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Heart progress is ridiculously slow

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I just want people to help me save the Fawn!! No one helped some sat on their skyscale but the event failed and he died! If im going to have to solo it can we at least lower the enemy spawns so i can get healing to the fawn

Edited by Artemis.8034
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5 hours ago, Artemis.8034 said:

I just want people to help me save the Fawn!! No one helped some sat on their skyscale but the event failed and he died! If im going to have to solo it can we at least lower the enemy spawns so i can get healing to the fawn

not sure what this has to do with heart progress....but, I've done that event far too many times (its needed for quite a few achvs), and each time I shoved a mentor/commander tag on and announced the event in map chat saying it was needed for achvs, and people always came.

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59 minutes ago, Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

The first heart in the second map is probably the worst one in the game for making progress. Saving all the heart tokens just for that one.

True, and it's not like the other two hearts on that map are that far ahead in concept. It's not even just the progress speed alone; it's what the hearts actually add to the game where the first and second Janthir maps are like night and day. The heart in the west has some minesweeper action which quickly gets old if it's the only peace offering for people waiting for the next event to pop. Other than that it's just grinding mobs and events, and not even all events as rifts do not add progress at all. The map would just be better without those hearts.

First map: "Let's craft areas where players can interact with the Lowland Kodans' way of life and help them out in multiple ways with or without events."

Second map: "What are hearts anyway? Let's just make them glorified progress bars for events completed in that general area. Waiting and looking for events in a specific area is fun, right?"

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Its literally just the camp heart. That one is very slow, everything gives tiny bits of progress, and the Janthir heart tokens barely drop without actively farming them by just repeating activities. The other two on that map are much faster and have more events + events give more. 


I'm wondering if all those events that someone decided should spawn only during meta might give better progress. 

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The first map isn't too bad because it feels like there are things to do without events but the second map feels so painful without events. Events are so necessary for the second map, whether it's doing events in the heart radius to fill the heart or doing events to get the heart tokens. I do agree it feels really bad on the second map.

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There's actually one single event which completely (or at least enormously) fills the heart progression – and that's the treasure crab event. Unfortunately, this event happens only (if I'm not wrong) right before the meta. But you can time this and do something else in the meantime. Another nice event for the south-west heart is the event with the infested plant. 5 minute timer, lots of enemies which all fill the heart, and you can also keep spamming the medicine on the plant for a bit of progression. 

There is, however, nothing really you can do for the first heart on the map. This thing is just pure torture. 

Edited by Maria Murtor.7253
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On 8/21/2024 at 12:18 AM, Cameirus.8407 said:

But come on, if I have to do these daily then at least make progress reasonable....the hearts in map 2 at least take an age, and the one at foragers hut appears to only progress on events..which have pretty long spawn timers.....

Killing mobs and defusing Mursat tokens etc helps you progress, but progressing through events is obviously faster.   However, I agree with you about the heart in Forager's Hunt. That takes a little longer because it only progresses via events and not all of the events in the environment are clearly signaled, which is why you might think there are no events.

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Forager's Hunt has, if I'm not wrong, one single group of enemies (three or four wolfes) which can be killed and give some progress to your heart. But that's basically it. Four enemies for all the players waiting for anything to happen at this location. At this point, this very heart is the worst heart task in the entire game for me (speaking as someone with 38 times world completion, including PoF and all the Living Story maps). Which is baffling. I never thought something worse than Saidra's Haven could happen (this was the worst so far).

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2 hours ago, Maria Murtor.7253 said:

Forager's Hunt has, if I'm not wrong, one single group of enemies (three or four wolfes) which can be killed and give some progress to your heart. But that's basically it. Four enemies for all the players waiting for anything to happen at this location. At this point, this very heart is the worst heart task in the entire game for me (speaking as someone with 38 times world completion, including PoF and all the Living Story maps). Which is baffling. I never thought something worse than Saidra's Haven could happen (this was the worst so far).

It actually has at least 4 events.  One in the very south (on top of the cliff), one in the very east, one in the north and one right in the camp. 

If you stand at the waypoint or wait in the camp, they are not always displayed. But if you regularly walk in circles in that area, you will see them when they happen. Since I've been doing that, I've been able to complete the heart faster. 

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Trust me, I've been here not only once. And I've often done my laps there and waited for something to happen – over and over again.


When players finish event at the same time (let's say on the hill at the very south and on the beach north), you are basically screwed. Same can basically happen with three events. This encourages players to dismiss events after doing a little bit, so they don't lose possible participation for other events. Heck, even I'm doing this. Either that or play the waiting game.


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Lowland Shore was a treat to play through, and I don't mind going back everyday to complete the hearts. There are plenty of events around, with a decent amount of diversity, and I have fun collecting more renown tokens after completing all 3 hearts just because the map is enjoyable with the sheer amount of events going on.

