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I'm loosing interest without expansions

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This may have done better in the GW 2 discussion category  but eh it won't let me move it so oh well

Right, i'm sure the fanboys are going to awaken from their slumber to tell me why i'm wrong..    The fact is, i've been enjoying GW2 after a very long break  I've leveled 2 1/2 character and i'm at a point where i don't enjoy what's left to do i can't run around with the trains or fly from point to point and quickly farm because i don't have mounts/dragons.

What it comes down to,  Is i've had a GW account for a very long time,  probably 10 years i was pretty close to a launch day account..  that means i have a Core account.  and i paid $59 for the game when it was still pay to play.   This affords me a couple benefits over a f2p account but not enough to justify what i paid really. I get 4 bag slots per character and 5 character slots and the use of map chat i think that's mostly all get over the f2p account..  

But where it really starts getting skewed is i paid $59 for the game, that everyone more or less gets free now, but on top of that they can get all the benefits I have by buying the expansion combo for $29 but on top of that they get the core features and the new content for half of what I paid..  I don't really care about fanboy theory's about how i paid that 9-10 years ago, and that's just how it is.  The problem is,  that would apply if the game was still pay to play  but since it went F2P  I got screwed..  there is no other way to look at it.. 

Now, i could maybe justify buying the combo, even though i'm very put off the fact that i've already paid twice what most other people have paid,  But lets just say i did,  i'm concerned with the life left in the game,  not a content issue,  but a ANET funding issue, i'm not convinced they will leave the servers online long enough for me to justify buying the expansions, as much as everyone's go to remark is going to be  well GW1 servers are still online  well if you look into the technical aspect of it GW1 servers are nothing from a cost perspective compared to GW2 servers..  So i'm very much on the fence if i want to purchase any expansions because i'm already a bit annoyed with ANET and i don't know how much i can trust them to do the right thing.  Because remember whe have rumors of GW3 in the works

And no, before anyone tries to say  "you can't expect them to support it forever"  well,  I kinda can,  they sold a product not a service for $59, and I've told them this in a ticket which they just disregarded with a canned response..    if they no longer want to financially support the servers at some point, then the only ethical option in my view is to release the servers to the public and let the community keep the game alive.   it's not that difficult, we've seen it done years ago when private WoW servers were popular.

I've even had numerous ideas on how to accomplish it being an IT Engineer and amateur game dev.  I would push a final update so that you could configure a master server for the client,  that master server would be run by a community with a number of servers in the same way it currently works in effect, even if it works differently in their internal design, it wouldn't be that hard to shift to remote instances that have some way of intercommunication between each of them.  in the grand scheme of things, that isn't that much code to make work, especially for a large team.

So i don't know,  once i get to 70-80 i'm just bored, there is almost nobody in this game that is new,  everyone has maxed everything there are so many things i can't do,  i can't do the elite spec thing or whatever it's called  no expansion,  its hard to farm enough gold to do anything with a core account because,  i can't do dungeons without a group,  and i can't get good gear without either have the gold or running raid/dungeons/fractals  which i just don't feel like i'm equip for. 

Like i say, the game just isn't all that well-thought-out for those who  have no expansions,  and again I PAID MORE than any of them. 

Edited by decryptedchaos.8129
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But isn't this the same for any MMO? I'm not sure any ongoing live RPG can maintain an equality between core accounts and expanded accounts. It's not that it's not well thought out, it's that's entirely intentional and by design. And discounting them down and giving things away is good business sense. And it's worked. I don't care that new players get more for less than I paid for since day one. Good on them and let more people come!

Worrying about servers going down is silly though. Love or loathe the game it's not going anywhere. There's more expansions coming (confirmed) and they are clearly laying down more foundations, are making more money if SoTo cycle is anything to go by and MMOs become easier to maintain when they stop developing content. The servers will be around for many, many years and it's a population that seems to constantly be bringing in new people. Look at the number of Funcom games still going with double digit players. Look at Lotro on it's what 10th? 12th? expansion with a fraction of the players GW2 has. Games like this with this kind of age and popularity survive. And there are many years in GW2 yet

Ultimately it is a game. If you aren't sure or aren't enjoying it, then don't invest in it - I wouldn't overthink things. But, if you want to do more things you need the expansions and the DLC seasons. That's just MMO gaming in general

Edited by Randulf.7614
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The $59 you paid for core is a sunk cost. I understand why it's frustrating but it is what it is and you can't get it back.

