to have a defined item type if it was optional and set by the player. If I was unable to keep my current groupings because some items I put together are technically different types that would make my bank far worse. I suspect there would also be complaints that it's a "scam" forcing them to buy more tabs because now items won't go into free spaces just because they're the wrong item type.

To make it work I think they'd also have to consistently label items with their type. For example I have a tab for what I call "tools", things like material eaters, LW/side story gadgets like the Rift Stabaliser and Brandstone Multitool, April Fools items etc. and I'm pretty sure most of them are technically 'gizmos' but none of them say that. If I set a tab to hold gizmos I'd have to use the Wiki or trial and error to find out what was allowed to go in there.

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4 hours ago, illuminati.8453 said:

I would like auto deposit button (the material storage one) to work with the bank items too!  If I have an item I've already placed in there, and it can stack, when I hit auto deposit, I'd like it to go there!

I assume this ignores anything inside an invisible bag or inside the shared item slots?

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On 8/18/2024 at 4:37 PM, Danikat.8537 said:

I'm not against any of these but I'd only want tabs to have a defined item type if it was optional and set by the player. 

I think that was implied. Everything I proposed is optional. It is to be there if you need it.

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Piggybacking off of personal bank improvements. Can we get double-click to add and remove items for Guild Banks, please? Have it tied to guild member permissions, so guild member who are not allowed to withdrawal items don't accidentally deposit an item by double-clicking it.

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