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Woad Armor

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14 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Have you read the update about this armor ANet posted in the existing thread on the topic?

....and it is, at best, 2nd out of the three sets IMO.

Just saw it.  Thank GOD.  That's a good work around.  Still through wvw but using actual wvw currency instead.  Still wish they had actually put the same effort into the other 2 sets.

Edited by sevenDEADLY.5281
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53 minutes ago, sevenDEADLY.5281 said:

 Still wish they had actually put the same effort into the other 2 sets.

I understand the feeling but I do like the ability to put my medium character in an armor set designed to look heavy, or light (or vice versa).

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1 hour ago, sevenDEADLY.5281 said:

Just saw it.  Thank GOD.  That's a good work around.  Still through wvw but using actual wvw currency instead.  Still wish they had actually put the same effort into the other 2 sets.


wait until  you get it and try to dye it....then tell me how much effort you think went into it.

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1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

PvE players about loot they don't care about:"sure, Spvp and WvW can get their own rewards and unique skins."

PvE players about loot they want:"WTF, how dare these game modes get unique loot I want! Rawr! Freak! Explode!"

Meanwhile Spvp and WvW players are like:"please sir, can I have just a little bit of loot."

Actually it's more like PvE players saying "i don't care if WvW and SPvP will get access to PvE sets, i just don't want to go there to get stuff i want".

Whenever someone brings up the "but give WvW your exclusives too" argument thinking it will counter the thread, the usual response is almost uniformly the same: "sure, why not?". And then the person bringing up that "but give stuff to WvW too" counter suddenly either stops posting, skirst around it, or ignores that response, because it does not fit the narrative.

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41 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Actually it's more like PvE players saying "i don't care if WvW and SPvP will get access to PvE sets, i just don't want to go there to get stuff i want".

Not really.
But nevertheless this wouldn’t be good for the game. Every game mode should have exclusive rewards. You shouldn’t limit yourself to one game mode and expect to get every reward. 

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49 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Actually it's more like PvE players saying "i don't care if WvW and SPvP will get access to PvE sets, i just don't want to go there to get stuff i want".

Of course the argument here shouldn't be some sort of "I'll give you this if you give me that" exchange in the first place, but "it's not wrong for the game to have more rewards for playing more of its content". And that's what it is. And sure, some players "won't care about it" because the goal of those players is to unlock everything -or everything they want- while not playing everything. First (or at least at one point) that argumentation was used for stuff like legendaries, where suddenly it wasn't optional (but it was and still is) so it should be unlocked in pve! But not instanced! MY pve! Now suddenly even when talking about heavily limited amount of skins "it shouldn't be like that!" because... um... not because I wanna, but because... emm... these are crucial pve expansion skins!
Spoiler alert: no, they are not and modes you don't want to play are also part of the game the players buy the expansions for. Funny how often it's being said "it's ok because it's just skins" (which includes opinions about monetization), but now it suddenly isn't ok because you want the skin and don't want to play x.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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6 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Every game mode should have exclusive rewards. You shouldn’t limit yourself to one game mode and expect to get every reward. 

Why would his be good?

I think every game mode should be able to get everything. Either because you can earn money and can buy it (a skin only available in PvE/WvW/PvP, but available in the TP), or you can work for it in the game mode you prefer.  I still never got a good reason, for example, why the Gift of Battle or the Gift of Exploration should be only available in one game mode.  Because where the Gift from the PvP gamemode then?

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33 minutes ago, LadyRhonwyn.2501 said:

I still never got a good reason, for example, why the Gift of Battle or the Gift of Exploration should be only available in one game mode.  Because where the Gift from the PvP gamemode then?

You convinced me, we should add gift of pvp into the legendary recipes. I'm not just saying it either, I actually think it's a good idea. Make it happen please.

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It's the Tribal armor set v2 (also only from WvW). Why make a fuss about it?

We grind like automatons for rift essences going back and forth like dogs running behind a food track and we can't run around killing guards and dropping walls to complete a track six times during the upcoming WvW week?

Come on guys.

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6 minutes ago, gousgou.5438 said:

It's the Tribal armor set v2 (also only from WvW). Why make a fuss about it?

We grind like automatons for rift essences going back and forth like dogs running behind a food track and we can't run around killing guards and dropping walls to complete a track six times during the upcoming WvW week?

