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5 minutes ago, Azinoth.1902 said:

How I imagine GW3:
Level 1 character in Queensdale or elsewhere, no gold, gray gear. Walking on feet in the next couple of months, and not knowing anything about the world.
People are asking basic questions on map chat.
Massive drop of population after the initial hype.

I'm sorry but this sounds extremely boring to me.

horses for courses, Day 1, an entire new world to explore, all new content, all new skills,  more sophisticated engine, same familiar universe, HOM to give continuity from GW1-3.

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Some find the idea of a fresh start very appealing and MMOs at launch are fantastic and exciting!

But many are not thrilled because they fear the game they love, GW2, is being replaced by an entirely new, unknown quantity, GW3. ArenaNet will shift their focus and their developers to GW3 from GW2 because that's where the money will be. If the lower quality of SotO is any indication then I'd say they already have.

After GW3 launches the servers for GW2 will run until it looks like the gemstore sales won't pay for the servers (and those AWS servers are expensive). With a dwindling player base due to lack of resources and player migration to GW3 it won't take long.

If people are excited then good for them. However, I think that SotO is a mediocre expansion. That alone has dampened my enthusiasm for the next half expansion. This news, confirmed our not, real or not, further dampens it.

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40 minutes ago, Azinoth.1902 said:

No, the people that are negative about GW3 is that we don't want to start over in a new game which we didn't ask for.
Anet needs to satisfy the needs of their major target audience, the veteran GW2 playerbase.

So don't start over if you don't feel like. Play games you like. We have no idea even which genre new Anet's game will be. Anet is not working on your behalf, so they are not waiting for you to ask them anything.

Anet doesn't need to satisfy veteran gw2 players. I'm pretty sure Anet and NCSoft and any developer in general are aiming much broader with new releases than the player bases of their existing aging games. That wouldn't be a very smart choice, limiting yourself to such small market from the start. They will use Guild Wars brand for future games because it's a successful brand but that doesn't guarantee that it will be homage to previous titles. 

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16 minutes ago, Pifil.5193 said:

But many are not thrilled because they fear the game they love, GW2, is being replaced by an entirely new, unknown quantity, GW3. ArenaNet will shift their focus and their developers to GW3 from GW2 because that's where the money will be. If the lower quality of SotO is any indication then I'd say they already have.

I mean that's guaranteed unless they are aiming to disband their studios in the near future. Companies that don't move on, die. I don't know how much Anet is doing work on other NC  projects outside GW2. But if their sole product is gw2 they are very late. Betting your future on only 12 yo game is basically suicide. And yes, they will shift their focus on new game. Because again 12 yo product, the only product studio relies on. Not very smart.

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For me, personally, if GW3 got announced then it would kill my immediate hype and attachment for GW2. I'd stop playing, not engage with upcoming content, and pull out. And I'd advise my friend I play with to do the same. Why? Well, the focus of development isn't GW2 anymore. It's going to be dribs and drabs until the guillotine finally falls - why invest time into GW2 when the end is clearly in sight? And this will be across the board, the playerbase will drop and it'll have a compounding effect as zones, WvW and PvP gets even more empty.

If they accounce GW3, they're essentially saying GW2 is dead and your time investment means nothing.

Edited by Korendil.5934
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2 minutes ago, Korendil.5934 said:

For me, personally, if GW3 got announced then it would kill my immediate hype and attachment for GW2. I'd stop playing, not engage with upcoming content, and pull out. And I'd advise my friend I play with to do the same. Why? Well, the focus of development isn't GW2 anymore. It's going to be dribs and drabs until the guillotine finally falls - why invest time into GW2 when the end is clearly in sight? And this will be across the board, the playerbase will drop and it'll have a compounding effect as zones, WvW and PvP gets even more empty.

If they account GW3, they're essentially saying GW2 is dead and your time investment means nothing.

Yes. No reason to spend money on GW2 anymore if this is true.

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50 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

So don't start over if you don't feel like. Play games you like. We have no idea even which genre new Anet's game will be. Anet is not working on your behalf, so they are not waiting for you to ask them anything.

