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QOL Requests: New for 2024

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8 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

unfortunately, Anet doesn't like money. And a lot of people will start whining about having to pay for a simple feature that should be available since the beginning.

There are always people whining. That's no reason to do or not do something. Whiners are only good for one thing: to ignore.


30 minutes ago, Samnang.1879 said:

Honestly hairstyles would be a good cash cow. 800gems per style or even 2000 gems. I would buy it, I'm tired of the same hairstyles. or even new faces...

Hairstyles have always been added as part of game updates and expansion releases. Character creation options have never been gemstore items and shouldn't be, especially not for the ridiculous prices you mentioned.

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6 hours ago, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

There are always people whining. That's no reason to do or not do something. Whiners are only good for one thing: to ignore.


Hairstyles have always been added as part of game updates and expansion releases. Character creation options have never been gemstore items and shouldn't be, especially not for the ridiculous prices you mentioned.

Mount skins are also given at each expansion, it doesn’t mean they can’t capitalise on something just because it was given away for free.

besides this is a cash cow thread, not an all you can eat buffet thread

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15 hours ago, Zavijah.2695 said:

In addition to this, Necro pet skins - Elonian, Oni, and Ghost-themed and Mechanist Mech appearances, including recolour.

YES PLEASE! I love necro but I highly dislike the pets we get for it.


7 hours ago, Samnang.1879 said:

Honestly hairstyles would be a good cash cow. 800gems per style or even 2000 gems. I would buy it, I'm tired of the same hairstyles. or even new faces...

This too! I can't believe Anet gave up on hairstyles this hard. Even in other mmos like FFXIV hairstyles are a big deal.

Edited by Ghastly.3914
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56 minutes ago, Ghastly.3914 said:

YES PLEASE! I love necro but I highly dislike the pets we get for it.


This too! I can't believe Anet gave up on hairstyles this hard. Even in other mmos like FFXIV hairstyles are a big deal.

Hairstyles would be more popular than mount skins 😩 especially curly/wavy hairstyles… at the moment it’s just straight or afro or half bald/bald… there’s like no in between or diversity 

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1 hour ago, Samnang.1879 said:

Mount skins are also given at each expansion, it doesn’t mean they can’t capitalise on something just because it was given away for free.

besides this is a cash cow thread, not an all you can eat buffet thread

Tell me which expansion came with guaranteed mount skins with every purchase. Several expansions gave you a single mount select license for a new set of mount skins as part of the deluxe and ultimate editions, but no standard expansion has ever come with free mount skins. Mount skins were always meant to be gemstore items. Just like skiff skins and jade bot skins, for instance. Hairstyles have always been introduced as part of game upgrades and are available to everyone. So, not the same thing at all and therefore not a valid comparison.

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16 minutes ago, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

Tell me which expansion came with guaranteed mount skins with every purchase. Several expansions gave you a single mount select license for a new set of mount skins as part of the deluxe and ultimate editions, but no standard expansion has ever come with free mount skins. Mount skins were always meant to be gemstore items. Just like skiff skins and jade bot skins, for instance. Hairstyles have always been introduced as part of game upgrades and are available to everyone. So, not the same thing at all and therefore not a valid comparison.

Premium hairstyles aren't available in original character creation. You still need to spend gems for the hairkit to use premium hairstyles.

Edited by Samnang.1879
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1 minute ago, Samnang.1879 said:

Premium hairstyles aren't available in original customization. You still need to spend gems to change hairstyles. EOD expansion, I'm pretty sure I bought standard pre-order and was given the Chinese looking mount raptor skin thing.

The Canthan raptor Skin and the Shing Jea Skiff skin required a minimum of Deluxe version and still does

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Sweet Emperor, why some skins have such a bright and aggressive tint to their colors no matter what dye you put? First I Noticed were Side-Lace Pants, now the new Graceful Bladed Wings Backpack - you can't dye it without standing out on armors as if it was a neon sign!

Applying gold for example to match golden armor makes the armor pieces on the wings so bright I need sunglasses...

Can you do something about it? Pretty please...

On the attachment:
Gold armor, which is matching, dijon wings metal pieces, which should be darker. AND THEN MY FRIEND: Crimson on wings and armor.

Edit1: Using medium shaders setting. This should NOT cause such discrepency.

Gold armor, dijon skin, scarlet armor and skin.jpg

Edited by Tarreth.8914
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Good day everyone, 

Here are my QoL requests/suggestions 


1. Add to each character an Auto Biography option, in Hero panel, in which we can write details about each of our characters, such as Age, Hobbies, general background story, and basically anything the player wants to describe about the character.

Then, when other player right click on our avatar, right under the "inspect element" option, there will be the "Auto Biography" option, which then a pop up book-like window will appear, and they can read about your character.