Janthir Syntri on the other hand? It's an absolute slog. The event frequency is half - if that - of Lowland Shore's, and for some reason, half of them - most notably (almost?) all of the Bloodstone, White Mantle or Jade Armor-related events/events that are around the bloodstone crater - don't even give renown tokens. A good chunk of those events are copy pasted, like the elemental cull and foraging events, and speaking of the latter, I don't understand why the one south of the camp has such an abysmal drop rate for animal meat. There's also one NPC defense event close to camp that's just bugged and won't spawn any enemies, so progress can't be made. I think it's one that's supposed to only spawn during the meta, but then stalls if the meta isn't up (this one has since been fixed). There are barely any events in range of the hearts compared to Lowland Shore, so please fix those that are at least. The map design is alright, the meta is okay, but I absolutely hate doing my daily hearts in there. 

Highly doubt I'm the first one to complain about that map. Please do something to make it more bearable.

Edited by PyaKura.4895
Updating original post with my post from the other topic complaining about heart progress
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  • PyaKura.4895 changed the title to Janthir Syntri's sluggish heart progression, event density, and missing renown tokens

Have done all at least once now. Shore map: East one has enough different activities. Yes doing only 1 stuff can feel grindy/slow. I sometimes go to the arena-like thing participating while reading the forums in between. 😄 (Makes the wait-time less annoying.) Cooking feels nice as well. If other events are up ... then them. Middle village has enough events as well. Fishing and the bridge (done fast) for example.

The western one does not always have events up. But then egain: Tons of tokens on this map and with the upgraded mastery (soon have finished that step) it should be fast with the additional progress you can "buy" then.

Janthir Syntri: Did not notice enough tokens for now. (Only from adventures 2 so far. Maybe they should add some to at least the meta event.) But it was my first time on the map. The northeast heart felt super fast. Basically I did the painting event and it was done - while I also had completed the achievement for not missing a stroke.

Western one needs a few events - but there are enough. The southeast one has been mentioned as problematic? There seem to spawn enough events. Just that I wasn't always there when some were up and one was bugged the 2nd time I saw it. (Patch notes say it is fixed not though.) Maybe with the defense event fixed it will be easier to always find an event up there. The map certainly seems smaller and/or easier to navigate then Shores. They probably thought it would be easy to fast-farm progress with events at each heart. Maybe therefore less heart tokens?


And btw that was one of the most annoying ones - do people remember that one: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Join_the_Ash_Legion_of_Tawny_Ridge_in_stealth_operations

Good old core game stuff. 😄 At least you had to do it only once on the character.

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On 8/23/2024 at 2:01 PM, Maria Murtor.7253 said:

Aaand I'm back at the camp again. Waiting for events or anything to happen, so I can fill my heart and continue.

I don't understand people's complaints here, since there are more ways to fill the Hearts than "waiting for events". There are chores you can do (cooking meals does not take long, neither does feeding the warclaws or neutralizing White Mantle traps), and adventures as well.

It takes me only a few minutes for each one of them, so I don't see the issue, really.

For me, it has been much more of a pain to be hunting for events in order to fill the Mastery XP bar.

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3 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I don't understand people's complaints here, since there are more ways to fill the Hearts than "waiting for events". There are chores you can do (cooking meals does not take long, neither does feeding the warclaws or neutralizing White Mantle traps), and adventures as well.

It takes me only a few minutes for each one of them, so I don't see the issue, really.

For me, it has been much more of a pain to be hunting for events in order to fill the Mastery XP bar.

I'm talking about one specific heart, which is the one at the very start of Janthir Syntri. This heart (almost) relies completely on events. And with "almost" the only exception is a group of 4 wolfs roaming around in the east of the area. Other than that, you need events to fill the heart. Which means: No events, no progression. 

The defensive event with the six Kodan and the three barriers only takes place (as far as I know) before the event with the two titans – this doesn't help. So far, I'm not sure about the timer for the garden event. I think it's longer than the other events in this area. Leaves you with three "Gather meet and fruits" events or the "Check on the strange things in the camp" event. These don't really do much, and gathering stuff gets boring fast. Not to forget: The boars at the hill in the south are bugged. It's not game breaking, but the drop rate is something like 25 % (don't quote me on that).

