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[Uncovering Caith's Memory in Metrica province] mission is the WORST mission in this game so far

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I don't understand how I am supposed to solve this. No matter what I do, I always get detected. My fighting skills on Caith are abysmal, as every action sends me pirouetting across the room so fast my head spins! I've spent HOURS here, and I am at the point where I want to uninstall this game...

Did anyone at AN ask themselves, "Is this reasonably doable by an average player?" and, more importantly, "Is this fun to play"?

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Most of us hated the Caithe instances but do keep in mind)

1 - if it wasn’t designed for most players, we wouldn’t have all got through it

2 - that was ten years ago by a different dev team. Lessons are (mostly) long since learned since then

If you are struggling, state EU or NA and I bet someone will help

Edited by Randulf.7614
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Thanks for your reply. I was venting my frustration at poor game design. Also, I don't care when or by whom it was developed; AN happily charges money for the content here and now.

I finally managed, with Vorpps' shield bugging out at least twice on me.

Edited by albeva.7346
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59 minutes ago, albeva.7346 said:

I don't understand how I am supposed to solve this. No matter what I do, I always get detected. My fighting skills on Caith are abysmal, as every action sends me pirouetting across the room so fast my head spins! I've spent HOURS here, and I am at the point where I want to uninstall this game...

Did anyone at AN ask themselves, "Is this reasonably doable by an average player?" and, more importantly, "Is this fun to play"?

I was reading another post and was JUST thinking about this mission and then came across this post. I entirely agree that this was bad, ranking near the top of my most hated moments in GW2. That said, while Anet IS going  back and cleaning up some of their older content and either refurbishing or replacing it, I really cannot imagine them going through and wholesale changing this mission from its current design just from a cost/benefit perspective. Glad you made it through. Take heart, the vast majority of the content is far better than this!

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2 hours ago, albeva.7346 said:

"Is this fun to play"?

I don't wanna spoil anything, but later in the game when they have you play another character you get to keep your class, build and weapons.

So, take comfort on the fact they learned it's not worth making a whole set of skills that players probably hate for you to play one mission.

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The living world season 2 missions with Caith were designed during a time when the developers actually thought and expected their players to read through skills and understand those skills.

Also bugs were expected and played around back in those days (so the same as today).

While I do agree that being forced into unfamiliar skills is not fun (this has been solved in a better way in laternstory missions where new skills usually are very overpowered and/but optional), especially the Caith missions were great at making sure players spent some time to understand what is asked of them (oh and FYI for back in the day and the encounters Caiths skills were  overpowered).

Obviously there is always guides and videos which will explain and lead one throughbif needed.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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20 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

The living world season 2 missions with Caith were designed during a time when the developers actually thought and expected their players to read through skills and understand those skills.

That would have been interesting, but Caithe gets hiden straight up, and the skills are unavailable to read up on. Until you get discovered, stealth fails, and you have no time to read the skills. Which is where the facerolling commences.

These missions might have been designed, but they weren't playtested as well as they should have been, or this would have been the first thing fixed. Easy fix too. Walk in, stop at safe spot, don't stealth Caithe and let player read the skills. Maybe even give them some asura to butcher as practice?

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On 9/16/2024 at 8:56 PM, albeva.7346 said:

... and I am at the point where I want to uninstall this game...

I feel you. I did this exact same mission this evening, and got near a rage-quit or two. My only suggestion is, as for all missions: don't struggle too long. Park your character somewhere safe and hit the wiki and/or youtube. Just because the devs felt the need to reinvent a wheel, doesn't mean you need to reinvent a solution as well. Stand on those shoulders of giants who came before, copy their tactics, and blast your way through the nonsense to where the game is fun again.

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