Come on guys.

and everyone seems to forget the Warlord set

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22 minutes ago, gousgou.5438 said:

We grind like automatons for rift essences going back and forth like dogs running behind a food track and we can't run around killing guards and dropping walls to complete a track six times during the upcoming WvW week?

Come on guys.

If it were only that, I wouldn't mind. I do mind however, that people are actually preventing me from finishing that track. Last sunday, I wanted to finish that GoB track I had active (don't care about that woad armor, I do however want to finish my legendary journey, as I have everything for several legendary weapons, all from the original set, all precursors crafted) but I actually fell back in participation due to people killing me seconds before I managed to kill a guard or captured that point.  Which meant I lost precious minutes (because people seem intent on attacking me when I was downed, instead of finishing, which would have been faster, while I was on my map screen, waiting for the timer to start so I could finally WP out and then I had to find a new veteran again to kill).  And if you don't keep your participation up, you don't get the max reward.

Those essences are the worst PvE can give, I completely agree, but at least dying there doesn't stop me from getting the max reward.

And I don't want to learn how to WvW (or rather AvA apparently, as people from my guild (but the same world) are against me so I can't even play with guildies anymore), as I don't care one bit about it, I only go there to get GoBs.

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34 minutes ago, Spartam.2046 said:

Sounds like a you problem, Skill Issue 😜

Since both MCs and clovers are reward for pips and reward track and has nothing to do with the skill or amount of killed players, you just need to get camp every 15 minutes. Clearly brain issue on your side. But we realized it from your previous post 😉

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agreed, i've just completed the expansion main story and i currently have no new armour skins. NONE.

this is the first time that i've ever played through the main story of an MMO expansion and there has not been single new armour skin drop, or quest reward or from a vendor.

even the PVE available armour set (which isn't the one i want) is locked behind crafting, you can't buy the armour from a vendor only the recipes.

c'mon Anet...

all 3 armour sets should be available at the end of WvW and PvP reward tracks and purchasable from PVE vendors for map currencies, see? is that so hard?!

Edited by Liewec.2896
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3 minutes ago, Liewec.2896 said:

agreed, i've just completed the expansion main story and i currently have no new armour skins. NONE.

tell me of another MMO were you can go through the whole expansion

You didn't go through the whole expansion, you just completed the story part of it.

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35 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You didn't go through the whole expansion, you just completed the story part of it.

i was editing to say "main story" before some smarty pants came along to say "har har but you just did the story!" but i guess i was 20 seconds too slow clicking the save changes button!

but the fact remains, i've never played through the STORY of an expansion in an MMO and not been able to get a single new armour skin before.

just look at the previous GW2 expansions, EoD for example, a vendor in Seitung Province sells awesome hand and foot wraps and a headband for map currency,

a vendor in New Kaineng sells Oni hands, and the Antique armour and Ancient Canthan armour can both be gained from WvW and PvP tracks or a vendor for map currency (with the later also being a random drop from chests.)

even SotO gave you rift hunter armour each time you completed a story chapter, but this expansion? nothing.

you've gotta play WvW or PvP, or grind map currency to buy recipes and then grind mats to craft it if you have a max rank crafter. (i don't, never been into crafting in MMOs)


i should also add that of the three sets that this expansion "offers" i find 2 of them pretty ugly, looking like Dark Souls rip-offs,

the only one that is moderately interesting is Woad for that savage primitive look, and as the OP said Woad is locked behind many hours of WvW or PVP.

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37 minutes ago, Liewec.2896 said:

i was editing to say "main story" before some smarty pants came along to say "har har but you just did the story!" but i guess i was 20 seconds too slow clicking the save changes button!

Sorry I commented on what you said, it's totally my fault that you wrote what you then decided wasn't meant to be written and so your namecalling is fully justified!
(or maybe you could just respond with "that's not what I meant to say, what I meant/corrected it into is:.." instead of blaming others for your own mistakes)

37 minutes ago, Liewec.2896 said:

but the fact remains, i've never played through the STORY of an expansion and not had a single piece of armour before.

just look at the previous GW2 expansions, EoD for example, a vendor in Seitung Province sells awesome hand and foot wraps and a headband for map currency,

a vendor in New Kaineng sells Oni hands, and the Antique armour and Ancient Canthan armour can both be gained from WvW and PvP tracks or a vendor for map currency (with the later also being a random drop from chests.

even SotO gave you rift hunter armour each time you completed a story chapter, but this expansion? nothing.

you've gotta play WvW or PvP, or grind map currency to buy recipes and then craft it if you have a max rank crafter. (i don't, never been into crafting in MMOs)

Can't confirm or definitely deny that "always getting skins through playing the story" claim (for this or other mmos) due to not paying much attention to that because I don't buy mmorpg expansions to play through the story and be done with it nor do I expect just buying things from npcs after getting into new zones and being done with it. I don't see the problem with playing content of the new expansions, acquiring currencies/materials and then getting rewards in various ways. I don't understand how the current way it works is supposed to be problematic, but if it's about you not wanting to max crafting, you can always buy at least one set from tp.