All the hearts in the Lowland Shore are fine.
- In the fishing village, Autum's Vale, you simply do the "catch fish" event and murder the giant drake right after. This already fills your heart 90 %. The remaining 10 % can quickly achieved by repairing two fishing nets nearby (can be three, depending on how many of the little drakes you killed during the first event).
- The heart to the very east in the uplands is a bit tricky. The hunting expedition is a event you can do but it's not the best (this and the following event together and killing mobs in the process is about 50 % of the heart). The Winding Kant event is my way to go. There are two events which give lots of heart progression. And because the first event has three "defend sections", you get fast progression in these phases. Problem here is: Don't do this event chain with two many people or you have a champion at the end. And this guy is just horrific. Tons of ads and AoE; also this guy has a ton of HP, hits hard and moves quickly. If there's nothing else to do or you want to abandon the champion, go for feed some Warclaws, which gives 8 % on the heart.
- The big village of Harvest Den has a lot to offer. My personal golden way is 90 % set in the Brawlfield. By dodging 16 times and breaking the Defiance Bar three times your heart is already nicely filled. Then you go for one event in the Brawlfield itself (if you are lucky, the two events with the cubs are running, which are the easiest and will fill the rest of the heart). Usually, about 10 % of the heart is missing. Go for the forge and craft one item (I often find myself in the situation where I have to craft one and a half. But it's fine).
Note: Don't be shy to jump on any other map on the LFG to find the events you need.

Then, we have Janthir Syntri.
- I already ranted enough about the camp stuff: It's either playing a waiting game or collecting stuff. Not exciting and slow as hell.
- The heart in the west with the research stuff is also really bad. It has one golden event which is the one with the diseased plant. The event timer is long and has a lot of trash mobs in it. You can throw the remedy on the plant whenever you want to get a bit of progression (be aware: There's a but where you can not obtain more of the medicine). It's usually enough to fill the entire heart with one go. Other events/stuff is troublesome. The White Mantle ghosts give no progression at all. The mines are pretty much a waste of time and should only be deactivated if you are desperate. The are a couple of withered/infected creatures roaming around which give a bit of heart progression. Always check the one Kodan next to the heart (not the heart NPC but the one who stands a couple of meters away) to see if there's a event in the area. This NPC points to the event with the diseased plant (best) and to the "Collect flora samples" event (not so good).
- Lastly, we got the heart in the north-east. Which is free. Yes, it's free. The density of events is super high. You got stuff at the beach in the very north (unfortunately, the Leviathan doesn't count) and the Elemental events. Killing the rather "big Elemental" which spawns at about 50 % event progression will fill the heart for 20 or even 25 % alone. Add the small Elementals and the final reward for the event, and you are probably at 50 % with one event alone. There are a couple of barricades (rare) in the area which you can fix for about ten %. The real winner is the Champion Crab. Depending on how it scales, it can completely fill your heart from zero % to 100 %. This is what you want to do while waiting for the last ten minutes till the two titans spawn (that's the only problem with this event: It only spawns every two hours, about ten minutes before the big event on the map).

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Lowland Shore's fine, I enjoy completing my daily hearts there.

The issue really is Janthir Syntri which seems to be... lacking, to say the least, in comparison to Lowland Shore.

Since this thread is garnering more attention than mine, I figured I should copy paste what I posted over here as well.



Lowland Shore was a treat to play through, and I don't mind going back everyday to complete the hearts. There are plenty of events around, with a decent amount of diversity, and I have fun collecting more renown tokens after completing all 3 hearts just because the map is enjoyable with the sheer amount of events going on.

Janthir Syntri on the other hand? It's an absolute slog. The event frequency is half - if that - of Lowland Shore's, and for some reason, half of them - most notably (almost?) all of the Bloodstone, White Mantle or Jade Armor-related events/events that are around the bloodstone crater - don't even give renown tokens. A good chunk of those events are copy pasted, like the elemental cull and foraging events, and speaking of the latter, I don't understand why the one south of the camp has such an abysmal drop rate for animal meat. There's also one NPC defense event close to camp that's just bugged and won't spawn any enemies, so progress can't be made. I think it's one that's supposed to only spawn during the meta, but then stalls if the meta isn't up? There are barely any events in range of the hearts compared to Lowland Shore, so please fix those that are at least. The map design is alright, the meta is okay, but I absolutely hate doing my daily hearts in there. 

Highly doubt I'm the first one to complain about that map. Please do something to make it more bearable.


Seems like the NPC defense event near camp was fixed earlier today, according to the update notes.

Edited by PyaKura.4895
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Not only is it slow but does it reward anything to do the hearts repeatably besides a few materials and AP?

It feels like it was designed to unlock more stuff for the hearts vendors through the repeat hearts achievement with their tier but it just doesnt? 

They add these achievements, heart tokens and a mastery for tokens just to get not really anything?

It seems hearts are designed to take forever to justify the heart tokens existence.

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9 hours ago, Maria Murtor.7253 said:

I'm talking about one specific heart, which is the one at the very start of Janthir Syntri. This heart (almost) relies completely on events.

It does not. You go cook a few meals across the bridge and you are done in no time.

Sorry, misread. 🫣

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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