Anet doesn't need to satisfy veteran gw2 players. I'm pretty sure Anet and NCSoft and any developer in general are aiming much broader with new releases than the player bases of their existing aging games. That wouldn't be a very smart choice, limiting yourself to such small market from the start. They will use Guild Wars brand for future games because it's a successful brand but that doesn't guarantee that it will be homage to previous titles. 

So veteran GW2 players doesn't need to satisfy Anet's current financial needs. Fair deal.

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8 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

No they don't. Satisfy your own needs.

Yeah, because veterans should finance their own obsolition as a paying customers. You have some "interesting" take for customer - business relations. Tell me, are you giving corporations part of your money as charity?

Edited by Reeskel.5698
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6 minutes ago, Reeskel.5698 said:

Yeah, because veterans should finance their own obsolition as a paying customers. You have some "interesting" take for customer - business relations. Tell me, are you giving corporations part of your money as charity?

You seem to think customers should satisfy corporations' interest. I don't understand where you got that take. My take is simple, spend money where your interest lies. If it's gw2, gw3, fast food or buying a new car, a house. The corporation, business behind the product is irrelevant. And on the other hand corporations will do whatever is in their own interest. And if that means focusing on new products instead of old ones, well that makes sense to me.


edit: some people here think they have some kind of personal relation with Anet.

Edited by Cuks.8241
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1 hour ago, Korendil.5934 said:

For me, personally, if GW3 got announced then it would kill my immediate hype and attachment for GW2. I'd stop playing, not engage with upcoming content, and pull out. And I'd advise my friend I play with to do the same. Why? Well, the focus of development isn't GW2 anymore. It's going to be dribs and drabs until the guillotine finally falls - why invest time into GW2 when the end is clearly in sight? And this will be across the board, the playerbase will drop and it'll have a compounding effect as zones, WvW and PvP gets even more empty.

If they accounce GW3, they're essentially saying GW2 is dead and your time investment means nothing.

For me, this reveal or whatever we call it that the CEO did, already killed half of my enthusiams. Why would any sane person continue investing in Guild Wars 2 when we now know it's going to be axed? We can't even say "yeah we have henchmen and we can play with them" or "there are still some players around so we can still do stuff" like it was with Guild Wars 1.

Guild Wars 2 group events are heavily focused on having a lot of players and most players that would try to stick with GW2 (assuming they'll keep it online like they did with GW1) won't be able to do most of the big events like metas anymore.

I'm not a doomer and I kind of tried to believe in ArenaNet up to this point (even after the catastrophe that was Icebrood Saga), but this makes me question a lot of things. Should I still play? Is the content we're getting "real" content or we're being played for fools just to keep funding the next game, which some of us won't even play? Makes me very uncertain and demotivated about the state of the game.

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Any company that loses touch with their loyal playerbase will eventually fail. We have seen that several times.
Just look at WoW Shadowlands 9.1 when people were fed up with their chores, but they introduced even more annoying systems. Millions of players quit the game, then Blizzard finally started to read the forums and listening to player feedback.

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Just now, Azinoth.1902 said:

Any company that loses touch with their loyal playerbase will eventually fail. We have seen that several times.
Just look at WoW Shadowlands 9.1 when people were fed up with their chores, but they introduced even more annoying systems. Millions of players quit the game, then Blizzard finally started to read the forums and listening to player feedback.

Is Blizzard doing bad financially? I honestly don't know. Satisfying current customers is fine but not at the expense of growth beyond that base.

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Just now, Cuks.8241 said:

Is Blizzard doing bad financially? I honestly don't know. Satisfying current customers is fine but not at the expense of growth beyond that base.

They are on a rollercoaster financially since several years. They have more than a few games so they can balance out each other.

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1 minute ago, Azinoth.1902 said:

They are on a rollercoaster financially since several years. They have more than a few games so they can balance out each other.

"They have more than a few games so they can balance out each other."

Kinda my point.

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19 hours ago, Helliwolf the KrimsonKnight.6523 said:

still want to see a Pact-based strategy game where we go through the various campaigns against the Elder Dragons and Balthazar and get to command all of these armies the Commander is leading that we only get to see small pieces off during the storyline.