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16 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I don't understand how the current way it works is supposed to be problematic, but if it's about you not wanting to max crafting, you can always buy at least one set from tp.

its problematic because many of us don't want to engage in PVP, and the Woad armour is locked behind many many hours of it.

yes the ugly Titanplate set can be bought from TP for 145g but the Woad can only be obtained through PvP/WvW.

what would be so wrong with also having vendors on the pve maps selling Woad Armour for map currency? or having PVE achievements that can unlock it?

its a set of primitive/scavanger looking gear, imagine how cool it would be if an NPC tasked you with hunting certain creatures for their bones/fur etc and once you collect the required things you unlock pieces of the set.

but nope, you must grind for dozens of hours in wvw of pvp, long gone are the days of Anets "play your way!" philosophy.

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13 minutes ago, Liewec.2896 said:

its problematic because many of us don't want to engage in PVP, and the Woad armour is locked behind many many hours of it.

yes the ugly Titanplate set can be bought from TP for 145g but the Woad can only be obtained through PvP/WvW.

what would be so wrong with also having vendors on the pve maps selling Woad Armour for map currency? or having PVE achievements that can unlock it?

You're free to not engage with more of the game's content and subsequently not receive as much rewards as someone who participates in more of the game's content. Makes sense to me. Repeating "ugly skin!!" doesn't do anything for you here, all of it is subjective and you might as well keep saying "the game has no skins at all because they're ugly for me so none of them count". Somehow buying them from merchant would be ok (as far as I understood your posts), but from tp? NO, ugly skin, doesn't count!

You also don't need to "grind" anything -even if you get the skins slowly over time, they'll still be there, they're not going anywhere. And again, the acquisition is suposed to be made faster in the next patch, so you won't be "grinding out" 18 reward tracks. Hard to say much more about it without knowing the costs.

13 minutes ago, Liewec.2896 said:

"play your way!" philosophy.

You're using this quote out of context and it doesn't mean what you claim it means.

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36 minutes ago, Liewec.2896 said:

what would be so wrong with also having vendors on the pve maps selling Woad Armour for map currency? or having PVE achievements that can unlock it?

WvW players couldn't delude themselves into believing that they actually had an expansion feature made for them since 2015. They still haven't; it literally could not be more obvious that Woad has absolutely nothing to do with PvP or WvW thematically or that no part of its design process ever considered either of those modes at all. Nothing's actually been made for these people, no resources have actually been dedicated towards them, they've just been sold "Spite people that don't like mind-numbing WvW grinds by holding every single piece of expansion themed armor hostage" as an expansion feature to distract from that and they're so craven/desperate that it's actually working. It's truly pathetic.

36 minutes ago, Liewec.2896 said:

its a set of primitive/scavanger looking gear, imagine how cool it would be if an NPC tasked you with hunting certain creatures for their bones/fur etc and once you collect the required things you unlock pieces of the set.

Nah it makes a lot more sense for a bunch of Alaskan/Canadian themed, naturalistic Grizzly bear people that exclusively work with/wear clothing made out of lumber, hunted materials, and found objects to sell... *checks notes* ...a bunch of recipes to craft a set of anthropomorphic Greek column cosplay. Yup, obviously this makes sense.

Edited by Sweetbread.3678
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On 8/22/2024 at 7:53 AM, Zahark.7610 said:

What about a new way of acquiring the new Woad armor, @ArenaNet? Completing a reward track that can take up to 6 hours (with boosts) 6-18 times (36-108 hours) is not cool for pve players, seriously. Isn't being forced to do wvw/pvp for gift of battle enough? Tsc tsc...

lol "6 hours" i've completed the entire med, light, heavy woad collection, it takes hardly any time to complete reward tracks in wvw or spvp ranked. they give so much reward track progress it goes by so quick. Now I understand if you dislike those game modes, the whole point is to incentivize people to play lesser populated game  modes..

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