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QOL Requests: New for 2024

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Posted (edited)
59 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

The op is confused. There is no Undying race. They refer to a dead GW1 character brought back to being undead from a choice of having to face Grenth or helping the Astral Ward in SoTo

57 minutes ago, Trejgon.9367 said:

not really, unless you count gw1 based npc galrath the undying (where "the undying" is the kind of title there, not some sort of species, and before he went undead he was normie human.)

Ahh, gotcha. Thanks for explaining! I thought they might've meant Awakened, if "Undying" didn't refer to anything in SoTO. Mystery solved!

Edited by Batel.9206
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I was confused by 'undying' too. According to the Wiki there's a few NPCs who use that as a title. As well as Galrath there's Joko and Karas the Undying, there might be others too, but they definitely not a race.

I suspect the OP means Risen or Awakened. I'm not sure but I suspect if they don't play the game in English one or both might be called something that could be translated as Undying. (I mean, in English they're both called undead.) But one problem there is neither is a race, more of a...status. They're all living things, mainly human, charr, norn, asura and (for awakened) sylvari who were killed and then magically ressurected. So other than being greyer they're not really any different to existing characters.

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QOL :  guild feast 

after crafting ascended feast for the guild and having to deposit them 1 at a time is a bit much when dropping sets of 100's
would be great if you guys could look into it and maybe change the amount to be able to deposit and not have to spam click hundreds of times
thank you :3


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QoL: Guild Material Storage

This does not mean everything after looking things over. But pertains to items for decorations and scribing. This would allow players who do not want to scribe to help out the guild by simply depositing to guild material storage (yes there is the decoration trader but currently only being able to buy 1 at a time same as depositing food is beyond frustrating for many of our players). It could be linked to their bank or their inventory and they could choose how much to deposit.

For scribing, it would make it easier for the guild to hold onto all the non-depositable mats as instead or the ones that are account bound but the guild would need to use for scribing. There's plenty of that in scribing. That would help others who want to scribe but may not have a ton of gold or those would who like to help make maybe 1 item of the 4 often needed able to. I know this is small but I can foresee plenty people being able to utilize.

It can be implemented with a new level cap (I know, I know 69 lol). What else could go with that new cap?

Guild Mount
New Guild Bounties
New Guild Challenges
New Guild Puzzles

I don't think you could do new treks. But the leveling ones would pull from the new areas. It could be "Priority Bounty Target: Kryptis xyz". Perhaps this is a hard consideration because of needing to make unique models or areas. But I personally think it would truly help guild missions get a refresh.

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  • Sell/Craft a more expensive version of portal scrolls that is a consumable which unlocks all the first waypoints  with no tp cost for all characters.
  • Guild: Give guilds more tools or rewards so that players actually want to be engaged with them and their systems. 
    • Stat tooltip when hovering feast icons on the guild storage. I have various feast but rarely remember what stats they give except for steak, fruit salad and flatbread.
    • Disable guild message when changing guild representation or logging in.
    • Metas, Raids and strikes as guild missions with higher reward incentives. 
    • Guild achievements. 
    • LF Guild panel where you can either apply to join as a member or just enter the guild hall (for those who want to share/enter racecourses or JPs).
  • LFG:
    • Option to hide LFG categories. 
    • Remember last open LFG category.
    • Blocked players can't join LFG group or be invited.
  • Fashion templates
  • Hide NPC names vs Player pets and minis. Make them a separate category.
  • Hide near skyscales like how the turtle does. 
  • Put Nayos meta on a timer.
  • Some place to store books. 

Not so important stuff:

  • I'd really like for interactive objects related to achievements to not disappear from the world when interacting with them. Specially books.
  • Emote preview panel (?)
  • Show keybinds on ui. I'm refering to the ones showing (...).
  • Squad leaders with a minimum number of players on the squad can create a new private map instance. 
  • Decrease some decoration material requirements. It's too expensive for have a decent looking guild hall unless you have a massive active guild. 
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After years I just realized that LFG is made to look for group, and not look for content to do, or people to help...adding the number of groups listed in each category/subcategory near the category title could help in that regard, maybe only counting old enough entries. I suppose dying categories like Dungeons and Achievements could benefit from this

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Would it be possible to look into the possibility of letting Griffons exceed their initial starting height?

Would be great fun with the freedom of flying and unlock massive possibilities for skilled flyers. Increases possibilities exponentially with the SOTO flight masteries.

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Can we please get Jade Both Stations and Buffs in Mistlock Sanctuary, everytime I teleport there my buffs are ripped even though I just collected them from The Wizard Tower... or add Mistlock Portal for Fractals in the Wizard Tower... either of those two...

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Posted (edited)

Would it be posible for Arenanet to create a second youtube channel called "Black Lion Trading Company" where they upload all the videos of the skins and cool stuff that they add to the gemstore (basically the twitter/blopost videos) so we can easily find them and see how they look in game, specially since some are offers that come and go and the twitter videos just dissapear in the mist after 1 week forever.