- On the point of tech being around too long. Ok, what is the current hot thing in MMOs that everyone wants, but Guild Wars 2 cannot do?

- The "tech moves on and so should you" is a non-point. Chasing industry trends is silly. Lots of tried and true companies around that have established markets. Guild Wars 2 is not currently dying becuase it's not taking advantage of some fancy new tech. 


That first point makes it sound like you're asking for Total War: Tyria. That wouldn't be an MMORPG so the "split the playerbase" issue might not matter, but then the question is "what does the Guild Wars IP bring to the RTS space that isn't duplicative, making it viable enough commercially to commit resources?" I'm not sure there's a good answer for that.

As for the second part (which combines to one issue really), it's more along the lines of keeping up technologically in order to attract developer talent, not necessarily about chasing the latest gaming trends. The game was designed for old hardware and Windows OS specifications, both of which have moved on substantially since then. There comes a point when either the hardware or the OS offers features that old software simply cannot utilize, or vice versa.

People may not have the training, skills or interest to work on older platforms, and then there's the issue of basically doing nothing new, but simply modifying an existing codebase. That would tend to limit creativity, or at least lock it into parameters that were defined over a decade ago. A new game would provide a clean slate not only for gameplay and storytelling, but for software structure and design.

Edited by Teknomancer.4895
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4 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

"They have more than a few games so they can balance out each other."

Kinda my point.

Yes, you are on point with that. Having one game only is risky. But so is forcing the playerbase to move on to another title.

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1 minute ago, Azinoth.1902 said:

Yes, you are on point with that. Having one game only is risky. But so is forcing the playerbase to move on to another title.

That's a huge stretch. We have no idea what gw3 will be or if it will even be called like that in the end. But yeah if it's successful, more successful than gw2, the company will put more focus on it. And expecting anything else is just some strange thinking that there is some nostalgia relation between a company and customer that extends beyond opening your wallet.

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Just now, Cuks.8241 said:

That's a huge stretch. We have no idea what gw3 will be or if it will even be called like that in the end. But yeah if it's successful, more successful than gw2, the company will put more focus on it. And expecting anything else is just some strange thinking that there is some nostalgia relation between a company and customer that extends beyond opening your wallet.

But I guess we can at least agree on that the GW3 leak was a disaster and many people have their rights to feel upset and vote with their wallets. We don't have to have the same opinion, and it's fine.

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Just now, Cuks.8241 said:

That's a huge stretch. We have no idea what gw3 will be or if it will even be called like that in the end. But yeah if it's successful, more successful than gw2, the company will put more focus on it. And expecting anything else is just some strange thinking that there is some nostalgia relation between a company and customer that extends beyond opening your wallet.

I'm talking about the current situation and some takes in here. I agree with you. Company should give players good enough product, so they would spend money on it. Is current GW2, with diminishing quality of IBS, Eod, Tunnel, higher price tag of Soto and possible obsoletion in the near future to boot, that product? I don't think so.

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21 minutes ago, Azinoth.1902 said:

Basically why I'm posting, I just want Anet to be open and honest, explain what's the future of the game.

I thought they did?  Aren't they on board for at least two more expansions (or is SotO one of those?) And don't we know the framework for the release schedule on those (i.e. the SotO model)?

What are we asking for here? Assurances that GW2 will continue receiving expansions for X number of years into the future?  Such assurances would be meaningless and GW3 doesn't change anything about that. 

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2 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

I thought they did?  Aren't they on board for at least two more expansions (or is SotO one of those?) And don't we know the framework for the release schedule on those (i.e. the SotO model)?

What are we asking for here? Assurances that GW2 will continue receiving expansions for X number of years into the future?  Such assurances would be meaningless and GW3 doesn't change anything about that. 

Statement about what is GW3, is it an MMORPG, are they intend to succeed GW2 with it, or they will run paralell?
Will they keep updating GW2? If not, will our collections carry over to GW3?

I think these are valid questions.

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