Your decision is what to do now and in the future. If you enjoy playing GW2 and can afford $30 then I would buy HoT+PoF (or wait for a sale, can be 50% off). That will get you a lot more GW2 story, gameplay, elite specs, gliding, mounts, etc. If you really love GW2 (doubtful given the tone of your message but you did both posting so maybe) then there are other options to consider including the complete Dragon Saga which includes HoT, PoF, EoD and all living world seasons - it is rather more expensive tho so probably not applicable.

If you don't enjoy playing GW2 then time to move on really.

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8 minutes ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

The $59 you paid for core is a sunk cost. I understand why it's frustrating but it is what it is and you can't get it back.

Your decision is what to do now and in the future. If you enjoy playing GW2 and can afford $30 then I would buy HoT+PoF (or wait for a sale, can be 50% off). That will get you a lot more GW2 story, gameplay, elite specs, gliding, mounts, etc. If you really love GW2 (doubtful given the tone of your message but you did both posting so maybe) then there are other options to consider including the complete Dragon Saga which includes HoT, PoF, EoD and all living world seasons - it is rather more expensive tho so probably not applicable.

If you don't enjoy playing GW2 then time to move on really.

Since yours is the only reasonable response, i'll give you a more detailed response. 

The fact is,  like i said,  i paid more for it,  i don't really care if anyone agrees nobody is going to change my mind, the difference in any other game or situation is i bought the game where a lot of people didn't have to..  i will never be convinced that core accounts shouldn't have gotten the first expansion free as a legacy account appreciation when they converted to f2p  anything less is a slap in the face to the people that paid for the core game.. period.  and like i said,  it makes the core account kinda stupid  because now i have to justify another $30  to get mounts and flying which will be 3x what f2p accounts paid for it..   

Edited by decryptedchaos.8129
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15 minutes ago, decryptedchaos.8129 said:

Looks like i found a fan boy theory..  i've already addressed this..  

yes, I enjoy the game as it is right now and I also bought the game for $60 and first played around over 15 years ago.  I have no problem paying for xpacs and dlc if I find an item promising, but I’m not so stupid as to keep playing something just because I gasp spent money and discovered i didn’t like it.  Instead I do something else with my time. In the last 15ish years since I originally purchased gw2 I’ve spent more time playing wow, ff14, swtor, diablo 3 and 4, bg3 and a few others than I have playing gw2. 

I play what I enjoy. I stop playing when I stop enjoying.  Pretty simple concept. I certainly don’t have some dumb egotistical need to cry in the forums. 

You have to be mentally challenged to waste time on entertainment you believe isn’t entertaining. No one is keeping you here. If you had a brain you would go do something else with your time.  

Edited by Tinker.6924
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1 hour ago, decryptedchaos.8129 said:

Just Do not agree..  period

From the UA: 

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I guess I'm fanboy, but I think you're being ridiculous.  First for complaining about paying $59 over a decade ago for a game you've apparently gotten years of enjoyment out of.  Second for worrying that paying $29 for a game now might not give you enough time to get your money's worth. 

Does that $29 have to last another decade to be worth it?  I really don't get it.  I've paid more to order pizza.

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Well. I don't see why this should be in "Players Helping Players" - when it is just you posting your decision and whining ... stating you don't want to pay for the expansions. I have bought the full game at release. HoT + PoF bundled (I paid even less than people that bought it normally) ... and living world seasons on sale.

Price changes and stuff going free - happens all the time.

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9 hours ago, decryptedchaos.8129 said:

I'm loosing interest without expansions

Then play some other game. It's no shame.

9 hours ago, decryptedchaos.8129 said:

I've leveled 2 1/2 character and i'm at a point where i don't enjoy what's left to do i can't run around with the trains or fly from point to point and quickly farm because i don't have mounts/dragons.

Then keep playing to get the griffon and the skyscale.
Getting Skyscale was made easier with SotO.

Oh-nos, image the players that had to get the Skyscale the hard way (and it was hard) and now it's practically thrown at your feet.