Edited by Izzy.2951
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2 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

Would it be posible for Arenanet to create a second youtube channel called "Black Lion Trading Company" where they upload all the videos of the skins and cool stuff that they add to the gemstore (basically the twitter/blopost videos) so we can easily find them and see how they look in game, specially since some are offers that come and go and the twitter videos just dissapear in the mist after 1 week forever.

I like this a alot. I don't think it needs to be a different channel, just a segment. That would be a ton of fun!

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This has probably been mentioned before. In a story instance (or anywhere this happens), my boon icon bar shows what achievements can be obtained. It would be nice to click the achievement icon from the boon bar and have it open the achievement log menu describing the achievement. Thanks for the read

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I don't know if it was suggested in the past, but it would be nice if when we go underwater, the shortcut/button for choosing mount switch directly to Skimmer.. Like that we could just press the shortcut for the mount instead of going on the button mount, choosing and press the shortcut finally to mount the skimmer.

Was starting recently to think about that since sometimes we need to go underwater for lantern, or poi or other things and it will make the things more fluent and easy (and in some way logical).

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11 minutes ago, Valaraukar.7652 said:

I don't know if it was suggested in the past, but it would be nice if when we go underwater, the shortcut/button for choosing mount switch directly to Skimmer.. Like that we could just press the shortcut for the mount instead of going on the button mount, choosing and press the shortcut finally to mount the skimmer.

Was starting recently to think about that since sometimes we need to go underwater for lantern, or poi or other things and it will make the things more fluent and easy (and in some way logical).

You can do shortcuts for all the mounts in the settings keymaping mate.

No need to use the mount button on screen at all.

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On 5/29/2024 at 3:21 PM, Crunch Bars.4309 said:

Tackle Box

Maybe this has already been posted here in the forums, but fixing materials take up a lot of space with not just the lures, but also the bait (mostly the bait). It would be great the eliminate that space and have it function in a similar way to material storage and just stack inside a box that would get spent directly from there when fishing.

thank you for your consideration 🐹

I would also like a bag type for collecting fish.

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2 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

You can do shortcuts for all the mounts in the settings keymaping mate.

No need to use the mount button on screen at all.

eh, i should take an eye more carrefully on the option, tk's for the tips. 👍
Still, think that my suggestion can still be interesting ^^ (we aren't all after all maping key for differents things^^)

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Sometimes an idea just is in your head and you need to write it out. My head tends to make up many. Feel free to blast them, or give ideas or take on it.

One of the ideas was for an expansion called Age of Gods where we focus on repairing the Mists, maybe Fractals, as well as repairing the land the dragons had destroyed. Repairing the Brand, or perhaps find the permanent solution to the Ascalonian ghosts.

People here could choose an aspect. Could be one of many the gods had left behind and advocate for that. Doing certain achievements maybe for a nominated or chosen NPC (or the player could nominate their character if certain conditions are met) 

Events are done in the name of that aspect. Some even PvP related or in WvW. Eventually characters are chosen to fill those roles and will serve as the new pantheon in GW3.



WvW idea

An idea I had for it a long while back was that in an x time (based on present timer perhaps) all the battles, fallen souls and what not fill a bar. When that is full, a happening starts. This event would involve dark outside forces (maybe Menzies since Balthazar and the other gods are no longer present and with all that happened in the Mists the dynamics between who is locked in there could have changed) 

Anyways when the bar is full the true event begins;  the three worlds having to work together to vanguish the invaders. This goes paired with various events the different worlds need to complete together where loot is distributed by how well your world did, or the whole map. Keeps and such, can provide assistance based on the amount of resources in it such as perhaps supply or upgrades. Of course another option that instead of there being invaders would be that portals suck the players in. 



Player housing idea / guild houses

We have guild initiative HQ. We have Guild Halls. I'd love to have a house to decorate. I'd love to make houses for members to chatter in. So hence, guild houses. not as big as the guild hall and maybe aside from the tavern none of the services. OR different types of houses. Maybe there is one with a courtyard where you can duel one another. Maybe another has a racetrack.

For player housing, that there are different kinds of houses each with their own costs. You can permit people entry. And depending on the size of the house you can invite x amount of people or have x amount of decorations. This gives another use to scribe as well; making furnishings. Maybe you can give these furnishings to your guild or use them for your own personal house instead. Or heck sell some on the tradepost. (Or having carpenter as craft profession, or a mix of huntsman and scribe) also a players house (or commander's house) could host several personal achievements too. 



Anyways this was it. Sorry for the idea bombing xD 

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I know this has been mentioned before, but PLEASE add an option to remove dialogue bubbles, or at least move them to the corner of the screen so I can see what's going on in front of me.  They directly block many things such as the reticle, or pop up symbols you have to match for various events.

Slightly less of a hindrance since they aren't directly in the middle of the screen (but still very annoying), but the tooltips that popup every time

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