I think this would be an extra fun thing to do, as you can read a more in-depth story how other people's characters came to be.

Such as, if they are from a different continent, planet, or even other worlds entirely or parallel realities. 

2. Similar request to 1, but for our Janthir Wilds home instance.

Add an option to each character we have there, for them to say a short phrase when we interact with them.

Can be anything you want them to say, such as an opinion, tyria current situation, places they been, so on. 

Also, when you get them to follow you, they could perform short animations, when you're idle for a certain period of time, such as dancing, cheering, laughing, and offcourse this would be better if it fits the phrase you chose them to say.

For instance: 

You get your Mesmer female to say "I miss him" after about 30 seconds of being idle, then play the cry animation at the same time.

Or... You Charr Ranger to play the ponder animation, and say something like "What happened to Pyre Fierceshot?"

Ok, moving on.

3. Please add the Siege Turtle, and a new mount, The siege devourer to World Versus World.

This would make this game mode so much more fun than it already is.

I think WvW is begging to have these two available.

You could add two more mastery lines in WvW panel to unlock and improve these two mounts, and unleash mayhem.

Whether you still want to keep the current siege weapons, such as catapult, it's entitely up to you, but I personally would totally scrap them.

Imagine having a few siege devourers destroying a wall, while the turtles take out any enemies that approach with canons.

They can also transport one player over the walls at the time.

I really believe this would be so much more Fun.

It really would.

Please please, consider adding this to WvW.

Pretty please. 

I think it would be amazing. 

4. Create a 1-in-All travel tome, where we can put all our quick travel tomes into one big have it all destinations tome.

This would reduce immensely the space it occupies in bank and shared inventory slots.

Make this item indestructible. 

Meaning, you cannot delete it no matter what.

Could be a Gem Store item, and even at the price of 2,000 gems or more, I think it's well worth the investment. 

Only thing, is that it would take a couple more clicks to go where we want, so having at least 3 favourite destination shortcuts right at the top of the list would be the cherry on top of the cake.

5. Please make certain Gdm Store outfits have a separate version into separate parts, so we can use only those we really want, such as "the adventure cat" outfit, which I'm only interested in the tail, to be displayed on my asura mech, without the extra ears or the rest of the outfit.

Furthermore, please make it so some of them can display hair and ears, such as helmets displaying asura ears or human ponytail style hair, such as the rabbit helmet. Accordingly. 

I want to buy both yhe advdnture cat outfit and the rabbit armour outfit.

But I just want the tail on the cat outfit to be displayed, and would like my human exclusive ponytail hairstyle to display on the rabbit helmet.

Please do that for us.


Thank you very much for your time.

Much appreciated. 

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Suggestion:  I would like a new infusion that provides a ghostly aura effect similar to omnomberry ghost, soul cakes, and saint bones.  since we already have a ghostly infusion, this new one could be called Spectral infusion.  For acquisition, the obvious place would be to add it to trick or treat bag loot tables, but i would also like to see it as a dungeon reward (such as a rare drop, purchasable item with dungeon tokens, or achievement reward), to reinvigorate dungeon running, and it would fit with AC as one of the explorable paths applies the effect as part of its plot.  

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Suggestion: An in-game obtainable/purchasable item, that once used, automatically completes all remaining map completion necessary  for obtaining the Gift of Exploration, however does not grant any other (specific) map completion rewards.

Cost: 8 Gifts of Exploration (retroactive for those who finished the requirement before)

Cooldown: 30 Days

Upgradeable for expansion maps: 4 Gifts of the Jungle / Desert (EoD too fresh to need it yet but can be added later)

As to the though process / reasoning for such an item: With the introduction of the Legendary Armory, collecting legendary gear has become the goal of many players, new and old. But the tediousness and the repetative nature of map completion becomes more and more annoying with each cycle. So an item to circumvent that would be really nice. 

Since the cost of the item would require one to finish the whole process at least 4 times,  we can make sure new players won´t just skip the "grind" and the experience that comes with the first map completion...or the second....or third...you get the idea.

The 30 day cooldown prevents any TP flooding as those who want to flip legendary weapons would still only be able to do it twice a month via this item, not to mention, materials for doing so long term aren´t cheap anyway.

Extra motivation for people to make Gen 2 weapons which can´t even be sold (and no one in their right mind wants to do Tungled Depths more than once).

Finally, regarding the possible argument: "This would make maps more empty" - It is possible a few less players will be here and there, but if the majority of players on the maps are there just for the map completion, then the game has a bigger problem overall. The 4x completion requirement might actually motivate more people to engage with the process as the map completion might have been what deterred them from making more than the 2 initial legendaries one cam make from the 1st map completion.

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