9 hours ago, decryptedchaos.8129 said:

The fact is, i've been enjoying GW2 after a very long break
i've had a GW account for a very long time,  probably 10 years i was pretty close to a launch day account..  that means i have a Core account.  and i paid $59 for the game when it was still pay to play.   This affords me a couple benefits over a f2p account but not enough to justify what i paid really.

Yes it does justify. But you don't want to hear it. You come with your ego attitude after years of absence and first thing you do is offend everybody else in advance in case they have a differnt opinion.
It suits you, you probably don't even notice it, but I can tell you, that ego clashes with this game. Not only with the core game, with every expansion over the years. People who are veterans and paid for every single expansion paid more than people who just join now and buy a package.

Other pepole had to buy PoF to get the raptor, now you get it with the core game and you, yourself, didn't even pay for that. I think ANet should ask you for 10$ for all the things you got now you didn't pay for10 years ago. It's only fair, don't you think? Such things go both ways.

ANet keeps changing things other ppl have spent time and/or money in. If you only think of yourself and be all ego about it, you'd leave here sooner or later anyway or create a stream of whining posts.

Just look for some other game. I suggest Tibia. It old, it's hard and still popluar. And it's free.

But actually you are just a troll, aren't you?

Edited by Tula.6021
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@decryptedchaos.8129 you still have a few options, but it's obvious you're really not interested in anything other than magically getting Anet to just give you expansion content for free in honor of your initial $60 purchase.

You can't get that original $60 back, and there's no way for you to somehow make that same $60 do more. So financially there's nothing you can do.

You do have a gameplay option, which is to simply get better at it. Core specs can most definitely solo the content available to you, especially dungeons. I don't know how it is on the EU side, but the dungeon LFG actually still fills groups, so you might not even have to solo to farm Dungeon Frequenter. Speaking of farming, you can grind out a good amount of gold on a core account, even if some of the "best," most efficient farms are locked behind content you haven't paid for.

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Let's see... I buy a mowing machine, use it a bit, then leave it to dust for a couple of years. Then I find out, that in the meantime there are better mowing machines on the market that are even cheaper now than the one I bought was back then. So I get back to store and demand to get one of those fancy new mowing machines, because I payed more for an outdated model 10 years ago. Imo a totally reasonable request. Not.

Kind regards

a Fanboy

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11 hours ago, decryptedchaos.8129 said:

Just Do not agree..  period

may want to check your User agreement https://www.arena.net/en/legal/user-agreement




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Our Services are protected by copyright law, international treaty provisions, and other applicable law. We and our licensors retain all rights, title, and interest in the Services not expressly granted in this User Agreement. Nothing in this User Agreement limits your right to resell the original physical medium that contains the Services.



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From what you wrote and your responses to "fanboys" you feel entitled to something because of what you paid years ago and won't listen to people explaining the reasons/logic behind how you are not entitled to that thing because you don't like the reality of the situation?  🤔

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15 hours ago, decryptedchaos.8129 said:

Since yours is the only reasonable response, i'll give you a more detailed response. 

The fact is,  like i said,  i paid more for it,  i don't really care if anyone agrees nobody is going to change my mind, the difference in any other game or situation is i bought the game where a lot of people didn't have to..  i will never be convinced that core accounts shouldn't have gotten the first expansion free as a legacy account appreciation when they converted to f2p  anything less is a slap in the face to the people that paid for the core game.. period.  and like i said,  it makes the core account kinda stupid  because now i have to justify another $30  to get mounts and flying which will be 3x what f2p accounts paid for it..   

Okay. Bye.

You said it yourself: nothing is going to convince you and no one here has or is able to affect any of the things you are complaining about.

Neither is it reasonable to assume the developers will see your conplaint as justfied.

So given all that the only thing left is to wish you the best as you are on your way.

Maybe drop by in another 9-10 years if the game is still around, payed for and supported by other players in that time so you have a game to come back to. After all, those 59$ you spent 12 years ago are bound to run out eventually.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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There's no shame in taking a break and focusing on the here and now. If you don't see a reason to keep playing a game, just take that break and weigh the pros and cons. Is it worth the frustration you feel from seemingly being static or are you open to wiggle room to push past the cost of the expansions? To be honest, I don't foresee this game going anywhere unless there is such a galactic SNAFU that A-Net tanks along with NC-Soft. Just take a break, weigh your options, and if you feel as though this game is still worth supporting with your money and time, save up for the expansion little by little. I had to do that for a while and it worked okay.

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16 hours ago, decryptedchaos.8129 said:

Like i say, the game just isn't all that well-thought-out for those who  have no expansions

Did you just woke up today and downed all the doomer pills... ?

The fact that you can walk around in any of the core maps and stumble on people all the time is a testament to all well thought out GW2 has been, last month was 12 years since that content has been released, show me an MMO with a meaningful number of active players doing 12 year old content.

You claim to be...

16 hours ago, decryptedchaos.8129 said:

an IT Engineer

... what would you say of I offered you $59 for you to set up and maintain a server for me, and have it online 24/7 for the next 12 years... ?

You outta know that wouldn't even cover the power bill, let alone the maintenance cost, yet you're here complaining your $59 are being short changed... ? Really... ?

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18 minutes ago, decryptedchaos.8129 said:

You are an outright idiot if that's how you think things work.   by that logic any business should be able to survive on one sale,  GW2 sold millions of copies for $59  I think they can and should cover it  and  you reveal  your idiocy with this response.

In that case I highly suggest some basic math and economics lessons. If you really think a couple of millions copies sold for $59 can sustain a company with several hundred employes over the course of 12 years, it's quite obvious who's clueless here.

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17 hours ago, decryptedchaos.8129 said:

You said some things....

Like i say, the game just isn't all that well-thought-out for those who  have no expansions,  and again I PAID MORE than any of them. 

GW2 Core is no longer as valuable as it once was and as such is given away for free.  The same as HoT and PoF having reduced prices as they are not as valuable as they once were.

The value is in how many people are playing the content.

Right now, most people are playing Janthir Wilds, and that is where the 'value' is found.  It is where Anet is putting their focus until next years release cycle.

To that end, buying some or all of the expansion content will give you a lot of options for PvE things to do.  Hundreds if not thousands of hours of gameplay.

I'd also suggest that Anet/NCSoft is in a fine place to keep GW2 running for many years between the player base who do buy new content regularly and the stability they have given the developers and design team.  The business is revenue driven and having people buying new content keeps them able to keep the servers on.

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18 hours ago, decryptedchaos.8129 said:

Since yours is the only reasonable response, i'll give you a more detailed response. 

The fact is,  like i said,  i paid more for it,  i don't really care if anyone agrees nobody is going to change my mind, the difference in any other game or situation is i bought the game where a lot of people didn't have to..  i will never be convinced that core accounts shouldn't have gotten the first expansion free as a legacy account appreciation when they converted to f2p  anything less is a slap in the face to the people that paid for the core game.. period.  and like i said,  it makes the core account kinda stupid  because now i have to justify another $30  to get mounts and flying which will be 3x what f2p accounts paid for it..   

The money you paid 12 years ago was to allow you to play the game in those first few years when only people who had paid could pay, plus the other bonuses paid accounts get. If you didn't play the game much during those years then essentially you missed out on most of the benefits of having purchased the core game. That's really on you and is also very foreseeable. Virtually every game launches at a high price and then is available on special for lower prices in the coming years, or the core game gets bundled with DLC, etc. There is nothing surprising here if you have any familiarity with computer games (and tbh other products too, even products like new TVs are most expensive the first few months after release and least expensive just before the next model comes out).

Bad luck I guess, but it was your choices to buy the game and then not take advantage of that in those early years.

It is also your choice now to get hung up now on a sunk cost or whatever poor decision you might have made 12 years ago. Sounds like you are determined to dwell on that despite the various comments people have made. That's fine, your choice, but there isn't really any point in continuing this thread, you've already said you aren't going to change your mind.

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I personally brought a core account for $10 when Areanet had a sale about 10 years ago which I still play today.  There's good bosses like Tequatl the Sunless, Twisted Marionette and Legendary Ley-Line Anomaly which lots of people participate.  Yes I have another account which I brought from the beginning and I paid full price and I've brought some expansions.  I've to admit that HoT and PoF are the 2 best expansions in terms of improvement of quality but don't see much improvement from EoD, SOTO and JW.  I personally don't have SOTO in my main account.  Just for kicks, I brought a HoT/PoF on sale for $7.50 at Amazon 2 months back and it certainly worth its money.

Edited by pugster.9378
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